about 2 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s we're going to get a bit of a rapid
1s Montage Halper has been at the smithing
4s Forge all day you get a
8s cape which provides you the final bit of
11s material to smelt the armor you arrive
13s as the tournament is getting ready
15s cooking six all
19s fail surprising is stood ready to go
23s into the tournament field oh my Lord you
26s present him with the mithil armor he
28s looks amazing my son my daughters doeses
32s not eat the disgusting meal I am going
35s to roll 2 D6 the red D6 will be
40s surprising his opponent shall be the
42s blue D6 if surprising wins he will win
45s the tournament oh
48s God he does not
53s win
55s unfortunately where we have to end cuz
57s we're out of time