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Was playing 120-150 FPS at 1440p, logged off for a bit - had a small update and now I am stuck around 70 FPS?

99% of Youtube tutorials are utter garbage for Graphics Settings/Performance.

Anyone have a decent video from a reputable source?

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almost 2 years ago - /u/garryjnewman - Direct link

Originally posted by xStevo88

5800x with 3080, it's okay I just increased my graphics settings considerably.

Graphics Quality 5, Max draw distance, Increased most mesh quality settings to at least 50%, turned DLSS off. Uncapped FPS at 1440p and its gone back to around 140 FPS.

Think with settings down my GPU sits there doing f**k all while my CPU does some work? Rust being Rust!

If you lower them again, does your framerate go down again?

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