This months entire update is focused on something that so few people seem to care about. Meanwhile there are balance and QOL changes that remain untouched... Who is asking for farming to be facepunch's focus?
This months entire update is focused on something that so few people seem to care about. Meanwhile there are balance and QOL changes that remain untouched... Who is asking for farming to be facepunch's focus?
What balance changes and QOL fixes would you like to see?
But do sprinklers put out base fires?
They do!
How is that even a question, the balance changes are requested day after day on here
They're all read and discussed internally.
I partially agree with what he said, while this farming system is cool it is also pretty useless. Why spend all this time making a huge advanced farm when you can just go to a river and get a stack of pumpkins or corn. Maybe something can be implemented to where the crops can be sold to an outpost or put in the composter and use fertilizer as some sort of explosive. In my opinion, farming would just be a waste of time if all you get is food.
Maybe something can be implemented to where the crops can be sold to an outpost or put in the composter and use fertilizer as some sort of explosive.
You're able to sell some crops and foods now at the Bandit outpost in exchange for scrap.
Fertilizer bomb is something we're considering for future updates.
Do they also make people wet? Would be neat for snow base defense.
Not currently but this is planned.
Facepunch should really do a repass on all the electric items, making the basic ones default BPs.
As a trio group, we have never used any electric equipment. Most of the equipments costs HQM, and you need to find all the pieces to make a useful circuit.
Now we have even more components for farming... I know you can buy some of them on vendors, but the basic stuff should be a default BP.
Their crafting cost is already a good gap for players to grind for.
Electricity is for mid-end game, we currently have no plans to make any of the electric items default BPs.
You start with a rock and primitive BPs then advance in technology - We do have plans to make researching more linear and we'll reevaluate the costs.
I'd be mad that they literally added horse shit to the game but they've been doing that since Cargo Ship
Edit: Thank you for the silver kind stranger
alistair, can you please explain to me why cupboard stacking is not allowed anymore? why cant it be allowed?
It was unwanted and unintentional behaviour.