over 2 years
ago -
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The server browser does show the ping from your computer to the game server.
You may be concerned about the server browser ping not matching your in-game ping, or you see the "Ping Warning" message on the loading screen. That is because some non-Facepunch game servers have chosen to respond to the pings from servers all around the world in order to appear on the server browser quicker and with seemingly lower ping for everyone. We know it's misleading but there isn't much we can do about it on our end because they aren't our servers.
You may be concerned about the server browser ping not matching your in-game ping, or you see the "Ping Warning" message on the loading screen. That is because some non-Facepunch game servers have chosen to respond to the pings from servers all around the world in order to appear on the server browser quicker and with seemingly lower ping for everyone. We know it's misleading but there isn't much we can do about it on our end because they aren't our servers.