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I play on US East Facepunch Large. As an avid Rust and Tarkov player, I understand that cheating and cheaters will always be part of the experience. I've watched Rust, for the last 2,000 hrs I've played the game, go through waves of cheaters, good and bad. But my friends and I always persevered through, even if a cheater put a damper on it. This wipe has been much different. Every fight, every counter, has something off about it. It has been 5 days since the wipe, and already I have reported and banned 10 accounts, with constant others joining the session. Keep in mind I'm playing on an official server. As a player, I expect these to be the most secure. However, this doesn't seem to be the case. Facepunch is doing a great job, but need to expand or divert some resources into moderation and other anti-cheat measures to better off the scene. I have some recommendations:

All on US East Facepunch Large

  1. Hire or add a moderation team that specifically watches Facepunch official servers

Most Facepunch servers are never that populated either, so I'm assuming it would only take a small team to watch a majority of populated servers. This would add a human side to the system as right now there are all of zero admins that I am aware of that moderate Facepunch servers. Moderating the servers would most likely increase the population on them too, as players might have wanted to avoid them before on account of no human moderation. This could also help with making the system more proactive than reactive, as a Human might be able to make a call on a profile like "ojbdfg123133" joining the server with a level 0 account right after another hacker was banned, while an anti-cheat system might hold off.

2. Temp ban groups

Hackers don't play alone. More often than not it's a group that plays with 1 or 2 hackers that will rely on them in combat. Banning by association, even if it's temporary, maybe 2-3 days, would discourage a lot of players from grouping with hackers. This could use the in-game team system to temp ban all those associated with the banned hacker to get punishment. "But what if they just don't team?" This is where the human moderation aspect could come in. They could find said hackers bag/base, and those who have also been bagged/active in the same base. This would ban those responsible for the hackers, but not permanently ban them to partially alleviate accidental bans that are a pain to appeal.

3. 2FAC authentication

This could be easily integrated with Rust+ and would help greatly with the number of fresh alt accounts that are created to cheat on. I know integration might be difficult, but it would make a huge difference.

That's all I have for now. Keep in mind I'm only a concerned player, that wants the best for a game he's put so much time into. I know the team at Facepunch is working hard, but this would make a huge difference to the game and its player base.

EDIT 1: IP Banning/HWID Banning would also be a good idea to stop cheaters in their tracks. Of course, spoofing exists, but the process is risky and expensive, meaning that most players wouldn't risk or care enough.

EDIT 2: I don't want to leave officials. I've played on large for a few months, and most of my wipes are on officals. They arent terrible, and I want to fix the problem of the server I like instead of having to settle for a server I don't like.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Anticheat is a hugely complex issue, and it's a topic we have to be vague discussing deliberately.

Recently we've seen more cheats become active, which happens more often during this time of the year with the growing player base and holiday period. Unfortunately, EAC did fall behind the curve as of late, I have voiced my concerns to them last week and this week. Monday and today the majority of cheats were hit with ban waves and efforts against the others continue.

Over the last 12 months, systems have been put into place to collect and analyze player data to combat aggressive cheat play styles to prevent an impact on the larger server population, and these are often known as the three-day temporary bans. There are many plans to expand on this data collecting to make it more accurate and quicker.

Reports are fed into this system, so I encourage anyone who believes they encounter a cheater to report. Players cannot be temporary banned based on reports alone, and spam reports are filtered out to prevent abuse.

I agree we do need to take more aggressive action against players associating with cheaters - we're already collecting this data internally and do act upon it daily but needs improvement. We're going explore ways to automate this process.

Server moderation is a hot topic - When we ban cheaters from Facepunch servers we have to know without a shred of doubt the player is using third party problems, there is no room for mistakes when we're applying permanent game bans. We do not have the luxury like community servers and only applying server bans.

Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for players to contact our support stating they've been banned from X server by X admin for cheating when in fact they're just playing good. We can see our side they're not cheating and they were having a good day and played above average, this is always disheartening to see.

Without giving moderators access to our tools, systems and EAC moderators in their roles on Facepunch servers would be limited to only spectate, which is extremely inefficient and only catch a tiny proportion of cheaters.

Across Facepunch servers, you'll rarely see staff member online because we can access, read and act on the player data without ever joining the server. In the time we've connected to a single server we could have banned multiple confirmed cheaters based on the data we've collected and had access too - this also presents problems in itself that we're not acting on the larger problem with cheater association/groups which I've touched on already above (we need to improve this).

Hiring staff to monitor and act on the data we collect I believe would be a much more practical and efficient use of our resources, hiring just server moderators with the number of servers we operate and to cover 24/7 is not practical to do so efficiently.

IP Banning/HWID Banning - The vast majority of cheaters spoof these vectors of detection. IP's are generally an unreliable indicator of a user is cheating.


Here some "fun" stats:

  • 553 121 player reports in the last 30 days
  • Nearly 20k accounts banned in the last 30 days


I want to note I'm extremely happy to be working with EAC and grateful for the work they do. They do a difficult job but I look forward to working with them for many years to come.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by Melonaid1

How does the system work? I was on the same server US east Facepunch large when I was triple headshot from 1337 meters by AK, and it took the cheater over 24 hours to be banned? How does an automation system not pick up on this? The cheater was also point blank range, which doesn't make since at all because he killed me point blank inside of a cave.

The distance of the projectile as seen in the combatlog can be manipulated via the client and thus unreliable data compared to the data seen by the server. Unreliable data cannot be trusted to a high degree but can be used to build up a larger dataset which takes time.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by peerosanical

Thanks for responding! It's always good to get insight on the other side. Its good to hear there's more going on behind the scenes than we originally thought, a lot more! Glad to hear you guys are doing so much to try and alleviate this problem. The analyst approach seems like a really good one, better than moderators. Honestly anything to help lower the amount of abuse on the servers. Although I do have a question, would the Rust+ verification idea work? Have you guys thought about that before?

No problem - it's not always an easy subject to address.

would the Rust+ verification idea work?

Possibly - it's something we'd need to discuss internally and weigh up the pros and cons.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by Methos_

While banning blatant cheaters is great, there has been a huge surge in legit cheating (recoil scripts/no shake). Until that's fixed Rustafied main and servers like it will continue to be hack vs hack.

Third-party applications to combat recoil are regularly detected, EAC bans hundreds of users weekly - this is not an area we're ignoring.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by Cstark21

Out of curiously how many “unique” accounts is rust seeing every month?

In November we saw over one million unique accounts.