over 2 years
ago -
Coffee Stain Studios
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hey everyone my name is Jason I'm a real |
2s | game developer and I'm going to show you |
3s | how to 3D model a giraffe all right so |
5s | the first thing you do is you open up |
6s | blender and we're here at the default |
7s | thing and let's start making the draft |
9s | gotta make the weird ear thingies I |
11s | don't know what these are like horns |
13s | giraffe horns something like that wait |
14s | am I selecting the wrong thing what's |
16s | going on here oh what's this I just want |
19s | to make a line across his face dude like |
21s | how hard is this this is why I have |
22s | trust issues |
24s | no how do I make this one like that |
29s | oh they typically have thicker back legs |
32s | uh than their front legs I've seen on |
34s | the Discovery Channel before and here we |
36s | are we've got a giraffe just as I said |
38s | we would and actually in completely |
39s | unrelated news we're also hiring a 3D |
41s | and experienced senior 3D artist to help |
44s | us work on our game satisfactory at |
46s | coffee stain Studios you can go to our |
47s | website coffee standstudios.com jobs and |
49s | you'll see the uh information there |
51s | where you can apply and you can join me |
53s | and we can work together on amazing 3D |
56s | art |