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Dear Jace

f*ck you. Don't leave. We love you.

The Community

There are really 2 things I want to say, the above is one of them. The other is a response to a particular moment in the farewell video, about 3:35. What he said hits so f*cking close to home for me, honestly, like Jace I want to put how I feel out there in the world. To come out, in a way. I want to say it to everyone, but I *really* want to say it directly to u/JaceAtCoffeeStain

"I've always struggled to find my place in the world, and I've rarely felt that I've belonged anywhere."

Mate. This is me. 100%. I think this is a fair chunk of our community too, but we never say it. We just struggle on and try to find our way in life. Feeling largely like we're doing this on our own, and in a way we often do do it alone. Specifically what you have achieved, Jace, is amazing. Yes to many of us you started out as "the information guy", but as I watched more since U3 you've grown on me. Over the years I have grown to care for you as a person, not to like stalker levels or even friend levels, but far far more than any nameless face irl (hell, even more than some people I actually know), and far more than just a CM/Dev. I really love this little factory game, and I'm rather fond of the community too. These wouldn't be this way without your input and communication. That makes me feel like part of this group, that *you* have helped shape. There are little details I've noticed along the way that have made you special to me, that have in turn made me more comfortable with myself and things I have always struggled with. I have absolutely loved having queer representation in the background for so long now. Between people like you on youtube, this community (for other reasons), and my team at work (especially my team, I've never felt such an actual person at work before, just a drone), I finally feel some little parts of actually belonging after 44 years on this dumb rock. Jace@CoffeeStain is an important person, but Jace Varlet is far more important to a lot of us, and a person I wish to hug and say thank you to.

All the best for the upcoming New Adventures Of Jace, I'll be quietly watching and wishing you well. You deserve great things.

Thanks, Jace. You've helped so f*cking much.

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Thank you for the very kind words and taking the time to write this post. I’m, in some way, glad to feel I’m not alone in my feelings if not fitting in but still being able to find a place with y’all to come together and belong somewhere.

And I appreciate your well wishes! Thank you!