over 5 years ago - Coffee Stain - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s so I'm trying to new lens here I don't
2s know if it's gonna work or not if it
4s looks funny it's all in the name of
6s science hey everyone my name is Jase
11s parle I'm a programmer in the community
12s manager here at coffee stain studios and
14s you've read the title of this video you
16s know what it's about so let's do this in
17s the past I've jerked many times on
19s Twitter about how many copies of
20s satisfactory you actually sold I think I
22s said I claimed that we sold 10 and then
25s 9 and then back up to 15 and then back
27s down to 9 and then there was a refund
29s down to 8 and now we're back at 10 but
32s but today I'm giving you the real
33s numbers I'm serious no joking no miler
36s just the real numbers so we have sold
38s drum drumroll then 300 wait 500 wait 507
47s wait five hundred and seven thousand
49s three hundred and seventy four first try
51s and that's a lot of that's a lot of
52s coffee thread of every unit and in fact
54s this is our best launch ever for coffee
55s stains so this is just super cool it has
60s exceeded all of our expectations it's
62s just amazing cool we just want to extend
66s a huge thank you to everyone who bought
67s the game and also to just the community
70s at large the ones who are you know
71s active in the community thank you all so
73s much you're all funny supportive
76s passionate it is such a pleasure to be
78s able to work with you all as a community
80s manager I love hanging out on discord
82s with you all whenever I get the time to
83s do so it's it's it really is a lot of
85s fun and then I also just want to say big
86s thank you to the content creators who
89s have in streaming the game YouTube in
91s the game and getting helping us get the
92s name of satisfactory out there so thank
94s you all to everyone who helped in the
95s beginning for that initial push and then
97s including the people who still create
99s satisfactory content today thank you all
100s so much and a big thank you to everyone
102s who submits bug reports and feedback
104s thank you all so much for doing that
105s taking the time to do it we may not be
107s able to respond to every single one of
109s you but as a big collection of
111s information from all the feedback and
112s reports you've sent us we're able to
114s extract really useful stuff and we use
116s that day-to-day to improve the game so
118s thank you all so much for the help with
120s that as well yeah so it was a little
121s scary in the beginning embarking on this
123s journey in my opinion we all we all knew
126s that satisfactory could be a good game
128s the prototype was really fun and
130s addictive but it was and it still is it
132s wasn't
133s still is a really really difficult game
134s to make and so no matter how confident
137s we could be upon release we would never
140s know what the reception would be like
142s and it's a factory game which is like a
143s niche genre right and so I remember like
146s along the journey myself and I'm sure
148s others as well had always thought like
150s ah is this right is this gonna work
156s it was many times it was very scary but
159s hey like it worked out right so it's a
162s great game now and it seems like a lot
164s of people are enjoying it and it feels
165s so good and so I remember last year when
168s we unveiled the reveal trailer at the PC
171s gaming show on e3 I remember that night
174s it was wild everyone else had finished
177s their work and they were down in that
178s big meeting room down there
180s and I was stuck here at my desk because
184s the second things got revealed I had to
186s go home like update all the social
187s medias and stuff right and so as soon as
189s I did and I'm like oh update the
190s pictures update in the pictures and then
192s I look over the discord and within
193s minutes we've got thousands of people
195s and I never ran a discord server before
199s my mods won't be surprised to hear that
202s at all and so I was freaking out it was
203s just the adrenaline was was running and
207s I picked up some random muds and they
209s turned out to be amazing and there's
210s still my months today and they saved me
212s on the discord and then things took off
214s and read it on Twitter everywhere it was
217s it was at that moment that I knew I had
220s work to do as the community manager so
225s it was very exciting I don't know if
227s I'll ever have Brooks have an experience
229s like that ever again and so from the
230s bottom of our hearts at least those of
232s us who have arts thank you thank you
234s thank you thank you so much for this
237s response and the support it's been
238s amazing and this next part is going to
240s sound super like corporate II but we
245s look forward to working with you all to
247s completing the game and release
249s the full game there's like one point I
251s we looked forward to that and it sounds
253s corporate II it's because I read it in
254s my spread in my scripts but it is true I
256s really do look forward to that we all do
258s just can't wait to get out of early
261s access and like imagine that mmm it's
263s gonna be good all right catch you all
265s later bye you proud of those units proud
276s of every unit