3 months
ago -
Coffee Stain Studios
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | we're approaching the end of the year |
2s | which I don't understand how that |
3s | happened because it feels like it was |
4s | June like 2 weeks ago but here we are |
8s | and with it being the end of the year |
10s | you know what that means that's right as |
12s | the final days of the year slip away we |
14s | inch ever closer to the precipice where |
16s | the end of the world looms like a shadow |
18s | waiting to engulf us all in the cosmic |
20s | void that swallows time and existence |
22s | itself leaving behind only echo of what |
24s | once was a silent Testament to the fleet |
26s | and nature of our |
28s | reality that's right fix Miss is coming |
30s | back to satisfactory once again our |
33s | beloved in-game holiday event is once |
35s | again making its way to massage 2ab and |
38s | along with everything else in the game |
39s | we've given it the sort of 1.0 polish |
42s | that it we feel like it deserves uh |
44s | fixmas has historically been something |
46s | that we kind of just threw together last |
47s | second and this time around we wanted to |
50s | sort of spruce it up a little bit we |
52s | haven't added too much new content in |
54s | there but we've given fixmas a little |
55s | bit of a facelift and we've made a few |
59s | tiny little tweaks here and there so if |
61s | you've experienced fixmas in the past |
62s | then you for the most part already know |
64s | what you're in for but for all you new |
66s | players out there uh let's dive into |
68s | what you can expect and how it |
71s | works so fixmas is our yearly seasonal |
75s | event and it starts on December 1st and |
78s | it ends somewhere around like mid |
80s | January or something like that fixmas is |
82s | completely optional so if you're not in |
84s | the holiday mood uh you can completely |
86s | disable it in the main menu the first |
89s | thing you're going to notice is that on |
90s | December 1st uh there are going to be |
93s | presents falling from the sky and |
95s | there's a whole new research tree in the |
97s | m to explore and unlock a ma'am fixmas |
100s | tree if you will you progress in the |
103s | fixmas research Tree by opening Windows |
105s | in the Advent calendar that you can find |
107s | in the hub now fixmas is for the most |
110s | part sort of like a side quest it's |
111s | something you can do while playing the |
113s | regular game and you won't be able to |
115s | unlock everything on day one fixmas has |
118s | a little bit of a slow start but it will |
119s | start ramping up as the days go by and |
122s | we get closer and closer to December |
124s | 25th you'll be able to progress further |
126s | and unlock more fix related production |
128s | chains from stuff you gain from the |
130s | admin calendar day by day with the |
132s | ultimate goal of progressing far enough |
134s | to be able to decorate the big fixmas |
136s | tree none of the fixmas related Parts |
139s | can be handcrafted so they all need to |
141s | be automated and in the beginning of the |
143s | event you'll have to manually collect |
145s | presents from the map and put them into |
147s | the machines until you gain access to |
149s | the ability to be able to automate |
151s | presence now I won't tell you |
153s | specifically what's coming in fixmas as |
155s | you know we want you to sort of explore |
156s | this on your own and and be amazed uh |
159s | but I will mention that if you find it |
161s | too difficult to find all the windows in |
163s | the Advent calendar then there is a |
165s | little system in there to help you out |
166s | so just just bear that in mind and like |
169s | I said if you've experienced fixas in |
170s | the past you already pretty much know |
173s | the gist of it but I want to mention a |
175s | few things uh first is that we' reduced |
177s | the size of the presents falling from |
179s | the sky so the won't be as destructive |
181s | as they were |
185s | before and in the past we also had it so |
187s | that you would receive like a fixmas |
190s | part in the calendar that you would then |
191s | need to use to unlock the recipe for |
194s | that part uh people always found this |
196s | kind of confusing so now instead the |
198s | majority of progression in the research |
200s | tree will be gated by these fixmas data |
202s | cartridges uh which are unique items |
205s | that you will gain from the Advent |
206s | calendar on certain days and now you |
208s | also unlock recipes directly in the |
210s | calendar which also makes it a bit |
212s | cleaner so you don't lose any parts that |
213s | you might need to be able to unlock |
215s | those recipes which is weird now as for |
217s | everything else in fixas you'll have to |
220s | explore on your own once the event |
222s | starts next week uh we hope you all have |
224s | fun with it during December and remember |
226s | that the event runs well into January so |
229s | there's no need to rush uh if you want |
231s | to save it off your holiday break then |
233s | you'll still have plent of time to |
234s | explore it all and that's all I had for |
237s | today really quick and short video don't |
239s | forget to share your fix creations with |
241s | us on our socials during the holidays we |
243s | really want to see what you come up with |
245s | and uh yeah good luck have fun I'll see |
247s | you all in next video |
253s | [Music] |
263s | bye-bye i' had too much eggnog clearly |