over 4 years ago - Coffee Stain - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s hey everyone my name is Jason the
5s community manager here at coffee stain
6s studios and today I'm just gonna make a
7s video it's gonna be like a rapid-fire
9s update video of some of the things
11s that's gonna come in the future but
12s before I talk about future stuff I want
14s to talk about some past stuff and that
16s is a say yesterday I did a live stream
18s on our Twitch you can follow us on
20s Twitch which is twitch.tv slash coffee
23s stain studios Deb's put a link in the
26s description below and I streamed me
27s editing the next develop a highlight
30s video which is focused on Hana a level
32s designer so that was me just doing some
39s video editing but we've done a couple
40s other streams we want to do more but we
42s haven't done many but we've also done a
43s live stream with snit doing some
46s programming and hannah herself doing
48s some level design so if that's
49s interesting to you consider following us
51s there and we're gonna try and do more of
52s that in the future I think we have
54s another programming stream coming up
55s soon that is the plan another thing
57s that's happened in the past was that
59s lusts week like I remember when I
61s released that video but the last video I
63s asked you should we prioritize dedicated
66s servers or mod support for update 3 we
68s could probably not get both in and we
70s can hopefully get one in so which one
71s should we focus our attention on and we
73s had a poll in YouTube video and people
75s were talking about it on reddit twitter
76s facebook and discord and it really seems
79s as though people want dedicated servers
81s so we're gonna be focusing on that we
83s love the idea of doing that too so
84s that's that's great we're gonna do that
86s have you said that though a lot of
87s people turned up to vote for mod support
90s so that's also really cool so it's great
92s to hear that there's a lot of people who
93s want montt support and when we do make
95s mud support it's it's gonna make a lot
98s of people happy so so we're looking
99s forward to that we're gonna have it just
101s a little later let's talk about the
103s future stuff so in the next one to two
104s weeks approximately we want to do a
106s patch so the first thing I'm going to
108s talk about is the train fixes a lot of
110s people have been asking about fixes for
112s the trains and when I announce that I'm
114s doing editing a video for example people
117s I will fix the trains first I don't do
120s programming anymore so I caught but we
123s have been fixing the trains the delay
125s comes from a series of unfortunate
126s events honestly with the guy who
128s normally does it go sick and then we had
130s to update the engine and all this kind
131s of stuff but we fixed the trains now I
133s don't know
134s to fix everything but I think we have
136s fixed the most requested bug which is
139s the like the ghost trains the carriages
141s like going off and doing their own thing
143s so I believe that one's fixed and is
145s gonna be in the patch the next thing I
146s want to talk about is mast dismantle so
148s we're gonna have a new feature which is
150s mass dismantle so you can clear out your
151s factory much much quick oh my god
154s much quicker and that is actually a
155s feature that Snoke was making on the
157s developer livestream so we'll hopefully
160s have mass dismantle in it's actually
161s already merged into the code and stuff
163s so it should be should be in there the
164s next thing is again it's another snits
166s feature and that is cloud save so that's
168s gonna be really cool as well that's
170s actually also been merchants to the code
172s and and is currently being tested but
173s the thing with the cloud saves is we
175s have to be very very careful with them
177s and test them rigorously because we
179s don't want you losing your saves or your
181s progress having said that we screw up
183s all the time back up your sails cuz I
186s predict this 90% chance of us screwing
189s up I picked and I give us a chance snoot
192s screwed up so yeah back up your saves to
197s when that comes out and we'll keep you
198s posted on whether or not cloud saves
200s will be rolled out or not if we're not
202s confident in it so that's all the things
203s that I want to talk about today we're me
206s and snow are actually gonna be going on
207s the top-secret adventure today for you
209s guys and so I have to be quick with this
211s video because we're running late already
213s so I'll catch you guys next time maybe
215s like and share and all that stuff if you
216s want or don't bite
221s [Music]
223s I recorded this video twice already two
229s times of that all here it's running now