Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
1s I haven't been able to sleep in
4s days that stupid loud Summers Sloop
8s laser machine they have running in their
11s backyard what does it even
13s do what does it even do
38s all right before we get into whatever
42s that is um and before we get into the
44s Cliffhanger that I kind of left you on
46s last week with the the whole change of
47s the blueprints we'll get to that we'll
50s get to the good stuff okay but before we
51s get into that stuff I have a couple of
53s things that I just want to like do a
55s little bit of spring spring cleaning and
56s talk about a few things that we've been
58s wanting to talk about in past videos but
60s we haven't really found a good
62s opportunity to do it or I just straight
64s up forgotten to talk about it so so
66s speedrun of a couple of new exciting
69s things coming at 1.0 that we haven't
70s talked about yet and that we should
73s given that this is the last week before
76s the release um so let's get into it so
79s the first thing I want to mention is
81s that we are going to add two new liquid
83s fuel types that we haven't talked about
85s yet and those are both sort of
87s extensions on the existing production
89s chain for turbo Fuel and the first one I
92s want to talk about is rocket fuel rocket
94s fuel so by combining nitric acid and
98s turbo fuel in the blender you're going
99s to be able to produce uh Rocket Fuel and
102s when you do this you're also going to
103s get a byproduct of compacted coal just
105s so you know and Rocket Fuel can be used
107s in a lot of different things uh for
109s instance in vehicles you can also of
111s course put it in fuel generators and if
113s you do it'll have a burn rate of
115s 4167 cubic M and you can also use it in
118s the jetpack and if you do it'll give you
121s hella launch like it'll shoot you right
122s up there it gives you so much velocity
125s in the vertical region if you know what
126s I mean but it does consume fuel fairly
128s quickly in the jetpack so I highly
130s recommend uh bringing a parachute with
132s you if you decide to use it in the
134s jetpack but Rocket Fuel isn't turbo
137s fuel's final form there's actually one
139s extra step that you can take and that is
141s called ionized fuel Vegeta what is the
144s scatter say about ionized fuel's power
146s rating it's over
148s 9,000 I regret recording that so once
152s you get to the point where you can
153s automate uh synthetic power shards
155s you're going to be able to automate
157s ionized fuel so by combining Rocket Fuel
160s and uh Power shards in the refinery
163s you're going to be able to create
164s ionized fuel uh it will also leave a
166s byproduct of compact with coal uh but
168s I'm sure you'll find like a good use
170s case for that and it's sort of the same
171s deal you know you can use it in vehicles
173s you can use it in uh fuel generators
176s it'll have a burn rate of 3 cubic M and
180s you can also use it in the jetpack and
181s it's pretty dope in the jetpack actually
183s because it gives you higher thrust than
185s anything else uh it has slower
187s consumption rate than than Rocket Fuel
189s and it has way better air control
190s actually but one thing that Rocket Fuel
192s has that ionized fuel doesn't have in
194s the jetpack specifically is that it has
196s a much higher uh velocity ceiling so you
198s can go faster upwards essentially and
200s one thing I also want to mention on the
202s topic of fuel types is that drones now
204s can use most fuel types in the game so
206s drones are no longer like exclusively
208s for Batteries they can also take
210s advantage of many of the different fuel
212s types that you can package they also fly
215s differently depending on what fuel type
216s that meh hands so like the better the
217s fuel type the faster the drones will fly
220s so that's it for fuel types next thing I
222s want to talk about is quality of life
224s features that we've added so there's a
225s couple of changes we've made um that are
228s fairly small features by themselves but
230s I think they have a pretty big impact on
232s like when you're playing the game so
234s let's let's check some of them out so we
235s put some effort into making you know
237s building in general feel more tight and
239s and you know
240s of the good good kind uh and these are
243s kind of hard to like explain
244s specifically what we've done we just
246s like improved how snapping works and
248s make it more so that like you know when
249s you're placing stuff you sort of get
251s what you expect and and get the behavior
253s out of the build mechanics uh that you
256s expect uh but one specific thing I want
258s to mention is that uh now instead of
261s having to aim at the input and outputs
262s of building you just need to aim at the
264s building itself and it will like Snap
266s towards whatever input and output or
268s whatever uh that makes sense
270s uh instead of having to like finagle
272s around and aim specifically where you
274s need to we've also made improvements to
275s guidelines and how they work so
277s previously it was just like one green
278s line that showed up if you hold down
280s control and you aimed at stuff it would
281s just like indicate you where stuff is
284s aligning so now it has a visual change
286s it also now properly snaps buildings on
289s foundations when you hold control and
291s like I mentioned it has a visual change
293s as well so now it also indicates when
295s you're trying to connect and align stuff
297s with like inputs to outputs and stuff
298s like that it will show you that and it
300s will visually show this by having either
302s a green line to show inputs it will have
305s a red line to show output and it have a
307s blue line to indicate like the center of
310s mass of the building if you want to
311s align buildings to buildings and we also
313s have so that like inputs and outputs
315s have dashed lines and they're also
317s moving to sort of indicate direction as
319s well so now hopefully it'll be a little
321s bit easier to sort of figure out like
323s where things go hopefully the guidelines
324s will make it a bit clearer now as to
326s where you're placing the buildings and
328s the next thing I want to talk about let
329s me just hook up this here and let me
334s do did you did you see that you see did
337s you see what just happened so so yeah
341s this this is the actually so now
343s when you're placing conveyor belts they
345s have two different build modes you have
346s the default build mode and you have the
348s straight build mode and the straight
350s build mode is essentially what it tells
352s you on the box it will make it so that
354s conveyor belts are always facing
356s straight and they will make perfect 90°
358s Corners making it all a lot smoother to
361s build like straight uh convey Bel lines
364s if that is something that you're into
365s you know
366s and yeah I really like this change this
369s is like one of my favorite changes in
371s 1.0 it makes it so much easier to just
374s plop things down um hope you'll enjoy
377s that I do want to mention real quickly
379s though that uh you one thing you're
381s going to notice when you're when you're
382s building with this is that this is going
385s to feel super great but then when you
386s start placing pipes on foundations
388s you're going to miss this feature
390s because we haven't implemented this for
391s pipes yet um because it pipes work a
394s little bit differently we do have like
395s the vertical build mode which um it will
397s straighten up the pipes vertically but
400s when you're placing them on foundations
401s they don't automatically do the same
402s thing as as as conve do but here's the
405s thing if you really want this for pipes
406s as well please let us know on the kway
408s site once 1.0 comes out um and make sure
411s to upload that and uh yeah let us know
414s so we can maybe look into this and one
417s final thing I'm going to mention when it
418s comes to like building conveyor belts
421s pipes whatever is that it's now possible
423s when you hold control when placing
425s Railways that they will snap and become
427s straight and it's a little bit of a
428s hidden thing it's not like a build mode
430s that we have for Railways um but yeah
432s just know that if you hold control when
433s placing Railways they're going to go
435s like straight up the last quality life
437s feature I want to mention is that it's
438s now also possible to change uh like
441s modes for chainsaws so in the base game
443s uh chainsaws have this like area effect
445s thing when you're chainsawing down a
447s tree you'll also get like all the bushes
449s and in and like clo in proximity of
451s it and some people find it annoying that
453s like if you just want to remove like
454s this one tree but want to leave the rest
455s of the foliage this wasn't really
457s possible without like tricks by having
459s like full inventory and stuff like that
462s um but it now possible to switch on the
464s chainsaw to like single mode and
466s whatever you chainsaw down will be the
468s only thing that you remove that's qual
470s of Life next thing I want to talk about
471s is Cosmetics so you may may not have
474s noticed that there's been a couple of
475s new uh cosmetic options uh and most
478s notably are these like
480s barriers uh buildables things that we
482s have here so we show them in the uh
485s trailers that we made up at this point
487s and we also featured them in in a couple
488s of um of the teaser videos we made so
491s yeah there's two barrier types there's
492s the short one and the tall one and
495s there's also like this new like fence
497s barrier thingy that also comes in two
500s variations and we also have a couple of
503s new windows uh that are there so have
505s fun with that while there might not be a
507s lot of new buildables in 1.0 we have
509s added something really cool which is
511s like finishes uh that you can able to
513s customize your factures more with so
514s think of these as sort of like skins
516s that you can apply on top of the
518s existing buildables instead of just
519s being able to paint them and have
521s different colors you can also get like
522s different finishes and sort of different
524s materials on the buildables and these
527s range from stuff like you know bronze
528s and cerium finish and chrome finish like
531s there's a couple of them and they're
532s they make it things just look a bit more
534s shiny all right so with that out of the
536s way let's finally talk about the changes
539s were made to Blue blueprints so really
541s excited to talk about this so one thing
543s that people always want when it com
545s toint is the possibil
548s [Music]
560s [Music]
570s [Music]
584s [Music]
590s [Music]
596s n
599s [Music]
615s hardest we need to talk about that now
617s okay we cannot leave that unfinished all
619s right let's get into it so this is going
621s to be the meat of the video okay we're
622s going to talk about what that is and
625s what you use it for the thing in the sky
627s the big eye thing that is actually a
629s Mercer sphere as you've been exploring
632s the planet of massage 2 abbb
634s this there's been a couple of uh
637s artifacts I would say that you haven't
639s been able to take advantage of such as
641s the Summers sloops and the Mercer
642s spheres and in 1.0 these are finally
645s going to be usable and what the heck are
649s you going to use them for well let me
651s explain so as you explore the planet uh
654s you'll run into these like strange
655s phenomena that you can discover and by
658s researching them in the ma along with
661s the strange alien matter uh you'll be
663s able to unlock like a whole new
665s potential alien technology so let's
668s first talk about the strange alien
671s matter on the planet so this is going to
674s be sort of the basic building block for
676s almost all technology that involve alien
679s Tech so when you extract Sam from the
681s planet you're going to be able to create
682s something called reanimated Sam and this
684s part is going to be used in a lot of
686s different things for instance you saw it
687s in the converter and you saw it in and
690s yeah most of I think you've only seen
691s anter actually I think about it but yeah
693s it's going to be used for a lot of
694s different things reanimated Sam you
695s create in Constructor straight with Sam
698s and Sam fluctuators you create by
700s combining uh reanimated Sam wire and
703s pipes in the manufacturer and by the way
705s it's just Sam now because we've renamed
707s it to strange alien matter and so it's
710s not Sam or okay I just want to I just
712s want to put that out there because it's
714s got sort of the same energy as saying
716s ATM machine okay it's like an extra
718s thing no need to for it's just Sam okay
720s and Sam is also no longer a limited
722s resource it's it's going to work just as
724s the same way as all other nodes um and
727s there's also a whole bunch of new Sam
730s nodes on the map that you're going to be
732s able to take advantage of so let's talk
734s about the two other alien phenomena that
735s you're going to be able to uncover so
737s let's start with Summers sloops so as
739s you may or may not have guessed summers
740s sloops are going to be used in this
742s machine this is the power augmentor and
746s the way this machine works is it
748s essentially takes your existing power
749s grid and augments it and makes it better
752s and makes it stronger and with better
754s access to the internet and I'll explain
757s how so from Summers slops you're going
758s to be able to create a power augmentor
760s when you place down this building you're
761s going to get automatically 500 megawatt
764s of power just straight out of the
765s machine so it's just like a it just you
768s just get free Power essentially from the
769s sumers hoop I guess and then what it
772s does is when you connect it to a circuit
774s it will amplify that grid by 10% so
778s essentially if you place down a power
779s augmentor you hook it up to your power
780s grid you get more power just that's it
783s there are no strings attach the only
785s trade-off is that you need to spend a
786s summers slop and please remember that
788s like Summers slops and mosphere are
789s limited resources on the map so you
791s can't build an infinite amount of these
793s but yeah essentially when you place a
794s power augmentor and you hook it up to
796s your to your power grid you're just
798s going to get free Power it's free Power
800s and the more power augmentors you you
802s build and place and hook up the more
804s you're going to augment your grid so
806s they kind of Stack but not really and
808s I'll clarify a little bit further so
811s yeah you can you can add more augmenters
813s to further boost your grid uh but they
816s don't boost like each other's boost if
819s that makes sense like it's not like
821s percentage on percentage if that makes
823s sense so so let's get a bit nerdy okay
826s so so the way that power augmentation
829s works is based on this formula right so
831s p is your general production and N is
834s the number of augmenters that you've
836s placed on your grid right so the first
838s thing we do is we calculate your your
840s base production which is like your
842s production from your circuit and then
844s it's uh the base power from the
846s augmentor which is 500 megawatt per
848s augmentor so 500 * n and then we add on
852s top of that uh the calculated boost and
854s we calculate the Boost by taking this
856s this number that we just had uh p + 500
859s * n and then we multiply that with uh
862s 10% 1 / 10 uh times the amount of
865s augmentors and that way we're going to
868s get the number of
870s uh boosted power this will also be on
872s the test by the way I hope you take took
873s notes it's not over yet and uh one thing
876s I also want to mention for this formula
878s is that uh Power storages are not
880s included in like this like whole
881s calculation because they can mess
884s everything up like we just wanted to
885s make sort of a simple uh way to sort of
888s see this and you can see how much your
890s your power grid is boosted uh when
892s you're looking at the circuit cuz you'll
893s get like that little number at the
894s bottom there so power augmentation is
896s really cool but that's not the only
897s thing you can use Summers slops for
899s they're also going to be able to be used
901s for alien production amplification so in
904s the game it's now going to be possible
906s to further overclock all machines in the
909s game for every single machine there's
911s going to be an additional overclocking
913s slot so in addition to the existing uh
915s overclocking you're do with power shards
917s there's also going to be a little slot
918s where you can place uh Summers sloops to
921s amplify the output of machines and it
925s only amplifies the output so it doesn't
926s actually affect the input at all so
928s you're going to be able to over clock
929s your machines with power shards and on
931s top of that you're also going to be able
933s to use Summers slops to further uh
936s amplify the production the thing to take
938s note though is that when you do this it
940s cost way more power and the amount of
943s Summers Loops you're need going to need
945s for the like desired amount of of output
947s amplification also varies from machine
949s to machine so that's everything you can
951s do in 1.0 with Summers slop and I have
954s saved the best for last okay you have no
957s idea all right I am so excited to talk
958s about this next feature because this is
960s my personal favorite feature in the game
964s and I actually think this feature that
965s we've implemented solves like the
967s biggest issue in satisfactory up until
969s this point so strap in okay all right
973s the last bit of you know strange
976s phenomena that you're going to run into
977s on the planet is the Mercer sphere and
981s the Mercer sphere has only one purpose
985s uh or use case but it is a good one okay
988s with Mercer spheres you're going to be
990s able to create a new building called the
992s dimensional Depot so with the merser
994s sphere you're going to be able to craft
996s this storage container looking building
998s right looks like an ordinary storage
1000s container you are wrong okay it it's it
1004s it is a storage container it looks kind
1006s of fancy um but this is actually the
1008s dimensional Depot uploader so what you
1010s do with this building is you place it
1011s down you hook it up with the conveyor
1013s belt you feed Parts into it and what it
1015s does it uploads any part that's put into
1017s the storage container up to the diens
1019s Depot and if you look over here real
1022s quick I've got my regular inventory but
1024s there's this little button here that I
1025s can also press and if I press this
1028s button I'm going to get access to the
1031s dimensional Depot wherever I am on the
1034s map it's all there on the
1037s clouding so yeah essentially you're
1039s going to be able to set up production
1040s lines so you can feed in uh produce
1042s parts and upload them to the dimensional
1044s Depot and be able to access them
1046s wherever you are on the map anytime any
1049s place it is so nice to do this you can
1053s just drag and drop any item into your
1055s inventory and they're just going to like
1057s be there uh immediately they're just
1059s going to you're going to download them
1060s from the dimensional Depot right away I
1062s don't know if I need to spell this out
1063s for you but this means that you no
1064s longer need to like run back and forth
1066s between bases when you start running
1068s into out of materials when you're
1069s building like another base or another
1071s Outpost or whatever like I really think
1073s that this has been one of the biggest
1074s gripes that I had when playing this game
1076s is that you're constantly like expanding
1077s your factory but every time you do you
1079s have to like keep track of of all this
1081s stuff and you need to like sort out
1082s logistical nightmares just to be able to
1084s get the parts you need to be able to
1085s keep building your factories and with
1086s the dimensional Depot it just makes
1088s everything nicer and so much easier to
1089s be able to to keep playing the game
1091s essentially and here's the thing too
1093s from your inventory you can also upload
1095s any parts to the dimensional Depot like
1097s from wherever you are but there is a
1099s limited amount of slots that you can use
1101s to be able to do this and one thing you
1103s might have also noticed is that
1105s downloading is instant but uploading
1107s takes time so this going to be limit as
1109s to like how many parts you can upload to
1111s the dimensional Depot and there's also
1113s limit as to like how many parts you can
1115s have at the dimensional Depot uh at the
1117s same time stack sizes are a bit limited
1119s on the dimensional Depot uh but the
1121s thing is both of the things uh like this
1123s the upload speed and the stack size on
1125s the dimensional Depot both of these
1126s things are going to be able to be
1127s upgraded in the m and one really really
1130s cool thing on top of all this stuff is
1132s that when you're building out in the
1134s world it will also grab whatever parts
1138s that you need to place what a building
1139s you're doing from the dimensional Depot
1141s so if you're running out of parts in
1143s your inventory you don't need to
1145s download them into your inventory
1146s they're just going to be there when you
1147s build it's it's so it's so good it's so
1151s good and it's also possible to set like
1153s when you're building buildings whether
1154s you want the parts for that building to
1156s come first from your inventory or if you
1158s want them to come from the dimensional
1160s Depot at first and save the stuff that
1162s you have in your inventory for later but
1163s here's the thing with dimensional dep
1165s this is purely for your own personal use
1167s it's only for your personal inventory so
1169s you you're not going to be able to take
1170s advantage of this for any production
1171s lines so um while you're going to be
1174s able to set up like steel production
1176s feed those parts into dimensional Depot
1177s so you can access them wherever you're
1179s not going to be able to take those parts
1180s and like set up another production chain
1182s somewhere else and just like grab them
1184s from the dimensional Depot and and start
1186s producing new parts from those things so
1187s the dimensional Depot isn't going to be
1189s used for any type of like production
1191s automation or anything like that that's
1192s not how the dimensional Depot works it's
1194s purely for your personal inventory so
1196s yeah that is that is that is a big that
1199s is a big feature coming in 1.0 and it's
1202s so good and like I mentioned before all
1204s this alien Tech is researched in the m
1207s so you're going to be able to take
1208s advantage of this like as soon as you
1210s discover it essentially but they are
1212s gated by your overall progression like
1214s most things in the ma uh but essentially
1217s you're going to get access to the
1219s dimensional Depot once you've unlocked
1221s steel you're going to get access to
1223s production amplification once you have
1224s access to tier five and you're going to
1227s be able to take advantage of power
1228s augmenters in tier six that's it folks a
1231s lot of really exciting things coming in
1233s 1.0 I am so glad that I finally got to
1236s make this video because I've been
1237s looking forward to talking about the
1238s alien tech for so long uh so thank you
1241s so much for watching everybody have a
1243s lovely uh week
1248s bye-bye whoa whoa whoa who wait wait no
1250s no no we can't end the video there I
1252s still have one last thing we need to
1254s talk about third time the charm right
1256s all right I all right we're going to
1257s talk about blueprints now okay finally
1259s okay so a bit of feedback that we have
1261s always gotten when it came to Blueprints
1262s and satisfactory is that people felt
1264s like the 4x4x4 Grid or the 4x4 grid uh
1267s is too small for blueprint for the
1269s blueprint designer and you know there's
1272s supposed to be an element of like a
1274s challenge here like being able to figure
1275s out like how to fit stuff in the
1276s blueprints uh but we hear you we
1278s understand uh this bit of feedback so in
1280s 1.0 we're going to introduce the
1282s blueprint designer Mark I and the
1285s blueprint designer Mark I is a bigger
1288s blueprint designer obviously uh We've
1290s increased it now to be a 5x 5x5
1293s blueprint designer I know going from 4x4
1296s to 5x5 might not sound like a lot but it
1299s is more roomy you have a lot more space
1301s to deal with and it sort of like I think
1303s 4x4 was just on the edge of of what
1305s people will be able to do uh so like
1307s you'll be able to do a lot more with
1309s just this tiny bit of increase but
1311s unfortunately due to technical reasons
1312s you're not going to be able to load a
1314s Mark 1 blueprint in the Mark I blueprint
1317s designer uh but you will still be able
1318s to to like you know take your blueprints
1320s made in the Mark 1 and place them in a
1323s Mark I designer just as you can do in
1325s the regular blueprint uh designer um so
1328s so long as they fit of course and with
1330s that we have uncovered almost everything
1333s coming in 1.0 uh and I say almost
1336s because there's probably like a few
1337s things that I probably forgot to mention
1340s um you know there's a lot of new things
1341s in 1.0 but essentially yeah this is it
1345s um there are going to be a lot small
1346s tweaks here and there that I like I said
1348s probably haven't mentioned and there's
1351s also a bunch of bug fixing done to past
1353s issues and and and whatnot and there's
1355s also a lot of optimization that have
1356s gone into this version of the game um
1359s but I'll have to defer to the patch
1360s notes when it comes to these things
1361s because it's just too much for me to
1363s give track of um but yeah with that said
1367s next week is when 1.0 comes out on
1368s Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. CEST is when 1.0
1371s will drop and I can't wait to get it out
1375s there and we will be live streaming the
1376s countdown to 1.0 so at 2 p.m. CS
1379s we're going to start the live stream and
1381s we're going to countdown to 1.0 and
1382s we're going to hang out with a couple of
1383s the devs we're going to talk about stuff
1385s for 1.0 and we're going to have some fun
1387s essentially so I hope to see you there
1390s and I hope you'll enjoy 1.0 and all the
1393s work that's gone into it is it's
1395s been eight years working on this game
1397s now and it's all going to come together
1400s now to next week so really looking
1403s forward to that until then everybody
1406s take care
1409s h
1435s [Music]
1439s did I mention the laser beam by the way
1441s they're pretty bler