about 2 months ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s like to really like drive that feeling
2s of like that dread like oh I need to go
4s I'm about to sh my pants we've
7s made a lot of trailers here at Cain over
10s the years working on satisfactory and
12s I've always wanted to make a video sort
13s of explaining the process in how we make
16s trailers So today we're doing exactly
18s that I'm going to walk you through the
19s process from ideation to post-
21s production throughout the entire thing
23s and uh we're going to have jolly time so
25s let's dive into
27s it so in this video I'd like to
29s highlight like all the aspects to like
31s how we make these trailers like how we
32s make them why we make them and when we
34s make them to sort of give you insight as
36s to like how much work goes into these
38s trailers and we're going to be using the
40s release dates trailer for 1.0 or the
43s toilet flush trailer uh as sort of an
45s example or a use case uh for this entire
48s video uh the reason for that is because
50s I was the one directing that one so I
51s know the ins and outs of that trailer
54s specifically it's also a somewhat recent
56s trailer so hopefully most things will be
58s fresh in my mind as to like why and how
60s we did things and it's also a short
62s trailer with very few Cuts in it so it
65s should be sort of easy to sort of
67s demonstrate um so let's dive into it so
70s when it comes to making trailers the
71s first step for us is always ideation uh
74s the first thing really is to figure out
76s sort of what is the purpose of the
78s trailer that you're about to make
79s because most of our trailers serve very
81s different purposes and they also have
83s very different audiences some trailers
85s are there to build hype for new players
87s who've never seen satisfactory before
89s some trailers we made are there to like
91s explain the game for people who are have
93s heard of satisfactory but are interested
95s and want to learn more whenever we made
97s our update trailers those are more
99s catered towards our existing community
101s and to sort of highlight like all the
103s new things and give you you know make
106s you excited to want to play the update
108s basically and there's a ton of other
109s reasons as to why you'd want to make a
112s specific trailer like sometimes it's
113s there to uh announce a game and make
116s people interested in it it might be also
118s there to like kind of bring in
120s investment to a game that you're working
122s on or you know Get Hype and build hype
125s and all that stuff sometimes I get the
127s question of like why are game developers
129s making these cinematic trailers when
131s like there's no gameplay footage so we
133s have no idea what the actual game is
134s about and you know they have different
136s purposes uh cinematic trailers usually
138s like that are there to make you excited
140s about the concept and also to bring in
142s some investment to Studios or even bring
144s in Talent uh wanting to work on some
146s games so yeah there's many different
149s reasons as to why you'd want make a
150s trailer for your game and one thing when
152s it comes to our update trailers is that
154s we put a lot of effort into our update
156s trailers like sometimes they take months
158s to make uh the 1.0 release trailer took
162s more than a year to make I think um and
166s it might be strange when you think about
167s it because the trailer is just like a
169s one minute two-minute video like why
171s would you want to spend so many
172s resources on making such a like small uh
176s little thing but they actually have a
177s pretty significant impact on you you
180s know how we Market our game and like how
183s people are able to sort of you know take
185s a look at our game and and see what it's
187s all about and the thing for us is like
189s we put a lot of effort into our updates
192s and we want that to be reflected in our
194s trailers as well because if we have a
196s trailer that you can tell we put a lot
198s of effort into then that will also
200s signify that like oh you put probably
202s put a lot of effort into the update as
203s well so that's why it's so important for
206s us to have the sort of the quality that
208s we have for our trailers uh whenever we
210s release them because it's kind of wasted
211s if you put a lot of effort into your
213s game and you don't put a lot of effort
215s into showcasing that game or you know
217s putting that effort into your trailer
218s then people are going to see that and
220s they're it's not going to reflect good
222s on it so you really want to match you
224s know the quality of what you're making
226s and there's a lot of things you have to
227s take into consideration when you're in
229s this ideation process of like figuring
231s out like what is the purpose of the
233s trailer you know there are questions you
234s need to ask especially like you know do
236s people know about your game like who is
238s the trailer for and when you're figuring
239s out the purpose of the trailer you also
240s need to sort of figure out like what is
242s the context behind the trailer you know
244s like is this a thing where people know
246s about the game beforehand or is this
248s like a reveal trailer of sorts um you
251s know is this a a game that's been out
253s for a long time so people already know
254s about the title uh you know all these
256s kind of things kind of matter when you
258s decide like how you make the trailer and
260s like what's in the trailer and and
262s whatnot and context is also important
264s when it comes to the trailer in like how
266s is it displayed like is this supposed to
268s be at like a big event with like a ton
271s of other reveal trailers as well or is
273s it just supposed to live on your YouTube
275s channel or like on social media um these
278s also impact the trailer a little bit for
280s instance if a trailer is just supposed
281s to live on social media then it's really
284s really really important that the first
285s like 15 seconds really catch you so like
288s if you're posting on social media it's
289s harder to make like a cinematic trailer
291s for instance where you have like a
293s company logo that fades in for like 10
295s seconds or whatever like on social media
297s people typically click away if they're
299s not hooked life within you know a short
301s amount of time but like at events show
303s and stuff like that that's a whole
305s different ball game and then you can
306s sort of create a different type of
308s trailer um you know depending on on who
310s you are and and you know what the
313s context of it is I guess so it's really
314s important to figure out the purpose like
316s is this a reveal trailer is this an
318s announcement trailer is it supposed to
319s Showcase your game do you want people to
321s be like Blown Away by some technical
323s element of it or is it like a cinematic
325s trailer where you're more aiming to like
327s evoke a feeling or you know make people
330s interested or excited so at the end of
333s the day it's really really really
334s important in the adiation process that
336s you really figure out like what is the
337s main purpose of the trailer because like
340s I said context and effect matters a lot
342s for trailers like if you want people to
343s talk about your trailer or talk about
345s the game then you need to sort of hit
348s certain beats for it to make sense so
350s once we figured out like the purpose or
352s know why we're making this trailer or
355s yada yada yada we start concepting sort
357s of uh and start coming up with ideas as
360s like what will happen in the trailer and
361s like what is the format of the trailer
364s um and yeah like based on the purpose of
365s the trailer that really dictates what
367s happens in it if we're making a trailer
369s where we want people to sort of see
370s something cool and be blown away uh we
372s might do it in one way and if we want to
374s make a trailer where we're like
375s explaining the game and you know talking
378s about the game it's it's one thing for
379s instance we made a trailer a long time
381s ago uh where it's basically me just
383s explaining the game from start to finish
386s in in in like a goofy way uh that was
389s one way to make that trailer and that
390s trailer was developed in a certain way
393s uh because we wanted to do that and it's
395s up to you to utilize all the resources
397s you can find on that planet to create
399s multi-story factories and connect those
401s suckets with conveyor bels to create
403s tasty conveyor Bel spaghetti so that you
404s can produce all these cool items like
406s that thing and that thing and whatever
408s that is and some other trailers which
410s are more cinematic um like the update 3
413s trailer for instance um you know that
415s one we really wanted to evoke a feeling
417s and and you know bring the hype in but
419s also to sort of showcase it in a real
421s setting so yeah based on all these like
423s parameters and and and whatnot that sort
425s of drives the ideation and the
427s conceptualization of your trailer and
430s sometimes these ideas come immediately
432s sometimes it takes a long time to figure
433s some of these things out um and you know
437s we usually sit down and brainstorm uh
439s these ideas and and discuss this a lot
442s uh and and sometimes it's external
444s people coming in and pitching to us uh
446s for certain ideas so this varies a lot
449s for us but usually we just sit down and
451s talk about the purpose and talk about
453s like what could we make and sometimes it
456s stays in the ideation face uh and
459s sometimes that brings into the next step
463s so in the case of the announcement
464s trailer uh the purpose was obviously we
466s wanted to announce the release date for
469s satisfactory uh we actually also
471s originally were going to announce
473s console in this trailer but here's the
475s thing too that also kind of affected the
477s trailer a bit um we didn't know 100% if
480s we could announce console at at when we
483s made this trailer uh because of various
486s different factors so we needed to design
488s a trailer where we 100% were announcing
491s the release date and we were like
493s potentially announcing console uh so we
496s really need to fit the trailer in such a
498s way where if we needed to cut the
500s console part portion of it then it
502s wouldn't really affect the trailer that
504s much and for the announcement trailer we
506s originally were going to have it at an
508s event uh we were originally pitching to
511s have this trailer be showcased at an
513s event the reason why we wanted to have
514s an event is because we wanted to catch
517s people that may have heard of
518s satisfactory but didn't want to play it
520s because they were waiting for 1.0 uh so
522s we really wanted to like hit the old
524s drum and let everyone know that like hey
526s 1.0 is coming out soon and it's coming
528s out at this time uh so get your
532s together and when you have a trailer at
534s an event it's really important to think
536s about the context here right because
537s we're showcasing this trailer in a block
540s of many trailers so there's a ton of
542s other games U that are doing sort of the
544s same thing that you're doing uh and some
547s games are really really big like if Call
549s of Duty was at the same event that we
550s were you know most people would probably
552s talk about Call of Duty or maybe not but
553s like you know some other big game you
555s know if Naughty Dog announces their new
557s game then who will remember the
560s satisfactory announ date reveal trailer
562s you know so it was really important for
564s us to like hook people uh in a block of
566s other trailers to make you know this
568s trailer kind of memorable so this event
570s we pitched two trailers actually we
572s pitched the regular 1.0 uh trailer that
575s we released with 1.0 and we pitched this
578s announcement trailer and uh we made this
582s pitch for the release the the the one we
583s actually made with the toilet flush uh
586s after the event was like it's too
588s generic like the the it's a cool trailer
590s and all all that uh but there's no
593s exciting new you know unveil or anything
596s like that so they didn't think it was
598s too interesting for us to have that
599s there so that's why we sort of came back
601s with them with this pitch we're like hey
602s but what about it this stupid trailer
605s and in the end we didn't end up having
607s the trailer on that at that event but we
609s really liked this idea of this trailer
611s so we decided to pursue it on our own
613s instead and the idea for like the
614s announcement trailer like came like that
617s uh actually so me and lenus the lenus is
620s like our main uh trailer guy uh and I'm
623s just like sort of the standin trailer
624s guy that comes in here and there and
625s make trailers uh we basically came to
627s each other at the same time with the
629s same idea and we're like we should do
632s this so like for the announcement
634s trailer like the idea of this trailer
637s you know came to be immediately like the
639s thing with the announcement trailer that
641s we thought would make it stand out was
643s the fact that we're kind of spoofing and
644s paring how other trailers were made um
648s and that's sort of how we wanted to
650s stick out or stand out at this event uh
652s because like the whole sort of premise
656s of this trailer was really that like we
658s wanted to highlight something really
660s stupid which is the toilet flush
662s functionality in in the game right we
664s wanted to highlight something really
665s really dumb and then have like all this
667s cool stuff in the background if you know
670s satisfactory you will know that like
673s you're not really interested in the
674s toilet flush you're interested in
675s everything else around surrounding this
678s solil flesh announcement right uh and
680s for people who don't know about
681s satisfactory they will just go like what
684s the was
686s that so like that was really the goal
688s with this trailer is like we we had this
690s running joke with our community uh and
693s you can argue that like yeah but only
694s people in your community will get this
696s joke but I really thought that like no
699s people will see the trailer and be
700s confused and if people don't know about
702s satisfactory they will be interested in
704s learning about more about satisfactory
705s and it will be easy to write about this
707s because it will make dumb
709s headlines uh because it'd be like
712s satisfactory is adding toilet flush it's
715s like that's easy to write about it will
716s make for Sensational news and it will
718s draw people in and make people
719s interested and everybody will know that
721s 1.0 is coming out and all these like
722s other implications that come with that
725s uh the announcement trailer I in my
726s opinion was such a good like instigator
729s of the path to come for 1.0 uh because
732s it was it had all these elements uh that
736s really played into it the other thing
737s with this trailer is that we had a
738s really short amount of time to make it
740s so we had to sort of reallocate
743s resources that were really already
745s working on a lot of other stuff uh for
748s the main trailer and also the game
749s itself self so it was it was rough
753s making this trailer um we made it I
756s basically made this trailer in like
758s full-time in two months time uh while
761s doing everything else at the same time
763s uh don't recommend doing this but
765s sometimes there's like opportunities in
767s gameevil constantly and like we we
769s really like this idea um and it it in
773s the end it was really worth it because
775s it it really paid off like the the
777s amount of Interest we got from this
778s trailer uh and it was like the fastest
781s YouTube video we've like in terms of
783s views we've ever had on the YouTube
784s channel so like and I think there were
786s over like 150 articles written about
788s this announcement trailer so it really
791s paid off making this trailer um but I do
794s not recommend uh doing it the way we did
798s it because holy it was rough but we
801s got it done so yeah for us the the
803s trailer would convey like the release
804s dat for satisfactory it would show new
806s content with the joke being that like
808s we're highlighting something that's you
810s know kind of useless which was the
811s toilet flush but everyone would know
813s about all the cool stuff behind it um
815s you know all the new parts and all the
817s new buildings and people would be really
819s excited about that you know our
820s community is really really good at uh
823s you know picking up the pieces and
824s figuring things out so we didn't feel
826s that we needed to really explain too
828s much with this trailer because people
829s were going to see you know the new
831s buildings and see the new parts and be
833s able to piece things together and they
835s really did there was so many videos made
837s uh from Community Based on that
840s trailer uh where people were figuring
842s things out and it came in waves too like
845s people figured some things out and they
847s were like wait a second and then they
848s made like follow-up videos on those
850s followup videos and it was it was one of
853s my favorite times working in this game
855s ever seeing just like how people were
858s were unpacking this trailer and creating
860s all these like conversation pieces and
861s it's it sparked so much joy and so much
864s uh interest uh in the community for this
867s trailer so that was really really cool
869s so now that we have an idea we have a
870s concept for trailer we start going into
872s the pre-production phase of things uh
875s and this is sort of where we tried to
877s figure out like how are we making this
878s trailer so is it an in-house trailer as
881s in like we're making this trailer is it
883s or is it someone else making this
884s trailer for us uh I think every single
887s trailer we've made have been inhouse um
890s and been created like by the team so to
892s speak there been a couple of external
894s partners that have helped us out with
895s some scenes and they've been super
897s helpful so for instance the opening
898s shots for the 1.0 trailer was made by an
900s external studio and that was really nice
902s like offboarding some of that work to
904s them um so that we can focus on like
906s more the the knitty greedy things that
908s only we at cof stain and working on
910s satisfactory would know uh for the most
912s part lenus is the one who's making most
914s of the trailers here at cof stain but
915s sometimes I also jump in and create and
917s make some of them so like the update 6
918s trailer for instance and and the
920s announcement trailer so one thing that's
922s really really important for us uh for
924s trailers is audio design uh almost every
927s trailer that we made have always been
929s like audio and music comes first usually
931s what we do is we have we set a tone or a
934s Vibe with our music and then we sort of
936s build a trailer behind that and trying
938s to like you know make the trailer fit
941s the music so to
942s [Music]
950s speak but sometimes we have composers
953s like Dennis uh whove made a lot of songs
955s uh for from ghostwood Empire uh write us
958s custom songs and there's there's a bit
961s of a trade-off there when you license a
962s song you can usually take a song that
964s people already know about uh so they
966s already have like a connection to that
968s uh but the issue with that usually is
969s that uh they can be really expensive and
971s you can also only use them in like the
974s situation that you're you're licensing
975s for so like if we license a song we can
978s only really use that song for uploading
980s a video on our YouTube channel and
981s that's it uh whereas when you when we
984s have like composers that make something
985s custom for us uh we can sort of Make a
988s Deal better and like have it so that we
990s have more you know lenience in terms of
993s like where we can use it and how we can
994s use it and stuff like that so for the
996s 1.0 trailer for instance uh we
998s originally was going to use a license
1000s song uh but it was hella expensive and
1003s it really limited Us in terms of like
1005s where how we could use it and like this
1007s the terms of that license meant that we
1009s could only really use it on YouTube once
1011s and that was it so it was a lot better
1013s to just have ghost with Empire right a
1015s track and I I'm glad we we went with
1018s this route actually because I think that
1019s song is a banger and the process there
1021s is usually like that we you know send
1023s them the composer a couple of tracks or
1025s like some references that we have uh
1028s just to get the vibe going and all that
1030s stuff and they'll create something and
1031s then we'll iterate on that stuff uh and
1034s for the announcement trailer uh because
1036s we were so tight on time making that
1038s trailer from when we came up with the
1040s concept versus like when we actually
1041s needed to finish it um we had we decided
1044s to reuse the song that we had for the
1047s update 3 trailer um but we did ask
1050s Dennis to tweak it a little bit so it
1052s would better fit the timing and all that
1054s stuff for the uh announcement trailer so
1057s it was a little bit tricky to make it
1059s work uh but I think we got it done and
1061s it also ended up being like being that
1063s we had to reuse you know that trailer it
1066s was the same thing like we wanted to
1068s make a trailer that's dumb and like epic
1070s you know so we we we took like the most
1072s epic song that we could find and that
1074s was really that update 3 trailer song
1082s so once we have the song we start
1084s sitting down and making storyboards
1085s which is are basically uh uh one of our
1088s artists sitting down and drawing up the
1090s frames showing sort of like what is
1092s going to be in in each shot and which
1095s shots are going to be in the trailer so
1097s when we make storyboards we usually sit
1098s and discuss first like this is what we
1100s want to entail and then our artist sits
1102s down and draws it and then we go through
1103s all these shots and discuss like you
1105s know does it make sense in this order or
1107s should this be in the shot changeed this
1109s and this and this um so the goal of this
1113s really is that at the end of
1114s pre-production we need to know exactly
1117s how many shots we need and which shots
1120s we are making uh so that we can better
1122s estimate like how much time it takes for
1124s us to make this you know if we need a a
1126s lot of shots with a lot of big factories
1128s that's going to take a long time versus
1130s you know just close-ups of the pioneer
1132s or something like that um and also if
1135s like the shots are very intricate that
1137s also plays a big part in like how much
1140s budget we need to spend to be able to
1141s make these trailers and there's also
1143s elements like do we need custom
1144s animation and and like that so like
1146s storyboarding is such a powerful Tool uh
1149s to be able to figure all this stuff out
1150s so for the the announcement trailer we
1152s knew which songs we needed and when we
1154s make storyboards we also usually
1156s typically try and put them in the
1157s timeline in like Premiere or something
1159s where we can sort of have it rolling and
1161s like see and get timing and stuff like
1163s that and since we knew which song we
1165s were going to use for this trailer we
1167s could just put that song in there and
1169s sort of play it out and and see how it
1171s goes and like see how much you know each
1173s frame can be on screen uh at certain
1176s amounts of
1180s [Music]
1184s time so once we have that storyboard uh
1187s trailer we usually try and do a pass
1189s where we do like a little bit of a
1190s blockout uh in editor where we sort of
1194s try and like make a quick mockup of all
1196s the shots that we need to make and just
1198s Place some basic elements in there just
1200s to get a feel for what the framing will
1202s be like in editor if there are any
1204s limitations in game that we need to take
1205s into consideration uh and we can also
1208s take the Pioneer model if we have like
1210s characters doing stuff and place them in
1211s the world and and you know get some
1213s poses in here and there and you know see
1215s how things flows and then you play these
1217s animations in the engine and real engine
1219s also has this tool called control rig so
1221s what control rig does is it basically
1222s takes the rig that you created and it
1224s adds a rig on top of that so you can
1227s control the rig in
1230s engine control rig it makes sense
1232s doesn't it this is a really really
1234s really powerful tool um from my point of
1237s view because I'm not an animator uh but
1240s I am able to create animations in engine
1242s uh in the scenes and whatnot and this is
1245s really really good for um when we're
1247s making the blockout because I can just
1249s take the Pioneer and I can create the
1250s poses in the sequence itself uh really
1253s really really quickly in fact I actually
1256s made the entire intro sequence in the
1259s update 6 trailer with control rig so it
1261s is totally possible to make the entire
1263s trailer using control rig uh but it does
1266s have some drawbacks and whatnot which
1267s makes it more suitable for like these
1269s kind of basic blockouts things but it is
1271s possible to to make a full thing in
1273s sequencer uh in a real engine using
1275s control rig and yeah I can't tell you
1278s how much I love that tool because it
1279s makes things so so nice for me as a as
1283s like a creating these kind of cinematics
1285s in engine and in the storyboard trailer
1286s we can also use references to sort of
1288s indicate like we're going for with
1289s certain scenes when it comes to emotions
1291s or or you know movement and whatnot the
1294s running sequence in the announcement
1295s trailer for instance is heavily based on
1297s one uh scene from Sherlock Holmes where
1299s they're running through the woods uh we
1301s also had a lot of inspiration from Wes
1303s Anderson with like the zoom in and all
1305s that stuff and and how we compose the
1307s shots and whatnot so all whatever
1310s information you can convey in these like
1312s storyboard trailers in the blockout
1313s trailers uh from you as a director to
1315s the rest of the team the better so that
1317s more people sort of understand your
1319s Vision as to what you're creating all
1320s right so now that we're done with
1321s pre-production you should have a list of
1323s all the shots that you need to make uh
1325s from there you can sort of pinpoint like
1327s who's doing what what do we need to make
1329s do we need make make custom animation
1331s for this shot uh can we make this in
1333s engine do we need something external
1334s blah blah blah at this point you should
1336s have gotten all your planning done and
1338s that's when we head into production and
1340s this is where the grind starts uh at
1342s least for us from making satisfactory
1343s stuff because for our trailers we
1345s usually have a lot of factories uh in
1347s our shots and making these factories
1349s take a really really really really long
1355s time H when we make trailers I kid you
1358s not I think like 80% of the time uh
1361s working on trailers is just building
1363s factories um it it there's so much
1366s effort that goes into that we also have
1367s a tendency to keep like upping ourselves
1369s I think in the in the beginning we
1371s always made like very simplistic
1373s factories and now we have like these
1376s Citywide factories uh and it's kind of
1378s your fault honestly because we see all
1381s these cool builds within the community
1384s and we see like wow that looks so cool
1386s we need to sort of try and emulate that
1388s um and yeah it takes so much time and as
1392s an example here for the 1.0 trailer the
1395s big Factory like at the end of that
1397s trailer that one took Lena's 242 hours
1400s to build just for those shots um so a
1404s lot of time and effort goes into this uh
1407s for those like seconds of of on screen
1411s [Music]
1415s time now you might be wondering like why
1417s don't you just reuse like save files
1420s from Community or you know like ask
1422s someone else to build a factory and then
1423s just you know use that in your trailer
1426s um and you can do that sometimes uh and
1429s we've done that in the past but for a
1430s lot of times when we're making something
1432s very specific you kind of want to build
1433s the factory around the shot rather than
1435s trying to build a shot around a factory
1438s if that makes sense like when you're
1439s composing these shots and we have a very
1441s like specific framing in mind or a very
1444s specific composition in mind it's very
1446s very very difficult to uh place that in
1449s an existing Factory usually what we need
1451s to do is we need to build a factory
1453s around the shot um and it's really
1456s frustrating because it takes a lot of
1458s time uh but we do get a lot better
1461s results in fact for the announcement
1462s trailer there's like four different
1465s factories for like the same scene like
1467s there's one Factory when then you see
1469s like the the establishing shot with the
1471s cof stain logo and then when we're
1474s closer to the ground that's a different
1476s Factory that I rebuilt and then when the
1478s Pioneer starts running that's a
1479s different Factory and then there's like
1481s a different Factory based on like which
1483s angle you're looking from
1485s like the when we have something very
1487s specific in mind we have to sort of
1489s build the factories around the shots so
1491s let's take a look at the announcment
1493s trailer shots and and sort of talk about
1494s them as well so here's what the game
1496s looks like in engine usually when we
1498s build factories for our shots we usually
1500s just boot up the game like regular and
1502s and you know have like Advanced game
1504s settings on and unlimited build mode and
1505s stuff like that and just build away uh
1508s sometimes it's nice to build an engine
1510s but the engine is a lot more expensive
1513s to run than just the game in general so
1515s we I at least try to avoid that as much
1517s as possible uh but sometimes you do like
1519s need references like sometimes it's nice
1521s for instance this character down here
1523s for instance I can pull I can whoops I
1525s can move this around and place it
1527s wherever I need it to instead of you
1528s know being in the game and trying to
1530s like place things down and figure things
1532s out and figure scale out and all that
1533s stuff so when we're working on shots we
1535s have we used a tool called the sequencer
1537s in Unreal Engine and the sequencer is
1538s basically you know being able to create
1540s a timeline and be able to have things
1542s move in time and whatnot um and this is
1545s what that tool looks like in unre engine
1547s it's basically like a it looks like any
1549s kind of timeline Tool uh where you have
1551s like a playhead and whatnot um and you
1554s can't see all the gizmos and whatnot uh
1558s when we're in play mode um so like
1561s usually you can see like where the
1562s camera is in 3D space and whatnot uh so
1564s you'll just have to imagine that um but
1567s basically I can like create the camera
1569s here you know and I can like uh see like
1573s what it looks like when I'm playing and
1575s moving it around um right now there's a
1577s lot of optimization running um so for
1580s instance the building lags a lot as you
1582s may notice but yeah here I can basically
1584s you know get an overlay of what the shot
1586s will look like and you know move the
1588s camera around and place it in the world
1590s I can even like move around and it will
1592s save this so like this will be a really
1594s strange animation here so like whoa look
1597s at that you know stuff like that so this
1600s is the tool that we use when we create
1603s all the shots for our trailers it is
1605s very nice to use a sequencer because
1606s it's very deterministic using the
1608s sequencer we can really like play in
1610s sequence and create these kind of shots
1612s uh sometimes we record straight from
1614s gameplay so like we'll play the game and
1616s record footage and that's really useful
1618s when we have like multiplayer sessions
1620s where we like want to showcase like
1621s first person shots of things happening
1623s and very specific things going on that
1625s are a little bit more complex to be able
1627s to create in the sequence ER because in
1628s the sequence you have to like manually
1629s create all these things uh for instance
1631s in the opening shot for the update 6
1633s trailer you know the car coming in and
1635s stopping I had to I had to manually
1637s animate that sometimes it's nice to just
1639s like play the game and just have it come
1641s in and break but when you do that it's a
1643s little bit more tricky to think get
1644s things timed properly so working in the
1646s sequencer is really like the preferred
1648s way of doing things because when you're
1649s work in the sequencer you know that you
1651s get the shot um otherwise we'd have to
1654s like get recording sessions running and
1656s if you have multiplayer you need
1657s multiple people so obviously that a
1659s little bit tricky we actually have an
1661s example of that uh with the 1.0 trailer
1663s when we made the shot for the um trucks
1667s uh coming into frame oh that looks good
1670s oh this was oh this was the take guys
1672s this was the take this was the best take
1674s we've done holy so yeah here here
1677s you have it here's the scene uh we can
1679s actually fly around a bit you may not
1680s have noticed that the logo for coffee
1682s scene is an actual physical thing in the
1685s world uh we decided to do this instead
1687s of superimposing it imp post because we
1689s felt like this saved a lot of time we
1692s also had more it was easier to plac it
1695s and it's also stuff like this where like
1696s the Manta for instance over here like
1698s that's also animated so I can control
1701s exactly where it is in the frame and
1703s whatnot and same thing with like all the
1704s planets and all that stuff I can
1706s position them perfectly in the world you
1707s can see that like I have this planet
1709s over here this is actually scripted so I
1712s can actually like move this around so
1714s that it's perfectly inframe so like here
1717s I I set the actual like position of it
1720s and whatever like how it's rotated in
1722s the screen and where it is and and
1725s whatnot so like all these things are
1727s very meticulously planned out for the
1729s sequencer uh to get the shot that we
1730s want and the main thing I want to draw
1732s your attention to here is like the
1734s factory looks like this for this opening
1736s shot and in the next shot it looks
1738s completely different like suddenly
1739s there's whole this thing here conation
1742s wise it doesn't make much sense um but
1745s the shot is like really nice uh you know
1749s and uh yeah it's really important to for
1751s us to like get the composition down
1754s because like in the Heat of the Moment
1755s you're not going to like see these two
1757s shots and be like actually the factory
1758s doesn't look exactly the same I mean you
1760s will uh but that's not really important
1763s the important thing is that the shots
1765s tell what they're supposed to tell uh
1768s and in this case it's the the Pioneer
1770s going oh my little tummy um and
1773s then we have this closeup of the pioneer
1775s going like that and then we switch back
1777s and the Pioneer like looks around and
1779s obviously we have the shot where it's
1781s does the zoom in maybe I'll load that in
1785s and then the Pioneer runs away and like
1787s here's the block out of that shot where
1788s we just get like poses and whatever and
1790s try to figure out and and you know
1792s they're kind of similar like they have
1793s the they don't have the exact same
1795s composition um but you know you get the
1798s point and especially this run
1800s cycling perfect and there's a lot of
1802s stuff going on as well like for instance
1804s there's we've added a bunch of Lights
1806s here to like make the background look
1808s nice and like this purple light here
1810s which like comes from the I already
1813s forgot what this product is called but
1815s like we try to Spruce it up a little bit
1817s and and you know add a little couple of
1819s Lights here and there to to make it uh
1822s look nicer and you know add a little bit
1824s of uh depth of field and that kind of
1827s stuff um to make it look nice once we
1830s finished all these shots and we have
1831s them ready uh what we do is we just plug
1834s them into this like kind of batch
1837s program where we then uh run them and
1840s render them so we take advantage of the
1842s Unreal Engine render pipeline which
1844s means that it will sort of like boot up
1846s the game and then it will render out the
1848s sequence now the the cool thing with the
1849s render pipeline is that it is possible
1851s to make sure that the game you know you
1853s always get perfect like 60 FPS uh this
1856s trailer was made in 24 FPS because 24 is
1860s usually like a little bit more gets you
1862s a little bit more like cinematic feel
1863s rather than like gameplay feel but the
1866s uh 1.0 trailer was made in 60 FPS uh
1869s because we wanted that to like actually
1870s look like the game and and play sort of
1872s like the game in a way it wasn't as
1874s important that it was cinematic as much
1876s as you know showcasing the game itself
1879s and the thing with the render pipeline
1880s as well is that like you know everything
1882s that we do for our trailers they're all
1884s ingame like that we're using in-game
1886s assets uh it's not like a it is is
1888s pre-rendered but we're not like adding
1890s things that you wouldn't be able to have
1892s yourself in the game now granted we are
1895s you know using the render pipeline to
1897s build to have like no laoding for
1899s instance so like everything looks crisp
1900s in the background making sure that all
1902s animations run perfectly you know we
1904s might have humongous factories that are
1907s going to run perfectly smooth in 60 FPS
1910s when you render but maybe not on like
1912s the same machine and this is a little
1914s bit of like a
1915s tricky balancing act that we have to
1917s play with constantly because we want the
1920s game we want our trailers to sort of
1921s reflect what you're going to get when
1923s you play the game uh but you obviously
1925s won't have like this all these depth of
1927s field and all all the Cinematic stuff uh
1930s so it's a yeah it's a it's a line we
1932s have to draw somewhere you know as to
1934s how detailed we can make it look but
1936s theoretically it is possible to make the
1938s game look exactly like they do in the
1940s trailers but you know realistically most
1943s people probably won't have you know as
1945s nice looking uh you know settings for
1949s all this stuff and have it run this
1950s smooth there's an argument to say like
1952s oh this is a little bit deceiving and I
1954s totally get that um this is something
1956s that we constantly have to think about
1958s especially also when we're doing like
1959s post production and doing color grading
1961s uh we also try to you know we want to do
1963s a little bit of color grading but
1964s sometimes it looks too off and then
1966s people notice that and you know yeah it
1969s it's you need to like look at our
1971s trailers and be like yeah that is the
1972s game mostly we don't want to deceive
1974s anyone but we do want to make it look as
1976s nice as it can possibly be and like like
1978s I mentioned before like all these
1979s animations that I'm playing right now um
1981s they've been created in Maya by our
1983s animator and then I created like the
1985s mockup animation uh in control rig but
1988s at the end of the day it's our animator
1989s sitting with Maya and then importing it
1991s into Unreal Engine uh to make it fit and
1993s whatnot and then we have like this shot
1995s with the Pioneer running and all the
1996s stuff in the foreg and whatnot um and
2000s yeah this there's a lot going on in this
2002s shot um for this I've added like
2005s particles in the background so like when
2007s the Pioneer jumps over over the the
2009s thing for instance you can see the
2010s particles in the background fly off
2012s they're they look really nice with the
2014s bokeh here the depth of feel and it's
2017s there's like slow motion going on um and
2020s then like this this get like the
2022s particles from the hand playing here so
2025s you can you see the smoke here going
2028s off her hand is on fire one really nice
2032s thing with the sequencer is that it's
2033s really easy for me to compose with all
2036s the elements that we have in the game
2038s and sort of put them together so for
2039s instance uh this shot where the Pioneer
2041s is running um like the regular Sprints
2045s animation here is is just the Running
2047s Animation from the game that I've just
2048s sped up a little bit it's been sped up
2050s by like 15% basically and then when she
2054s jumps that's like a custom animation uh
2058s that was made with just the jump in and
2060s then I just like tweak it and time it
2062s into the Run
2064s sequence um in the sequencer as you can
2067s see so you can see see here like right
2069s how it weighs into um you know and I can
2072s I can move this around so like if I
2074s wanted the Pioneer to jump earlier I
2076s could move this over here and you can
2078s see her like Fading Into the jump here
2081s and completely missing the mark so so
2084s it's really easy to like tweak these
2087s things uh in engine and like you know
2089s pin pinpoint animations and whatnot um
2093s and the same thing here like she's
2094s running and then we have a separate
2096s slide animation here so B Bally just
2098s time take like all these different
2100s animations and and just like take what I
2102s need and put them in the timeline and
2104s time them up and and just pick and
2106s choose what I need for the animation in
2108s the whole sequence when you're playing
2110s the game in general we do have a bunch
2112s of effects here like going off when you
2114s know it's building stuff but we needed a
2116s bit more we needed to juice it up a
2118s little bit more for the Traer so I added
2120s a ton of like these Sparks effects um
2123s that I made myself custom by the way uh
2126s to like better high and like different
2128s angle so it shows up better in the shot
2131s uh you you'd be surprised how much you
2132s need to cheat to make it look good and
2134s like for this shot here um I've added
2137s like VFX here to the right so you see
2138s like the little Sparks um there's also a
2141s ton of lighting change here so there's a
2144s ton of like lights that turn on as she
2146s gets closer to it uh and like there's a
2150s spotlight on the Hub that also like
2152s emphasizes the exposure so I turn down
2154s the exposure a bit so that like the Hub
2157s stands out a bit more
2158s um I add like more chromatic aberration
2160s as she gets closer to the hub like to
2162s really like drive that feeling of like
2164s that dread like oh I need to go I'm
2166s about to my pants you know
2169s um just like drive that further in and
2172s also doing this like Hitchcock effect uh
2175s where I am panning the camera back but
2177s I'm zooming in and that gives this like
2179s weird feeling where like things in the
2182s background becomes smaller so you see
2184s like these refineries in the background
2186s um and it's sort of a similar situation
2188s there like I had to build these
2190s refineries in such a specific location
2192s so that they would show up perfectly in
2194s frame uh so I I I legit had to set up
2197s this composition and then like build and
2200s move these factories around to make sure
2202s that when you get this Hitchcock effect
2205s that like they would move properly and
2207s and look weird and all that stuff um so
2210s so yeah this this shot there's a lot of
2212s stuff going on in this shot and then
2214s like as she runs into the the frame we
2217s have this other pioneer reacted to it
2218s dead p uh fun fact this like running
2222s thing here that's from the blockout we
2226s didn't change that at all we F we
2228s thought it was funny if like the turn
2230s and this all looked so dumb so we just
2233s kept it uh it kind of plays into the
2236s whole goofiness of it uh because like
2238s really like the whole trailer is so like
2241s dramatic up until this shot and like
2243s this shot is just like this is where you
2245s know the punch line is so it's fine if
2247s it looks weird and Goofy and and
2249s whatever and like really when we're
2250s making all these shots like we're just
2252s going back and forth constantly uh with
2254s everyone in the in the in the trailer
2256s Task Force Team uh you know looking at
2260s the shots you know having artists like
2262s draw on it on the frame and be like it
2264s would be nice if you move this uh the
2267s composition is a bit weird uh we're just
2269s like constantly iterating on these shots
2272s not only animation but also composition
2274s and lighting and you know all these
2276s effects and just like constantly render
2278s out shots and updating like our little
2281s blockout video and eventually you know
2284s our little temp video that we made with
2286s storyboards are replaced with you know
2288s shots that are in work work in progress
2291s and then eventually they're replaced by
2292s new shots and eventually you have a
2294s trailer and just like keep it iterating
2297s all these things um and eventually you
2300s you get to the point where you just have
2301s a trailer and and you know make
2303s adjustments to make sure that the
2305s lighting works for the shot so for
2306s instance here in this shot I have a
2307s little B of A Rim light on the Pioneer
2309s to just make her stand out a little bit
2311s better against the background uh and
2313s stuff like that and and we just go
2315s through scene by scene and add all these
2317s like little tweaks here and there to
2318s make sure that everything works and then
2320s once we have all these shots set up in
2323s sequencer we just put it in the render
2325s queue and then we set uh start the
2328s render and when we start the render it
2329s will sort of uh apply all these like Max
2332s settings to the render to make sure that
2333s it looks neat um and like it will do its
2337s own anti-aliasing pass so it kind of
2340s upscales the image and then uh renders
2343s it at a higher resolution and then down
2344s scales it and stuff like that so we get
2346s like maximum quality on the render and
2349s this takes absolutely forever and it's
2351s really stressful because when you're on
2353s a tight deadline and you constantly have
2355s to wait for renders uh it it it's really
2359s stressful you know running the game at
2361s these like high settings and like
2363s loading in so many things is quite
2365s taxing on the system and as an example
2369s uh the last shot for the 1.0 trailer
2371s took 21 hours to render and it failed
2374s twice during that render when we were
2376s doing that um and it was really clutch
2380s the final render for that shot was made
2383s it was finished on the same day as it
2385s released um 1.0 so
2390s uh yeah it's oh boy clutch so for a lot
2395s of stuff that we make for the trailers
2397s we usually just use Onre engines tools
2399s uh We've also made some custom tools for
2401s our trailer specifically so uh for
2403s instance in the 1.0 trailer we had this
2405s like time lapse running we actually made
2407s a custom time-lapse Tool uh to be able
2409s to like spawn factories and have them
2412s kind of play out as if they were made in
2415s and in the game and we were just
2417s recording it but actually those were
2419s made in the sequencer and they were
2420s created in engine and we also had a
2422s similar tool where we were able to like
2424s record ourselves running around in first
2427s person and then uh importing that into
2429s the sequencer and have it play out as if
2431s we were playing to make it you know seem
2433s natural and seem like actual gameplay um
2437s but in in truth it was all made in
2439s sequenc so after all that grind making
2441s all these shots in editor and creating
2443s all the sequences and rendering them and
2445s whatnot uh we take all these clips and
2447s we pull them into Premiere and we start
2449s editing and we actually uh add a little
2452s bit of leeway in every clip that we make
2453s so that we have some editing power uh
2456s because sometimes a lot of things can
2458s actually change in the edited and uh
2461s sometimes we realize that we need
2462s something else or another shot um once
2465s we start editing it so it's nice to like
2467s edit as you go uh in fact like we almost
2470s have like a an edit ready before we even
2473s have all these shots rendered um just so
2476s we know like timing wise what we want to
2478s do and and whatnot so we edit it up and
2481s tighten it up and once we get to the
2482s point where we can uh freeze the edit as
2485s in like say like okay we're not touching
2488s the edit anymore this is when we send it
2490s off to the audio people so that they can
2492s add audio design um and you know tweak
2495s up anything that may be needed with
2497s music and and whatnot and let me tell
2500s you this uh when you've made the edit
2504s and you send it over to the audio people
2506s when you get the audio back that's when
2508s it starts feeling like an like a trailer
2510s like audio design adds so much to the
2512s trailers they're so uh underutilized in
2516s a lot of stuff I would would say uh
2518s audio is so important in anything cuz
2521s without audio our trailers are kind of
2523s lame I would say like it really needs
2526s the music and the sounds and everything
2527s to make it all come together um so yeah
2530s it it's just it's such a gratifying part
2533s of the process when you've made all the
2535s stuff and you send it off to them and
2537s then you get audio passes back and it's
2539s like H now it feels like a trailer and
2542s then we have a little bit of an
2543s iteration there like tweaking up
2544s anything we want to change or any audio
2546s effects that we want to add sometimes we
2548s also do a little bit of a color grade at
2549s this point where we you know maybe tweak
2551s some saturation values in here and there
2553s or do something uh else that is needed
2557s like a post-processing effect or
2558s something but for the most part we try
2559s not to do too much because like I said
2561s before um we typically want the trailers
2565s to sort of look like the game so we
2567s don't want to you know change too much I
2569s I found sometimes when we made two harsh
2571s color grades in the past people have
2572s commented like oh the game looks
2574s different now and we don't want that we
2576s don't we want the trailer to reflect
2577s what the game looks like so that you
2579s know you know what you're getting and
2580s last but not least we add these like
2581s title cards or end cards uh that
2583s actually have a lot of effort put into
2585s them as well uh almost every update
2587s we've made have had some kind of like
2589s really neat like design to the title of
2591s each update to make them look good and
2593s they also animate well and and that kind
2595s of stuff and for the toilet flush we
2596s wanted to make this like dumb D toilet
2599s flush letters flowing in fly like
2602s letters flying in and crushing the thing
2604s and like cool sound effects and whatever
2606s and timing to the music music and uh
2609s yeah really neat and the titles and like
2611s all this like cool graphics they're
2612s usually made in After Effects by uh one
2615s of our UI artists and that is the entire
2617s process of how we create trailers here
2619s at Cain all the way from ideation up
2622s until the point where it reaches your
2624s screen so thank you so much for sitting
2626s down and watching this video and I also
2629s want to mention that this is actually
2630s going to be the last video that I make
2633s here on this channel so I want to say a
2636s big thank you to everyone watching
2637s watching my videos over the years on
2639s this channel and uh until I see you all
2642s again take
2644s [Music]
2651s care all right let's let's get out of
2653s here
2661s [Music]