about 2 months ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s huh oh no I hit the
3s mic are you okay
5s Mike no I'm quite pissed off oh no I'm
9s sorry
11s Mike what's sup nerds hope you're doing
13s well I hope you're playing factoral uh
16s right now because factorio 2.0 was
18s released this week and also their DLC
21s Space Age came out this week and I
23s highly recommend you guys checking it
25s out you know satisfactory would not be
28s satisfactory without factorio so they
30s deserve your love please please play
32s that game and uh check out that DLC
35s we're also going to talk about patching
36s for satisfactory going forward up until
38s fixmas uh namely that there won't be any
40s patching going forward until fixmas and
43s I'm going to explain why in the video
45s that you're currently
46s watching um and we'll also mention
49s briefly again the golden joystick award
50s thing at the end so so let's dive into
53s it so a couple of weeks ago we hosted a
56s live streaming event called The Spill
58s and I hope you guys tune in for that and
59s I hope you guys like liked it because
61s we've never done anything like that
63s before having like a production company
65s and all that stuff and then like
66s organize an event like that um so yeah I
70s hope you guys liked it I hope we can do
71s it again I hope we can become like an
73s annual thing and we talked to many
76s developers but satisfactory was one of
78s the like elements of the stream and we
81s talked a bunch of stuff so let me just
83s give you a really quick teal the on what
86s we talked about during the spill uh by
88s the way the spill the entire stream is a
90s available on our YouTube channel here
92s there's probably a link or card or
93s something um and it's been timestamped
96s now so you can skip to like the specific
98s segments if you just want to watch like
99s the segments for satisfactory you can do
101s that um there'll be more in-depth
103s information there but I'll just give you
105s a real quick tldr rundown right now so
108s during the spill we announced that we
110s have a new game director for
111s satisfactory which is emit uh Mark never
114s planned to be game director for
116s satisfactory post 1.0 uh he's going to
119s be doing other things sa off his thing
121s he's still around so he's not like fired
122s or anything like that
125s unless no uh he's still around he's
127s doing other things uh he's healthy he's
130s eating good um so yeah EMT is now doing
133s all the game Direction stuff for
135s satisfactory post 1.0 and the main thing
138s that we confirmed during the spill was
139s that we're working on a new free update
141s for satisfactory which has the working
143s title 1.1 and this is going to come out
146s sometime early next year
148s 2025 uh and we have revealed much of
151s anything that's coming in 1.1 apart from
154s that we're going to be adding straight
156s pipes so a build mod for pipes that's
159s similar to the conveyor
161s belts finally but before 1.1 comes out
164s we were going to be updating fixmas for
167s satisfactory fixmas is going to get the
169s 1.0 treatment so to speak fixmas was all
172s like last second almost like get
174s everything in rush it and now we
176s actually have time to sort of spend some
177s time and like polish that stuff so so
179s yeah f is going to get the 1.0 polish
181s treatment there's also going to be a few
184s game design changes I don't know exactly
186s what those are but that's what they're
188s telling me to say um this is also going
190s to be new calendar so essentially fixas
192s is just going to get a big facelift and
195s um we hope you'll enjoy it and we also
197s confirmed that satisfactory is coming to
199s console in early 2025 so very exciting
203s and one thing also want to mention when
204s it comes to console is that the
206s controller support that we're
208s implementing for console uh we're aiming
210s to like give you guys on PC sort of a
213s first look on that so we hope we can
215s release uh controller support on PC
218s first to sort of get some feedback from
220s you guys what it's like playing with a
221s controller and hopefully take that with
223s us uh into the console version before we
226s launch that we're also considering doing
228s some DLC for satisfactory we haven't
230s fully decided yet what that will entail
232s and like what the size of it and and
234s what it is we're actually currently
235s brainstorming this stuff um and we
239s kindly ask you all to leave some
241s comments maybe here uh as to like what
243s type of content you would like to see in
245s the DLC and what what kind of content
247s you would pay for uh for satisfactory uh
250s we're really curious about that and
251s we're trying to work that out so it
253s would help us a bunch if you could give
255s us some insight as to like what you guys
257s would want to see in DLC for
259s satisfactory alongside of like any free
261s updates that we make so that was mainly
263s the stuff that we unveiled on The Spill
265s and again you can check out the spill in
267s the cards of description or whatever um
269s remember remember it's time stamp so you
271s can jump around to the satisfactory
272s elements and uh yeah hope you liked it
276s so as you probably know since 1.0 launch
278s we've been uh plugging the game with a
280s couple of hot fixes here and there and
282s at the time of recording this we've
283s released four hot fixes uh for 1.0 and I
287s believe when this video comes out there
289s will be another one uh 105 we probably
292s have released this week uh if not it
295s will come very soon um but essentially
298s that patch 10 five is going to be the
301s last hot fix that we do before fixas uh
304s we're not going to stop working on
306s fixing bugs for the game or anything
307s like that it's just that we need to sort
309s of
310s um gather our thoughts or whatever like
313s we need to to reconvene and and save
315s some of this hot fixing for fixmas
317s because otherwise like when we're
319s testing for fixas it's easier if we just
321s have like one thing we're testing
322s instead of having to like continuously
324s roll out this Patches at the same time
326s so um we're still working on how fix
328s this but they won't come until fixed so
330s this this last patch 105 is the last
333s patch you'll see before uh early
335s December and there are some noteworthy
336s fixes in this last patch uh one is that
340s we've readded the clearance
342s visualization on buildings when snapping
344s remember those like box bounding boxes
345s that show up uh a lot of people gave us
347s feedback that they didn't like that so
349s we removed it and then a lot of more
350s people gave us feedback that they really
352s wanted that um so now it's a toggle in
354s the options menu so you can turn it on
356s and off if you want to so uh hopefully
358s everyone's happy now there's also some
360s performance optimization in regards to
362s when you're placing Holograms so in 1.0
365s there used to be an issue where if you
366s had a lot of build lels in close
367s proximity for instance when you build a
369s lot of blueprints and stuff and when
371s you're trying to like Place new
372s Holograms when they're close to these uh
374s the game would just essentially come to
376s a crawl and we've improved that a lot uh
379s there's still some optimization needed
381s but at least it should be a lot better
382s now we also fixed that when some players
384s tamed a lot of lizard Doos they would
386s make like a lot of other creatures on
388s the map stop spawning so like if you had
390s a lot of lzard dog are tamed there would
392s just be no creatures on the map after
394s that so that's been fixed um there's
396s also like a couple of multiplayer fixes
398s here and there and we've also updated
400s the Community Driven
402s localization um so those should also be
405s in this patch there's of course more
406s things coming so check out the patch
407s notes if the patch is already out and if
409s not then wait for the patch notes I
411s guess um so yeah so we are working on
414s more fixes for 1.0 uh they're not going
417s to end or anything like that it's just
418s that it's easier for us to bundle them
419s with the fix must release at this point
421s uh and it's just like better workflow
423s for us to like bundle everything instead
425s of like you know patching continuously
427s so at the start of December when fixmas
429s kicks off that's when you'll get all
430s these like hot fixes that we're working
432s on currently the last thing I want to
433s mention is that we have been nominated
435s for the golden joystick award for PC
437s game of the year which we're super
439s honored by and uh I don't know yeah
443s feels great and you guys can vote on us
446s if you want us to win that uh award so
449s there's a link in the description the
451s website is a bit finicky to use but um
454s if if you really care about us then then
456s you'll persevere right um so so if you'd
460s like to vote for us for PC game of the
461s year for the golden joystick Awards then
464s feel free to do so and yeah short and
466s sweet video hopefully um thank you so
468s much for everyone tuning in and uh we'll
471s see okay bye
484s was there anything
486s else play Victoria they'll never see
488s this one
492s [Music]
497s coming amazing ending I so
504s [Music]
508s talented done now I'm going to go on
510s vacation for two weeks