5 months
ago -
Coffee Stain Studios
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | we have so much to talk about today holy |
3s | um we're going to talk about |
5s | Quantum Tech today we're going to talk |
7s | about some stuff that you saw from the |
8s | teasa video last week so if you haven't |
10s | seen that tea video you should probably |
12s | watch it before you watch this video |
13s | also want to mention real quick usually |
15s | when we make these teasa videos we aim |
16s | for like we'll make a teasy video |
18s | roughly like a minute or something like |
20s | that last week's video was 3 minutes |
22s | long uh teaser video which is by far the |
26s | longest we've ever done uh but that's |
28s | because there's so much cool stuff to |
29s | showcase here and uh I can't wait to |
32s | talk about this so let's dive into |
35s | it so I'd like to start this video by |
37s | talking about the end of the tea video |
40s | because at the end of the tea video you |
41s | saw a little cool thing you saw like a |
44s | miner placed on a cerium node uh a pure |
47s | coner note by the way and uh what do we |
50s | see we saw like a shiny new belt what is |
53s | that what could that possibly be all |
55s | right uh I'm going to tell you so that |
58s | is the Mark 6 belt all right so there's |
62s | another version of the conveyor belt the |
64s | Mark 6 belt uh a lot of people have been |
66s | specul about this like how are we're |
67s | going to solve that problem and uh we |
70s | were always going to do this we've just |
72s | been like lying when we said we didn't |
73s | know so yeah we have Mark six belts in |
75s | the game and we haven't changed any of |
77s | the numbers so on a pure node maybe you |
79s | didn't know this but on a pure node uh |
82s | when you plac a Mark 3 minor you and you |
84s | overclocked it uh fully it would say |
87s | that it would output 1,200 resources per |
89s | minute um but in actuality there were no |
92s | belts in the game that would be able to |
94s | support that and now there is and that |
97s | comes in the form of the Mark 6 conveyor |
99s | belt and here we have it look at that |
101s | wow I'm in the game running around um |
103s | quick side note I am playing this with |
105s | Advanced game settings enabled I have |
107s | like I'm I have fly mode on and like uh |
110s | there's no power on at the moment as |
112s | well so so you won't see that that stuff |
114s | I think it's just easier if I have this |
115s | on so I can demonstrate all this stuff |
117s | um just so you know uh and these are all |
119s | settings that you can have in the game |
121s | if you didn't know um so if anything |
124s | sounds like a little bit out of place |
125s | it's probably because I have as on |
127s | anyways so yeah here's the Mark 6 convey |
129s | Bel look at that wow shiny it even has a |
131s | cool lift that looks like this isn't |
134s | that awesome and uh yeah it's |
136s | transporting uh 1,200 resources per |
138s | minute which is a lot and just to give |
142s | you like a little bit of sense of scale |
143s | right on a pure node like this this is a |
145s | pure uh iron node on a pure iron node |
148s | overclocked Mar 3 minor 1 ,200 resources |
151s | that equates to like 40 smelters on one |
154s | single pure node that is pretty whack |
157s | just look at this when you look at the |
159s | the thing taken |
161s | up that's that's pretty nutty and that's |
164s | just one conveyor belt right so uh yeah |
167s | have fun with that now now it also maybe |
171s | makes sense when we talked about the |
173s | moving of nodes and whatnot in the world |
174s | like there are still more uh resource |
177s | nodes in on the map than there were |
179s | before but a lot of lot of people are a |
180s | little bit concerned like why are you |
181s | guys moving around the nodes in this |
183s | manner and it's partly because we needed |
185s | to balance the map with this in mind um |
190s | so so yeah that's that so not only are |
192s | Mark 6 conve bles great for you know |
194s | getting that pure node action going it's |
197s | also great for when you want to balance |
198s | your own factories when you needed more |
199s | than what the mark Fel could uh uh |
203s | Supply uh screws is one of those things |
205s | where it's nice to have a faster belt |
207s | even if you don't uh output that fast on |
210s | like in within your factory being able |
212s | to transport resources at this speed and |
214s | whatnot is still pretty great but I |
215s | don't have much more to say about Mark 6 |
217s | belts at the moment let's just dive into |
220s | the quantum Tech in tier 9 so in tier |
223s | 9ine you're get to get access to Quantum |
224s | Tech Quantum Tech features some of the |
226s | most complex production chains in the |
228s | game and uh there's a lot of really cool |
230s | like synergies between the different |
232s | production chains in tier n it's kind of |
234s | hard to talk about one without talking |
235s | about the other but we're going to start |
237s | by talking about the converter |
242s | [Music] |
244s | so the converter is this elusive |
245s | building we've had in all our teasers |
247s | you guys have seen it but you haven't |
248s | fully seen it so there you have it so so |
251s | what is the converter as the name |
253s | applies the converter is mainly there to |
255s | convert one raw resource into another |
258s | and there's a lot of cases why you'd |
259s | want to do this uh it it's great for |
261s | like avoiding logistical issues say that |
263s | you're setting up a factory and you |
265s | realize like oh I need a sulfur node and |
267s | the the sulfur node is like way off in |
270s | the distance um instead of having to |
272s | like logistically solve that by like |
274s | using trains or vehicles or whatever uh |
276s | you can use the converter to convert |
277s | like one of the other resources into |
279s | sulfur it's also a great way to sort of |
281s | balance out any factors that you have |
282s | already set up and you need like some |
284s | extra you know resources here and there |
286s | to be able to balance out uh your |
288s | production lines and there's also an |
290s | aspect of like if there are different |
292s | resources on the map that you feel are |
294s | lacking for instance a lot of people |
295s | complain about the fact that there |
296s | aren't enough sulfur nodes uh on the map |
299s | we have added more sua nodes but you |
301s | might still feel this way uh now it is |
303s | possible to sort of help yourself and |
306s | take the resource noes on the map that |
308s | you're not using to be able to convert |
310s | them into something more useful but |
311s | there's a limit as to how you can |
312s | convert each resource you can't take any |
314s | resource and convert it into whatever um |
317s | there is a logic as to like what each |
319s | resource on the map can be converted to |
321s | but it is possible to chain them up uh |
324s | to get the like from the node that |
326s | you're starting from to the resource |
328s | that you need but in order to convert |
329s | one resource to another you need one |
332s | extra little thing some little little |
334s | secret thing you need to put in there |
335s | and that is |
337s | re so by combining iron ore for instance |
341s | with you can create sulfur but that's |
343s | not the only thing that converted does |
345s | it has many tricks of its sleeve and one |
347s | of which is to produce uh one of the new |
349s | ingots in the game which is fix site |
351s | ingots and in order to create fix site |
353s | ingots you need to take uh an existing |
355s | Ingot and combine it with uh similar to |
360s | to the regular conversion there's |
362s | actually multiple ways you can create um |
365s | this Ingot and that is by combining |
367s | either iron ingots cerium ingots or |
370s | aluminium ingots |
371s | with depending on the complexity of the |
374s | Ingot that you put in you get a |
375s | different yield so aluminium ingots for |
378s | instance uh will yield more uh fix side |
382s | ingots rather than if you just used uh |
384s | iron ingots the description for fix site |
386s | ingots is that it's synthesized by Fixit |
389s | to be the perfect con construction |
390s | material and with the fix site Ingot |
392s | you're going to be able to produce this |
394s | little cheeky bugger so this is the fix |
397s | site Trion and it is perfectly shaped |
399s | for all construction challenges its |
401s | performance is so exceptional it |
403s | basically solved Structural Engineering |
406s | there you have it essentially this part |
407s | here the fix side Trigon is going to be |
409s | used in a lot of these like high-end uh |
412s | recipes um so this is like a little bit |
415s | of like low tier thing you're going to |
417s | need to figure out and produce these in |
418s | mass quantities so you can |
420s | produce some of these more complex Parts |
422s | but that's not the only thing the |
424s | converter can do it can also produce |
426s | this part and this is a Time Crystal so |
430s | time crystals are diamonds that have |
432s | been reconfigured on a subatomic level |
434s | in the converter to retain a Time |
436s | periodic self-organizing structure and I |
440s | mentioned diamonds uh because that's the |
443s | part that needs to be put into converter |
444s | to be able to produce this part and |
446s | diamonds are created in the particle |
448s | accelerator by putting in coal you need |
451s | a lot of coal by the way it's like 600 |
452s | coal per 30 diamonds uh so uh you might |
456s | have been wondering like why we added so |
458s | many coal nodes um partially this so to |
461s | produce these time crystals you first |
463s | need to make diamonds in the particle |
464s | accelerator with coal and then you feed |
467s | that into the converter uh to create |
469s | time crystals similar to the particle |
471s | accelerator the converter is also one of |
473s | those buildings that fluctuates in power |
475s | so uh you need to keep that in mind the |
478s | converter has two conveyability inputs |
480s | and has one conveyable output and one |
483s | pipe output and we'll talk more about |
486s | that pipe output uh later that's not |
488s | everything new about the converter but |
490s | in order for me to keep talking about |
491s | the converter I also need to talk about |
492s | the other new machine so let's do that |
494s | instead so the other new machine we're |
497s | adding in TI your n is called the |
499s | quantum |
504s | encoder so yeah the quantum encoder huh |
507s | what a what a concept the quantum |
509s | encoder is probably the machine that |
510s | produces the most complex Parts in the |
513s | game um down to the quantum level |
516s | similar to the converter and the |
517s | particle accelerator the quantum encoder |
519s | also fluctuates a lot in power and it |
521s | fluctuates way more uh than either of |
524s | the other machines um so you need to |
526s | keep that in mind and the thing about |
528s | this machine is that it solves two of |
530s | the biggest mysteries we've had in Early |
532s | Access right so in satisfactory up into |
535s | this point there's been references to |
537s | two weird parts that you have haven't |
540s | been able to produce the superposition |
542s | oscillators and the quantum computers |
545s | right and while the quantum encoder does |
547s | produce super Precision oscillators it |
549s | does not create quantum computers so |
552s | eagley viewer may have noticed in the |
554s | teaser video that we did see the quantum |
556s | uh computer it is there in the TC video |
559s | you can see it coming out of the uh |
561s | manufacturer but what people have |
563s | spotted is the fact that the recipe for |
566s | quantum computers is the same as |
568s | supercomputers |
570s | hm isn't that strange um yes it is uh |
574s | are we going to get an explanation for |
576s | that um maybe so yeah what's going on |
579s | why what's happening here so I'm going |
582s | to give you the full rundown here and it |
584s | it's a bit confusing okay but just bear |
586s | with me all right so um quantum |
590s | computers are not a thing anymore okay |
593s | quantum computers are gone from the game |
595s | uh but they're not gone they're still if |
597s | you have quantum computers in your |
598s | inventory they're going to exist but |
601s | they're not going to do anything so what |
603s | has happened is We have replaced the |
604s | mesh for supercomputers with the mesh |
607s | from quantum computers so these are |
609s | supercomputers that you're seeing |
610s | rolling here on the Belt uh being |
612s | produced from the manufacturer um and |
615s | being fed into the quantum encoder we |
616s | felt that it was strange that you would |
618s | create quantum computers and then put |
621s | them into the quantum encoder um if it |
624s | felt like it made more sense that you |
625s | would create a quantum computer from a |
627s | supercomputer and you would do that in |
629s | the quantum encoder so we have moved |
631s | things around a little bit we also |
633s | really like this mesh we think it's |
634s | really cool so that's why we decided to |
636s | replace supercomputers uh with the mesh |
639s | of quantum computers but these are not |
640s | quantum computers they're |
642s | supercomputers does this make sense I |
644s | don't know if it does all you need to |
647s | know is that these are supercomputers |
649s | and they're being fed into the quantum |
651s | encoder and to take the place of quantum |
653s | computers we have to replace it with |
655s | this new part and this part is called |
657s | the neural Quantum processor but it's |
659s | not like this is replacing quantum |
661s | computers it's a new part and it's not |
663s | going to like change quantum computers |
664s | into this part this is like a new part |
666s | for anyone who's never played before 1.0 |
668s | this won't be a problem but whatever so |
671s | in order to produce neural Quantum |
673s | processors you need supercomputers you |
675s | need fix site trigons that new like |
677s | triangle thing that we saw from the |
678s | converter uh you need time crystals |
680s | which are also produced in the converter |
682s | and you need something called excited |
684s | photonic matter and this is where the |
688s | pipe from the converter comes in into |
690s | play because you may have spotted that |
692s | from the converter there is a pipe |
695s | coming out of it but there's nothing |
697s | going in to the converter so it's just |
699s | like what's going on and yes this is |
701s | like one of the only resources in the |
704s | game that is produced by a machine that |
706s | doesn't require any input and that is |
708s | because the excited photonic matter is |
710s | being produced from the converter by the |
712s | fact that it is built |
716s | Byers it is being created by uh in |
720s | inducing intense Photon interactions |
722s | through exposure to |
724s | the in a high energy environment uh |
728s | inside the converter so that's the |
729s | reason why that's happening so yeah in |
731s | order to get exited photonic matter you |
732s | only need to to place down converters |
735s | and if you need more excited photonic |
737s | matter you just need to build either |
738s | more converters or you can overclock the |
741s | converters so excited photonic matter is |
744s | not a liquid but it's also not a gas uh |
748s | it's also not a solid and it's not a |
750s | plasma it's like its own thing and uh |
753s | Mark provided me with uh some scientific |
755s | reason as to like why it's not |
757s | a gas or liquid so I'm just going to |
758s | read that off so in essence excited |
760s | photonic matter is a Quantum state of |
762s | matter that doesn't fit into the |
764s | classical categories of gas solid liquid |
766s | or plasma it's an emerging phenomenon |
769s | that arises from the interactions |
771s | between light and matter at the quantum |
772s | level and excited photonic matter is |
775s | neither a gas or a fluid but it does |
777s | behave like a gas in the game so just |
780s | bear that in mind all of this will be on |
782s | the test by the way so I hope you took |
783s | notes the key thing about Quantum |
785s | encoder is that every single recipe that |
787s | goes into a Quantum encoder will require |
789s | excited photonic matter and every single |
792s | recipe that is produced in the quantum |
794s | encoder will create a byproduct called |
796s | Dark Matter residue and similar thing |
799s | there Dark Matter residue is not a gas |
801s | it's not a liquid it's something else it |
803s | behaves like a gas though uh but more on |
807s | that in a second if anyone tells you to |
809s | the gas it's wrong they got an F on the |
811s | test before we talk about Dark Matter |
813s | residual uh I'm going to show you the |
816s | super Precision osor recipe and in order |
818s | to create superos oscillators you need |
820s | excited photonic matter you need |
821s | alkalite aluminium sheets you need |
823s | crystal oscillators and you need |
825s | something called a dark matter Crystal |
828s | another new exciting part and this is |
830s | what that is this is a dark matter |
832s | Crystal and it is produced in the |
835s | particle accelerator here's the catch |
837s | okay uh in order for you to produce the |
840s | Dark Matter Crystal you need Dark Matter |
843s | residue so to create a dark matter |
845s | Crystal you need to combine diamonds |
848s | together with the byproduct from the |
849s | quantum encoder the Dark Matter residue |
851s | so it is a bit strange how you need the |
854s | byproduct of one part to be able to |
857s | produce a part that is needed to be able |
859s | to produce the byproduct um isn't that |
862s | strange yes it is and this isn't the |
864s | first time we've had in satisfactory |
865s | where you know you can use the byproduct |
868s | uh in one machine to like link it back |
869s | back and use it in in a previous step in |
872s | the chain such as for like aluminium |
873s | does that and and nuclear and whatnot |
876s | another unique thing with the Dark |
878s | Matter residue is also that this is not |
880s | a um this is not something you can |
883s | package and sync like for instance when |
885s | you're when you're processing box out |
886s | and that you can take like the |
888s | water and then package it and then sink |
889s | it with dark matter residue that is not |
892s | possible you actually need to produce |
894s | Dark Matter crystals to be able to sync |
895s | those uh to get rid of this so so how in |
898s | the heck are you supposed to solve this |
899s | problem well that's up to you uh figure |
902s | it out no um so so dark mattera residue |
905s | can also be produced in the converter so |
908s | you can take uh |
910s | Renna and put that in the converter and |
912s | that will produce Dark Matter residue um |
915s | and you can sort of use that to uh hook |
918s | it up into your chain um and and figure |
920s | it out so in this case for instance uh |
922s | when I made this I'm like you know |
924s | linking it back from the quantum encoder |
927s | into the particle accelerator and I'm |
929s | also like uh evening it evening it out |
932s | with the uh converter in this case so |
934s | you'll need to like figure this out and |
935s | balance this in your own Factory uh so |
937s | it makes sense to you and by combining |
940s | excited photonic matter super precis |
942s | oscillators neural Quantum processors |
944s | and uh magnetic field generators which |
947s | by the way we've changed the recipe for |
948s | these uh you no longer need batteries |
949s | for them uh to make magnetic field |
952s | generators now you just use versatile |
953s | Frameworks and electromagnetic control |
955s | rods if you combine all these parts |
957s | together you're going to be able to |
958s | craft one the new space elevator Parts |
961s | which is the AI expansion server and it |
964s | looks like this and you're going to need |
966s | one million of these to finish phase |
970s | five just kidding or am I so that's the |
974s | chain within Quantum technology uh but |
976s | there is more you can do in the quantum |
978s | encoder Than Just Produce these parts |
980s | and uh there are two really cool things |
983s | you can do so let's dive into that one |
985s | really neat thing you can do in the |
986s | quantum encoder is you can produce |
988s | synthetic power power shards so you no |
990s | longer need to go slug hunting uh that's |
993s | still going to be a thing in the game by |
994s | the way it's not like replacing uh Power |
997s | shards with this uh it's just like in |
999s | the end game you're going to be able to |
1001s | produce an automate power shards uh just |
1004s | in case you want to utilize o |
1006s | overclocking a lot more in in the end |
1007s | game and in order to produce uh |
1009s | synthetic power sharts you need to |
1011s | combine time crystals Dark Matter |
1013s | crystals quartz crystals and excited |
1016s | photonic matter and the last thing I |
1018s | want to mention about the qu encoder is |
1020s | that is now possible to produce a new |
1022s | power source inside its Factory so in |
1025s | the particle accelerator it's now going |
1027s | to be possible to produce a new power |
1028s | source called fixoni and there it is |
1031s | look at that isn't that cute it it |
1033s | really brightens up the room ah please |
1036s | don't |
1038s | Sue uh so yeah by combining Dark Matter |
1040s | residue you know the byproduct from qu |
1042s | coders uh Singularity cells which is |
1045s | also a new part it's produced here in |
1047s | the manufacturer and you make it |
1049s | combining nuclear pasta dark meta |
1051s | crystals iron plates and uh concrete uh |
1054s | and the last bit of ingredient to create |
1056s | uh fonum is plutonium waste look at that |
1061s | so uh for everyone who's been saving up |
1063s | their plutonium waste uh one of those |
1065s | things in the game that you can't syn |
1067s | and it's just like you need to store it |
1069s | and and solve that problem uh you're |
1070s | going to be able to use it uh in the |
1072s | part of particle accelerator to produce |
1074s | this new part instead and you may notice |
1077s | that the the fonum is going into the |
1078s | quantum encoder what's up with that |
1082s | I'll explain to you in a second calm |
1084s | down so yeah if we go back to the |
1085s | quantum encoder uh if you put in fonum |
1088s | you're going to be able to produce a new |
1090s | fuel Rod that you can put put into |
1092s | nuclear power plants uh which is called |
1094s | fonum fuel rods so by combining |
1096s | electromagnetic control rods uh fix side |
1099s | trigons excited photonic matters and |
1101s | fixoni you're going to be able to create |
1103s | uh fixoni fuel rods but the thing about |
1106s | fonum fuel rods is that it is the worst |
1108s | fuel Rod out of all the three fuel rods |
1111s | you can put in a nuclear reactor uh and |
1113s | the reason for that is because this fuel |
1115s | Rod doesn't produce any waste so this is |
1117s | a little bit of a trade-off there but at |
1118s | least when you have this production |
1120s | chain going you can completely get rid |
1121s | of waste if you want to all right so |
1124s | there you have it that is everything |
1126s | tied to Quantum Tech in tier 9 coming in |
1128s | satisfactory 1.0 so excited September |
1131s | 10th everybody it's it's almost here |
1133s | it's we're we're we're nearly there so |
1135s | close to the Finish Line um super |
1137s | exciting this is probably a very long |
1139s | video but I do have actually one more |
1141s | thing I want to talk about in this video |
1143s | before I leave off uh and it has to do |
1145s | with blueprints so I'd like to take a |
1147s | moment to talk about a little change we |
1148s | made and how blueprints work inide the |
1151s | factory so in oh jeez what the |
1154s | why is this so loud holy |
1156s | what's going on what the is going |
1159s | on out |
1166s | here holy lasers ch |