almost 2 years ago - /u/JaceAtCoffeeStain - Direct link

Originally posted by Temporal_Illusion


✓ This has been requested over, and over, and over again, and now Pioneer wishes have come true.

Hey Pioneer, fall in love with Blueprints all over again. 🥰


  • Intro - Jace begins the reveal of new Blueprint Improvements coming in Update 8.
  • Blueprint Changes NOT Coming
    • Increased Size of Blueprint Designer - This will not change in Update 8 (but while not mentioned, there is still a possibility that it might change in future based on feedback).
    • No Fixes To Blueprint Snapping Issues - They are not releasing any Fixes for snapping issues in Update 8 since most have been addressed in Update 7 (but any new or continuing snapping issues will be addressed in a Update 8 Patch based on feedback).
    • More Feedback Is Requested - For both the Blueprint Designer Size and Blueprint Snapping Function they want more feedback - AFTER Update 8 is released - on the Satisfactory Q&A Website where the CSS Game Developers will most likely see it.
  • New Blueprint Features
    • Intro / Quick Switch - Quick Switch where you tap [E] Key to quickly switch between Buildable's or hold [E] Key to see Radial Menu is not new, but is being added to Blueprints. What this means is that any Blueprints within a Category or Sub-Category will be available to quickly switch between.
    • Directional Arrow - There will now be a Arrow (◁ or ▷ or △ or ▽) showing the forward direction. NOTE: When a Blueprint is created / saved the Blueprint Designer Console is considered the "forward direction".
    • Nudge Mode - Basics - This will allow Pioneers to "nudge" the Blueprint.
      • You will have the ability to lock a Blueprint in place (step 1) while placing a Blueprint by pressing the [H] Key.
      • You can then check if it is placed correctly, and when happy / satisfied, then pressing the [H] Key again (step 2) will build the Blueprint.
      • In Nudge Mode (Key H pressed) Blueprint placement becomes a two-step process.
      • If Nudge Mode is not entered (Key H not pressed) then Blueprint placement is the current default one-step process using the LMB.
    • Nudge Mode - Advanced - While in Nudge Mode (Key H Pressed) if you need to adjust the placement you can then use the Arrow Keys to "nudge" your Blueprint in ONE METER increments on horizontal plane up to 8 Meters or 1/2 the width of the Buildable, which ever is bigger.
      • NO Vertical Nudging Possible (yet). Perhaps this should be suggested on the Q&A Website.
    • Nudge Mode Is Not Just For Blueprints - You can enter Nudge Mode (Key H Pressed) while in Build Mode for any Buildable (lock in place / check if it is ok) and use Arrow Keys to "nudge it" if desired, then press Key H again to build.
    • Blueprint Dismantle Mode - After pressing [F] Key (Dismantle Mode) you press [R] Key to toggle the "Dismantle Mode" between "Normal" and "Blueprint".
      • In Blueprint Dismantle Mode when you highlight one Buildable within a Blueprint it will highlight the whole Blueprint (even if one or more of the Blueprint Buildable's had been dismantled before), and then you can dismantle all remaining Buildable's place via a Blueprint.
      • IMPORTANT: In Blueprint Dismantle Mode it will NOT highlight Buildable's placed after the Blueprint was placed, like Power Cables, Conveyor Belts, Pipelines, Railways, etc.
  • Outro - Final comments by Jace.

🚩 No Update 8 Release Date Announced.

Thanks Jace, this really made my day! 😁

Minor correction (that wasn't in the video): H key toggles hologram lock on and off, building is still done with the mouse click.
So the flow is: position hologram, press H to toggle hologram lock, move around and nudge, click to build.
Thanks again for another informative post!

almost 2 years ago - /u/JaceAtCoffeeStain - Direct link

Originally posted by kinokomushroom

Ahh gotcha. Actually, I exist in both space and time too! We're pretty alike :D

i love this interaction so much xD