over 6 years ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s because looking at the camera will feel
2s like kind of yeah like I'm staring hi I
9s am Nastya Sam and I'm the game director
12s at posting videos
13s the initial idea of size factor was
15s actually a base defense game and we were
18s I remember it like it was yesterday and
20s we were like talking about game ideas
22s what can we do what it was a fun game
24s because that was in the stages when we
26s were starting to brainstorm for what
28s what's to come after go to and this idea
32s about a base defense game came up and
34s was like you go and you you have to do
37s everything from stuff but it's not
40s crafting like survival craftiness it's
43s more of Victoria inspired so it's
45s actually started as a way students game
47s primarily and then the factory part got
49s bigger and bigger and the fighting part
51s cut smaller and smaller so we actually
53s decided to not have that base defense
56s aspect in at all I mean obviously we had
58s a lot of discussions about it because
60s but it's a very compelling type of
64s gameplay we felt that it went very
67s contrary to to the main part of the game
69s we felt that if part of the game loop is
72s about counteracting what you're doing
75s primarily it doesn't really fit the
77s electricity goes out and suddenly you're
80s sure you have turrets but they can't do
82s anything so it's sort of the same
83s problem that's it's arguably worse
86s because you actually did everything you
87s could and then just anyway so
90s kammath will be it's not a super big
94s part but it is a part and you can't
96s really avoid it because when you go out
98s and explore especially when you find new
101s resources sometimes there will be nests
103s of enemies and they live like on top of
105s the resource you want so you have to get
107s rid of them to be able to get the
109s resource it also has us you're exploring
111s for other stuff they're gonna be around
113s an environment it's gonna be impossible
115s to play the game without having to fight
117s on it I'm
118s concerned about all of it I mean it's
124s it's a huge project and and there's so
128s many things interacting and I mean I'm
131s still not happy with it we want to not
133s only create opportunities for players to
136s ultimate things but well Swannack create
139s challenges for example there's a
141s reinforced steel plates to get enough
144s screws you gotta build one and a half
146s constructors and that's set up episode
148s obviously you can't just build one or
150s you can build one if you overclock it or
153s you could build several but we want to
154s find these places where we can make
157s things a little bit off they go like
159s they go together if you figure it out
161s it's sort of like a mini puzzle and if
163s you play single-player you have to do
165s everything yourself if you play
166s multiplayer and maybe you only build and
169s then you never go out for the score and
171s that's finding some people like that we
173s have signs and things planned so you can
176s the idea so you can mark them it's like
179s a star and here's the gold oh yeah you
183s can color things
185s select whatever color you want paint the
187s waves and vehicles you know as a
190s developer you get really hold bind
191s because you understand it so thoroughly
193s and and you can really miss obvious
196s things that are wrong getting people to
198s play it will first of all we'll find a
200s million bugs that we never thought that
202s happen and we'll find a million little
204s mistakes that we made we'll be able to
206s tweak and change things to fit better
208s together the the tasks like the design
212s tasks to do changes in scope basically
215s because when he start out in the
218s beginning of a project he do very very
219s broad strokes as for game director
222s verses came to find her it's it's a lot
224s of I guess administrative work now or
229s get also review people's work I'm
231s basically a gatekeeper is this done or
233s not people will you know they will come
235s to you and they will tell you like oh I
237s saw this the one we added this thing I
240s thought this would be really cool and
241s sometimes that's absurd it's like no
243s that's that's a terrible idea
245s but sometimes it's a really good idea
247s what's more important is knowing
249s Tydeus work well together so what you
252s should do is you should let people
253s express their ideas to you bad ideas are
256s not necessarily always bad they just
259s don't fit in this case so filter out the
261s things that don't fit and let the things
263s that fit well go in because you make the
266s game better and you make that person you
268s know more excited to work on the game uh
270s often people don't really know like they
272s had this idea and they they don't really
274s know what it is and they're trying to
276s express it so sometimes you gotta help
277s them you know get it out it's sort of
279s fish about time alert so I well coffee
298s stain right so i lurk forums i find out
303s what people say feedback ideas like the
306s Trello board i thought was amazing
307s not everything works and the game as it
310s is now some of the things are good and
312s especially when we see things people are
314s are others saying oh you should you
316s should do this like we got that blend it
319s feels good it's sort of a sign that were
322s on the right track it's it is exciting
324s but people have been this responsive i
328s didn't really expect this much hype i
332s mean i-i thought the game is good I was
334s hoping that other people would do as
336s well but I think the response has been
337s just massive and I I didn't expect that
340s that's and obviously that's really fun
343s it gives us a lot of energy because now
345s we know that people love it and it's
346s more people than really thought you know
348s we've got to make the best game
351s Thanks
358s [Music]
361s I sincerely think are the is if
364s they only come up with ideas well
366s then then they feel bad I guess but they
368s should feel bad because their ideas are