over 2 years
ago -
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Update 6 is out already and so we have some hotfixes for some of the most annoying crashes we saw :)
We’re leaving the office for the day so if we missed something let us know over at our QA Site: https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/ We’ll check all your posts with our morning coffee tomorrow.
See you all next time <3
- Fixed a crash when Client would place a second Truck Station
- Potential fix when returning to the main menu when having built Drones
- Fixed a crash related to creatures freezing up
- Fixed a crash when damaging a player inside a vehicle with explosive damage
- Fixed an issue with the Flying Baby Crabs not properly saving
- Fixed the Truck Stations UI not showing up properly for Clients
- Fixed a debug icon showing up on the Truck Station inventory when accessed for a second time by Client