almost 3 years ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
2s hey everyone my name is jason i'm a
3s community manager at coffee stain
4s studios and you know what game
6s developers use a lot of tools when
8s they're making games and uh probably
9s more than you even realized and so i
11s thought it might be interesting to show
12s you all every tool that we use to make
15s satisfactory i say every tool it's more
16s like most tools there's probably some
18s that's uh you know been missed but this
20s is a pretty comprehensive list and by
22s tools i specifically mean individual
24s pieces of software i'm not gonna go down
25s the rabbit hole of like plugins uh and
27s i'm not really gonna cover hardware
28s either and so what i'm going to do is
30s i'm going to group up the tools by
31s discipline and which means that i may be
32s repeating some tools and that's because
34s different disciplines use the same tools
36s but for different reasons and in
37s different ways and i thought it might be
39s interesting to highlight that and
40s there'll be like a timeline here so you
41s can skip to any specific discipline if
43s you want to find out what do the
45s programs use what do 3d artists use or
47s you can just sit and watch the whole
48s thing up to you but it's going to be a
49s long one yeah so this is going to be a
51s big old list so i'm just going to keep
52s things quite brief i'm just going to
53s talk about what tools we use what they
55s do how we use them and then uh you know
58s and show you some satisfactory stuff
60s inside those tools as well which might
62s be interesting to get some
63s behind-the-scenes looks at some things
65s so hopefully this is going to be
66s interesting or exciting for you whether
67s or not you're a satisfactory fan to see
69s the behind-the-scenes stuff or if you're
70s an aspiring game developer or an actual
72s game developer you're just curious about
74s what we're using or maybe it's like 2 am
76s and youtube recommended this to you for
78s some reason and you're just here and if
80s that's the case that's fine too hello my
83s name is jason i'm a community manager at
84s coffee stain studios we work on an open
86s world factory building and exploration
88s game called satisfactory if after
90s watching this video you're interested in
91s checking the game out there'll be links
92s in the description below uh for where
94s you can find it all right let's do this
95s vamanos so before we get into discipline
98s specific stuff before we get into the
99s meat and potatoes let's just do some
101s general tools that everyone is using
103s every day pretty much so the first tool
105s that i'm going to mention is of course
106s going to be unreal engine 4 we use
107s unreal engine 4 to make satisfactory so
110s if you don't really know what a game
111s engine actually is it's just essentially
112s a suite of tools that provide you uh
115s yeah tools in order to like render stuff
117s or play audio or do animations
118s programming just that's essentially what
120s it is and so engines don't necessarily
122s have to have fancy ui or anything to
124s them but unreal engine is actually just
126s kind of like a general purpose tool that
127s can be used to to make many different
129s kinds of games or applications and so it
131s has like a nice interface and a lot of
132s extra tools in it as well the next tool
134s that everybody uses is google google
136s search of course so like you know we're
137s always learning we sometimes run into
139s problems we can't figure out and we need
140s to google things to find maybe
142s documentation or message boards where
144s other people have like helped others
145s solve certain problems so google is a
147s huge part for pretty much everyone
149s across the uh all disciplines in game
151s development yeah if there's something
152s you don't know ask google sensei next up
154s is perforce perforce is a version
156s control software and basically that just
157s means everyone can submit their work and
159s their changes to the game to the uh
161s before server and that keeps track of
163s all the submissions that everyone has
164s made and can help with like merging any
166s sort of conflicts or anything like that
168s as well so that way everyone can just
170s you know get their latest files from the
171s server so they can be working with
173s everyone's latest work or even roll back
175s to previous versions if we need to
176s unreal gamesync is just a tool that ties
178s in with the before server and just
180s provides like a nice interface for
181s syncing unreal engine 4 projects we use
184s microsoft 365 internally at coffeestain
187s to varying degrees of reluctance but uh
189s we do okay so like that means just the
191s entire suite of microsoft products you
193s know that do various different things so
195s for example like sharepoint for our
197s intranet we use onedrive for file
199s sharing and storage uh we use outlook
201s inbox and calendar for scheduling events
203s and emails microsoft word powerpoint uh
206s you know all that kind of stuff uh teams
208s for chatting and file sharing as well
210s and we also use forums to uh collect
212s information internally or externally and
214s as for the microsoft office stuff like
216s word and excel and all that um we'll
218s talk more about those specifically later
220s in each discipline because different
221s disciplines use those for different
223s reasons and yeah we'll cover that a
224s little later we use which is
226s essentially just a task management tool
228s or planning tool uh and everyone just
230s uses to keep track of the
231s tasks that they have assigned to them
233s wireguard is a like vpn software and so
236s we use wireguard to set up vpns uh and
238s to allow us to connect to our internal
241s uh network at the office from home which
243s has been obviously very useful for us
245s during the pandemic and lastly we use
247s steam epic and humble these are just
248s basically where we distribute and market
250s our games but steam and epic also
252s provide a bunch of tools that we use for
254s uh certain tools and services for like
256s networking and things like that to get
257s the game running okay so moving on to
259s our first actual discipline of people
260s we're gonna be talking about the
261s programmers or i like to call them the
264s pro gamers so our programmers obviously
266s use unreal engine for their programming
267s in c plus
269s native code uh or also in blueprints as
271s well which is a visual scripting
272s language kind of in uh built into unreal
275s engine and uh so some people sometimes
277s ask us do your programs use c plus plus
278s or blueprint for the most part they they
281s prefer native so c plus plus uh
283s programming that's generally where most
285s of the programming work gets done
286s however blueprint is like an integral
288s part of the way unreal engine works and
291s it's also a very useful tool for our ui
293s artists and designers and so our
294s programmers do need to bridge the gap
297s between native and blueprints sometimes
298s and do have to do some things in
299s blueprints it sometimes it just makes
301s sense to do things in blueprints um you
304s know just got to use the right tool for
305s the right job and of course they use
306s unreal engine for testing the game and
308s debugging the game as well our
309s programmers also use visual studio and
311s writer these are two different softwares
313s but they're both ides which stands for
315s integrated development environments
316s essentially they're just tools that
318s allow our programmers to write code
320s build the code debug it and run it also
322s a handy tool that they use is they can
323s attach their editor to the unreal engine
326s sort of editor while they're testing so
327s they can like stop the game at any point
329s at any line of code and like figure out
331s what's going on just use that as a tool
332s to help with debugging or problem
333s solving so i say we use visual studio
335s and writer
336s it's more that some people like to use
338s visual studio and some people prefer to
340s use writer we have had a few of our
342s programmers move to ryder recently they
344s sort of feel that it's sort of more
345s geared a little bit more towards game
346s development or specifically unreal
348s engine 4 but essentially these are both
350s great tools and uh it's a matter of
352s preference and people are just using
353s what they want uh yeah so we kind of
355s just use both another tool our
356s programmers use is called beyond compare
358s and beyond compare is a tool for diffing
361s and merging and what that means is that
363s when for example when a programmer wants
365s to submit their their code uh to the
367s before server they need to diff and
369s merge their files to make sure that
370s there's no conflict so sometimes
372s different people will be editing the
374s same file and so when you try to merge
376s those together you need to figure out
377s what's the what what what are the
378s differences that's the diffing and then
380s you and then how to merge the code
381s together so that it actually all still
383s works and that's the merging part so
384s beyond compare is a tool that assists
386s with that but force actually has one of
388s these tools already built in but many of
389s our programmers prefer to use beyond
391s compare they think it has a few extra
392s features and yeah they just prefer that
393s some of us still use the before uh diff
395s tools as well and lastly our programs
397s also use notepad or notepad plus plus
399s just they're just basic lightweight text
401s editors you you all probably have
402s experience with notepad notepad plus
404s plus is also a lightweight text editor
406s but has some extra features in it as
407s well that uh and is kind of geared
409s towards uh programming things like
411s syntax highlighting and stuff like that
412s as well and our programs just use that
414s to like read log files or edit config
416s files just just really sort of basic
418s stuff the next discipline we're going to
419s look at are our 3d artists probably the
422s most important tool for our 3d artists
423s that they use is called blender blender
425s is a 3d modeling and animation software
427s but it can do much more than just 3d
429s modeling and animation and we use it for
431s game ready low poly 3d models and we
434s also use it for like uh uv texture
436s unwrapping and stuff like that uvs are
438s essentially just kind of like how you
440s unwrap your 3d models into a flat
442s surface so that you can paint textures
444s over them and we use blender mostly for
445s inorganic
447s objects so uh for example factory
449s buildings in satisfactory another tool
450s that they use is substance designer
453s substance designer is kind of this like
454s node based procedural texture creation
457s tool kind of thing and basically we just
459s kind of use that to generate or create
460s textures from scratch that we then use
462s in the game and oftentimes those
463s textures go over to our next tool which
465s is substance painter substance painter
467s allows our 3d artists to apply textures
469s or materials to models to create texture
472s maps that they can then use later in the
473s game and it also has the ability for
475s artists to actually literally hand paint
477s textures on to the model directly if
478s they wanted to next up is photoshop
480s adobe photoshop everyone here kind of
482s knows what photoshop is it's like an
483s image editing
484s photo editing uh or drawing application
487s with a lot of really handy tools for it
489s basically just you know 2d raster images
491s and actually many people at the office
493s use photoshop and our 3d artists use
495s photoshop specifically for just checking
496s textures or uh maybe even doing some
499s tweaking to the textures directly
500s because minor changes to textures can be
502s done a lot quicker in photoshop rather
504s than like substance painter or designer
505s and we also use photoshop to create
507s foliage textures so like uh like leaves
509s and things like that so those you know
511s we don't really generate those
513s procedurally in substance designer we
515s would just take like actual pictures of
516s leaves so we use photoshop to make you
518s know foliage textures out of that next
520s hole is marmoset tool bag three marmoset
523s is a software that predominantly is used
524s for real-time rendering but it can do
525s some other things as well and so we use
527s marmoset essentially for baking and what
530s that means is we take a high poly model
533s uh and we would bake certain details of
536s it into texture maps like the the
537s normals or the ambient occlusion and
539s things like that and so what we can do
540s is we can capture details from a high
542s poly mesh and then put it on a low poly
544s mesh and give the low poly mesh the
546s appearance that it looks uh the
548s appearance that it has details that it
550s actually doesn't right uh and so this is
552s a pretty common technique to uh make low
554s poly meshes look better than they
555s actually are essentially another tool
557s that we have used in the past i don't
558s know if we use it too much anymore it's
559s called xnormal and this is another you
561s know texture baking software another
563s tool that 3d artists use is zbrush
565s zbrush is like a 3d high poly sculpting
568s tool so different sort of workflow to
569s how things work in blender but we use it
571s for the most part for more high poly
573s things we mainly use it for more organic
576s things as well so think like rocks or
578s alien plants or creatures or even the
580s the pioneer themselves the main the main
582s character that you play as and then we
583s use some of these high poly versions to
585s uh you know to bake them in marmoset
587s another software that we don't actually
588s use anymore but we did use for a long
590s time is autodesk maya maya is also a 3d
592s modeling and animation tool so we do we
594s don't really use maya anymore for 3d
596s modeling we pretty much do all our
597s modeling in blender now there might be a
599s few models here and there that you know
601s we still have them in maya files but for
602s the most part everything is being done
604s in blender now the last tool that al 3d
606s artists use is called pureref it's a
607s free reference board tool and what that
610s basically means is it's just a place
611s where you can just drag and drop images
613s to create a board of reference material
615s or inspiration pretty much all artists
617s use references whenever they're creating
619s any kind of uh thing and so having a
621s tool to manage their reference boards
623s and to easily create reference boards is
625s pretty important as well and pref is
626s what our 3d artists use for that so for
628s the next group we're talking about our
629s 2d artists so the first tool is like a
631s bit of a no-brainer um it's going to be
633s adobe photoshop so this is where our 2d
635s artists do a lot of their work and they
637s use it to create
638s their final production ready concept art
641s and also for any sort of like marketing
643s material that we need as well our 2d
645s artists also use procreate which is an
647s ipad only
648s drawing software and so they use that
650s for you know quick rough concepting and
653s scribbles and sketches and stuff like
654s that so i think a lot of their ideas
656s might start there
657s and so the last tool that our 2d artists
659s use is actually on religion 4. they also
661s use the engine as well they jump in
662s there
664s they use the engine to essentially block
665s things out to block out scenes or assess
667s scale between different items or
669s buildings uh before they you know go in
672s and start creating any sort of like
673s concept art that they might need to be
674s doing the next discipline is going to be
676s ui ui standing for user interface but
678s our ui artists also do ux which is user
682s experience so i they we consider them a
684s ui ux
687s beings
690s you are ux humans so our ui artists use
693s adobe illustrator actually which is um
696s something we haven't mentioned yet so a
697s lot of people know what photoshop is but
699s not as many people probably know what
700s illustrator is and they're kind of the
701s same thing they're both like image
703s creation or editing software however
706s photoshop focuses on raster images which
708s is images with pixel data like colors
710s and stuff in it think about pngs or
712s jpegs whereas illustrator focuses on
714s vector images and what vector images are
717s images that are created out of like
718s shapes and lines and curves and things
720s like that and so essentially those files
722s contain mathematical formulas that
724s recreate the images which then render to
727s your screen which is pretty fancy and
729s the main basically the main benefit of
731s this is that you can scale things up and
733s down for example and they never lose
734s quality that's one of the uh biggest
736s advantages of vector art and this could
738s be beneficial if you're thinking about
739s like print for example if you want a
740s logo on a business card or if you want
742s the logo on a billboard if it's made in
744s vector you don't have to make two
745s different versions you could just scale
746s it up or down this is also useful in
749s game dev when um you don't really know
751s how big your
753s ui elements need to be maybe they need
755s to be resized and be repurposed in other
757s ways maybe if your game ends up getting
759s like a mobile companion app and you want
761s to use the same ui elements you can
762s scale them down you don't have to
763s recreate new ones so yeah there's a lot
765s of benefits in starting in
767s adobe illustrator for ui elements and we
769s use illustrator to make all of our ui
771s elements our ui artists also use adobe
773s photoshop as well because at the end of
775s the day we will take those ui elements
777s made in illustrator those vector images
779s and we will need to convert them into
781s raster images into pngs which we can
783s then import into the engine so we use
785s photoshop to uh yeah basically export
788s them into pngs or maybe touch them up a
790s little bit if they need a little bit of
792s love or a little bit of tweaking our ui
793s artists also use unreal engine 4 and
795s this is because they not only just
796s design and draw the ui elements but they
799s also do some of the programming for it
801s as well so they need to use blueprints
803s to script the ui elements to work the
805s way that they want they use a thing
806s called umg which is basically the ui
810s tool i guess you could call it in unreal
812s engine 4
813s like a layout tool and things like that
815s so they use umg to set up their ui
817s elements and they also work with some
818s shaders which are basically small
820s scripts or programs that run kind of on
822s the graphics card and they use that to
824s manipulate certain ui elements to do
826s certain things one example is for
828s example the fluid animation on the uh
830s like on pipes for example uh there's
833s actually no animation on the artwork of
836s that there's no waves or anything like
837s that um that's all created using shaders
840s our ui and ux people also use microsoft
842s vizio and y ed these are both like
845s flowchart and diagramming tools um we
848s for the most part pretty much use wyatt
850s now it seems like we used to use visio
852s but we don't really use it anymore
853s um
854s and we use it to create like the menu
856s flow like you know how menu should work
859s what should happen when you click on
860s buttons et cetera et cetera this is more
862s of like the ux side of things user
864s experience and uh we weren't going to
865s talk about hardware but notebooks
867s apparently we need to put notebooks on
868s this list uh they use a lot of notebooks
871s just kind of need to
873s f for the trees the next discipline that
875s i'm going to talk about is animation and
876s i actually only have one piece of
878s software here one tool to to tell you
880s guys about really and that is autodesk
882s maya so i talked about maya before with
884s our 3d artists because we used to make
885s our 3d models in maya we don't do that
887s anymore but we do still animate in maya
889s so we use maya for animation and also
891s like rigging models so that they can be
893s animated so we weren't really going to
894s talk about plugins but um you know there
897s aren't too many tools under the
898s animation section anyway so uh and i was
900s told by max our animator that animbot is
903s a worthy mention here it's something
904s that he you know really relies on and
906s it's essentially just a plug-in that
907s gives a bunch of extra tools that makes
909s animating in maya much easier and he
911s thinks that it's a great idea that if
912s you're an animator and you haven't heard
914s of animbot that maybe you should check
916s out atombot so we're just going to
917s mention that here next up is vfx so
919s visual effects so think of like
921s explosions or little particle effects on
923s the screen or anything like that and so
924s the first tool that our vfx artist uses
926s is called houdini houdini is kind of
928s like an all-in-one 3d software but it's
930s like most well known for its simulations
932s so think about like destruction or fire
934s or fluids and physics etc it is a node
936s driven and parametric software so you
938s can basically connect nodes so they can
939s create behaviors that you want you can
940s tweak them with parameters as you go and
942s so our vfx artist uses houdini to create
945s dynamic simulations which you can then
947s convert into frames of animation and
949s then you can take those frames convert
950s them into like a flipbook kind of thing
952s and then use those as images on
954s particles in the game animated images
956s essentially the next tool that our vfx
958s artist uses is blender we've mentioned
960s blender before and basically he uses
962s blender for prototyping materials
964s quickly uh before implementing them in
966s unreal engine 4 or he also uses blender
968s to create 3d meshes that he might need
970s to use for various vfx purposes our vfx
974s artist of course also uses unreal engine
976s and yeah so our vfx artist uses this for
978s you know creating materials in unreal
980s engine but also uses the niagara
982s particle system we used to use cascade
984s which was the old one but niagara is now
986s production ready so we switched to
988s niagara they also used substance
990s designer another one that we mentioned
991s earlier and he would use uh substance
993s designer to create textures but
994s specifically kind of like noise textures
996s which can be useful for various reasons
999s in vfx and lastly he also uses adobe
1002s photoshop and this is also for just
1003s tweaking textures or
1005s or noise maps and things like that next
1007s discipline that we're going to talk
1008s about is tech art now tech art this is
1010s where the real big brain happens i
1012s mean everyone is very good at what they
1013s do but the tech art is some i hope i can
1015s do it justice this is some big brain
1017s voodoo magic so like
1019s if i get anything wrong i'm sorry i'm
1021s just doing my best be kind to me in the
1023s comments please a tech artist uses
1025s visual studio code and writer uh these
1027s are both ides i mentioned before i uh
1029s writer was an ide visual studio code is
1032s one as well and these are used for
1034s programming of course um and so uh tech
1036s artists uses visual studio code when
1038s coding like tools and stuff like that
1039s but when he has to do anything regarding
1041s unreal engine 4 he tends to use ryder a
1043s tech artist also uses houdini however he
1045s uses it in a much different way than
1048s what you would sort of expect most of
1049s his work is actually done on the command
1051s line so he doesn't really open up
1053s houdini he just uses he just executes
1056s the tools that houdini has
1058s from command line using other scripts
1060s and whatever right i don't know some
1062s crazy so he uses houdini and the
1063s scripting language
1065s that it supports python uh
1067s h script and vex uh and he basically
1070s uses houdini as a tool to batch process
1072s geometry and what this sort of means is
1074s uh for example it's like mass applying
1076s data to leaves on trees for example that
1080s indicate how they should behave in the
1082s wind shader so how they should sway in
1083s the wind this could be for generating
1085s meshes or another use is converting raw
1088s animation data into vertex animation
1089s data this is for optimization purposes
1092s so that we can hopefully get better
1093s optimizations in the distance without
1095s any sort of extra overhead i'm gonna i'm
1097s not gonna pretend to understand all this
1098s stuff 100
1100s it vaguely makes sense to me but i don't
1102s feel super comfortable explaining it all
1104s anyway he does a lot of crazy stuff with
1106s houdini he just does a lot of crazy
1107s stuff in general
1108s quite frankly tech art tech art is
1110s voodoo the next tool that our tech
1111s artist uses is python python is a
1113s scripting language and of course as i
1115s mentioned just before with houdini it
1117s can be used with houdini but he also
1119s uses python to create other just
1122s smaller uh pipeline tools or uh like a
1125s profiling tool that we use to check the
1127s performance of our game yeah so a few
1129s different uses for python a tech artist
1130s also uses blender mostly to check the
1132s other 3d artists work to see if there's
1135s any sort of optimizations he can do with
1137s the meshes to see if he can save some
1138s you know data without compromising the
1141s uh visual quality he will also use
1143s blender to create these things called
1144s imposters
1147s sauce
1148s here look
1151s and imposters are just like super super
1153s low poly meshes uh that are swapped in
1157s in place of the more high quality meshes
1159s uh when when things are in the distance
1161s so you know they're super super low
1162s quality but they still kind of visually
1164s read as what the object is supposed to
1166s be when they're really far away saves a
1168s lot of performance a tech artist also
1170s uses adobe photoshop everyone's having a
1172s go with photoshop honestly and he uses
1174s photoshop for tweaking textures or
1175s sometimes even for generating textures
1177s as well attack artist also uses
1178s substance designer for exporting
1180s textures or uses the node graph that
1183s that's available in substance designer
1184s to script and uh essentially use it as
1186s like a pipeline tool i've seen some
1188s things that he's made where he would use
1189s it to uh if he's got a bunch of textures
1192s that he wants to include in one
1193s texture he could use it to lay out the
1195s textures neatly so they don't overlap or
1197s anything like that and he doesn't have
1198s to do it manually himself just to speed
1200s up the process and lastly our tech
1202s artist uses substance painter as well
1203s and this is just for texture editing
1205s basically next discipline is going to be
1206s sound design so the first tool that our
1208s sound designer uses is called wise and
1210s wise is kind of like a middleware it's
1212s an industry standard
1213s audio engine that we use to hook into
1215s unreal engine 4 and we use that to store
1217s and control all game audio unreal engine
1219s 4 does actually have an audio engine
1220s built into it but we we just use wise
1222s instead and yeah so basically the way it
1224s sort of works is we set up a sound's
1225s property or behavior in wise and then we
1227s use unreal engine 4 to trigger the sound
1230s and wise the next tool that our sound
1231s design uses is reaper and reaper is a
1233s daw or daw which stands for digital
1236s audio workstation and essentially it's a
1237s workstation that gives a bunch of tools
1239s to do everything related to audio stuff
1242s this can be from music to sound design
1244s and we mostly use reaper for post
1246s processing sounds in order for us to
1247s create certain sounds that we were
1249s looking for vital is another software
1250s that our sound designer uses vital is a
1252s wave table synthesizer and this is a
1254s tool that allows us essentially to
1256s manipulate sound waves so you can start
1257s with simpler waves such as like sine
1259s waves or saw waves if you sort of know
1261s what those are and then you can
1262s manipulate them in ways that you want in
1264s order to generate more complex sounds
1266s and so one example is the particle
1268s accelerator from satisfactory the sound
1270s that it makes is was created using uh
1272s vital and the last thing i want to
1273s mention real quick is hardware just
1275s recording hardware in general we have a
1277s bunch of different recording hardware
1278s but i'm not going to go into detail here
1280s we weren't going to cover it but it is
1281s worth mentioning that you know recording
1283s hardware and hardware in general for
1284s sound designer is a pretty big part of
1286s their job uh not going to be covering
1288s the tools used by our composers by the
1290s way we don't actually have a composer at
1292s coffeestain we do have a couple people
1294s that we work with that we contract but
1296s yeah i'm just kind of covering the tools
1297s of the people who work with us at the
1298s studio and we don't actually have any
1300s composers at the studio not gonna be
1301s covering music or composition tools
1303s unfortunately the next discipline is
1305s going to be producers and i know when
1307s people think game developers you think
1308s artists and programmers and stuff like
1310s that but you know producers are a pretty
1312s important role when it comes to game
1313s development too and they have a bunch of
1315s tools that they use too producers do a
1316s lot of planning and things like that and
1317s so the office microsoft office suite is
1320s you know a no-brainer here so our
1322s producers are using microsoft word and
1323s excel and powerpoint etc and they use
1326s these kind of things for uh planning
1328s creating timelines
1330s presentations for the team
1332s documentation to-do's things like that
1334s and they also use you know microsoft
1336s outlook for uh emails as i mentioned
1338s before in the general uh but you know
1340s they use it even more so because they do
1341s a lot of scheduling a lot of meetings
1342s with different people and things like
1343s that so they're pretty heavy users when
1345s it comes to you know outlook and uh and
1347s calendar now even though we use
1349s microsoft products internally at
1350s coffeestain we sometimes work with other
1352s companies or people externally who don't
1354s use microsoft products and so our
1356s producers actually use the google suite
1358s or g suite quite a lot as well so that's
1359s google docs google sheets google slides
1362s uh google drive as well for example to
1365s share files um yeah and this is mainly
1367s used when communicating or interacting
1369s with people outside of coffee stain
1370s since yeah we use we use microsoft
1372s internally our producers also use slack
1374s to communicate and so internally again
1376s with microsoft we use teams but because
1378s our producers might be talking to people
1380s outside of coffeestain they sometimes
1381s need to use slack in order to do that as
1383s well now we mentioned this is
1385s a tool that our producers use quite a
1386s bit as well we mentioned in
1388s the beginning under general because
1389s everyone uses but our
1391s producers are the ones who you know
1393s formulate everything there create all
1395s the scheduling the timelines they're
1396s creating a bunch of tasks organizing
1398s everything they're uh they're using
1399s in ways that the rest of us
1401s are not using it um so it's definitely
1404s worthwhile uh mentioning here that um
1406s you know our producers do use
1408s to keep track of everything to plan
1409s everything next discipline is going to
1411s be game design and the first tool that
1412s our game designers use is this is a
1414s no-brainer it's going to be unreal
1415s engine 4. and basically what our game
1417s designers do is they pretty much grab
1419s everything else that everyone else has
1420s done and they glue it all together
1422s unreal engine 4 and most importantly
1424s they then make it fun so this means like
1426s integrating new content might be setting
1428s up new buildings adding them to build
1430s menus setting up uh progression for
1433s example tweaking settings yeah tweaking
1435s a bunch of things like you know use zoop
1437s limits or creature health alt recipe
1439s balancing i mean balancing factory
1441s numbers in general they also work in the
1443s engine in order to do some small
1444s adjustments to the world or for
1446s prototyping new features that they want
1448s so they use blueprints to just quickly
1450s prototype some stuff that they want to
1452s uh try out and they also use the engine
1454s to add gameplay elements to the world as
1455s well so think about like creature
1456s spawners resource nodes adding nuts and
1459s berries gas pillars collectibles you
1462s know all that kind of stuff and maybe
1463s not a lot of people would be expecting
1464s this next one but our game designers use
1466s excel a lot they use excel quite a bit
1468s they use excel basically to keep track
1470s of all the numbers all the balancing
1472s this means like the number of creatures
1474s where they should go where what how many
1475s power slugs we have you know what kinds
1478s we have where are they the ratios of all
1480s the resources yeah just basically all
1482s the information about the world is in
1484s like one or more massive sort of excel
1486s spreadsheet and then they will make
1487s changes to the excel spreadsheet based
1490s on metrics and feedback and and the
1491s planning for what they intend to do in
1493s the future next up is going to be
1494s microsoft word now they don't really use
1496s microsoft word too much anymore beyond
1499s just like basic note taking but we do we
1501s did previously use microsoft word for uh
1503s like feature proposals um in order to
1506s communicate you know intended plans to
1508s the rest of the team however this wasn't
1510s really like a very effective way to
1512s communicate all the plans just having a
1514s boring document wasn't really a great
1516s way of communicating things to the rest
1518s of the team and so that brings us to our
1520s next tool which is going to be microsoft
1521s powerpoint and so our game designers now
1523s use powerpoint to create presentations
1525s for the rest of the team uh in order to
1528s communicate features that are planned or
1530s proposed because uh conveying ideas to
1532s the rest of the team very clearly and in
1533s a concise way is very very important and
1535s yeah we find powerpoint to be a much
1537s more powerful tool to do this than than
1539s uh the microsoft word was so now they
1541s now they just do a lot of powerpoint
1542s presentations in there our game
1543s designers use photoshop this is for uh
1545s drawing over the map in order to plan or
1548s layout their future changes but they
1550s also use photoshop to uh enhance their
1552s presentations uh their powerpoint
1554s presentations as well game designers
1556s also use ms paint actually a pretty
1558s handy tool very lightweight image
1559s editing thing you'll probably know what
1561s ms paint is i don't know why i'm
1562s explaining it but actually yeah we use
1563s an s paint as well it's it's it's quick
1565s to get up and running sometimes you just
1566s need to draw over a screenshot to convey
1568s an idea
1569s and this happens fairly often so uh we
1571s figured we would include ms paint here
1572s on the list microsoft vizio which we
1574s mentioned before with the ui ux people
1576s uh is sort of like a you know diagram
1578s and flowchart kind of tool and sometimes
1581s we would use microsoft visio to create
1582s some diagrams we don't really use it too
1584s much but uh you know we do use it from
1586s time to time and then another honorable
1587s mention here is going to be all the
1589s notebooks and whiteboard markers that we
1591s have burned through that our game
1592s designers have burned through uh you
1594s know furiously note taking and jotting
1596s down their ideas next up is going to be
1598s the tools used for world design the big
1600s tool here for you for world design is
1601s going to be of course unreal engine 4
1603s this is where we implement any of our
1604s world changes and things like that so we
1606s use the tools in unreal engine 4 to
1608s shape the terrain
1610s we can use them to paint foliage and
1612s foliage can be of course bushes and
1613s trees but it can also be like small
1615s rocks and then we also use the engine to
1617s just like manually place larger uh
1619s indestructible things in the world as
1621s well for example cliffs our world
1622s designer also uses microsoft word and
1624s powerpoint and this is of course for
1626s documenting or pitching and presenting
1628s direction ideas to the rest of the team
1630s the microsoft word for example is also
1632s used for keeping track of technical
1634s limitations or rules that uh our world
1636s designer needs to follow in order to
1638s stay within like the performance budget
1639s so basically the information about how
1641s many types of foliage can be on a
1643s specific tile in the world or
1645s landscape layers per tile or number of
1647s lights that are allowed in a certain
1649s area and how strong they can be whether
1651s or not they can cause shadows yeah
1652s keeping track of things like that our
1654s world designer also uses excel and this
1656s is to keep track of for example an asset
1658s list so like we you know we list all the
1659s assets we have what the status of them
1661s are like maybe not all of our assets are
1663s done or maybe they're in progress maybe
1664s they've been cancelled so they you know
1666s uh she uses a big old document to keep
1669s track of all that stuff also keeps track
1671s of not just like assets but like uh
1673s progress of certain areas so for example
1674s there's like an excel spreadsheet of uh
1676s all of our caves and what's planned for
1678s the caves and the progress of individual
1680s caves and things like that yeah and for
1682s like biome planning and stuff our world
1683s designer also uses google earth as just
1686s you know because we have a we have an
1687s entire planet here and google earth is a
1689s great tool to use as a reference or to
1692s gain any kind of inspiration as well and
1693s to study landscape patterns as well so
1695s we know what we can do in our world to
1697s make it appear to be a little bit more
1699s believable our world designer also uses
1701s adobe photoshop one of the main reasons
1703s for it is uh
1704s for the creation and adjustment of our
1706s pigment map the pigment map is
1707s essentially just like a map of the world
1709s that has like colors painted over the
1711s top and then the textures in the world
1714s at those locations can pull from that
1716s pigment map and mix the colors on the
1718s pigment map with the colors in the world
1720s and so basically what this means is we
1721s can use the same material for example a
1723s certain kind of grass in one area or in
1725s two different areas but source colors
1728s from the pigment map in different ways
1729s so that they have different tints to
1731s them and so they appear a little bit
1732s different so we don't have to create
1734s multiple textures for every different
1735s area we can just mix the colors from the
1738s pigment map into the terrain for example
1740s i hope that makes sense it's a little
1742s bit hard to communicate but
1744s we'll see okay so the next discipline
1745s that we're going to talk about is
1746s localization the first tool is unreal
1748s engine so they're working in the engine
1750s as well unreal engine has like a
1751s localization dashboard which is a place
1752s where you can add languages that you
1754s want to support so you can import export
1756s text translations it also has like a
1758s handy function to gather all the text in
1760s the in the entire game and and put that
1762s into the localization database so that
1764s it can be translated and then lastly of
1766s course unreal engine needs to compile
1767s all the text translation so that it can
1769s be used in the game at runtime as well
1770s so that's what we also need to use
1772s unreal engine for we also use a tool
1773s called crowdin crowdend is a
1775s computer-assisted translation tool it's
1777s kind of like an online localization
1779s platform where all of our community
1780s translator contributor people can uh go
1783s on to crowd and uh check out all the
1785s texts in the game and and start
1786s translating themselves they can also use
1788s it to ask any questions or report any
1789s issues and then from there from crowding
1791s we can download all the translations and
1793s then feed that into unreal engine 4. a
1795s localization guide also uses python this
1797s is mostly just to create small scripts
1798s and small apps that help speed up the
1800s workflow one great example of this is
1802s for example uh he's created some tools
1804s to help him
1805s um
1806s do the text gathering and text
1808s compilation that you can do in unreal
1810s engine
1811s to do that without having to launch the
1812s editor because it can take some time for
1813s the editor to open so this is he's found
1815s a way to you know using python to call
1817s those that functionality from
1819s unrelention without having to open the
1820s entire engine itself so this is kind of
1822s just like a yeah just kind of like a
1823s productivity boost and uses uh python
1825s for other scripts as well for example
1827s just creating scripts that can just help
1829s automate repetitive tasks or
1831s pull information from crowdin so that we
1833s can you know take
1834s contribution data so we can figure out
1836s who it is we want to credit in our
1838s credit section for our translations for
1839s example or for uh figuring out the
1843s percentage completion for each language
1845s that we then display in our in our menu
1848s in game so people will know how how
1850s complete each language translation is
1851s yeah just various little things like
1852s that a localization guy uses visual
1854s studio code the ide that we've mentioned
1856s before and he uses that to write his
1858s code in python but he also uses visual
1860s studio code just to check uh text files
1862s so there might be certain any files or
1863s config files or the dot po localization
1866s files as well they also use google
1867s sheets use this for various reasons
1869s anything that would sort of benefit for
1870s being in a sheet or in a table
1873s things like to-do lists or lists of bugs
1875s for example but another great example is
1876s when building or merging term bases or
1879s like a like a glossary for example
1881s that's uh that's something that makes a
1882s lot of sense to use google sheets to
1884s work with they also use google apps
1886s scripts in order to run certain scripts
1888s on their google sheets to do whatever
1890s automation they need or merging or
1891s whatever or to automate the gathering of
1893s uh information from crowdin as well to
1895s put into spreadsheets directly our
1896s localization guy also uses discord quite
1898s a bunch as well because we do community
1901s driven localization for satisfactory and
1903s that's one of the reasons why we have
1904s you know great translation in so many
1906s different languages and you know part of
1907s this is uh really working with the
1909s community and so we have uh some extra
1911s channels for our community translators
1914s on our discord server and our
1916s localization manager guy you know talks
1918s them a lot to make sure that you know
1920s we're getting everything done and that
1921s people have their questions answered and
1923s you know have what they need to do what
1925s they do now i was told to not not
1926s mention google translate don't mention
1928s google translate don't say it but i'm
1930s gonna say it uh no we we
1933s uh so google translate is actually a
1934s tool that we sort of also do use uh we
1937s don't use it for production of course we
1939s don't use google translate to get any
1941s translations into the game but it can be
1943s used as a as a pretty helpful tool for
1945s like testing things or checking back
1947s translations to make sure that a
1948s translation is kind of within the
1950s ballpark of what we're talking about
1952s yeah just there are some uses for google
1953s translate but we never use it for
1955s production it's a great tool just
1957s not reliable enough for
1959s for for that next up we have our it
1961s department so a lot of people have a
1963s good idea of what it does but in gamedev
1965s we also need an i.t department and they
1967s not only just help with general sort of
1968s sys admin stuff to keep things running
1970s smoothly which they do do but they do
1972s provide uh some help with the game and
1975s game development itself is as well the
1977s first tool that rit department uses is
1978s powershell and powershell is just a
1980s shell and scripting language it's just
1982s essentially used to make handy little
1983s sysadmin tools but also we've used it
1986s for some game stuff too so uh our it
1989s folks have created something called
1990s speak and spell which is essentially
1992s just a an interface for google's
1994s text-to-speech which we then use to
1996s create ada's voice lines if you didn't
1998s know aydah from our game is actually
2000s just text-to-speech some people thought
2001s it was a voice actor but uh no
2005s i can be saucy very very saucy and then
2008s of course we use powershell for other
2009s justice admin stuff like creating vpn
2011s connections or calendar sharing and just
2012s various other things as well rit folks
2014s also use python as we mentioned before
2016s python is just a scripting language and
2018s one example of a tool that has been made
2020s in python is our crash collector so if
2023s in the unfortunate event your
2024s satisfactory has ever crashed you will
2026s have seen a crash reporter pop up that
2028s is something built in with unreal engine
2029s but we have a crash collector tied into
2031s that so that when you do report your
2033s crashes the crash information comes to
2035s us so we can collect it keep it on
2037s record analyze it and just keep track of
2039s like what kind of crashes are happening
2040s so that was a tool that was made using
2041s python we also use a tool called jenkins
2045s jenkins is an open source automation
2047s server which uh we use basically as a
2049s build system so every time a developer
2051s submits their code to our before server
2054s our version control server jenkins will
2056s run and create a new build of the game
2058s each time uh and what this sort of means
2060s is that when other people then get the
2062s latest version of the game for example
2064s artists
2065s you know who aren't really compiling
2067s code what they will get is pre-compiled
2070s binaries for the editor so they don't
2071s need to compile the code every time they
2073s get the latest jenkins automatically
2075s takes care of that every time a
2076s programmer checks something in uh yeah
2078s creates some pre-compiled binaries for
2079s the editor so no one else has to worry
2081s about that and if for any reason it
2082s can't compile it alerts us and lets us
2084s know that something's wrong and then we
2086s take a look at what's up we also use
2087s jenkins to run profiling on new builds
2089s as well just to uh check performance of
2091s the game as we as we go rit folks also
2093s use google cloud platform so google
2095s cloud platform is just something that
2096s like you can store files there or you
2098s can run programs there or just do others
2100s you can do a lot of stuff with it um and
2102s our crash collector that i was
2103s mentioning before that was made in
2104s python that actually runs there on the
2106s google cloud platform we also use google
2107s cloud platform to store backups of our
2110s before server off-site so if anything
2111s happens to outperform server or to our
2113s office or anything like that we'll have
2115s uh you know a fairly recent version of
2118s the preferred server backed up somewhere
2120s else the next tool that our it folks use
2122s is called incredibild and incredibility
2123s is essentially a program that helps
2125s distribute compiled jobs amongst
2127s multiple computers across a network and
2128s so what this means is that when someone
2130s needs to compile the game one of the
2131s programs make some changes they need to
2133s compile uh what they can actually do is
2135s distribute the compile work across
2137s multiple computers within the office so
2138s that everyone can help out with the
2140s compilation of the game
2142s instead of just that one person's pc
2144s doing it and so what normally could take
2146s you know an hour or more only takes a
2148s few minutes with the help of everyone's
2150s uh pcs saves a lot of time so there are
2152s actually like a lot of other tools that
2153s it are probably using as well and that's
2155s a rabbit hole we could go down for hours
2156s but um not all of it is necessarily
2159s relevant to like the game development
2161s side of things but i think the main
2162s takeaway here is that rit department is
2165s incredibly important uh and they do a
2167s lot of work these a lot of tools and
2169s they do a lot of work to keep operations
2171s running smoothly uh so that you know we
2173s we can just keep working on the game
2174s next up we have the community management
2176s and trailer team
2177s folks like me so on the community side
2179s of things of course we're using things
2180s like discord and other social media so
2182s like discord twitter facebook reddit
2185s youtube twitch i mean steam farms if you
2187s want to count steam in this case as well
2189s and basically we use all these tools to
2190s talk to our community get feedback from
2192s people and also just hang out to have
2194s fun and inform folks with as well as for
2196s social media tools itself to help us
2198s post places we don't actually use any
2199s tools for that we just kind of go to the
2201s platform and do the thing we also use
2203s microsoft word for example for scripting
2204s out scripts such as this one we use
2206s adobe premiere pro adobe premiere pro is
2208s essentially a video editing software you
2211s can do some some more minor kind of
2213s effects in it as well but for the most
2215s part it's about sequencing basically
2217s putting audio and video in order um
2220s to put to put videos together and and of
2221s course we've you know this video was
2223s made using premiere pro as well but also
2224s our trailers are made using premiere pro
2226s adobe after effects is also a video
2228s editing software as well but it
2229s specializes mostly in special effects
2231s and so we use it when needed uh for
2233s example we've got this little little guy
2234s down here this little name plate down
2236s here was made in after effects the
2238s animation pretty pretty schmick and then
2240s and then we use it in our videos some
2242s other examples are like logos in our
2244s trailers any animations around that are
2246s often done in after effects and then
2247s brought into premiere pro to be
2248s sequenced we use adobe photoshop for i
2251s mean the thing that comes to mind is
2252s thumbnails for youtube videos we use
2253s photoshop for that but also for any sort
2255s of like community posts or anything like
2257s that we might use photoshop for as well
2259s we also use ms paint uh for high quality
2262s in-game screenshots as you can see here
2265s art you're welcome very welcome in fact
2268s yeah just basically to create some
2269s stupid things to share with you guys
2271s next up we use audacity for recording
2273s audio we also use sonar for recording
2275s audio and then we also use adobe
2277s audition which we use to basically
2279s process audio we use shadow play for
2281s screen capture whenever we want to take
2283s in-game footage
2284s um to then you know be used in a trailer
2287s for example we also use obs studio for
2289s screen capture as well and we also use
2291s obs studio for live streaming so if you
2294s haven't checked out our live streams we
2295s stream every tuesday at slash
2297s stain studios devs so uh check us out
2299s give us a follow and speaking of our
2301s streams we also use stream elements for
2302s our bot commands we use restream as a
2305s tool that uh you know we can stream to
2307s restream and then restream will stream
2309s to multiple platforms so we like to
2310s stream to twitch and steam mostly and on
2314s special occasions we stream to youtube
2315s as well and restream allows us to stream
2317s to all of those places at once we also
2318s use google slides if you have been to
2320s our streams before you'll know that we
2321s do we have a segment called community
2323s highlights where we highlight really
2325s cool screenshots that have been
2326s submitted by the community and we make
2327s those slideshows using google slides and
2329s then we have another tool called stream
2330s ass instant yes very good name made by
2333s snoop my partner in crime the other
2334s community manager and this is
2336s essentially just a tool that uh
2338s has some
2339s nifty little functionality that we use
2340s when streaming so again if you've seen
2342s our streams you'll know that we have an
2343s agenda normally at the top this tool
2345s helps us create those tabs switch
2347s between those tabs uh it has like
2349s countdown functionality and also the
2352s ability to save comments from chat so
2354s that we can respond to them later as
2355s well so yeah pretty nifty little tool
2357s that we use now the last discipline that
2358s we're going to talk about here is going
2359s to be the ceo discipline oh boy what
2362s tools does the ceo ask you wonder that's
2364s why you're all here and it's twitter
2366s apparently this guy thinks he's a meme
2368s lord he thinks he's a comedian he thinks
2369s he's funny
2371s it's pretty good it's actually pretty
2372s good though
2373s he's actually pretty funny he's coming
2375s for my job man what am i gonna do
2377s if he keeps posting like this what am i
2379s gonna do no but for real uh he doesn't
2381s do anything else apart from that anyway
2382s that's all for today i that was a lot i
2385s hope you found it interesting uh you
2386s know if you did find it interesting do
2388s leave a thanks chase helps a lot in the
2389s comments below i want to say a really
2391s big thanks to my co-workers who helped
2393s me do this so like you saw a lot of the
2395s b-roll here a lot of them took some time
2397s to capture the footage of the you know
2399s behind the scenes stuff that you guys
2400s saw and so i appreciate them taking the
2402s time to do that and also for talking to
2404s me and explaining to me
2406s slowly repeatedly in very simple english
2409s so that i could understand what it is
2410s that they're doing and hopefully i've
2412s done a good job at con conveying that to
2414s you guys as well and so on that note
2415s like if i did i make any mistakes i
2417s probably did if i did be kind but you
2420s could let me know in the comments below
2421s also if you're a game developer and you
2423s use these tools let us know i'd like to
2424s hear it if you have any favors let us
2426s know um yeah want to know what you
2428s thought of this video in in general
2430s because a lot of effort went into this
2432s and i'm really really curious
2433s i'm nervous actually but i'm curious as
2436s to what you all think of this video and
2437s if you found it interesting or helpful
2439s in any way so if you did enjoy the video
2441s do consider giving it a thumbs up and if
2443s you want to keep up to date with any
2445s satisfactory stuff or maybe even more
2447s like just general game dev stuff do
2448s consider subscribing as well thank you
2450s all very much for watching the video
2452s taking the time to watch this entire
2453s thing i hope you had a lovely week and i
2455s hope you have a great weekend take care
2456s everybody see you later bye