over 4 years ago - /u/JaceAtCoffeeStain - Direct link

Thanks a lot for this post.

From what we can see there is still a lot of friction with playing multiplayer with respect to bugs, and perhaps lack of some features for easier co-operation. We focus on multiplayer a lot here at CSS so hopefully we will see some improvements on this in the future. Anyway I bring this up because it could explain *some* of the lower multiplayer numbers.

Dedicated servers will help a lot with that friction as well as performance and persistent worlds, so that will be a big win IMO.

Having said that, IMO, I think the game is very appealing as a single player! It's my preferred method too. Playing alone is generally my preferred play style because I have no choice/friends. But also because I'm stupid and slow and can't keep up with my "friends'" plans. But I've seen many videos and streams of folks co-operating really well and that's great to see.

Anyway, this is not really some "official" comment or anything, this is just me commenting as a fellow player with some additional insight :3

PS. We are the 1% FICSIT employees here at CSS so we get vacations. You grunts need to keep going otherwise no gruel for you.