almost 5 years ago - Coffee Stain - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi my name is Jace I'm the community
1s manager here at coffee stain studios and
3s today I just want to give you some a bit
5s of an update with what's happening over
6s the next few weeks or month and a half
8s or so it is our summer break and so
12s various people are going on holidays at
13s different times and so that what that
15s means is we do not we are not really
17s going to have a full team at any point
19s during that time so there aren't going
20s to be any major updates and so what's
22s gonna happen is hopefully we can get a
24s lot of small patches or whatever in for
27s bug fixes or optimizations or small
30s tweaks quality of life tweaks but that
33s all depends on who is in the office and
34s they're just gonna do what they can
36s while they're here so there's gonna be
38s nothing really consistent or there were
40s no real plans on what's gonna happen
42s after that
43s there's obviously update three that's
45s going to come along and because of all
47s that that's gonna happen over the summer
49s break we don't know what we're gonna do
50s for update 3 yet and so when we all get
53s back to work we'll figure out what we
55s want to do and as soon as we know what's
57s coming for update 3 we're gonna tell you
60s all so that's the update that's all I'm
62s gonna say for this video and I hope you
64s all have a lovely life and I'm gonna go
67s on a holiday now ok bye