18 days ago - a-faddison - Direct link

Pirates of Mischief Mimic Dart
  • The Mimic Dart has been added as a new dart type for the blowpipe. This dart lets players temporarily transform their appearance into that of other players or skeletons, allowing them to blend in and cause even more mischief!
  • Mimicking a target will transform a player for two minutes, and during that time they are free to interact with the world while both dealing and taking damage. The mimic effect can be removed by firing another Mimic Dart at a solid surface.
  • When observing a player who is mimicking, no change will be visible to the mimicking player’s name as shown in their gamertag, although it will change colour to match the affiliation of their target until engaged in combat.
  • Pirates can also mimic the mimic, chaining the same appearance onto multiple pirates for ultimate hijinks. Simply shoot a player already under the mimic effect to copy their look.
  • While mimicking a target, players wishing to emote will be shown a simple set of emotes that can be performed as that character. Once the mimic effect is ended, players will regain access to their full set of owned emotes.
  • The Pirates of Mischief section in the reputation tab now holds a range of Commendations challenging players to use mimicry to baffle other players, with the Lucky Hand Blowpipe as a reward.
Grapple Gun Improvements
  • Players missing a shot with the Grapple Gun will now find the arrowhead returns during the recoil. It will still need to be reloaded, but no longer consumes ammo for missed shots.
Updates Performance Improvements
  • Performance improvements have been made to the setup and loading of Trinkets on Captained ships. This work should improve client performance on Trinket-laden ships, and reduce the performance impact when approaching those ships at sea.
  • Network improvements have been made in scenarios where large amounts of data are being sent from the server to a client. In these scenarios, the movement of the player and their ship will now be prioritised to ensure a smoother experience. This work should reduce the performance impact seen when a fully dressed ship comes into range, and when a player fully equipped with cosmetics returns from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • Ammo Pouches left behind in the world will now only last for 10 minutes before being removed.
Pirate Emporium Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the {LINK REMOVED}Pirate Emporium to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!
  • Cardinal Lodestar Ship Collection
  • Cardinal Lodestar Costume Set
  • Cardinal Lodestar Weapon Bundle
  • Cardinal Lodestar Ship’s Crest
  • Cardinal Lodestar Spyglass
  • Cardinal Lodestar Cat and Parrot
  • Collector’s Lunar Festival Snake Sails and Figurehead
  • Well, Obviously Emote (free!)
Outpost Cosmetics New Outpost Stock!
  • The Outpost stores now stock equipment from the Lucky Hand set, with the Compass, Spyglass, Pocket Watch, Speaking Trumpet, Tankard, Bucket and Lantern available for purchase.
Fixed Issues Gameplay
  • Players will now remain able to switch weapons after being knocked back while interacting with the Armoury.
  • Traps loaded with a blunderbomb will now deal consistent damage to players who spring the trap based on their proximity when triggered. Running through a blunderbomb-loaded trap will no longer deal enough damage to outright kill a player at full health.
  • In addition to water, Black Powder Darts can now be extinguished using boiling water and vomit.
  • The damage dealt by an Ashen Lord’s explosion now dynamically scales based on the crew size in the encounter.
  • The aim on the Dreamers’ Dust Pistol has been improved, ensuring shots now align with the tip of the barrel.
  • The Merchant Alliance Tutorial Voyage now concludes correctly when handing in the Chicken Coop.
  • Skeleton Lords now take the correct damage when shot in the upper body.
  • Players with Pocket Pet Emotes will now find they once again perform a range of animations when used.
  • ‘The Fate of the Morningstar’ – Dinger’s key now appears near the correct position on the island instead of in the open sea.
Pirates of Mischief
  • The Dance Off Danger Commendation will now progress when triggering groups of enemies (either pirates or skeletons) to dance with a Jigball-loaded trap. Improvements have also been made to ensure this Commendation now triggers more consistently when meeting the required criteria.
  • The Pied Pirate Piper Commendation criteria have now been changed so that it can be achieved during solo play.
  • The Comfortable Sneaker Commendation can now be progressed while on a Skeleton Ship.
  • The Hidden in Plain Sight Commendation will now progress when using disguises on the Burning Blade.
  • When the Dart Radial input keybind is shared with another action, the Dart Radial input will take priority and not leave players unable to use either action. Players will still need to rebind the other action to be able to use it.
  • Players rapidly switching the blowpipe’s various dart types should no longer find they become unable to do so.
  • Players using Toggle Radial Menus will now consistently be able to close the Blowpipe Dart Radial.
  • The Dart Ammo Radial now closes consistently when the blowpipe is stowed or swapped.
  • Players will no longer fire two shots faster than intended when attempting to fire a blowpipe soon after sprinting or crouching.
  • Firing a dart and then quickly stowing the weapon will now consistently fire the dart as intended.
Crouching and Stealth
  • Players exiting crouch while holding Aim Down Sights will no longer appear in an idle stance to others, and will consistently appear aiming their equipped weapon.
  • Switching weapons just before interacting with a hanging point no longer causes players to lose access to their weapons.
  • Players crouching before grabbing onto a ladder will now return to a crouch when letting go.
  • Players will no longer hear water splash effects when using crouch to cancel the action to throw from a bucket.
  • Players are no longer able to hide treasure in an underwater crevasse near The Reaper’s Hideout.
  • Improvements have been made at the Lagoon of Whispers and Picaroon Palms to prevent players from becoming stuck in the environment.
  • Players are now prevented from reaching outside the environment at Blind Man’s Lagoon.
  • The prompt to climb ladders at Shipwreck Bay now appears in a reachable location.
  • ‘The Quest for Guybrush’ – Players can no longer become stuck behind rocks near the town entrance.
  • ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ – The Grapple Gun will no longer allow players to access restricted areas of the map.
  • ‘Heart of Fire’ – The Grapple Gun will no longer allow players to access restricted areas.
Visual and Audio
  • Players bailing water in quick succession should now consistently hear the audio effects for scooping and throwing.
  • Players will no longer experience pitched audio effects across the game during the Ashen Lord’s smoke screen.
  • Players afflicted by a Jigball prior to entering the Tunnels of the Damned will now animate correctly when moving.
  • The Shadow Skeleton Captain’s hat now appears at the correct size when shifting into shadow form.
  • The rats found below deck on the Burning Blade now scurry along the floor.
  • Ponytail Hair now appears correctly when equipped.
  • The Emissary Note will now only glow once the Emissary status is active.
  • The flame effects on the Obsidian Captain's Chandelier are now aligned correctly.
  • Pirates of all sizes using the King’s Chest disguise will no longer see their legs poking through.
  • The Magpie’s Glory Pocket Watch face has been made darker and now consistently shows the correct time.
  • The Stormfish Chaser Blunderbuss now sits correctly in the middle of the screen when aiming down sights.
  • The Merchant Alliance Shirt now displays correctly across a range of pirate body sizes.
  • Petting dogs and foxes will no longer cause the animal to slide out of position.
  • The Dreamers’ Dust Cannons, Dreamers’ Dust Wheel, Sea of Sands Capstan, Spring Blossom Cannons and Shadow Tide Cannons no longer appear at low visual quality when viewed at close range.
  • Players pairing certain long hairstyles with tall jackets will no longer find part of the hairstyle disappears.
  • The Lure Dart now sits correctly within all blowpipe cosmetics.
Text and Localisation
  • Localisation quality improvements have been made for Spanish (MX), Simplified Chinese, Turkish, Portuguese (BR) and Thai languages.
  • Players using Game Narration will now find that buttons on the DualSense® Wireless Controller are narrated correctly.
  • The prompt to disarm a trap now shows the correct text when the player has a full throwable inventory.
  • The Polish translation for the Hung Out to Dry Commendation now correctly defines the unlock criteria.
  • The German and Russian translations for the Regal Fortune Cutlass now correctly define its unlock criteria.
  • Placeholder text no longer appears in the notifications when progressing the Skull of Siren Song Voyage.
Performance and Stability
  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.
Known Issues To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our {LINK REMOVED}Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation Download Size:
  • Steam: 2.4 GB