about 3 years
ago -
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We are making strong progress towards resolving the login issues, and players are now starting to return to Sea of Thieves without issue. Should you encounter other beard errors while the backlog begins to clear, please keep trying. Thank you all for your patience.
As part of this fix, in-game voice chat is affected for some players. We will endeavour to restore this functionality as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Due to the login issues affecting many pirates during #SeaOfThievesCommunityDay, we're adding another 12 hours to the time you have to collect the free flag and emote, earn Twitch Drops and enjoy reward multipliers! These will now be available until 10pm GMT on Jan 31st.
As part of this fix, in-game voice chat is affected for some players. We will endeavour to restore this functionality as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Due to the login issues affecting many pirates during #SeaOfThievesCommunityDay, we're adding another 12 hours to the time you have to collect the free flag and emote, earn Twitch Drops and enjoy reward multipliers! These will now be available until 10pm GMT on Jan 31st.