3 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
3 months ago - SoT_XenaWP - Direct link
It feels like barely a moment since we were last here, summing up the events of May, and yet the calendar is dutifully telling us that it is, in fact, now July. Who’d have thought? Well, on the off-chance the calendar isn’t lying, we should get around to rounding up June, shouldn’t we?

Content Update First up on the content front was a call from the Pirate Emporium shopkeepers to take advantage of the {LINK REMOVED}Emporium Extravaganza Event. In addition to an accompanying Hidden Gems Sale (swiftly followed by a {LINK REMOVED}second June sale to celebrate the three-year anniversary of Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life), all players claiming the free Self High Five Emote were automatically entered into the Extravaganza Raffle, with the entire available content of the Emporium up for grabs as top prize.

With that enticing setup on the line, it was time to dive straight into {LINK REMOVED}Season 12 Community Weekend! Filled with free {LINK REMOVED}items and {LINK REMOVED}Voyages, {LINK REMOVED}streaming spoils, {LINK REMOVED}picture-perfect poses and, of course, the all-important race to uncover {LINK REMOVED}Pop-Up Plunder, the weekend was a blast and a celebration of everything that makes this community what it is. Yes, even the criminals who buried treasure in {LINK REMOVED}the spike pits. {LINK REMOVED}Especially them.

After that, we were back to our regularly scheduled programming and a monthly content update fresh from the developers’ desks. In addition to a bracing bounty of Emporium stock, June’s update saw the team tweaking and reworking a number of areas to better balance the player experience, including ship speeds, Double Barrel Pistol stats and a clutch of recent Commendations. Be sure to give the {LINK REMOVED}full release notes a read if you haven’t already to get all the details.

News and Features Even with a myriad of other celebrations taking place throughout the month, we weren’t about to forget that June heralded Pride Month. That meant it was time for an updated profile picture – or not, as {LINK REMOVED}the case may be – and a new {LINK REMOVED}stylish T-shirt to get your hands on! Our streaming soundtrack, meanwhile, was expanding with the inspirational {LINK REMOVED}‘Blessing of Athena’s Fortune’.

As Season 12 Community Weekend rapidly approached, we spun up a dedicated article to lay out {LINK REMOVED}all the details of what players could expect. A while later, once the revelries had wrapped up, we returned to the scene for a detailed look back at what {LINK REMOVED}everyone had got up to during the Event and, as always, to question which chaos merchants among you are eating all {LINK REMOVED}these Burnt Grubs.

June’s community spirit also extended to another two Community Spotlights! First on the list was a buccaneer famed for his barnacle-based bearing, {LINK REMOVED}Fishhook Cook, who walked us through everything from his early start in gaming to a real-life pirate connection. Then, to close out Pride Month, we stopped by to chat with LGBTQIA+ advocate and brilliant Boatswain {LINK REMOVED}Div_And_Inc to learn about their work supporting diversity across the seas. And fire breathing. It was a far-reaching conversation.

Videos and Streams There was a lot of gaming news going around in early June, as the Xbox Games Showcase revealed a range of upcoming titles and updates for the year ahead. With Flameheart’s long-awaited return just around the corner, our own Video team wasn’t about to let the opportunity go by without dropping in a little Season 13 trailer

Closer to home, another instalment of Sea of Thieves News was due and that meant dragging Drew back in front of the camera to spill the beans about plans for ship speeds. Daryl wasn’t far away either, ready to fill everyone in on the promise of Season 12 Community Weekend plus the latest Emporium and Outpost additions.

Since Community Weekend relied on everyone getting those Sea of Thieves Twitch viewing hours in, the Community team hauled themselves into the Rare Tavern on a Saturday for a {LINK REMOVED}stream of their own. Dubbed The Trading Company Tour, it pitted four fabulously chaotic teams against each other in a timed race to earn Emissary value in whatever ways they saw fit. PvP battles? Sneaky trade deals? Desperate pleading for the Kraken to go away? Catch up on all of the above and more as the teams raked in millions for their chosen representatives.

Social Channels Accompanying all the Event-based activity in June was a buzz of regular community content: the {LINK REMOVED}Community Hub saw two {LINK REMOVED}new refreshes, showcasing some incredible {LINK REMOVED}fan creations, while keen snappers delighted in two more themes for our trusty #SoTShot contest. For the first, {LINK REMOVED}promising pirates posed in tranquil scenes of {LINK REMOVED}Island Life, before we dispensed with the sense of serenity and got back to the usual {LINK REMOVED}pirate pastime of {LINK REMOVED}Grog Guzzling. Cheers!

Not everyone was to be lauded, of course, as we suffered a {LINK REMOVED}fishy betrayal, endured the continued trials of {LINK REMOVED}unhelpful crewmates and had our {LINK REMOVED}naming abilities questioned. Even the sweet comfort of {LINK REMOVED}someone else’s loot wasn’t enough to dull our sadness and we turned to {LINK REMOVED}collecting Gunpowder Barrels instead. Explosions {LINK REMOVED}heal all wounds, or something.

In better news, while we were busy digging through data to uncover everyone’s Community Weekend stats, we also happened to stumble across the {LINK REMOVED}pet name rosters. None of the top tens featured the word ‘Devil’, so clearly you’re all doing better than us. Once all the data crunching had worn us out, we had a quick hunt around for the best place to {LINK REMOVED}have a sit down, then ended the day with a {LINK REMOVED}jolly singalong. Worth it.

And so we reached the end of June! Big things are afoot across the waves and when we next stop by with a round-up, a new Season will have swept through the Sea of Thieves… Until then, however, we must bid you adieu! As always, you can find us in the usual places for regular updates: Twitter, {LINK REMOVED}Facebook, {LINK REMOVED}Instagram, {LINK REMOVED}TikTok, YouTube, {LINK REMOVED}Twitch, or via the official {LINK REMOVED}Forums and {LINK REMOVED}Discord. Now we really do have to leave you. We have {LINK REMOVED}rocks to sail into.

Previously in 2024: Sea of Thieves Round-Up: May 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: April 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: March 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: February 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: January 2024

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