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September? The neediest month. Or at least this one was, demanding we lavish two content updates upon it as well as a full Adventure and a Community Day. So that's what we did, and if we spend any more time here introducing everything that happened we won't have time to fulfil all our plans for October, so headlong into the round-up we go! Sit down! Take this cup of lukewarm tea! Don't ask questions!
Content Update September's first update came strutting in at the very start of the month, restocking the Pirate Emporium with those all-important fox pals alongside the snappy Mandrake Costume and ship set. Four weeks later... it was still September, such is the sheer nerve of the month, but we went ahead and dropped another update anyway – this time bringing a batch of sinister Bleakheart Banshee gear to the Emporium[www.seaofthieves.com] along with all the latest gameplay tweaks, rebalances and fixes.
Nestled between those two was a mid-month update[www.seaofthieves.com] allowing us to unleash 'The Sirens' Prize', Sea of Thieves' seventh time-limited Adventure. Covering the second half of September and kicking off a new arc of Adventures dominated by a prophecy of Pretty Bad Stuff, this one saw Belle directing pirates down to the sea bed to liberate Ancient artefacts from the clutches of surly Sirens.
Meanwhile, some of the world's other inhabitants were granted a little closure as our first Mystery reached its conclusion, with DeMarco's killer unmasked and a cloud of lingering suspicion lifted from the Pirate Lord. Of course, this being the Sea of Thieves where it's always possible a soul is still out there somewhere, it's unlikely the Singh family will leave it at that...
News and Features Our News section was big on Community Day in September, kicking things off with an announcement article[www.seaofthieves.com] detailing the antics ahead, then following up with a full-hearted look back[www.seaofthieves.com] at the marvels we saw our pirates create and undertake on this once-a-Season celebratory day. There were also stats, because anyone who says they don't like stats about bananas and grog on a tasteful gold background is lying.
We published an Adventures Ahead[www.seaofthieves.com] article to set up the undersea shenanigans of 'The Sirens' Prize', and a story on the arrival of our Style of Thieves[www.seaofthieves.com] social contest, first announced during the last Community Day. And as if we'd let a month go by without a couple of new Spotlights: this time it was the turn of the architecturally inclined Crewgles[www.seaofthieves.com] and artistically accomplished Zookie[www.seaofthieves.com], while alternate weeks saw our Community Hub refreshed with additional player creations. No musical ventures in the Hub this month, but to make up for it the latest addition to the streamable Sea of Thieves soundtrack was 'The Shrouded Ghost', and if that one doesn't get you frothing with maritime urgency we don't know what will.
Videos and Streams All sorts in September. All sorts. Most strikingly, of course, the portentous cinematic trailer and stirring launch trailer for 'The Siren's Prize', but that wasn't everything by any means: the team also delivered a Community Day video at the start of the month, a hearty John-fest of a Mystery catch-up video as players began to slot together the final pieces of that puzzle, and a flawlessly performed Jon/John clash in September's edition of Sea of Thieves News, giving way to a good look at all that creepy Banshee gear and a wee tease of the next Adventure.
On the streaming side, Community Day gave us interactive exploits[www.twitch.tv] helmed by guest host LazyBuzzard but beholden to the whims of the chat, followed a couple of weeks later by Sea of Thieves TV's second big September event – the 24-hour Galley of Grub[www.twitch.tv] charity stream, combining in-game food task fulfilment with a satisfying chunk of cash raised for No Kid Hungry. Plus! Twitch Drops everywhere: during the streams, on Community Day and one more time with a bundle of blue-accented armaments at the end of the month.
Social Channels Did we happen to mention Season Seven Community Day in passing? We did? Well, gird your loins for a full-blooded infodump. September 17th was the big day, close enough to Talk Like a Pirate Day to merge the two into one big party, and in the week leading up to it we set out expectations for the (deep breath) gold and rep multiplier[www.facebook.com], free Flag[www.instagram.com] and emotes[www.instagram.com], sales and discounts[www.facebook.com], Hats and Drops, streams and Partner hangouts; we also handed out a checklist, bingo card and a bunch of handy assets for sprucing up whatever it was you were up to. Then as the day progressed we celebrated reaching Community Emissary Grade Five and the resultant rush of Ancient Skeleton spawns, and the following day we compiled a full list of folks who'd earned themselves (or been successfully nominated for) a Hat of Unfeasibly Glorious Fame. So a whole stack of stuff going on, and if you missed it you should definitely jump in next time. And the servers didn't crash! Bonus!
In the ongoing spirit of community, we made use of Season Seven's Captaincy tools to hail fellow studios with ships decorated to match their games: witness the Broodmother[www.instagram.com] to mark Grounded's full launch, and the Manatee[www.instagram.com] because... well, just because Halo. Also drawing our appreciative eye were September's #SoTShot contest winners on the consecutive themes of Captaincy[www.instagram.com] and Colourful Captures – while Striking Skeletons is the current theme, should you want to sprint out and snap some bony bad 'uns while there's still time.
#StyleOfThieves also debuted in September with its first set of categories (Captaincy, Gold, Spooky Season and Cosplay), while #TriviaTuesday talked Merrick's fate[www.facebook.com] and the Twisted Tavern, #SundayVibes visited The Crooked Masts[www.instagram.com] and Kraken's Fall and #SoTGear showcased various[www.instagram.com] Trinkets[www.facebook.com]. And that might just be the most links we've ever crammed into three paragraphs.
That's it, we're done! But before you leave, we heard you like links and haven't had enough links yet so here are some links: we cordially invite you to follow Sea of Thieves on Twitter, Facebook[www.facebook.com], Instagram[www.instagram.com], TikTok[www.tiktok.com], YouTube, Twitch[twitch.tv] or the official Forums[www.seaofthieves.com] or Discord[www.discord.gg]. Now go! Enjoy October! See how long you can go before someone ruins it by saying 'spoopy'! Oh, sorry.
Previously in 2022:
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: August 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: July 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: June 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: May 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: April 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: March 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: February 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: January 2022[www.rare.co.uk]
Content Update September's first update came strutting in at the very start of the month, restocking the Pirate Emporium with those all-important fox pals alongside the snappy Mandrake Costume and ship set. Four weeks later... it was still September, such is the sheer nerve of the month, but we went ahead and dropped another update anyway – this time bringing a batch of sinister Bleakheart Banshee gear to the Emporium[www.seaofthieves.com] along with all the latest gameplay tweaks, rebalances and fixes.
Nestled between those two was a mid-month update[www.seaofthieves.com] allowing us to unleash 'The Sirens' Prize', Sea of Thieves' seventh time-limited Adventure. Covering the second half of September and kicking off a new arc of Adventures dominated by a prophecy of Pretty Bad Stuff, this one saw Belle directing pirates down to the sea bed to liberate Ancient artefacts from the clutches of surly Sirens.
Meanwhile, some of the world's other inhabitants were granted a little closure as our first Mystery reached its conclusion, with DeMarco's killer unmasked and a cloud of lingering suspicion lifted from the Pirate Lord. Of course, this being the Sea of Thieves where it's always possible a soul is still out there somewhere, it's unlikely the Singh family will leave it at that...
News and Features Our News section was big on Community Day in September, kicking things off with an announcement article[www.seaofthieves.com] detailing the antics ahead, then following up with a full-hearted look back[www.seaofthieves.com] at the marvels we saw our pirates create and undertake on this once-a-Season celebratory day. There were also stats, because anyone who says they don't like stats about bananas and grog on a tasteful gold background is lying.
We published an Adventures Ahead[www.seaofthieves.com] article to set up the undersea shenanigans of 'The Sirens' Prize', and a story on the arrival of our Style of Thieves[www.seaofthieves.com] social contest, first announced during the last Community Day. And as if we'd let a month go by without a couple of new Spotlights: this time it was the turn of the architecturally inclined Crewgles[www.seaofthieves.com] and artistically accomplished Zookie[www.seaofthieves.com], while alternate weeks saw our Community Hub refreshed with additional player creations. No musical ventures in the Hub this month, but to make up for it the latest addition to the streamable Sea of Thieves soundtrack was 'The Shrouded Ghost', and if that one doesn't get you frothing with maritime urgency we don't know what will.
Videos and Streams All sorts in September. All sorts. Most strikingly, of course, the portentous cinematic trailer and stirring launch trailer for 'The Siren's Prize', but that wasn't everything by any means: the team also delivered a Community Day video at the start of the month, a hearty John-fest of a Mystery catch-up video as players began to slot together the final pieces of that puzzle, and a flawlessly performed Jon/John clash in September's edition of Sea of Thieves News, giving way to a good look at all that creepy Banshee gear and a wee tease of the next Adventure.
On the streaming side, Community Day gave us interactive exploits[www.twitch.tv] helmed by guest host LazyBuzzard but beholden to the whims of the chat, followed a couple of weeks later by Sea of Thieves TV's second big September event – the 24-hour Galley of Grub[www.twitch.tv] charity stream, combining in-game food task fulfilment with a satisfying chunk of cash raised for No Kid Hungry. Plus! Twitch Drops everywhere: during the streams, on Community Day and one more time with a bundle of blue-accented armaments at the end of the month.
Social Channels Did we happen to mention Season Seven Community Day in passing? We did? Well, gird your loins for a full-blooded infodump. September 17th was the big day, close enough to Talk Like a Pirate Day to merge the two into one big party, and in the week leading up to it we set out expectations for the (deep breath) gold and rep multiplier[www.facebook.com], free Flag[www.instagram.com] and emotes[www.instagram.com], sales and discounts[www.facebook.com], Hats and Drops, streams and Partner hangouts; we also handed out a checklist, bingo card and a bunch of handy assets for sprucing up whatever it was you were up to. Then as the day progressed we celebrated reaching Community Emissary Grade Five and the resultant rush of Ancient Skeleton spawns, and the following day we compiled a full list of folks who'd earned themselves (or been successfully nominated for) a Hat of Unfeasibly Glorious Fame. So a whole stack of stuff going on, and if you missed it you should definitely jump in next time. And the servers didn't crash! Bonus!
In the ongoing spirit of community, we made use of Season Seven's Captaincy tools to hail fellow studios with ships decorated to match their games: witness the Broodmother[www.instagram.com] to mark Grounded's full launch, and the Manatee[www.instagram.com] because... well, just because Halo. Also drawing our appreciative eye were September's #SoTShot contest winners on the consecutive themes of Captaincy[www.instagram.com] and Colourful Captures – while Striking Skeletons is the current theme, should you want to sprint out and snap some bony bad 'uns while there's still time.
#StyleOfThieves also debuted in September with its first set of categories (Captaincy, Gold, Spooky Season and Cosplay), while #TriviaTuesday talked Merrick's fate[www.facebook.com] and the Twisted Tavern, #SundayVibes visited The Crooked Masts[www.instagram.com] and Kraken's Fall and #SoTGear showcased various[www.instagram.com] Trinkets[www.facebook.com]. And that might just be the most links we've ever crammed into three paragraphs.
That's it, we're done! But before you leave, we heard you like links and haven't had enough links yet so here are some links: we cordially invite you to follow Sea of Thieves on Twitter, Facebook[www.facebook.com], Instagram[www.instagram.com], TikTok[www.tiktok.com], YouTube, Twitch[twitch.tv] or the official Forums[www.seaofthieves.com] or Discord[www.discord.gg]. Now go! Enjoy October! See how long you can go before someone ruins it by saying 'spoopy'! Oh, sorry.
Previously in 2022:
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: August 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: July 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: June 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: May 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: April 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: March 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: February 2022[www.rare.co.uk]Sea of Thieves Round-Up: January 2022[www.rare.co.uk]