4 months ago - a-faddison - Direct link
It’s safe to say that players faced some unexpectedly rough waters this October. The Season 14 update didn’t land as smoothly as planned, and as a result there’s still work to be done before the Season’s over. Nevertheless, there was plenty of October activity to report on, so we’re here once again to deliver your usual round-up!

Content Update With the end of Season 13 rapidly approaching as we entered October, it seemed only fair to give everyone who hadn’t maxed out their Seasonal Renown a helping hand. That meant unleashing a weekend of {LINK REMOVED}boosted Renown (and gold) for all players, followed by a spree of single-use {LINK REMOVED}Gilded Voyages enabling determined pirates to haul in bounteous rewards.

With everyone as caught up as they could be, it was on to the October update proper and the arrival of {LINK REMOVED}Season 14. However, launch day hiccoughs led to some features being held back, so best to read the {LINK REMOVED}launch release notes to catch up on what made it and what’s still ahead. {LINK REMOVED}A hotfix helped iron out some of those issues a little later in the month, reintroducing crouching and tweaking a range of other features. But that’s not the end of our work to fully deliver Season 14, so keep an eye on our channels for up-to-date information!

There was also, of course, no ignoring the fact that spooky season was well and truly upon us last month. Pumpkin-based decorations popped up around the Outposts to herald the Festival of the Damned, and everyone was treated to a sinister {LINK REMOVED}Ghoul & Glory Event! All those who joined in got their hands on the Grinning Gourd Bucket, free Voyages and boosted rewards for a full four days.

News and Features As we built up to the release of Season 14 and all its entailing mischief, it seemed like a good time to highlight some of the community’s best clips from their covert pirate operations. The ensuing {LINK REMOVED}Golden Scallywag Awards are still open to entries in eight categories, with opportunities to win an in-game Title and Trinket, Ancient Coins, Plunder Passes and even a physical trophy to brighten up your gaming room.

We couldn’t launch a new Season without a {LINK REMOVED}dedicated article covering all the details, of course – but this time it was followed by {LINK REMOVED}a State of Play Forum post to address the issues encountered and explain what was happening with the staggered release of features, and then a {LINK REMOVED}second post to tee up the hotfix at the end of the month. When you put all that together it’s more reading than most pirates usually get up to, but well worth a look for anyone seeking a status update on Season 14…

Videos and Streams The November instalment of Sea of Thieves News landed early in the month, previewing some of the content arriving with the new Season while offering a look at upcoming events and the restock of the coveted Sea of Thieves vinyl soundtrack. That wasn’t the only musical news this month either, with the official Season 14 {LINK REMOVED}‘Making Mischief’ track making its way to all the usual streaming platforms.

As always, a Season launch meant a host of new videos showcasing the new features, unlockable cosmetics and Pirate Emporium additions, before we published the launch trailer on update day. We couldn’t leave it there, however; after the last-minute changes to the Season launch and shifting around of features, we wanted to make sure we were clearly communicating our progress on all channels. In practice, that meant Production Director Drew getting back in front of a camera to deliver an update on Season 14 and the plan moving forwards.

Social Channels Even with everything else going on, the {LINK REMOVED}spookiest of seasons was not about to pass without some celebratory competitions. That meant two {LINK REMOVED}Community Hub updates, showcasing players’ {LINK REMOVED}creative talents and giving us an excuse to hand out some glorious Hats, before we challenged crews to split up for a {LINK REMOVED}Lone Sailors round of #SoTShot! After all, the best way of confronting spooks is to {LINK REMOVED}go it alone. Finally, there was one remaining piece of Season 13 business to get through before the monthly update: the {LINK REMOVED}Style of Thieves winners! Check out those stunning autumnal fashions.

Elsewhere this month, we shut down a {LINK REMOVED}sinister grub trader, put up with a visit from {LINK REMOVED}everyone’s favourite rogue and took a few minutes to appreciate {LINK REMOVED}the water of the Sea of Thieves, but were rapidly distracted by a very strange game of {LINK REMOVED}hide and seek. The {LINK REMOVED}local serpents were no help. The local felines… well, they didn’t help much either but they were {LINK REMOVED}otherwise occupied. We’ll forgive them.

And that was October! A rocky month on many fronts, but we’re all set to get back into gear in November and keep that content coming for the rest of the year. We’ll be back here next month to report on how it’s going, but until then, find us on all the usual social channels: Twitter/X, {LINK REMOVED}Facebook, {LINK REMOVED}Instagram, {LINK REMOVED}TikTok, YouTube, {LINK REMOVED}Twitch, or via the official {LINK REMOVED}Forums and {LINK REMOVED}Discord. Happy post-spooky sailing!

Previously in 2024: Sea of Thieves Round-Up: September 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: August 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: July 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: June 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: May 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: April 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: March 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: February 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: January 2024
4 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.