15 days ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
15 days ago - a-faddison - Direct link
We can scarcely believe that we’re already into the warm tides of June, but even as we turn our attention to the upcoming delights of the month ahead, we still have one more task to complete before we fully say farewell to May: the regular round-up. So please take a moment to join us in celebrating everything that happened last month in the world of Sea of Thieves

Content Update After the major updates in April, it was a relatively quiet monthly update this time around. Following a {LINK REMOVED}small hotfix at the beginning of the month, May’s main update introduced numerous tweaks and improvements to recently implemented {LINK REMOVED}Season 12 features, as well as a range of new stock for Outpost and Emporium stores. As always, it’s all in the {LINK REMOVED}release notes for exploration!

Not that it stayed quiet for long, of course; halfway through May, Gilded Voyages made their triumphant return in a {LINK REMOVED}special week-long Event. Pirates flocked to The Ancient Isles in search of rich rewards, not least of which was the military-minded Seamark Tribute Tattoo awaiting anyone who got to the end of one of these glittering Voyages.

Pirates eager for even greater rewards didn’t have long to wait for another treat either, with a {LINK REMOVED}Gold & Glory Weekend right around the corner. Who knew that a sea full of thieves could be so generous?

News and Features Outside of gameplay, May saw the much-anticipated arrival of {LINK REMOVED}Sea of Thieves: The Cookbook! Packed with culinary delights – even by our punishingly {LINK REMOVED}high standards – these recipes demand pride of place on any kitchen bookshelf. Not convinced? Maybe Daryl’s own {LINK REMOVED}cooking adventures will be enough to sway your opinion…

Elsewhere, it was time for another round of {LINK REMOVED}Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks, this time offering subscribed players a chance to get their hands on the Ebon Flintlock Pistol, Obsidian Flag and an Onyx Tankard that’s perfect for the Golden Smoothie we’d just learned how to make.

And as always, we couldn’t let a full month go by without taking some time to celebrate the wonderful members of our community, and this time around that meant a Community Spotlight catching up with {LINK REMOVED}KeepinitTwisted! From a careful selection of panda-based ship names to the admirable and exhausting climbing of fifty-three floors to raise money for charity, the interview is a whirlwind adventure worth checking out.

Videos and Streams Since we, for once, weren’t poised to deliver a series of content trailers, May seemed like the perfect opportunity for the Video team to try out something different. Enter our Sea of Thieves Explained video series, answering new players’ vital questions such as what is Sea of Thieves, how is Sea of Thieves and even why is Sea of Thieves? Even the most weathered of sea dogs might find a few new tips and tricks tucked away in these whistle-stop tours of the pirate life, so they’re definitely worth a look no matter your experience level.

One tradition we weren’t about to weasel out of though was Sea of Thieves News, which arrived mid-month to bring everyone up to speed on recent and upcoming changes to the game and various surrounding activities. Please be sure to enjoy the implementation of some top-of-the-range scarf animation while you watch.

Not to be outdone, the team over in Audio wanted to share some more of their own creations and released the {LINK REMOVED}‘Warriors of the Waves’ track for all you music lovers. Buckle up, buccaneers, we’ve got battles to fight.

Social Channels Back at the beginning of May, we were still delighting over the recent {LINK REMOVED}addition of owls and desperately wanted to hear what everyone had called their {LINK REMOVED}new feathered friends. Of course, owls weren’t the only thing added with Season 12 and we continued to explore the new features throughout May, such as experimenting with {LINK REMOVED}running speeds and finding out where all these {LINK REMOVED}windy horns keep {LINK REMOVED}coming from.

As always, there were several rounds of prizes to be dished out. Over in the world of screenshots, we took some time to reflect on the beauty of nature with a {LINK REMOVED}Stunning Sunsets round of #SoTShot. Fans of {LINK REMOVED}the colour orange were having a particularly excellent time. We were enjoying everyone’s pictures so much, in fact, that we threw a new round of {LINK REMOVED}Community Hub picks into the mix as well.

The community’s collective creativity was as inspiring as ever, and our social team decided to carry it on with {LINK REMOVED}a little creativity of their own – with… {LINK REMOVED}mixed results. Recognising that our artistic powers were {LINK REMOVED}simply too strong, we moved along to admiring the {LINK REMOVED}knife skills of dextrous pirates and musing on {LINK REMOVED}avian crimes. In between that and peering into {LINK REMOVED}the near future, we didn’t even have time for {LINK REMOVED}a quick nap. Maybe if our crew would {LINK REMOVED}give us a hand it wouldn’t be so bad…

And that was May! A mid-Season month so a little quieter than what went before, but still plenty to be getting on with, wouldn’t you agree? Let us know! You can, as ever, find us in all of the usual social places: Twitter, {LINK REMOVED}Facebook, {LINK REMOVED}Instagram, {LINK REMOVED}TikTok, YouTube, {LINK REMOVED}Twitch, or via the official {LINK REMOVED}Forums and {LINK REMOVED}Discord. Otherwise, it’s time we were getting back to work. After all, we’ve got {LINK REMOVED}places to be! No time to {LINK REMOVED}hang around

Previously in 2024: Sea of Thieves Round-Up: April 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: March 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: February 2024
Sea of Thieves Round-Up: January 2024