over 4 years
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Still waiting for @gamescom to announce the Goodest Boy of #gamescom2020 award 🏆 http://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/EgwMiSuX0AAduoR.jpg
OMFG I HAVE A MANGO! Thank you so much @LootinLizalaroo for this incredible commission. Very happy with how this turned out. Really nice touch with the tag that has the in-game description. The details are amazing! 😭 Happy Mango Monday!🥭 #SeaOfThieves https://t.co/C2DV25fq9T
Correct. This should be the final hurdle... by what means did they die?
what 2k hours of teamwork looks like 🤜🤛😃#SeaOfThieves #BeMorePirate https://t.co/t9wOAHjFpn