4 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
4 months ago - a-faddison - Direct link
Pirates of Mischief As shared in our recent Season 14 update, the team disabled a number of features in order to protect players from high-impact issues and for the team to work on improving the quality bar. With this hotfix, crouching is once again available. The Known Issues section identifies issues that will be addressed in future updates.

Crouching and Stealth
  • Players will once again be able to switch their stance from standing to a low crouch, slowing their movement, hiding them from some nearby enemy threats, concealing their player name and generally making them stealthier for the purposes of sneaking around.
  • Crouched players will be harder to hit as they can duck shots in combat and will be braced against knockback, reducing its effect.
Fixed Issues Gameplay
  • Players will once again be prevented from walking directly through enemy threats.
  • Players are now prevented from shooting others through solid surfaces on the ship such as the deck.
  • Rowboats discovered washed up on islands or those which become beached are now much easier to push back into the sea, and should no longer become stuck and unusable.
  • All players will now have access to the Burning Blade’s Armoury once the ship is controlled by a crew.
Pirates of Mischief
  • Unlockable disguises will no longer be granted when completing part of the unlock criteria, and will now require the full set of conditions to be met.
  • Players must now complete the Found You Commendation before being awarded the Shadow Tide Tattoo.
  • The Enticing Explosion Commendation now progresses when attaching a Lure Dart to a barrel-wielding Skeleton or directly to the held barrel itself.
Grapple Gun
  • Players attempting to grapple an item while climbing into a cannon will now find the item is placed back on the ground. Players fired out of a cannon, however, are not prevented from grappling a nearby item if they can do so quickly enough. The team will continue to monitor this technique from a game balance perspective and address it in the future if necessary.
  • Players attempting to grapple each other at the same time should no longer find they are flung across the sea.
  • Players attempting to crouch after being fired from a cannon will no longer be able to modify their trajectory while in the air.
  • Players attempting to crouch prior to climbing into a cannon will now continue to be damageable when leaving the cannon.
  • Players attempting to crouch after falling from a great height will now be able to crouch much more quickly, but will continue to suffer the hindering effects of fall damage while crouched.
Pirate Emporium
  • The Witch’s Stitches Bundle now grants players the Coral Coven Cat once purchased.
Blowpipe and Darts
  • Firing Lure Darts into a ship prior to migrating across servers will now result in those darts being removed upon arrival at the new location.
Visual and Audio
  • Players equipping the Lodestar Costume will now find it displays correctly on their pirate and will also appear in the Pirate Emporium and Clothing Chest when previewed.
Text and Localisation
  • Improvements have been made to localisation across a range of languages for newly introduced items in Season 14.
Performance and Stability
  • Further improvements have been made to game stability to reduce scenarios where players unexpectedly exit the game or become disconnected from their session.
Known Issues Stealth Features Temporarily Disabled
  • Some of the new additions to the sandbox announced in the recent Season 14 Content Update Video have been temporarily disabled following the discovery of issues with potentially high player impact. These include disguises, traps and hanging from ledges.
Quick Switching
  • Players can currently use crouching to switch between ranged weapons and fire two shots in quick succession faster than intended. Enforcement is not currently being taken on players using this technique, but it will be removed in a future update.
To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our {LINK REMOVED}Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our {LINK REMOVED}latest content update.

Download and Installation Download Size:
  • Steam: 1.51 GB