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As a member of this forum you are solely responsible for the content of your posts. This means that any posts or messages created by your account are subject to the Code of Conduct and the scrutiny of our moderation team.
While both our Code of Conduct and Moderation Policies will likely evolve as the community grows, please be aware of the following:
- Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual users on our Steam Forums or any other Rare-owned channels is not permitted in this space. If you have questions about a decision made by the team then please private message a moderator.
- Alt accounts are not permitted in this space and will be permanently banned. The user in question will be subject to a temporary or permanent ban at the discretion of our moderation team.
- Use the report function responsibly, and only file reports against other users of the forum if the content of their posts violates our Code of Conduct.
- Trying to circumvent a ban through posting on an alternative account or through another community member to continue actions that lead to the ban will be subject to a permanent ban from the forum.
- Re-posting content that has been removed or locked by a moderator. Doing so will be considered spam and subject to a warning, with temporary or permanent bans against the user if it continues.
While both our Code of Conduct and Moderation Policies will likely evolve as the community grows, please be aware of the following:
- Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual users on our Steam Forums or any other Rare-owned channels is not permitted in this space. If you have questions about a decision made by the team then please private message a moderator.
- Alt accounts are not permitted in this space and will be permanently banned. The user in question will be subject to a temporary or permanent ban at the discretion of our moderation team.
- Use the report function responsibly, and only file reports against other users of the forum if the content of their posts violates our Code of Conduct.
- Trying to circumvent a ban through posting on an alternative account or through another community member to continue actions that lead to the ban will be subject to a permanent ban from the forum.
- Re-posting content that has been removed or locked by a moderator. Doing so will be considered spam and subject to a warning, with temporary or permanent bans against the user if it continues.