over 3 years
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This is the day you will always remember as the day that Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life became available! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4Y4ZZ9XwAIWzo0.jpg
Attention pirates! The Sea of Thieves servers will be offline from approximately 10am BST tomorrow, Tuesday 22nd, as new threats to the pirate's life set their machinations into motion... https://t.co/G3opABaHGV
Take a journey to defend your world against threats from beyond the horizon! Featuring characters and locations from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean crossing over into the Sea of Thieves, Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life is available now as part of the free Season Three update. https://t.co/jkIAe9EXcS
While The Hoarder's Hunt real-world prizes have been secured, don't forget about the in-game goods! Pirates who complete all four Voyages before June 22nd at 4pm UTC can still earn Trinkets, Titles and special sails (to be distributed after June 22nd). ❓ https://t.co/vXvl5UUqDb https://t.co/ZJd0rgUDwN
WITHOUT GOOGLING Name a famous historic battle.