Pirates, please note: while your red 1000 Days Eyepatch will be in your Vanity Chest within 72 hours of logging in during the given window, the special gold edition 1000 Days Eyepatch will be given to eligible pirates next week after the log-in window has closed!
Time for generosity, pirates – the Festival of Giving is live until 10am GMT Dec 27th. Grab a free flag from Larinna, then earn Wreath of Winter items and bonus rewards by having other crews cash in your loot! ’Tis the season, after all.
🎄 Event details: https://aka.ms/SoTEvent_FoGhttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/FGe5so6XsAIuHjg.jpg
Join us as we celebrate some of the cunning corsairs who earned the right to call themselves Pirate Legends over the last week. Cheers to you all, and good luck on your future Voyages! 🍻 https://twitter.com/i/events/1469111237401268224
To mark the Festival of Giving, we're running five days of Sea of Thieves giveaways! We know, very generous. First up is this haul of comics and trinkets. Simply reply telling us your favourite SoT Tall Tale to enter, random winner chosen 4pm GMT tomorrow, Dec 14th. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FGf-RzFXEAQCkdw.jpg
Enjoying Sea of Thieves Season Five? Feeling a maddening itch to learn more about its new features and get all the goss from the devs? That means you haven't watched our Season Five Deep Dive video! RUDE, but we’ve written this news post to convince you: https://aka.ms/S5DeepDivehttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/FGhlLIcXIAIpFWw.jpg
Just 24 hours remain to square up to some rival rovers and capture a screenshot of your ship-based showdowns for the latest #SoTShot theme, Brawling Boats! Share some scenes with #SoTShot and @SeaOfThieves before 12pm UTC tomorrow, Dec 14th, to enter.
📸 @Fiensonix http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fj2zjvBXwAI_vCc.jpg
We hear your feedback on Battle for the Sea of Thieves matchmaking times, and we’re committed to improvements including server refinements and same-Faction battles. While we work on these for early 2023, let Lead Designer Andrew Preston tell you more: https://aka.ms/SoTS8Matchhttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fj3ymBjXkAYVi56.jpg
Before her unfortunate transformation into a bitter, vicious Skeleton Lord, the rogue known as Captain Briggsy would travel to Ancient Spire Outpost to regale its residents – including the tavern-keeper’s young daughter – with tales of her adventures. #TriviaTuesday http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fj4G2QzXkAI3Jmx.jpg