over 4 years
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Hey Extinction Elites!
Happy Early Access Launch!
We’re super happy to have you with us in this exciting period. The team here has put a lot of hard work, energy, excitement, passion, and enthusiasm into this game and we are so excited to see our baby take its first wobbly steps into the wild.
Much has been said already about the game and what it is now - you shoot lots of dinosaurs in gory and satisfying ways. But I want to spend this moment to talk a little about our team here and what we hope to accomplish going forward.
Early Access, to us, means a couple of things:
First, it’s a way to get the community involved in the development of the game. I’ve loved reading about the cool dino mutations that some have thought up of, or the ideas about new gameplay that have been suggested. If Second Extinction is our baby, you - the community - is its teacher. We want to realize the potential of the game but within reason - there are some things this game is not, and that is both by design and purpose…. But there are also things that we wouldn’t be against exploring if that is what we, together, discover would be interesting.
Secondly, Early Access means putting the focus on building the game up to a launch-ready state. Right now, it’s really really fun to shoot dinos. But can we make it more? Is it only fun to shoot them in one particular way, or can you shoot them in many other ways? Do you like min-maxing gear and getting the most optimal damage output or is finding weird combinations of things that work more interesting? Is Jürgen OP, or is Rosie really the sleeper solo-only character? How much do you want to pimp out your characters in unicorn hoodies or would you rather have more serious cosmetics? Features and systems are just as interesting and important as the next dinosaur species.
We’re a pretty small team here in Malmö with big ambitions and we want to do what’s right for both the game and the community. We’ll keep the lines of communication open and strive to be as transparent as possible - if you haven’t yet, join the Discord[discord.gg], follow the social media channels, or post on the forums[forum.secondextinctiongame.com]. We’re also going to try to update the game frequently, and we’ll be constantly looking at your feedback on how things are going.
Ultimately, we’re on a journey together that will go beyond Early Access into launch. On behalf of the team, I look forward to working with you all as we look to Reclaim Earth.
Julianne “Elusive” Harty
Product Owner
Happy Early Access Launch!
We’re super happy to have you with us in this exciting period. The team here has put a lot of hard work, energy, excitement, passion, and enthusiasm into this game and we are so excited to see our baby take its first wobbly steps into the wild.
Much has been said already about the game and what it is now - you shoot lots of dinosaurs in gory and satisfying ways. But I want to spend this moment to talk a little about our team here and what we hope to accomplish going forward.
Early Access, to us, means a couple of things:
First, it’s a way to get the community involved in the development of the game. I’ve loved reading about the cool dino mutations that some have thought up of, or the ideas about new gameplay that have been suggested. If Second Extinction is our baby, you - the community - is its teacher. We want to realize the potential of the game but within reason - there are some things this game is not, and that is both by design and purpose…. But there are also things that we wouldn’t be against exploring if that is what we, together, discover would be interesting.
Secondly, Early Access means putting the focus on building the game up to a launch-ready state. Right now, it’s really really fun to shoot dinos. But can we make it more? Is it only fun to shoot them in one particular way, or can you shoot them in many other ways? Do you like min-maxing gear and getting the most optimal damage output or is finding weird combinations of things that work more interesting? Is Jürgen OP, or is Rosie really the sleeper solo-only character? How much do you want to pimp out your characters in unicorn hoodies or would you rather have more serious cosmetics? Features and systems are just as interesting and important as the next dinosaur species.
We’re a pretty small team here in Malmö with big ambitions and we want to do what’s right for both the game and the community. We’ll keep the lines of communication open and strive to be as transparent as possible - if you haven’t yet, join the Discord[discord.gg], follow the social media channels, or post on the forums[forum.secondextinctiongame.com]. We’re also going to try to update the game frequently, and we’ll be constantly looking at your feedback on how things are going.
Ultimately, we’re on a journey together that will go beyond Early Access into launch. On behalf of the team, I look forward to working with you all as we look to Reclaim Earth.
Julianne “Elusive” Harty
Product Owner