

15 Feb

    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TheBlasterMaster™:
Originally posted by Anaïs: With only 3 game developers? We're a bit more than that ;). The Xbox version is being worked on right now.

More news will come soon regarding Xbox. :)
I was told by the moderator (GeGeek) on Discord you have only 3 developers.
There was most likely some miscommunication happening there. We're a small team but not that small. Here you can see most of the team: ... Read more
    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TheBlasterMaster™: I would assume with only 3 game developers, XBox development would start after the PC version is out of EA? Then the PC players would have to wait for the second map until the XBox version is done?
With only 3 game developers? We're a bit more than that ;). The Xbox version is being worked on right now.

More news will come soon regarding Xbox. :)

10 Feb

    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dogbait: It seems they made changes to damage. They tend to change things without putting it in the patch notes. So it's hard to tell unless you ask on discord and hope for an answer. As for exp, it's the same at all difficulties.
We do our best to include everything in the Patch Notes. If something's missing it's most likely an unintentional change that happened because something else was changed and it was missed when being tested.
    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Charles Vane: havent played this game for 3 months after i hit level 25, now today i played a few games but i feel like on normal difficulty dinos were dealing lower damage, did they really lower the dino damage or what? also playing on hard or insane gives you mor eexp?
Hi! We have not changed the damage the dinosaurs deals, but we did change the health bar. Could that be it? You can read about the change to the health bar in the pinned message.

Yes, you do get more XP from harder difficulties.

19 Jan

    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's only one map in the game. You can see what's planned to be added on the roadmap :)

22 Dec

    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! Yes, we do have matchmaking. We also have LFG (looking for group) channels on our official discord server where you can find people to play with and have the option to talk over voice chat when playing.
    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Extinction Elites,

We’ve been notified that many of you are experiencing crashes related to claiming contract rewards. For many of you, the issue is that you can claim a contract reward more than once, but the game crashes when doing so.

For now, the solution is that even if it’s tempting to do, you should avoid claiming a contract more than once. If you clicked claim on a contract but it’s still available to be claimed, switching to another tab in the menu should remove it from the list.

If the workaround is not working for you or you’re experiencing other issues or crashes please let us know by creating a ticket here:

Thank you for helping out and reporting issues. You’re the real MVP’s.

- The Second Extinction Team

16 Dec

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
Calling all Extinction Elites,

The first phase of Basic Training is over. Time to take it up a notch. Time to kick the hornet’s nest.

Pre-season 2 introduces a new mode, weapon, enemy, and more!

Expedition mode lets you roam the map freely without being tied to a mission. Your efforts will have a bigger and more visible impact on the War Effort, but beware: The dinosaurs are increasingly angry. Expect heavy resistance.

Starting with the release of this pre-season the War Effort will update twice a week: On Mondays and Thursdays at 13.00 CET you will see and feel the consequences of your actions - or your inaction. So keep an eye on your progress and be prepared, for there are new Emergence Events in the mix. Also, remember to take a well-deserved break when the clock hits the hour to avoid getting disconnected.

Now for the technical bit: The team has been working hard on fixing crashes and black screens, getting contracts working, balancing ... Read more

11 Dec

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello, Extinction Elites!

It's Simon Vickers here, Game Director on Second Extinction. With the release of our next ‘Pre-Season’ just around the corner, I wanted to give everyone a quick rundown of what to expect from one of its big new features: Expedition Mode.

WHAT is Expedition Mode?
During the game's development, we had the concept of a ‘Free Roam’ mode that sat happily alongside the Missions that you have all been playing. A mode that allowed you and your squad to pop down to Earth, exterminate some dinosaurs, and extract at your leisure without the need to finish a whole mission. It was something of a throwaway feature, but we saw that it had the potential to tie a lot of our other systems together, given a bit more time and focus. This is where Expedition Mode comes in! Same player-driven structure but with a bunch of extra features that encourage player choice in how they achieve their goals with their actions having more of a direct impact on the ... Read more

09 Dec

    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi BlasterMaster, sorry for the late reply.

We will update you all as soon as we have something to share. If there's no update, it's all going according to plans. Since we're a small team, we need to focus on the updates and messaging around that and can't give so many mini-updates, especially if all is going well. If you'd like short questions like this answered in the future, I highly recommend writing them in the ask-the-devs channel on our discord ( ).

Right now, we're focusing on gathering and getting your feedback into the game, and the devs are working hard on the coming update. An updated roadmap is on the way :)

Happy to hear you're looking forward to the update, so are we!

08 Dec

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
You’ve fought well during the first Early Access pre-season! Now it’s time to continue your basic training and enter pre-season 2: The Hornet’s Nest.

This is what you have to look forward to:
  • Expedition mode: Take in the beautiful environments and explore the big map without being tied to a mission. Make a more significant impact on the War Effort as you explore with your team, and if you’re a lone wolf gamer, this might be the mode for you.
  • Rocket Launcher: Rosy’s got a new baby, don’t let it run dry.
  • Overmutated Raptor: A new enemy type that has a chance to appear during specific Emergence Events.
  • New Emergence Events, seasonal contracts, and cosmetic rewards!

Pre-season 2 drops on December 16 at 13.00 CET.

04 Dec

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Freak of the Week!

Here you get to take a closer look at the mutated monstrosities that have taken over earth.

The final Freak of the Week for 2020 is a true original: Basic but with bite, the Raptor will see you now.

27 Nov

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Freak of the Week!

Here you get to take a closer look at the mutated monstrosities that have taken over earth.

This week we wave hello to - THE ARMORED BULL, this guy runs, rams, and slams in style. Bring the biggest gun or the sharpest shooter on your team. Or you'll be flatter than a pancake.

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello, Extinction Elites!

Our first update is now live! Supply Drop #1 delivered Mission Difficulty Settings, so you can set Hard or Insane levels for your mission attempt. We can already see some of the feedback coming in about how you’re treating these settings, such as the desire for an Easy mode for solo players or making Insane even more insane. Keep sending us the feedback, and we’ll keep adjusting these settings to best fit what you all have in mind.

The goal for these State of The Game updates is to keep a line of communication open from us to you. Of course, you can reach out at any time via our Discord, but a lot of that can be lost in the chatter, so this letter is a vehicle to talk about three specific things.

What Have We Learned
As mentioned above, Mission Difficulty Settings was the first update to the core game experience. This was done as a result of the early feedback we got during our playtests about how 3-player experiences aren... Read more

20 Nov

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Freak of the Week!

Here you get to take a closer look at the mutated monstrosities that have taken over earth.

This Friday's freak is the ACID RAPTOR... redefining death breath for a whole generation.

18 Nov

    Anaïs on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! The issue has now been fixed. Restart Steam or verify integrity of gamefiles to get the update going if it doesn't start by itself. Sorry for the inconvenience and enjoy the update!
    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
3...2...1...The first Supply Drop has landed!
Besides the addition of new contracts and difficulty settings that we’ve already shared with you on the roadmap(link), we have fixed multiple issues and crashes with this update.

The Grenade Launcher’s projectiles now collide with enemies, multiple menu and graphics issues are fixed, and you will now receive loot even if you have died during a mission. But you can no longer throw infinite airstrikes or send the Rex flying. You win some, you lose some.

With Difficulty Settings making an entrance into the game, it is more important than ever that you take on the challenge as a team to get the full experience and not constantly have to bite the dust.

For the solo players out there, we hear you, and we are looking into making the game more enjoyable solo, like with the Expedition Mode arriving not-too-far into the future (it’s coming in December with Pre-Season 2). But until then, team up and share your skills... Read more

17 Nov

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
We're only a day away from the first Supply Drop landing! Bugs will be fixed, there'll be new contracts and, best of all, some new difficulty settings to test your metal*. To give you a better understanding of what you'll be up against in Hard and Insane difficulty modes, join Community Developer Anais, and Game Director Simon, as they answer the eight most asked questions about, you guessed it, difficulty settings. Enjoy.

*we know, it should be "mettle", but guns are metal. And we felt clever

13 Nov

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Freak of the Week!

Here you get to take a closer look at the mutated monstrosities that have taken over earth.

This week it's the positively shocking Electro Raptor who is here to light up your weekend.

10 Nov

    Anaïs on Steam - Thread - Direct
How is the war against the mutated dinosaurs going out there? Are you ready for some refreshments?

Last week we shared the updated Roadmap with you and that our first pre-season First Blood’s Supply Drop #1 is embracing for impact. If you’ve kept updated this is what your eyes will have spied...

  • New Contracts and New Clues -  Something stirs in the dark… Complete new Contracts to unravel the first narrative threads behind the dinosaur menace.
  • Are You Hard or Insane? - Turn the pain up to 11 and earn new Nameplates in two new difficulty settings.
  • Fix Up, Look Sharp - various bug fixes for graphics, audio, and UI among others.

Supply Drop #1 will land on November 18.

Until then share your best plays and gameplay clips so we can feel confident in your competence and not throw you to the wolves when the new difficulty settings arrive. 

You can share your cl... Read more