over 4 years
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Welcome back to Freak of the Week, where we take a closer look at the mutated monstrosities you’re soon going to vanquish and reclaim earth.
Say hi to the little guy with his eyes on the prize - THE WATCHER!
At only 1.65m, The Watcher is more likely to run away than to put up a fight. His strength lies in his ability to call for backup and let his bigger and badder buddies deal with you. Don’t let him make that distress call!
Since he lacks armor but can run fast, ending him with a clean sniper headshot from a distance is a good way to interrupt his alarm signal.

Say hi to the little guy with his eyes on the prize - THE WATCHER!
At only 1.65m, The Watcher is more likely to run away than to put up a fight. His strength lies in his ability to call for backup and let his bigger and badder buddies deal with you. Don’t let him make that distress call!
Since he lacks armor but can run fast, ending him with a clean sniper headshot from a distance is a good way to interrupt his alarm signal.