over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/1024380/announcements/detail/2910976689286931913]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Anaïs - Direct link
3...2...1...The first Supply Drop has landed!
Besides the addition of new contracts and difficulty settings that we’ve already shared with you on the roadmap(link), we have fixed multiple issues and crashes with this update.

The Grenade Launcher’s projectiles now collide with enemies, multiple menu and graphics issues are fixed, and you will now receive loot even if you have died during a mission. But you can no longer throw infinite airstrikes or send the Rex flying. You win some, you lose some.

With Difficulty Settings making an entrance into the game, it is more important than ever that you take on the challenge as a team to get the full experience and not constantly have to bite the dust.

For the solo players out there, we hear you, and we are looking into making the game more enjoyable solo, like with the Expedition Mode arriving not-too-far into the future (it’s coming in December with Pre-Season 2). But until then, team up and share your skills with the rest of the community to beat the challenge and receive new nameplates that grant instant bragging rights.

Good luck completing the new contracts and overcoming the Insane difficulty mode. The ERA believes in you.

Below you will find the complete list of Patch Notes.

Abilities and Perks
  • Issue got fixed where the player was able to throw infinite airstrikes with no cooldown. Sorry for stopping the mayhem but we started feeling bad for the dinosaurs.
  • Issue got fixed where the upgrade token buy indicator was at the wrong place after unlocking all slots on another weapon.
  • Issue got fixed where Rosy's barricade did not despawn.
  • Issue got fixed where the Scythe perk rendered the Dragon's Breath perk non-functional if both perks were active at the same time.

  • Issue got fixed where Amir warned about a watcher raptor that wasn't there. Such an Amir thing to do, but we’ve talked to him and he won’t do it again.
  • Issue got fixed where no sound was played when the player was buying upgrade points.
  • Issue got fixed where the weapon upgrade unlock sound did not play when the player unlocked an upgrade slot.

  • Issue got fixed where the player got previously completed contracts as new contracts.
  • Controls and Settings
  • Issue got fixed where a monitor loses signal when NVIDIA G-Sync is enabled for window mode windowed mode.
  • Issue got fixed where keyboard settings were not read and controls remained on the same button. No more bamboozlement!
  • Issue got fixed where the player couldn't rebind WASD/movement directions.
  • Issue got fixed where the player could bind an action to a mouse key and it would perform that action in-game while being in the settings menu.
  • Issue got fixed where the minimum resolution scale was reset to 75 in the background when changing display options.

Crashes and Black Screens
  • Issue got fixed where the game triggered asserts when the player was getting in the down state in a single-player session.
  • Issue got fixed where the game was crashing upon restart.
  • Issue got fixed where the player saw a black screen after changing to fullscreen window mode on a 4K monitor.
  • Issue got fixed where a crash occurred when attempting to exit back to the main menu when being in the dropship before insertion.
  • Issue got fixed where the game crashed after the player initiated the extraction process (calling in the dropship).
  • Issue got fixed where the game would crash for players with two GPUs, where the higher-performing GPU is not connected to a monitor.
  • Issue got fixed where the game would crash after completing the Gas Pump activity in a multiplayer session.
  • A memory crash issue got fixed.
  • Several additional crash fixes.

  • Issue got fixed where the T-Rex went flying.
  • Issue got fixed where the T-Rex would walk outside of the cave and stand there, disrupting the flow of the fight. She is now instructed to stay in the cave and look busy.

  • Issue got fixed where the player was able to exploit research points.
  • Issue got fixed where the player was stuck in the drop pod and unable to drop to start a mission.
  • Issue got fixed where the terrain was cutting into the stairs in the mines causing problems for the AI.
  • Issue got fixed where respawn points were not available after two minutes of gameplay.
  • Issue got fixed where the player could unintentionally reach a roof in Lata Plains.
  • Issue got fixed where mini hollows took full damage from enemy attacks.
  • Issue got fixed where the player could get on top of a dropship in Nova Ridge.
  • Issue got fixed where the player could shoot down a drone into an area that is impossible to reach.
  • Issue got fixed where activity icons lead the player to an empty location.
  • Issue got fixed where the player could get killed when entering the dropship.
  • Broken nav-mesh on different locations got fixed.
  • Issue got fixed where the player was stuck in a drop pod up in the air during the respawn sequence.
  • Issue got fixed where players occasionally did not receive any loot after dying once during a mission.
  • Issue got fixed where the kill player trigger on the extraction dropship was too large and too close to the ramp.
  • Issue got fixed where the mission failed screen was triggered during the extraction for players that were still alive.
  • Issue got fixed where a misplaced tree at Aga Hills clipped with the dropship.
  • Improvement: Terrain changes for the T-Rex caves.
  • Improvement: Adjustments to the T-Rex sites were made where some objects did not snap to the ground anymore after the terrain changes.
  • Improvement: Logic for the T-Rex caves got an update for the mission Vestige and the emergence event.

  • Issue got fixed where a weird blob looking circle was visible after using the mine’s ability. Be gone, weird blob!
  • Issue got fixed where the green fog glitched when the player was entering caves.
  • A lighting issue got fixed when the player was entering and exiting the cave next to the Blacksite facility.
  • Issue got fixed where random cylinder shapes could be seen at the south-east of the Nova Ridge insertion point.
  • Issue got fixed where the title could end up with a critical FPS drop after the player was fighting off enemies for longer than 10 minutes when extracting.
  • Issue got fixed where the scorched earth VFX could be observed after a placed mine exploded.
  • Issues got fixed where visual glitches on roads appeared in different locations.
  • Issue got fixed where the fog looked weird before entering the caves.
  • Issue got fixed where shadows were shifting at a location.

Menu, HUD, UI, etc.
  • Issue got fixed where the navbar was missing in the pause menu.
  • Issues with missing names in the menu for weapons and character skins got fixed.
  • Issue got fixed when entering the objective area while tracking a map icon removed it from the compass.
  • Issue got fixed where it was possible to scroll down in the lobby party screen and select the nameplates after returning from a mission.
  • Issue got fixed where the ammo pick up showed everyone's ammo type.
  • Issue got fixed where the default weapon skin said "text field" rather than default.
  • Issue got fixed where No Loc strings were visible in the text field on hero outfits.
  • Issue got fixed where the map icons appear tilted.
  • Issue got fixed where the wrong icon set was used for the Assault Rifle skin.
  • Issue got fixed where some Steam achievements did not get unlocked.
  • Issue got fixed, where, when the player rejoined a game the mission started text showed up.
  • Issue got fixed where an old concept art was visible in contracts.
  • Issue got fixed where the player could open the map while having the pause menu open.
  • Issue got fixed when the pause menu reopened when the player tried to close it.
  • Issue got fixed where UI indicators behaved poorly on Ultrawide screens.
  • Missing strings for loot rewards are added.
  • Issue got fixed where achievements counters were reset if the game was reset.
  • Corrupted letter issue for the letter Œ got fixed.
  • Issue got fixed where the navbar was present on screen after the hosting player rejoined the party.
  • Issue got fixed where the Cancel Matchmaking button was available for the client while the host was searching for a third player.
  • Issue got fixed where the player characters sometimes were missing weapons in victory pose on the result screen after rejoining a game.

  • Issue got fixed where the scanner did not show the location for the Rex nest in the missions Vestige and Research and Rescue.
  • Multiplayer
  • Issue got fixed where a session error was caused in multiplayer sessions after the host left the party.

  • Issue got fixed where the Grenade Launcher's projectiles did not collide with enemies.
  • Issues got fixed where fire effects were not replicated when using the Dragon's Breath perk.

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