about 2 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
4s hey everyone Welcome to our cozy Nest
6s I'm Luke I'm a technical game designer
8s at TGC um hey neighbor hey neighbor I'm
12s Kyle lead gameplay engineer at TGC we've
15s been working really hard behind the
17s scenes to put in so much love and and
19s bring you this season the season of
21s nesting some kind of player home in sky
24s has been a long time coming it's
25s something you know players have wanted
27s for a long time it's something we've all
28s wanted to make for a long time um and I
32s think the reason why it's happening now
35s is maybe a couple of things one I think
37s our shared basis system has been like
40s growing and evolving over time and it
42s felt like it was finally ready to handle
43s a challenge like this and I also think
46s um you know back when we introduced
48s Avary Village we talked a lot about the
51s possibilities that that opened up for us
53s in terms of the kinds of Worlds we could
56s make for our players at Sky and um I
58s think this is a great example of like
61s one of those possibilities that having a
63s hub like a village gives us as designers
66s we really wanted to again make the
68s Streamline the the experience of playing
70s with others in that space um and that
73s that was a wide spectrum of things we we
76s wanted for example a lot of our placees
78s have interactions right you can sit down
80s you can drink some tea you know you can
82s do these little things and we wanted to
84s make that process very smooth and work
88s well with others um and it took some
90s iteration actually to get it there you
92s know with where there wasn't bugs or
94s there wasn't really you know little
96s limitations that I think would make the
98s experience not as good um so I think
100s that that's where a lot of the work had
102s gone into and then obviously building
104s the space you know I can't I can't
106s emphasize enough how much work went into
109s that interface uh you know we have some
111s amazing uh people working on some of
113s that technology the UI technology of of
116s the shared space edit editing experience
119s and I think uh that's much more
121s streamlined now uh the the big addition
124s I think in my mind for this for this
126s newest season is we actually have this
129s kind of snapping mode now so you can
131s essentially there's like almost like a
133s grid under the hood uh in the world that
135s you're moving objects on it snaps them
137s to these different positions we really
139s hope you love season of nesting and we
141s cannot wait to see all the creativity
143s you unleash um and be sure to invite us
145s to your nest Waring parties until next
147s time we'll see you in the sky