2 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
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537s [Music]
552s [Music]
566s [Music]
570s oh
572s [Music]
581s [Music]
595s [Music]
609s hello hello hello sky kids how is
613s everybody doing today I hope you guys
615s are doing okay is everybody doing
617s awesome so happy to be here are you guys
620s doing okay and as you guys know the
623s drill honk honk sky kids is really
627s really exciting to be here bring bring
630s up patch notes
632s [Music]
634s 275 you guys how cool is that and how
638s far have we
641s come can you guys hear me
645s okay does everybody hear me just fine
649s cuz you guys know tech tech and crabs do
651s not mix really well together I see Boi I
655s I mean ma m i see you in chat thank you
657s thank you for being here with us ma the
659s B and the see Super Wolf Pup the sky
662s seos honk honk everybody and you guys
666s know the drill you might as well find us
669s on every single social media out there
672s if my thing will play I'm not sure if
674s it's playing but if not I will play it
678s automatically here we go follow us on
681s all social medias you guys you guys know
683s the drill and you guys know where to
686s find us find us on Discord that's the
689s place to me and to hang out with other
691s sky kids just like you I'll tell you
693s right now it is the most wholesome
696s community in the world heru yo CH is
700s Brazilian right indeed
702s [Music]
704s indeed Kiko kamuk HK HK
707s Hong everdale Glory are you a crab yes a
712s crab indeed I am that's me right now you
715s looking at me just now and just before
719s you guys we get started you know the
723s drill is anybody celebrating their
726s birthdays is anybody celebrating their
728s birthdays just now hello Tik Tok archive
732s 426 thank you for joining us k
736s k welcome welcome this is sour Manch hi
740s Tio hello sour man it's so good to see
742s you guys is anybody celebrating their
744s birthdays because it's that time of the
747s stream in which I want to celebrate you
749s I want to celebrate your life I want to
751s celebrate your soul and your lights uh
753s don't take your presence in this world
755s lightly because you are very much loved
759s you are very much appreciated and and we
764s love you we do love you very much so
768s just be sure that your life is worth it
773s okay your life is worth it so don't take
777s a new year of you to a bad uh to a bad
781s place you know there is always place for
784s people in the world with that said you
788s guys what are we doing today Chad talk
790s to me I am a forgetful crab what what
792s are you guys here to do
794s today when does the Christmas event come
797s out oh K maybe something that we can
799s discuss a little bit on this stream
802s today Vin what does the next season
805s symbol mean that is a great question
808s what does that mean but I'm happy that
810s you guys were excited to see that I was
812s just as excited as you guys that looked
815s so good and to be honest it's been a
818s while since we got you guys so excited
820s about a pendant and I'm very happy to
823s see all of the theories if you will
826s being brought around that I am very very
830s Maverick season of
833s waffle Perhaps Perhaps War Wire Watch
836s patch notes I think exactly that's why
839s what we are here to do and in order to
843s do that I am here to welcome uh one of
846s my really good friends uh somebody who
849s you guys very much like seeing here on
852s stream I believe my great friend
856s thetis who I'll bring to you as soon as
859s I start seeing Theus on my
862s own call tus come by there you go you
866s are on mute tus by the way but let me
868s make sure that you are also unmuted for
871s the chat welcome ttis how are you doing
875s today I'm good how are you I am good I
879s am very good uh yeah ttis I was like
883s when is ttis going to show up I I muted
886s myself but I was like this is great I'm
888s ready and then yeah I forgot the video
892s part everybody show a candle to ttis
895s show a candle to ttis because ttis is a
897s friend that you want to make she she has
900s your back all the way through she will
904s I'm not going to say what she will do
905s but she will do that for you she will do
907s that for you she she's the the best
909s friend she's the best friend one could
912s have one could have ttis are you doing
914s okay it looks so cute with the beini I
917s know I'm so cold today we've got a a an
920s a a what's it called an atmospheric
922s River here in California so it's it's
923s cold for for me I don't like it it's
925s cold for me too I'm not going to lie I'm
927s like I I was in the east coast and the
930s east coast of the United States if you
932s guys don't know it's a lot colder than
934s the west but I come back to to the West
936s Coast and surprise it's a lot it's a lot
940s a lot a lot colder than it was in my in
943s my hometown but yeah yeah that is what
947s what are we here to do
948s today I don't know let's see I I love
951s the idea of like talking about things
953s that are coming but I think right now
954s we're here to talk about patch notes
957s patch notes you guys and bch not for me
960s to start getting ready let me go ahead
962s and get my wrench here we go holding my
966s crab wrench with my little crab stubs we
969s are ready to dive into this because it's
971s a it's a hefty one right that
973s this it is pretty big yes there's a lot
976s going on there's a lot going on it's a
978s lengthy one you guys so buckle up oh
981s puka I'm also freezing he in Germany
983s well here am sending uh warm crab Hearts
986s to you that hopefully warms up your your
988s heart
991s uh mom who is this
994s rash what are you talking about Mom we
996s we know nothing Sterling Ivy thank you
999s for being here Sterling it's always a
1000s pleasure to have you on our stream let
1003s me just say hello to my folks on Tik Tok
1005s Tik Tok are you guys ready for patch
1006s notes Ghost says the crab is so cute
1009s ghost you are the cute ghost are you
1011s serious you are the cutest all right tus
1015s I did my Shenanigans and I think it's
1017s time for us to dive into to the patch
1022s notes okay guys that will be a lengthy
1026s one buckle up and you guys know how we
1029s do it so that is why don't you kick off
1031s by reading the
1033s introduction of notes for us you got it
1036s greetings adventurers there's plenty to
1039s dive into with this update the
1041s conclusion of n's story in season of
1043s mumen surprising twists in a special
1046s year- end collaboration big updates for
1049s of music and another round of feature
1051s updates and quality of life improvements
1053s that we can't wait to share among many
1056s other things awesome I love this picture
1059s by the way it's so cute thank you tius
1061s thank you let me show the picture to
1062s people because I don't think I was look
1064s at that picture you guys and so many
1066s things happening right like we we and so
1068s many things are are happening based on
1069s the last streams that we had you you
1071s mentioned Nene and we had Skyla on
1073s stream for the very first time reading
1077s uh Tales From mumi Valley and that was
1078s so wholesome you guys it was adorable I
1081s almost cried I kid you not I almost
1083s cried because he was so cute and we also
1086s had the nest visits and I see a lot of
1088s people whose Nest I had visited and it
1091s was a great time did you watch those
1092s streams
1093s stus I was not able to know I have I'm a
1096s little backed up I'm I'm sorry I'm just
1098s a little backed up on my stream watching
1100s I will get to them I promise you see you
1103s guys status wants to be the star unless
1105s she's running the show there is no
1107s streaming time
1111s it's all good that is we we we still
1113s love you Chad can that's right as as
1115s long as I still get to do the patch
1116s notes I'm fine let me see if I can get
1119s three different chests to say we still
1121s love you T So chat YouTube twitch and
1123s Tik Tok and everybody just type in we
1125s still love you tettis just to be sure
1128s tettis know she still love even though
1129s she has
1130s [Music]
1132s forsaken our
1134s [Music]
1137s stream I back up
1139s [Music]
1140s you guys can you tell me if you guys
1142s listen to that is okay because her voice
1145s comes up and down on my headphones but
1147s if you guys can hear them okay then it's
1150s totally okay totally okay I love I love
1153s you all too and yes I can be crazy I can
1156s be crazy with my voices so I apologize
1158s ahead as time no no it's not you I I
1160s blame te I blame te and and my uh I
1165s guess my claws not being able to to
1169s grapple that so well but it's okay it's
1172s okay you see all the love that you're
1173s receiving tus there you go yes yes if
1176s you're having a hard day I hope that
1177s this warms your heart you are very much
1180s uh a favorite of this stream in this
1182s community a thank you everybody I
1184s appreciate it with that said you guys I
1186s keep I keep talking and we have so much
1188s to cover so let me just jump into this
1191s uh ttis let's do one major paragraph
1194s each or something like that we're going
1196s to figure it out season of movie news
1200s more chapters of season of Ming are
1202s waiting for you to explore as the
1204s remaining quests become available check
1206s in with the story story book guide to
1208s experience the rest of this classic tale
1210s alongside mumi Mama Tu Tiki and little
1213s my not to mention Nini and the rest of
1215s the moving family while the season
1217s continues be sure to unlock deed
1219s hairstyles capes outfits and more these
1222s are available in the story books guides
1224s area which you can access by talking to
1227s the guide when you see them in AV
1229s Village or home with this update a new
1232s Cape will appear and in the ingame shop
1235s well wait let me read that again that
1237s didn't work with this update a new Cape
1239s will appear in the in-game shop after
1242s completing the final seasonal quest
1244s which becomes available on December 9th
1247s and I was asked by seg you guys to
1250s really highlight this topic so I
1251s actually am going to highlight it on
1253s stream so I don't have to read it again
1255s it was God awful un last s you want to
1257s read that for me please
1260s okay with this update a new Cape will
1263s appear in the ingame shop after
1265s completing the final seasonal quest
1267s which becomes available on December
1270s 9th there you go guys that will be the
1272s mumi Mama's Masterpiece Cape the
1276s Masterpiece that's right uh and it's
1278s been highlighted yes yeah it has and now
1281s it's your turn tus take it over okay as
1284s part of this special
1285s collaboration this cape comes with the
1287s ability to teleport to the inside of
1289s special of a special version of the mman
1292s Valley House the ability can be
1295s activated after completing all six
1297s seasonal quests although although the
1300s mov and family and their friends won't
1302s be home during your visit shush you can
1304s bring your friends with you and explore
1306s the space together as sky kids M and
1309s Mama's Masterpiece cape and other
1311s special collaboration inapp purchases
1313s will be available only during the season
1315s and are current and are not currently
1317s planned to return once it concludes if
1319s you see something you'd like be sure to
1321s check the in-game store and the story
1322s book guides area before the season ends
1325s ask for the emote and the two items
1327s available in the story book guides
1328s friendship Tree in exchange for regular
1330s candles these are planned to continue to
1333s be available after the season ends
1336s season of movement continues until 11:59
1338s p.m. December 29th all times Pacific
1342s Standard so a little bit of a of a rback
1346s on all of that you guys you get to go
1348s back to to the muming house and yes if
1350s you're holding friend holding hands with
1352s your holding friends with your hands I
1354s guess that works the same way right that
1355s works too yeah if you're holding hands
1358s with your friends you can bring them to
1359s the Ming house and you guys guys get to
1362s hang out there but remember the Ming
1363s characters will not be present is just
1365s you guys and the moving house just
1367s wanted to make that very clear are we
1372s clear moving on and you like that
1375s picture that is how do you like this
1377s picture I do love this picture it looks
1379s a lot of fun like I want to party with
1380s them that looks really fun I love the
1382s outfit like the marching band outfit is
1385s so cute it's so
1388s cute days that trumpet yeah go go please
1391s say that trumpet was I was going to say
1393s that trumpet just looks like it's blast
1394s and it's great it's so great do you know
1396s how to play the trumpet I do not I do
1400s not I don't play any instrument would
1403s you try to play a trumpet in Sky I will
1406s definitely try to play a trumpet in Sky
1407s yes what it would it sound anything like
1409s this
1411s chat is that a trumpet even I don't know
1414s I played a sound bite at this if you're
1416s not if you're not hearing okay yeah I I
1417s can't hear it because otherwise I'll get
1418s NEOS it goes but honestly not sure if
1421s that's a trumpet but next week you guys
1424s I will have somebody who would know
1426s whether that is a trumpet or not and
1428s I'll talk to you guys shortly about
1430s what's coming up in the Stream next week
1433s in the meanwhile days of Music echoes in
1436s the Realms wait I up okay in the Realms
1441s from November 25th through December 8th
1444s Pacific Time days of Music returns this
1448s year's event brings a sweet of sweet Su
1451s never know how to read that of updates
1453s with activities features and more
1455s inviting you to share music in brand new
1458s ways talk to the event guide Spirits in
1461s a very Village or home they'll teleport
1463s you two stages across the r each
1466s location provides a unique prompt to
1468s create a song to share with others as
1471s simple or intricate as you'd like so it
1473s doesn't really matter you guys if you
1475s are uh a master at playing Sky music or
1478s if you are a crab playing Sky music you
1481s guys to you still get to participate and
1484s play around uh where did I stop now that
1488s is help me if you're following along
1489s third one third one third one it's the
1492s perfect opportunity to listen to other
1494s players Creations too browse through the
1497s browse through the other shared memories
1498s at the stage and you may even find
1500s inspiration for the next song you
1503s compose it it feels like days of style
1505s but for music lovers
1507s right yeah it does I mean I mean I mean
1511s we just came off with the Seas of was
1513s definitely about music um but you know
1516s returning to a days of music is really
1519s really exciting that's
1521s awesome for event currency can be forged
1524s each day from event from event currency
1527s light this can be gathered at as you
1529s take part in the event activities plus
1531s 15 bonus event currencies will be placed
1535s around Avary Village for the duration of
1537s the events so no need to hurry to find
1539s them all on the first day keep your eye
1541s out though for musical symbols and those
1544s are code hard event currency you guys so
1547s there is 15 out there for you no lights
1550s no forging it's just there for you to
1553s grab days of music will feature new
1555s items plus MOS returning from previous
1558s years new items available during the
1560s events are the marching band cape and
1562s the music marching uniform outfits which
1566s I very much complimented and I'm going
1568s to show you guys again because it's so
1570s cute it's so
1573s cute that's so cute all right and then
1576s if you get the marching band hat from
1578s last year's you got a full set isn't it
1581s perfect is it perfect scenario I should
1583s have a a a Tio with a marching band
1586s hatch that that would be I think that
1587s would be super cute that would be
1590s cute let's find ourselves here in this
1592s text these next items will be introduced
1595s when days of Music starts and they will
1597s remain permanently available to unlock
1600s oh and that's B and underscored and I'm
1603s going to highlight it because that has
1604s to be
1606s important to unlock or purchase in
1608s Harmony Hall even after the event ends
1611s yay the jam station is back is my
1614s favorite thing ever the fledgling
1617s upright piano
1619s this piano appears in the prop category
1621s which means that other players will be
1623s able to try if you place it somewhere
1625s such as your
1627s nest anything to add stus you're good to
1630s go I'm good to go all right I think I'm
1633s ready okay so I'll I'll continue on for
1636s details on returning days of Music items
1639s please refer to patch notes from
1640s previous years as for items originally
1643s introduced for event currency the
1645s marching band hat and the saxophone will
1647s be 55 125 candles respectively the
1650s marching band hat will be available only
1652s during the event but the saxophone will
1655s remain in Harmony Hall permanently free
1658s trial spells for all items can be found
1660s in Harmony Hall so let's repeat that the
1662s saxophone will remain in Harmony Hall um
1666s and then speaking of the jam station
1668s this item offers a ton of new features
1670s to enjoy it offers a default instrument
1674s for each of its four parts and every
1676s other instrument you already have in
1677s your closet are options to choose for
1680s each part two the exception to this are
1683s instruments that are categorized as
1684s placeable like the Duets pianos or the
1687s fledgling upright piano instrument
1689s selections and patterns will autosave
1692s and the updated UI makes it easier to
1695s edit each part there's more packed into
1697s the jam stations than we can fit into
1699s the patch notes but we can't wait to see
1700s the performances you make with
1703s them awesome there's a little wait
1706s should we write that little we should
1707s read that little star I don't know I not
1709s want to tell you what to do that you
1711s follow your heart you you do what you
1713s want you're the host of this shind dig
1715s buddy that that is true that is true but
1717s I am very fearful of you and your agage
1720s so please just do as you will all right
1723s the event guide in home will be missing
1725s the teleport option in its friendship
1727s tree this is not intended and the
1729s teleport function will be available as
1731s intended in future events so rage what
1735s are you talking about rage no no rage no
1736s rage there's no rage in here guys it's
1738s only love it's only love Only Love forus
1742s by the way you guys uh I just want to
1744s say some stuff uh people are saying that
1746s the music in the Stream was too loud I
1748s did bring it down a little bit so let me
1751s know if that's okay uh if not just
1753s please send a message anywhere and if I
1756s see it I will adjust accordingly and in
1759s the meanwhile as we're talking about
1762s days of Music we are trying to bring a
1764s very special guest for the stream next
1767s week and that's the person who has been
1769s very very much involved in creating and
1772s developing the James station for you
1774s guys and a master musician that is uh
1778s you know we are so grateful to have them
1780s being part of the of the sky team but as
1784s part of past Endeavors of this developer
1787s which I'm going to say the name shortly
1789s they also have had great input and
1792s performances in the official Dragon Ball
1795s Z original soundtrack in the United
1798s States so Scott Morgan is going to be
1800s with us next week you guys for B of
1802s music and Jamie on the jam station if I
1806s were you guys I would make some time for
1807s the stream next week there you go ttis
1811s this whole stream is just for me to say
1812s that other than that we should finish
1814s the stream now but the patch note still
1817s goes on that it continues it keeps going
1820s on it's huge it's
1823s huge let me just be sure that we are
1825s aligned here sharing gifts during days
1828s of giving from Midnight December 9th
1832s until 11:59 December
1835s 22nd days of giving returns during this
1838s time
1839s there days of giving returns period
1842s during this time there will be double
1845s seasonal lights
1847s yay yeah eight clusters of seasonal
1850s lights can be collected in the daily
1852s realm for a total of two seasonal
1854s candles each day double treasure candles
1857s yeah that will be eight locations to a
1860s large treasure candle in the same realm
1862s each day instead of four double Hearts
1866s yeah every heart and partial heart gift
1869s sent during this event will be doubled
1873s so things Gore you guys days of giving
1876s just do a lot get a lot give a lot and
1879s you guys will be happy during this no so
1883s hearts and partial heart gifts are
1884s doubled when they are sent during the
1888s event if a gift is sensed before days of
1890s giving begins but it's then collected
1892s during the event it will not be doubled
1895s double Hearts will not apply to Heart s
1897s the players Creations just being short
1900s because we had issues uh in the past
1902s right so the hearts must be sent during
1906s the event not collected once the event
1910s starts okay that so you wait until you
1913s send your hearts to me I'm going to wait
1915s until the event starts to send you
1916s Hearts I think
1918s here here's a heart for you guys Chad
1920s here's a heart for you guys there you go
1922s and when I speak it's double so I think
1924s that that means a lot to this
1926s stream all right let's proceed we have a
1930s beautiful image and that is I want you
1933s to be to have the honors to announce
1935s this I I really do I think this is one
1938s for
1940s you oh you're going to give it to me I
1942s thought you were saying you were going
1943s to do it no no you do it exting there's
1945s nothing more skyx Alis say Wonderland
1949s Cafe then ttis so please ttis have the
1951s honors oh well thank you thank you thank
1953s you so we are introducing now Sky uh ex
1956s or with Alice's Wonderland Cafe a
1959s curious Adventure from dece from
1963s December 23r through January 12th of
1966s next year get ready for a Fantastical
1968s Twist on Sky days of feast celebration
1971s the special collaboration brings the
1973s magic of Alice and Wonderland to Sky
1975s with an event filled with memorable
1977s characters stor Ries and surprises when
1980s the event begins keep your eye out in
1982s home and Avary Village for a creature
1983s who's in a hurry follow them to find the
1986s entrance to an all new event area where
1988s you'll experience sky from a very
1990s different perspective take a moment to
1992s talk with the various event Spirits
1994s there they'll also share some current
1996s event currency light if you help them
1998s with their requests if you need a break
2000s from their Shenanigans their tea party
2002s offer sky kids some social light too in
2005s fact five event currency can be gathered
2008s by completing the two activities with
2009s the Wonderland Cafe Spirits each day
2012s plus you can explore or I'm sorry plus
2016s as you explore what the area has to
2018s offer you can find 15 bonus event
2020s currency tucked away around the cafe
2022s like the bonus event currency and days
2024s of Music These are available during the
2026s entire event so feel free to take your
2028s time to search for
2030s them and then don't forget to explore
2033s around the rest of Sky too days of feast
2035s favorites are back in places like dreams
2037s Village home and a secret area available
2040s from The Vault of knowledge so if you've
2042s been looking forward to being
2043s transformed into a snow kid or spending
2046s time with a favorite spirit in the snoow
2047s hunting home you'll have the chance to
2049s do just that and you guys know what that
2052s means right because you guys are all
2053s veterans Here I Am the Only moth present
2057s and you guys do dedicate some time to
2061s you know to to search for those uh event
2064s currency because uh word on the street
2067s or at at least word on DMS between ttis
2071s and I is that they can be a little bit
2073s hidden so they are so
2076s tricky be be aware you know you heard it
2079s here first I had a joke prepared for
2081s this moment to you guys but I'm gonna I
2083s would rather keep you let you guys have
2085s a surprise but keep in mind that when
2087s you guys see it you will think of me
2090s because I had a joke and maybe when time
2092s comes it's actually a really funny joke
2095s thank you thank you tus I I cannot tell
2097s you how much that is hurting my heart
2099s not to say it but you know a surprise is
2101s not a surprise you know if we ruin it
2105s but thank you if you spoil it it's not
2107s it's not fun anymore right exactly well
2109s or it can be funny but not fun right yes
2112s yes yes all right guys new items coming
2114s with skyx with Ellis's Wonderland Cafe
2118s are the Wonderland stacked hat
2121s Wonderland frantic hair Wonderland sea
2125s Beth Wonderland hair hairstyle oh it
2127s means that we going to have a hair cool
2130s this item will be permanently available
2133s to unlock after the event Ends by
2135s traveling to the Wonderland Cafe via the
2137s Wonderland Cafe Corridor prop the
2140s Wonderland Prim Rose pinor did I say
2143s that right you did oh you guys you see
2147s so many surprises I am pronouncing
2149s things right it includes a hair
2152s accessory and a prim Rose yellow dress
2155s inspired by the outfit Alice wore in
2157s Louis Carol
2159s uh OS classic story warland Cafe
2162s Corridor this passageway allows you to
2165s travel back to the Wonderland Cafe from
2167s everywhere but the stormiest places in
2169s Sky even after the event ends once
2171s placed the travel ability can be used by
2174s any player who interacts with it for
2177s details on returning items oh wait I
2179s have to lower my
2182s text here we go sorry guys for details
2185s on returning items please refer to patch
2187s notes from previous years as for items
2189s introduced for event currency last year
2191s the winter pine cone hair clip and
2193s winter Feast snowboard will be 35 and
2196s 145 candles respectively free trial
2199s spells for all items are available in
2202s Wonderland
2204s Cafe how exciting how exciting I think
2208s ever since I joined TGC when I was just
2211s a human and now I'm a crab but when I
2213s was a human people are asking for that
2215s collaboration can you guys do something
2217s with alysis in Wonderland and alas this
2220s is very true it's it has been a frequent
2222s request I've seen in feedback most
2224s defitely is that one that you that you
2226s have personally been expecting to see I
2228s was hoping to honestly I always wanted
2231s I've always wanted an Alice and
2233s Wonderland collaboration that it was
2235s it's super cute that's awesome there you
2237s go guys something exciting for you guys
2240s in this holiday season what what normal
2243s people call winter but we are Jolly here
2245s right holiday season it is all right
2249s I'll read this one uh ttis and then you
2251s can jump on the second one okay okay you
2253s got it a special group of visiting
2255s Spirits is on its way a group of fast
2258s seasonal Spirits is set to arrive and
2260s add extra energy to the start of the new
2263s year mark your calendars for January
2265s 13th through the 26th during well 2025
2270s do I have to say that we did say next
2272s year right we could say next year well
2275s next year next year during that time one
2277s of this Spirit from this group will
2279s appear in Avary Village and home to
2281s teleport you to where they are and their
2284s friends will gather while they're
2286s visiting you have a chance to unlock
2288s seasonal items that they brought with
2290s them during their original Seasons
2293s hooray
2295s woohoo I love that and then we have New
2299s Year's fireworks to celebrate the
2301s beginning of 2025 don't miss Sky special
2304s fireworks show it will be held in home
2307s and aary Village starting at 2:00 which
2309s is uh p.m uh o or 0200 December 31st the
2315s earliest New Year in kirab body I
2317s probably said that wrong and I apologize
2318s whoever's there and repeating every hour
2321s until 0400 January 1 the latest new year
2327s at 00 in Howland Island I probably said
2330s that one wrong
2331s too no that's 2 a 2 am to 4 a.m. on New
2335s Year's you said that right you said that
2337s right I struggled really hard with this
2339s one oh my goodness okay to enter the New
2341s Year's fireworks show in Avary Village
2343s teleport from the fireworks staff this
2346s will be available if you've completed
2348s the quest at the top of the hopeful
2349s Steward's friendship tree watch with old
2352s friends join with new ones or Mark the
2354s moment in whatever way is cozy to
2357s you and look at that photo you guys
2361s that's a wonderful shot that's a
2364s beautiful
2366s shot are you seeing that I always love
2368s Sanctuary yeah I always I always love
2370s Sanctuary Island Sanctuary Island was
2372s the first place that I really fell in
2374s love with the game when I got there like
2377s it blew my mind and I remember of course
2379s I was a moth and somebody was carrying
2381s me through and I'm like what an
2382s incredible flight and that veteran they
2385s said yes it was and I'm like oh okay
2388s somebody knows what they're doing
2390s somebody knows what they're doing but
2392s guess what guys we have even more
2394s updates yay even more
2398s in fact that's what it says right here
2400s even more up it
2401s does we you want to take it or do you
2403s want me to do it I'll do it I'll do it
2406s okay uh we have news in Sky players have
2409s shared a lot of feedback asking for ways
2411s to keep up with official news and
2413s announcements shared through blog post
2415s and patch notes in
2417s 0275 we are excited to start rolling out
2420s a news feature that will make this
2422s easily accessible in the game in this
2425s update players on mobile platforms
2427s will'll find this feature in the setting
2429s menu simply tap on the news icon and
2432s you'll be able to easily scroll through
2435s Sky's most recent blog post and patch
2437s notes but you guys can also join us on
2439s stream please don't leave me behind I
2440s love you guys but you can access it on
2443s your mobile devices but you may be
2445s thinking why you saying mobile mobile
2447s mobile mobile What About Steam switch or
2450s Playstation well if you are on Steam
2452s switch or Playstation don't worry we
2455s will be unveiling this feature to you
2458s soon in the meantime we're working on
2460s optimizing it to work smoothly and meet
2462s the unique needs of console platforms
2465s stay tuned for a future update on that
2467s so you guys are not being left behind uh
2470s we are working on additional platforms
2473s but mobile players
2475s hoay yay now we can you know players who
2478s have been leaving feedback that they
2480s want to see more in-game Communications
2483s they don't have to jump out or they're
2484s not on social media you know we're we're
2486s we we're listening to you we're trying
2488s to work out ways we can make that
2492s happen okay so here's some big news for
2494s people now you can start sky in your
2497s nest and other nesting in aary updates
2501s another feature we're adding I'm sorry
2503s I'm sorry that's awesome and I
2505s miscalculated I wanted to give that new
2507s those news but I give the news above
2509s right but please proceed but that's
2511s really really awesome okay it is really
2514s awesome so another feature we're adding
2516s based on your feedback you can you can
2517s now choose to start the game in your
2520s nest this is a quieter and calmer
2522s starting point so you'll still need to
2524s hop down to Avary Village to check your
2526s friendship constellation and daily
2527s quests note that when you use the option
2529s in the settings or expression menus to
2532s teleport back to your home base players
2535s with their nest set as their starting
2536s point will be teleported to the realm
2538s portals in Avary hop down you ask from
2543s where great question you'll be able to
2546s hop down to AV Village from the Cozy
2549s balcony that has also been added to
2551s nests in this update and I was like so
2553s shocked by that I had to go do it myself
2555s I was like what we can do that I'm going
2557s to slow clap you check a slow clap
2561s because a balcony on my minimalist Nest
2564s are you serious heck oh oh yes yes yes
2567s yes I apologize I almost said something
2569s I shouldn't but I'm excited that's
2571s really cool yes yes it's going to be
2573s exciting we've seen a lot of that and
2575s I'm glad that it's being brought to
2577s everybody so meanwhile in ay Village the
2580s nesting Workshop has a new prop that you
2582s can use to hang one of your masks as a
2585s wall decoration find it in the workshop
2588s menu under a newly updated permanently
2591s available selection of items that can be
2593s unlocked speaking of items in the
2595s nesting Workshop the nesting Workshop
2597s now has a section of permanent offerings
2600s in addition to rotating item selection
2602s this will make it possible to unlock
2604s certain Nest Essentials without having
2606s to wait for their rotation to come
2608s around the place to pick up the daily
2610s season candle and hearts gifted through
2612s player Creations has been moved from the
2614s Friendship Shrine to the Statue near the
2617s gates to the
2620s levels you know what that
2622s is I think we're doing really well this
2625s patch on this patch notes read I think
2627s we are
2628s too talking nearly as much right I was
2631s gonna say I haven't like like you know
2633s totally botched a word or two you see
2636s Chad I I don't know I I don't know if
2638s that entertains Chad more or less but we
2640s are doing our best and yeah right I know
2643s we haven't really uh messed up so much I
2647s I know I think sag is taking pity on
2649s this and she started using easier words
2650s thank you sag for understanding that we
2652s read on a third grade level well I do I
2656s do I do actually ttis doesn't ttis does
2658s a really really solid seventh grade I
2661s think oh thank you I appreciate that I
2664s feel so big
2667s all right you guys construction work in
2670s a very Village I'm adding question marks
2672s because what in
2675s 0275 you may notice some construction
2677s work in the area where the event
2679s Workshop was while the construction is
2682s underway this will still be the place to
2684s go if you'd like to travel to an event
2686s area quickly spirits will be waiting for
2689s you while their event is active and they
2692s will offer you a Teleport option those
2694s event locations will also be where event
2696s Cosmetics skin can be unlocked or pchas
2699s or purchased too just because I said it
2702s purchased what is purchased purchased
2704s it's
2706s purchased all right carry on all right
2709s save custom chat messages in your emote
2712s favorites menu if there's a particular
2714s phrase you use a lot when chatting with
2716s friends now you can add it to your emote
2718s favorites menu use this to quickly send
2721s custom chat messages like thanks or meet
2723s me back in aier Village or no you
2726s shouldn't try to hug a
2728s oh you should I like that one though you
2731s shouldn't I like hug they like hugs too
2734s hug the crabs Dan you guys don't hug
2736s Don't Hug the dragons hug hug the crabs
2738s though we we just want to uh a sweet
2741s Quick bump that's all we need that's
2743s right that's right uh let me see where I
2746s am because I think I friendly account
2749s friendly
2750s account using Sky because I think I
2752s moved my my thing oh here we go uh yeah
2755s friendly account linking oh well so go
2758s ahead and read it too oh okay so
2760s friendly account linking reminders for
2763s everybody we have some fun stuff planned
2765s to share with you in December On a
2767s related note if you have a Twitch
2768s account be sure to link with your Sky ID
2771s I mean I'm sorry your Sky account and
2772s I'm just going to add in just a quick
2774s little blur for everybody if you have
2776s Facebook as your only linking to your
2778s Sky account please venture out and try a
2781s different method just to be sure that if
2784s there are problems with our Sky um and
2786s Facebook connction ction that you do not
2788s miss out on all the good stuff so join a
2791s new and free option to link your account
2795s to Nintendo or Gmail or uh Playstation
2800s or steam all those options are available
2802s to you twitch now is available to you so
2804s please uh Venture forth and resync to
2808s different things it's a good idea very
2810s good idea in fact chat a homework for
2812s you guys can everybody please type me in
2814s the chat I will link my account into
2816s something else other than
2818s Facebook yeah just so it sticks with you
2821s because it's really important you guys
2823s um really important quote un quote but
2825s it really does help uh yeah yeah it
2830s really does help so give it a
2832s shot it's not going to hurt
2835s NOP contined daily Quest improvements
2839s along with another batch of new daily
2841s Quest we hope you've been enjoying them
2843s I I really do actually I I read it as if
2845s I was saying but I actually really do
2846s hope you guys enjoying and they're
2848s really fun uh honestly I think it's one
2851s of the best editions that we did in the
2852s game uh on my on a personal level I
2854s really have a kick with them we've
2857s included right right yeah yeah we you
2862s stop
2864s it you stop it that this you stop it
2867s okay remember I am the host you said
2869s that earlier I am the host don't mock me
2873s my goodness okay okay focus focus Deo
2876s Focus too
2878s all right let's
2880s go in the
2883s Realms use your sky kids SC to review a
2885s radar point for a daily Quest Spirits
2887s whom you haven't already met that's
2889s really cool and pretty useful photo
2892s quests have a progress meter when you
2894s turn into when you turn in your daily
2897s quest to a spirit the icon has been
2899s updated from an exclamation mark to a
2901s check mark because you got it so you got
2904s a check mark in a very Village the
2906s spirit behind the will offer you a small
2908s treat after you turn in all of your
2911s quests cool yeah I'll take a small treat
2914s I'll take a small treat right after this
2916s yeah don't forget your treats right yes
2919s get your treats daily quest list text
2921s will update with hints once you start to
2924s do them so there you go you guys tons of
2927s updates as you guys can see let's
2930s proceed with additional graphic options
2932s for mobile platforms go ahead ttis okay
2936s all right play play neighbors there you
2938s go wait that again ah I could have it I
2942s missed
2944s it
2946s noof mobile devices can now choose
2949s separate settings from resolution and
2951s frame rates under Graphics settings in
2952s the settings menu note that support for
2955s some resolution and frame rate options
2957s is dependent on device
2962s capabilities Improvement and Bug fixes
2966s in this update
2967s include and how do you want to do that
2970s do you want to each of us read one I I
2972s keep forgetting how we do this but those
2973s are fun yeah they are fun uh yeah why
2976s just go back and forth you read I read
2978s you read I read fun so let's read this
2981s blue thing because if it's blue it means
2983s that it should be red I suppose I with a
2987s star a little thing yeah I think it's a
2989s star yeah a smooshed fly on the wall it
2992s with a star symbol next to it means that
2995s this is a fix for something that the
2997s Community reported to us so thank you
2999s for letting us know about the bugs
3001s you've come across I'm so happy I read
3003s this I was going to totally jump this
3005s and Sago knows me well y she's like it
3008s better make it blue yep let me make it
3010s blue because it's gonna be red it's
3012s because you guys reported and requested
3015s you guys and that's why we are doing
3016s this and with no further Ado we are
3019s getting started with game play
3021s improvements and fixes we fixed a bug
3024s that was warping players to the location
3026s of the s King T prop whenever they spawn
3028s into an area we fixed a bug that
3031s prevented players from interacting with
3033s certain UI elements while moving the
3035s virtual joystick we resolved oh I like I
3038s like how she changed it from fixed to
3039s resolved we right is there a difference
3042s I'm going to have to ask her later but
3044s okay back back to to improvements and
3047s fixes voice we resolve the crash that
3049s could occur when entering edit mode at
3051s the Shared spaces Shrine in the
3053s butterfly fields area of daylight
3055s Prairie and fix a bug that was changing
3058s the musical key on in an instrument with
3060s play in even when the background was
3064s muted or
3065s faded I wait let me read that again fix
3068s bug that was changing the musical key an
3070s instrument would play in even when the
3072s background music was muted or faded
3074s there we go there we go now now it makes
3076s sense I was like if my English is this
3081s what those are the St pieces for
3084s gameplay you guys but we did do a few
3086s other touchups updated conditions to be
3088s able to give friends an inapp purchase
3090s in addition to the existing
3092s prerequisites The Giver must also have
3094s progressed to at least Valley of
3097s Triumph and for PC we fix a bug causing
3100s flight mode to toggle off while using
3101s the days of my misch Brom for iOS fixed
3105s crashes that would occur while using
3107s in-game video recording and just one
3111s second let me move it to review
3114s Cosmetics please carry on ttis all right
3117s players with short avatars or wearing
3119s the chiby mask probably notice that
3121s several capes namely the duet's ultimate
3123s Cape snowflake cape and Mischief goser
3125s Cape had appeared strangely shrunken
3126s when equipped these have been put
3128s through a special unshrinking process
3130s and should now appear normal again I
3133s thought it was just because they were
3134s putting the
3135s [Laughter]
3137s dryer my husband knows about
3140s that all of the notes on the passage
3143s okarina play properly
3146s again and the harmonica sounds are once
3148s again consistent we corrected the te
3151s color of the tier 2 te
3154s wait okay guys I'm going to replace all
3157s of those t's with to okay we corrected
3160s the to color of the to to to t
3164s c okay just kidding to the tier okay
3168s corrected the Tio color of the tier 2 TI
3171s Cape to more appropriately match the
3173s tial of the tier version did she do this
3176s on purpose
3180s ptis can you please read
3182s that I I I don't know if I laugh or if I
3186s cry all right but wait let me get ready
3190s to okay okay corrected the teal color of
3193s the tier 2 teal C to more purply match
3196s the teal of the tier one
3200s version that's tongue twister that's a
3203s tongue twister for sure I know I know
3206s sag is a
3207s I I'll tell you she's a a snarky one I'm
3209s sure she's laughing right
3211s [Laughter]
3212s now well related no issue to this you
3215s guys whatever that says I don't think
3217s neither neither tetus or I were able to
3219s finish this but related to that the
3222s contrast between the main Cape color and
3224s the border is not as distinct as it
3226s should be this will be resolved in a
3228s future
3229s update and we fixed a bug that caused
3232s shoe Cosmetics to oddly layer on top of
3234s the roving snuffin robe outfit
3237s glow spells glows the right way
3241s again Co how does the glow spell glow
3243s wrong right I don't know how how does
3246s glow wrong glow spell you have to do one
3249s thing is to Glow
3253s okay all right we improved the wooden
3255s grain texture of the Mischief withered
3258s horns and we updated the season of Ming
3261s scarf to reduce clipping with certain
3263s capes tweaks to the season of muming bow
3267s bone neck I should
3269s maybe stop guessing I should just read
3272s why do I keep guessing this stuff okay
3273s two weeks to the season of moving bow
3275s Neck accessory to reduce clipping with
3278s various capes and
3280s outfits oh my gosh my face
3285s hurts General fixes any improvements go
3290s Android various Graphics improvements
3293s updated the description when using the
3295s teleport home feature to make it clear
3297s that you'll be returning to the round
3299s portals in your chosen area to to avoid
3302s conf confusion that could arise with
3305s using the term home to refer to more
3307s than one
3308s area and chat translations can once
3311s again be reverted in the chat log in
3314s areas where there is both a shared
3315s memory Shrine and a spirit the shrine no
3318s longer disappears after player completes
3320s the their memory
3322s Quest and flying or diving while wearing
3325s the Mischief Raven feather cloak won't
3327s leave black pixelated streaks in the sky
3330s or water fixed a bug in the outfit shop
3333s in a village that could make the moth
3335s and Sparrow appreciation pack display
3337s display appear to black or unlit and fix
3341s a bug that could prevent mobile players
3342s from using a Bluetooth keyboard when a
3345s nearby player who was using the reading
3348s expression ex exits the game their book
3350s should no longer remain floating
3352s awkwardly in the level as it if expects
3355s you to put put it away on something that
3358s was a long read you guys when a nearby
3360s player who was using the reading
3362s expression exits the game their book
3364s should no longer remain floating
3366s awkwardly in the level as if it expects
3368s you to put it away or something cool
3370s here you go yeah yeah if a player is
3372s asked to complete an in-game survey and
3375s it starts to and and starts to fill it
3377s out tapping outside of the survey window
3379s should no longer cause survey results to
3381s be lost or reset please read the next
3383s one because I'm lost okay a blocked
3386s players shared memories shared spaces
3388s and message bolts should no longer load
3391s into the level even if you have selected
3393s the option to follow see more of their
3396s Creations the warning that appears when
3398s you've reached the maximum capacity of
3400s shared space is a bit clearer now and
3403s updated the minimum distance that player
3405s Creations can be placed from the
3407s ancestors table in the elevated clearing
3410s corrected a typo in the confirmation
3411s text before activating the glow spell
3414s and fix the Highlight outline appearing
3416s over the play stop button while viewing
3418s a player creation when the button wasn't
3420s selected we fixed a bug the skipped
3423s players directly from home to the valley
3425s of Triumph colisium area and fix the
3428s slightly disturbing issue of the
3429s admiring actor not really having a face
3432s under their mask and there you go I
3435s think that's all we have for you guys
3437s let me double check that's it a quick
3439s look yep that is it that's it that is it
3443s Attis how how was the experience for you
3445s did you have a good time
3447s me I had a great time my face hurts I've
3450s been laughing and smiling so much I hope
3452s Chad was laughing too I hope you guys
3454s are I hope so Sterling Ivy says that's a
3458s lot yes it is a lot you guys I told you
3460s we've been reading this through for 47
3463s minutes oh my gosh yeah usually that is
3466s you and I have a lot of shenanigans
3468s before we get started we just jumped in
3470s today we did we did and and we had a lot
3473s of shenanigans during the reading of it
3475s this time which is the the best part of
3477s it okay you guys I love patch notes I
3480s love giving you guys informations but I
3481s love hanging out with ttis and being
3484s silly just a we bit more and I love that
3486s you guys get to participate and hang out
3488s with us yes that's the best part that is
3491s we are coming to the ending of this
3494s patal stream and I would like you to
3496s maybe talk to people say hi to them and
3499s and hang out or hi everybody um yeah
3503s I've got uh I only have my twitch up so
3505s I can't see everybody on Tik Tok or
3508s YouTube but I just want to say thank you
3509s all again for coming to our streams and
3512s coming to this stream especially because
3514s I'm here just kidding no but really I
3517s really appreciate everybody coming to
3518s our streams it really means a lot um
3520s this is why we get to do it is because
3522s you guys get to come so let us let us
3525s entertain you please we try really hard
3528s I I do anyways that is is a natural edit
3530s but you know I try really hard actually
3532s ttis thank you so much for being here
3534s with us and we will see you next time
3536s okay you bet bye
3544s bye all right folks that's about it for
3547s this stream it's really really sad to go
3551s but I hope you guys had a good time I
3553s hope you guys are informed and remember
3556s now with the new news feature you guys
3559s will get informed more often and more
3562s easily but please keep coming here and
3564s hanging out with us I love you guys I
3566s would like to call out some of you guys
3568s just for hanging out with us so please
3569s send us some heart send us some love war
3572s wire on YouTube thank you for being here
3574s with us moth aier Moy aier that's an
3577s incredible name on YouTube thank you so
3579s much for being here with us e Gabriel's
3581s on Twitch uh I almost R my own name Sage
3584s the skyfish thank you so much for being
3586s here with us Tik Tok where are you at
3589s Tik Tok send us a hug and hearts Rainer
3593s oh Hiner Lumi eckan uh Ren thank you so
3598s much may on Tik Tok thank you for being
3600s here with us my name is Tio and I hope
3602s you guys had a great time because so did
3605s I I'll see you guys next week for a
3607s musical and very very exciting stream
3611s see you guys next Wednesday at
3613s 4:00 have a good day
3617s [Music]
3645s [Music]
3654s [Music]
3666s [Music]