about 1 month ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi Sky players it's Tim here to give you
2s an update on our charity partnership
4s with the ocean cleanup and our days of
6s nature campaign for
7s 2024 over the past 3 years our amazing
10s players have raised over $1.8 million to
14s help clear the oceans of plastic in that
16s time we've developed a close
18s relationship with the ocean cleanup
19s that's allowed us to visit the projects
21s that you have helped fund last year the
24s team got to step foot on a river
25s Interceptor in Los Angeles bologa Creek
28s and see the technology in action that
30s prevents the flow of more plastic into
31s the
32s ocean then this year goova and Tim got
35s to visit the incredible ocean system 3
37s when it made port in Victoria Canada to
40s refuel and drop off its hole of plastic
42s these huge ships gently guide A
44s specialized 2 km wide system through the
47s Great Pacific Garbage Patch collecting
50s plastic that is gathered on the surface
52s while keeping Wildlife
54s safe it's crucial that we remove this
56s plastic from the ocean before it can
58s break down into microplastics Haring
60s marine life and making its way into our
62s food chain cleaning the oceans of
65s plastic is a challenge that unifies all
67s of our players around the world whether
69s we are in Asia America Europe or Oceania
72s finding a solution to this problem is
74s crucial to the health of all living
76s creatures so this year let's join
79s together to clean up the waterways and
80s sky learn a bit more about ocean plastic
83s and do what we can to support these
85s efforts to keep our oceans safe thank
87s you
91s [Music]