about 1 year ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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117s I
119s am
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126s hello my computer's about to
129s explode I'm going to remove
132s the the in-game
135s stuff
149s okay are you able to check YouTube and
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614s hello hello hello everybody here on
617s stream it's very good to be with you uh
620s I'm Tio if you don't know me uh it's a
623s great great pleasure to be with you guys
626s on stream and this is the first time
627s that we're doing a stream like this
629s let's see if if I can make this light a
630s little brighter there you go uh very
633s nice to be here so what's up chat uh let
636s me talk to you I see a bunch of people
638s both on YouTube as well as on Twitch D
641s Sky Fox uh saying hello Zuni moiko hello
645s Tio hello you have been noticed and
648s that's cool uh epit oh did I dice her
652s name completely I'm sorry if I did but
654s hello honk honk everybody and welcome to
658s a live stream of of Sky Children of the
661s light my name is Tio and as much as I
664s would like to be you know the focus of
667s attention to be the crap that you guys
670s carry and toss into the geyser I am not
674s the one here that is the star okay I am
677s just uh a crab in which sag the crab
681s scientist was able to put a a meatsuit
684s of a b man out of anything that she
686s could transform me to she transforms me
689s in to a botman right but with that said
693s uh please W help me to welcome somebody
697s who I really really appreciate uh at TGC
700s it's a really good friend of mine uh she
704s is as sweet as she is uh hardcore she
709s she is a a precious thing and I would
713s like you guys to say hello to my good
716s friend tetis hello tetis welcome to the
720s sky stream hello
722s everybody I tried so hard not to laugh
725s out loud when you were Shing that
726s description of
728s me well you are hardcore I'll have you
731s now and I'll have everybody else in here
733s now so Chad behave if you don't behave
736s she will uh flip out on me last okay but
741s we do have a few uh mods taking care of
743s our chat which are highly highly
745s appreciated thank you very much
747s everybody here so can can I have a lot
750s of love to teis in the chat right now
752s can you guys just say hello tethis and
754s I'm going to try to call your name if I
756s see it but the key word is hello ttis we
758s can see honk honk ttis too so rzaa says
762s hello uh oh my God this is fast honk
766s honk it
768s fast keep it fast guys we we we like
771s chaos We Are All Sons of Eden here I'm
773s sure we like
775s chaos tus I call myself a son of Eden
778s but I'm the first one going to ask you
779s for help whenever I have to do either
781s right I'm like can you please I'm too
785s scared hold my hand thank
789s me guys this is our very first stream of
792s the year and hoping to do a lot more uh
795s hopefully I can surprise you guys with
797s something interesting in the up incoming
799s weeks which means yes we are planning to
802s do a weekly stream but please don't hold
804s me accountable I hate accountability if
807s it doesn't happen you can blame it on
808s TUS because she can take it right ttis
812s hey ttis how are you doing how does it
815s feel being on stream and having this
817s crazy Chad going on uh showing love to
820s you I am thrilled I am so happy to see
824s everybody this is so much fun I love
826s doing these types of things and um any
829s chance I get to talk about Sky be in Sky
832s I am always in 100% sweet kaviar Sky
836s says that he's really excited about the
838s stream in Sor week as you can tell I am
840s a nerve wrack uh almost shaking ttis are
843s you nervous or you're the only one
846s holding this together no I am nervous
848s like my hands are shaking I don't know
850s what to do with
853s myself I'm I'm glad you didn't bring Leo
855s otherwise it' be squeezing the poor
857s thing yeah I know poor things but she is
859s just if anyone doesn't know Leo is my
861s bird she but she loves to take all the
865s attention she is a squawker so
867s unfortunately she is not in today's
869s stream but hopefully someday we'll get
870s her to have her on stream someday
872s someday you guys will be able to see Leo
874s here on stream chat is honk honk scary
876s fun yes it is cinnamon says Brazilian
879s indeed I am indeed I am uh rilea Zar
883s Kitty says bb bb so now Leo is getting
886s all of the attention I think that's a
887s good secret uh ttis is just to bring Leo
890s and then people pay attention to the Leo
892s instead of us right right they could
894s just be like oh my God the bird it's an
896s easy way out but guys they stream today
899s is going to be a little bit more focused
901s there is time and there will be time for
903s chos later on but today uh we are here
907s to talk a little bit about the patch
909s notes that were released earlier today
911s uh how many of you of you guys have read
913s it because I know people don't like
916s reading so I doubt that people have read
918s it but oh that is you read it I I read
921s every single patch notes absolutely yeah
924s you see guys we have a a patch note
927s professional here to really for you guys
930s because I if I'm the one reading April
932s oh that is we will be April's fine too
936s okay but if I'm the one reading it I'm
939s gonna sound like the teacher from the
941s animation from the
943s 80s it's not going to sound any good I'm
946s glad you're here to help me out yes I am
949s definitely loving it uh Focus has gone
951s to chat yes indeed he has but this is
953s all for you guys this is for you if it's
955s not for you why are we here right but
958s with no further Ado uh let's kind of get
962s us introduced to the patch notes 0.21
967s 24.0 is going to come to us very very
971s very soon uh I believe is tomorrow it's
974s what's in the plans and yeah you guys
977s did you read it because I me need your
979s help I'm looking at this for the second
982s time but I have a problem when I read I
984s read in gaps which means I read the
986s first word and then I go to the second
988s paragraph and that's how I make my life
990s magical I just guess what's going to
992s happen
994s next but yeah uh for the sakes of this
997s I'm going to read the introduction the
999s introduction here and we will see if I
1003s can sound cool doing that but I kind of
1006s want to have it sound mysterious it's
1007s about an ancient taale teist we are
1010s coming to a legend time a legendary time
1013s in sky so I'm going to do my best to
1016s sound like somebody from one of your
1018s fantasy books right I want to see I want
1020s to hear you and your best movie
1022s introduction voice just like I just want
1024s like you know I want I want mysterious
1026s and I want intensity let's go for it are
1029s you ready for this because it might be a
1031s shock it might fall off of your of your
1033s chair I I may I may justess if if all
1036s background you know I've gone Chad are
1039s you ready for this because this is gonna
1041s be exciting all right let's
1044s go I'm just kidding no I'm just kidding
1047s I'm going to do it right I'm going to do
1048s it right I'm sorry guys so let's
1050s go greetings adventurers the first
1054s update of the year brings a magical new
1056s season a more spacious way to celebrate
1059s the first event of the year and updates
1061s to Sky's annual days of Love celebration
1065s let's read more for updates and bugs and
1067s fixes coming soon how was that that was
1071s fantastic a that's cool so let defin
1074s fantastic let's start kicking off by
1076s taking a look at the season of the nine
1080s color deer or for people who wake up
1082s really early the season of the nine
1085s color D that was me that was my fault I
1088s apologize for that the season of the
1090s nine color deer look at that it's going
1093s to be a beautiful in color season don't
1095s you think that is I absolutely I think
1097s so it's it's a stunning stunning season
1100s stunning season for you guys why don't
1102s we go really quickly and take a look at
1104s the trailer that we just dropped earlier
1107s if the audio just ruins everything I'm
1109s sorry guys I try to make it leveled but
1112s if it does just Yow in the chat and
1114s we're going to regulate it okay so with
1115s no further Ado the trailer for season of
1119s the N color
1121s [Music]
1128s [Music]
1129s deer
1132s presents Awards oh so guys we pres
1135s season of
1137s awards princess has Disturbed to
1139s Nature's delicate
1145s balance and a
1148s traitor has Unleashed chaos well I guess
1150s we unleashed Chaos on Twitch earlier
1152s today too so absolutely embark on a
1155s heroic
1158s mission to free a Divine protector oh oh
1162s look a dear and restore
1166s peace back to the painted world
1171s [Applause]
1173s [Music]
1174s Ah that's me at the gym you guys unless
1176s I do that there is no
1180s Gams season of the nine color deer a sky
1183s adaptation of a legendary tail coming
1187s soon you guys next week coming next week
1191s that is why are you excited about this
1193s season I'm excited to explore uh that's
1196s one of my favorite things about sky is
1198s exploring and seeing what the maps have
1201s to offer because there is just so much
1203s fun things to see little pockets to
1205s explore into and and you know find
1207s little hidey holes that's that's my
1209s favorite Rizza wizza here says Ah it's
1211s so beautiful yes indeed it is and I'm
1214s always excited when we have a new area
1216s to explore and I cannot wait I
1219s purposefully have not played this at all
1221s not on beta not anywhere but in my
1223s dreams cuz I want to explore this
1225s together with you guys possibly next
1227s week so to to see my face when I get in
1231s awe I've been rehearsing my my awe face
1233s status it goes like this but let's
1236s see yes is it is it all enough for
1240s stream it's it's well you know you may
1242s need to add a couple little extra bits
1243s you know little maybe a gasp oh maybe a
1249s gas okay guys chat let's gasp together
1252s everybody typing oh oh I don't know how
1255s to type that but you guys can figure it
1257s out this is Twitch and YouTube streaming
1259s we're talking about let's see how it
1261s goes saki the one says for the person uh
1264s doing the backand operating the stream
1265s can you set the lower bit rate so you
1267s don't lose frames uh sky is not
1270s action-packed uh I think you safely can
1272s go with
1273s 2500 uh to
1276s 3,000 uh I am doing the back end man but
1279s I'll tell you something it's difficult
1280s to do the front end and back end but I'm
1283s definitely going to uh take that to
1285s heart when we prepare for the next few
1287s ones I don't want things to show up that
1289s shouldn't show up on screen is the
1291s problem so uh yeah yeah but definitely
1295s noted I will take note of that actually
1296s taking no
1299s 25 to three right now we are at 4,000
1303s but hopefully it's going to be uh pretty
1305s cool no further Ado too much baning tus
1309s let's do what we are here to do let's go
1311s over the patch notes and the way that
1313s we're going to do this guys is status is
1315s going to give some reading here and then
1316s we're going to discuss what it actually
1319s is like what what does that practically
1322s affect uh in the game so ttis let's go
1325s please do the
1327s honors okay so we join this adaptation
1330s of an ancient tale to meet four new
1332s Spirits each with new expressions and
1334s lessons to share together with the
1336s season guide they offer cloaks masks
1339s tapes hairstyles and more complete a
1342s series of seasonal quest to take part in
1343s The Legend from a peaceful beginning to
1345s an urgent mission to restore the
1347s fractures left in the Ser
1349s wake we all should record this you guys
1351s this is so soothing there there is no
1353s other way of taking uh patch notes other
1356s than this I I am officially uh changing
1360s this no more blogs it's going to be all
1361s strange no that'll be blogs that'll be
1363s blogs SE I'm sorry uh a round of
1366s applause to Sago guys she not only is a
1368s crap scientist but she also writes all
1370s these beautiful words yes she do amazing
1373s all right let's go specially themed
1376s items will will be available oh have I
1378s skipped a whole bunch no no you're good
1381s you're
1382s good yeah so we've got the gift of the
1384s nine color Deer uh these include
1387s iridescent antlers and a separate
1388s matching mask with a with an opal
1391s colored uh oh you're moving it around
1394s opal colored painted Moon so this is
1397s something that's going to be really
1398s exciting I am super looking forward to
1400s this it's super nice I love it I am
1402s super looking forward to knowing what
1404s does the chat think that IR ricent
1407s means do you guys know what that means
1410s cuz I did I swear to God I had I had to
1412s Google it and when I Googled it a bubbl
1415s popped up so maybe we're inside a bubble
1418s no guys it's just the colors right that
1421s you are the it's just the colors it's
1423s just the colors it means that it's going
1425s to be colorful it's going to be
1428s beautiful you're going to love it people
1430s say is it glowing shiny and Galaxy says
1433s I is it Galaxy says I feel smart you are
1436s smart you you are smart enough to be
1439s here hanging out with
1440s us it means very beautiful that's right
1443s Mary that's exactly what it means and we
1446s also going to have the radiance of the
1448s nine color
1449s deer this is another iridescent Cape
1452s it's h it will match the antlers um and
1455s you'll receive a an added special
1457s teleport ability but that's not going to
1459s be available until 24.5 release so hang
1463s out with that for a while guys but capes
1466s the T Tellis teleport us there you go to
1470s different locations are always good are
1472s always easy uh some of you guys are
1475s Skype Pros you guys can find your way I
1477s am a meditation person I sit and I wait
1480s and we see if something happens I'm
1482s sitting and waiting for a successful
1484s stream right now that
1487s this I think we're doing a good job
1489s don't knock it yeah yeah I don't think I
1491s don't think we have to wait we just earn
1493s it let let's earn this together okay
1495s that's right that's absolutely right all
1497s right let's move on to the next topic
1500s here for season of the nine color deer
1503s so here we go
1506s tus okay let's see uh hang on because I
1509s gota wait for your I gota wait for the
1510s stream to catch up oh I'll read it
1514s out a collaboration item will be offered
1517s for igc ingame currency in the seasons
1519s guides friendship tree it's a mask 120
1524s candles yes that's I love masks they're
1527s super fun
1528s I love collecting them all do you have a
1531s favorite mask that you wear all the time
1534s um I would have to say my most favorite
1537s mask is the ultimate reward mask from
1543s um season of Rhythm there you go yeah
1547s Chad what is your favorite mask right
1549s now let us
1551s know I love the chibi mask wonus yeah
1555s chibi I I live for chibi man honestly I
1558s think I I used to run like a chibi all
1561s the time but that made High School super
1563s tough so I learned not to do
1566s that but it was a good time it was a
1568s very good time chibi Mask The Rose mask
1570s Fox mask Journey mask blank mask all
1574s right Josh with a pen uh you love
1578s the I missed it I'm sorry Josh I have to
1581s read super fast you guys yeah you gotta
1583s be faster uh I give a mask whenn oh wait
1586s that's a question sorry man I I don't
1589s have a question for that just
1591s yet all right let's move forward
1595s uh let's see where we
1598s are all collaboration items will be
1601s available while season of the nine color
1603s deer is active please note that since
1605s these are part of a limited
1607s collaboration they are not currently
1609s planned to return in the future uh I was
1613s really having a hang up tus remembers
1615s that what I should emphasize so I'm just
1617s going to do all of them so they are not
1619s currently planned to return they are not
1622s currently planning to return they are
1624s not currently planned to return and they
1627s are not currently planned to
1629s return you guys take it as you will uh
1633s we emphasized everything but just keep
1636s in mind that if you guys would like to
1637s have this during the season is the time
1640s to do so okay you do not want to risk a
1642s chance of not having the Cosmetics that
1644s you really want to have yes that's
1647s bottom
1648s that is the bottom line all right go for
1650s the other one for the next one tus all
1652s right I got it hair accessory will also
1654s be permanently available from the season
1657s guide the hair accessory is 50 candles
1660s you know what I'm just going to brush
1661s through this because I have no hair so
1664s that makes me almost upset almost but
1667s there's a person in the studio that has
1669s less hair than I do and that makes me
1670s happy so we know you don't have hair in
1672s real life but do you have do you put on
1674s like hair in game I I wear a
1677s beanie
1678s we vinie hey if I'm not going to be cool
1680s in real life I'm definitely going to be
1682s cool in the game okay so I do wear the
1684s days of color vinie and I'm super happy
1686s about it excellent guys season of the
1689s nine color deer will begin at midnight
1692s January 15th and it will continue all
1695s the way to March 31st at
1698s 11:59 that's PDT the full season can be
1701s enjoyed for free by all players who have
1704s at least progressed through the Vault of
1706s knowledge and started the fourth Quest
1708s from the hopeful stward in aary Village
1710s season pass holders will also have the
1713s opportunity to unlock additional
1714s seasonal Cosmetics including three
1717s ultimate gifts
1720s three cool you guys are good to go good
1723s to go the days of color beanie damage
1725s ink me too me too it's honestly one of
1728s my favorite things in Sky I I I do like
1731s wearing beanies uh in real life too
1734s so all right that brings us to days of
1739s Fortune and I'm thinking something
1740s really cool to stream for days of
1742s Fortune guys so please be here with us
1745s within a couple of weeks that's going to
1746s be exciting so ttis please introduce us
1749s to days of Fortune sure absolutely
1752s celebrate a gathering time with friends
1754s and express your inner dragon days of
1756s Fortune is back from Midnight January
1759s 29th until 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard
1763s Time February 11th the festivities this
1765s year will be in the social area Valley
1767s of Triumph teleport with the help of the
1770s event guide Spirit who will be in Aviary
1772s V Village or travel directly to the area
1775s there are a group of spirits welcomes
1777s you and special light will fall like
1778s soft snow at the top of every hour a
1781s familiar felicitous Dragon not a dark
1784s dragon we promise will'll appear ready
1787s to share both some light and friendly
1789s race at the countdown join a festival of
1791s Sky Kids from across the game servers to
1793s race down the slope towards the ice rink
1795s there the dragon will share a parties
1797s worth of Fire works for everyone to
1798s enjoy under the night sky there you go
1801s you guys dragons dragons are coming Dr
1805s and like if I can make a spoiler I'm
1806s going to challenge a few members of our
1809s creator troop uh to become dragons maybe
1813s we can do a sky dragons of the dark and
1816s see how far we can go together as a
1819s dragon train I think that can be
1821s exciting so for madness uh that that is
1826s when you ride roller posters do you like
1828s going up front or or the very end oh I
1830s am absolutely up front hands up in the
1832s air screaming my head off because
1834s there's no better way to do a roller
1835s coaster there you go so we we have found
1838s the head of our dragon train it's going
1839s to be T leading us through uh through
1843s the Realms and hopefully through some
1845s dangerous moments so I can just chill in
1847s the back while she goes uh super wild
1850s leading the way that's right I'll do it
1854s let's move forward a platform in the
1856s valley of Triumph social area area also
1858s gives spells to create a dragon with our
1860s sky kids step on the prompt their peers
1862s over the platform to put on a dragon
1864s train custom find other sky kids wearing
1866s one and you can form a train for up to
1869s eight layers do not forget the secret
1872s area let's do the the let's emphasize
1875s those again the secret or the secret
1877s area area are accessible for the ground
1880s floor of va of knowledge will be open
1883s too stop by to enjoy the decorated space
1886s plus an extra ring for game in SK moves
1889s go ahead ttis for the next one yeah um I
1892s just want to say Benny Lynn I am so down
1894s for a dragon train in the eidun Let's Do
1897s It um so the fortune gift envelope will
1900s be back this will be in the Friendship
1902s trees of friends with whom you've
1904s unlocked the carry which is the
1905s piggyback interaction and allows you to
1907s use 14 candles to gift five Hearts the
1910s fortune gift envelope can be given once
1912s a day per person like regular heart
1915s gifts so you guys know what that means
1917s if you are my friend in game it's time
1919s to unlock the piggy
1920s back give me hearts give me hearts I'll
1923s give you guys hearts too but that's a
1925s great opportunity guys to do so uh quick
1928s reminder uh well no let's give the
1931s reminders later let's give the reminders
1932s later but give me hearts is the reminder
1935s okay give your friends hearts give
1937s everybody Hearts give everybody Hearts
1938s sh I'll I'll give you a heart right now
1940s here's your heart you guys here's your
1942s heart no candles needed okay that's on
1945s me it's free uh okay da uh the fortune
1950s gift envelope feature requires manual
1953s enabling so please keep in mind that
1955s it's not going to be at the top of the
1957s hour you guys it may be approximately at
1960s midnight and it's going to last until
1962s approximately 1159 if it's a little bit
1965s after that uh please don't don't don't
1968s be so mean uh we will uh definitely try
1972s to keep to those but uh it may be very
1974s possible that there's be a slight delay
1977s just like like our streams are probably
1979s having a few seconds latency so uh be
1982s forgiven flexibility yes please be
1984s flexible whoops let's go back here and
1987s teis please read about the five coin
1989s shaped event currency okay so along with
1993s our events we have our five coin shaped
1995s event currency which can be found each
1997s day four plac around the social area and
2000s one from interacting with the spirits
2002s use these to unlock some great new igc
2005s items such as such as the fortune dragon
2009s mask which is 14 event currency and the
2011s fortune drum which is 34 event currency
2014s guys the fortune drum is a dream come
2017s true to me I want it I love it and
2021s seriously are you a drummer I am a I've
2023s been a drummer in the past not anymore
2026s uh back in the days that I had enough
2028s hair for a mohawk but not
2031s anymore but with that said I it's really
2034s cool it's really cool you guys uh I'm
2036s actually trying to plan something for a
2038s stream I may change our introduction
2041s because I really want to have a Sky Kid
2043s banging on the drums and going insane
2046s that alone is worth it I cannot wait
2048s that would be fun all right to keep the
2052s Dragon theme of the event several new
2054s IEPs are going to be offered days of
2055s Fortune Dragon Bengals earrings days of
2058s Fortune Dragon vestment outfit and days
2060s of Fortune Dragon sto Cape so it's time
2064s it's time to be a dragon if you guys
2065s took a look at how we announced uh the
2068s days of Fortune in the patch notes today
2070s I put a dragon Emoji aren't I a clever
2073s person you're so clever stop stop that
2077s got me excited though that got me
2078s excited I it's going to be fun and I
2081s love days of Fortune honestly uh
2083s fireworks and dancing around is going to
2086s be it's always a a blast it's always a
2088s blast it always is and honestly the some
2090s of the best music is played during days
2092s of Fortune oh mind you uh for the people
2095s listening I don't think tus can hear but
2097s we are hearing some really dark music
2099s right now and it just happens to be
2101s talking about dragons uh not planned I
2103s promise it just happened it's called
2109s [Music]
2112s fate yes yes I think I'm a Creo inside
2115s guys I'm a Creo in the body of a crab
2118s but I I like dark deep dark you're deep
2120s dark
2121s darkness and if you're looking for items
2123s from the previous years of the event
2125s swing by the event shop in the v Village
2127s to find the fortune bow mask the fortune
2131s tiger mask the rabbit mask days of
2133s Fortune lion head headdress headdress
2137s headress thank headress there's a
2139s fortune orange orange orang orange
2142s there's a fortune fish fish fish come on
2146s ttis there you go and days of Fortune
2149s mirorless smok mless smoke there you go
2153s she she got it she got it so a lot going
2155s on here guys we also going to have the
2157s days of Fortune wool hat uh Enchanted
2160s umbrella the fish pack as well as the
2162s days of Fortune pack so keep an eye on
2165s that uh if you do want to look fancy
2168s which I believe most of us do uh I'm
2170s nearly giving up on that because after X
2172s amount of years there's just so much
2174s cool you can look uh you already look
2178s the coolest Sam no no no no no you are
2180s you are that's why I have you here uh we
2182s need more cool to be here and that's why
2184s we have Chad because nobody is cooler
2186s than Chad d i have a a chat here with
2188s Josh with the pan if Josh only knew how
2191s many times I have watched his streams
2193s he'll be so happy thank you Josh I
2195s appreciate you being here with me uh
2197s that makes me really happy from a fan
2199s that makes me really really happy uh
2202s okay now that the moment has passed I
2203s appreciate you guys allowing me that
2205s that is let's keep going new and
2207s returning
2208s igc okay so new and returning igc items
2211s can be unlocked in the events guide
2213s event guides friendship tree new I are
2217s available in the in-game shop menu while
2220s returning iip are offered in the event
2222s shop in Avary
2224s Village uh brain whoa my brain sto free
2228s trial spells for all items and more can
2230s be found in the valley of Triumph social
2232s area and the event shop in Avary Village
2235s Yep this for content is available to all
2238s players who have at least started the
2240s fourth Quest from the hopeful stor in
2243s aary Village so you guys know what you
2245s have to do get the quest if you guys
2248s don't want to finish get it started uh
2250s it's really going to uh allow you guys
2252s to have a lot more fun on upcoming
2255s events and after all this uh dark music
2259s going on I need to change that I need to
2261s change that because we are about to
2262s speak of days of love what is more
2266s beautiful than that so tell what's going
2269s on with days of love so we're going to
2271s uh let's see it says Revel in all the
2272s different kinds of connections that are
2274s at the heart of sky and Beyond days of
2276s love returned with the new updates and
2278s experiences to share from Midnight
2281s February 12th until 11:59 p.m. February
2284s 25th a heart-shaped event guide waits
2287s for players in avier village and yes
2288s everybody it is a heart- shaped talk to
2291s them to teleport to the location for the
2293s event the jellyfish Cove area in
2295s Starlight desert there social light will
2298s fall gently from the sky and every two
2300s days Spirits from past seasons will
2302s arrive to greet Sky children and even
2304s offer the chance to play music together
2306s at the end at the end of the event
2308s approaches all right time to play some
2310s music just answering some questions here
2312s you guys from the chat Benny Lyn
2314s question any news about the Animated
2316s Series Whenever there is you guys are
2318s going to hear uh fairly quickly quickly
2320s so just keep an eye on our social media
2322s you guys if you guys don't know where to
2324s find us we are across most social medias
2327s really so X Instagram uh you uh not
2330s YouTube but Facebook at Das Sky game Tik
2333s Tok as well at DES Sky game uh in our
2336s Discord as well and you really want to
2338s be part of our Discord you guys that's
2339s where you guys get fresh and quick news
2342s okay uh we have a pretty good team there
2344s and we have about 500,000 people uh
2347s hanging out and join Sky through our
2349s Discord so please be sure to follow us
2351s on every social media or your's favorite
2353s social media as well as Discord uh
2357s continuing with days of love let's go
2361s let's go okay so the event currency will
2364s be a uh bow shape so five bow-shaped
2367s event currency can be found each day for
2369s will be placed around the event area
2372s look up look down look around look
2374s behind look in look everywhere don't
2377s down on the ground can somebody record
2379s that and make a song that was awesome
2381s that was awesome I want to play that on
2384s my next family gathering that was
2386s awesome and then one will be placed
2389s after interacting with the spirits while
2391s you're there so throughout the event
2393s there will also be a double Hearts event
2395s every heart gift and partial heart gift
2397s sent during let's play let's put that in
2400s very very important text here sent
2402s during the days of Love event not sent
2405s before and then collected during not
2408s sent after but sent during the days of
2410s Love event will be doubled yep and so
2414s home snowy and I'm gonna be just real
2416s quick uh but I'm GNA be the one to say
2419s you guys if you sand it ahead of the
2422s event and people collect those hearts
2424s during the event that's not going to
2426s count okay you guys have to send during
2429s the event to make sure that it's double
2431s okay so just to be clear it has been
2433s said sag I said it please don't don't
2437s hurt us very much just a little said it
2439s we've said it okay continuing let's go
2444s okay so I'm GNA skip that note about it
2446s being doubled um so home keeps it snowy
2448s appearance so sorry everybody but home
2450s will not be pink and the secret area is
2452s accessible from The Vault of knowledge
2454s will be open for everyone too with snow
2456s and nice to enjoy winter themed games
2458s and skating moves so everything at at
2461s the secret area the rooftop will still
2463s be snowy but there will be no pink sorry
2466s yeah no pink but that's okay we like
2469s snow right we love snow yeah love can be
2472s a little bit cold too and you still love
2473s you know that's right that's right I
2475s love items yeah so let's go to new items
2478s new items are also being introduced for
2479s the event you can find igc items by
2482s talking to the event guide in aary
2484s Village I can't say Avary Village it
2486s always like just just say whatever you
2489s want say call it call it Jerry how about
2491s Jerry go L A
2493s Jerry can be found in the in-game shop
2496s menu or in the event shop in Avary
2498s village where the event guide
2501s Waits what for the items what are we
2504s going to be having we will have days of
2506s love music sheet love heart plush oh
2510s that's sweet I love heart blushy love
2513s heart Barrett and oh Barrett I know bar
2517s I know a Barrett who I love uh in days
2520s of Love meteor manal and that one is
2524s awesome that one is incredible how do
2527s you think of the meteor mtle tus it is
2531s fantastic I cannot wait to have it I
2534s probably gon to wear it all the
2538s time some items from previous years are
2540s also going to be available you guys uh
2542s days of Love flowery Archway uh the
2545s flower crowns love mask love classy
2548s kraad love Ser dious woo that was a hard
2551s one scepter love Gonda pack love seesaw
2555s pack love swing pack as well so that's
2558s what you the props and items that you
2560s can find for days of love if you guys
2563s want that uh special event to be extra
2566s special with your special extra special
2568s somebody
2569s so free trial spells for all event items
2573s plus all the themed spells are available
2575s from the spell shops in jellyfish Cove
2578s and the Avary Village event shop days of
2581s Love content is available to all players
2583s who play at least or have at least
2585s started to play the fourth Quest from
2587s the hopeful stward so as we said get it
2590s going you guys get it going in Jared a
2595s village it's a Jerry
2597s Village and we have a little special
2599s developer note here for you guys and I'm
2601s going to allow tus to read it over
2602s because I don't want to mess it up and
2604s it's very uh heartfelt from one of my
2607s favorite people uh in the world so that
2609s is if you'll do uh the honors to show a
2612s little bit about what this coming days
2614s of love is all about we would appreciate
2616s that absolutely so this year days of
2619s Love started with layers of questions
2622s how do we express love how do we
2624s perceive it how do we speak of love what
2627s is love to us our answer was that love
2629s is a reflection of yourself of each
2631s player's heart our goal was to share
2634s various ways that love is expressed in
2636s our world and to create an event that
2637s touches your heart in a way that's
2639s meaningful to you I hope you can sense
2641s connection through this event and remind
2643s yourselves that times when you were
2645s wrapped with love this is from our days
2648s of Love lead
2649s designer awesome so heartfelt and now
2651s you guys know where we're coming from uh
2654s with this new event uh just reading the
2656s chat a little bit Sky Morana on Twitch
2658s hello Darlings hello is this the first
2660s time uh of this type of TJC stream uh we
2664s had streams in the past but we are uh
2666s using 2024 as a good opportunity to come
2669s back to it hopefully get to hang out
2671s more with you guys but that's the first
2674s patch note stream that Global uh
2676s Community have had or has had uh but we
2680s are planning on doing more so hopefully
2682s there will be more of Tio and teis for
2684s you guys and come hang out uh I as I
2688s said we are trying to have weekly
2689s streams coming by and different kinds of
2692s content it can be as uh interesting as
2696s having us read the patch notes for you
2698s guys since I know you guys don't and
2700s then you guys ask us on Discord or it
2702s can be as silly as us uh I don't know
2706s somebody gave the idea of becoming a
2708s dragon train and going through Eden so
2710s that can be uh something to watch that's
2713s it can be something to watch a few other
2716s updates are coming up along with
2719s 0240 and what are those
2721s sets I'm sorry I say that again we have
2724s a few other updates coming along with
2727s 024.0 and what are
2730s G yes we do so we have a new friendship
2733s ability that's being added to unlock
2735s with your friends it's called The Cradle
2737s carry interaction the level two of the
2739s interaction will become available for
2740s season pass holders to unlock once the
2742s season of the nine colored deer begins
2745s so you'll have access to the level one
2747s but to get that access to level two
2749s you'll have to have the season
2751s pass fair warning fair warning and also
2755s some things on home in aary Village you
2758s beta so um this is really important and
2761s near and dear to my heart so thank you
2763s all for your feedback you've sent about
2765s the changes introduced to both Avary
2767s village shry Village and Home in the
2769s past few weeks while we're excited to
2771s bring more features to avier Village and
2773s help it Thrive as a hub in Sky we also
2775s know that players enjoy home and we want
2777s to be sure that players feel like it's a
2779s meaningful place in Sky even as Aviary
2781s home and Sky itself continue to involve
2784s so we have read your feedback every
2786s single comment you've made has gone into
2789s our reports so there aren't new updates
2791s to functionality in home or Avary in
2793s this update though the update
2795s allows us to bring these changes to
2798s switch that were first introduced with
2800s the 23.6 hot fix so for switch now daily
2803s quests can be accessed from The Shrine
2805s in both home and Avary Village in Avary
2809s Village the pickup location for the
2810s daily seasonal candle for season
2812s passholders and Hearts from the player
2815s Creations is move to the front of the
2817s Friendship constellation statue in the
2819s Village Plaza area for quicker access
2821s now for those that don't know that is
2824s right when you are spawn into Avary
2826s Village you go down the steps there's a
2828s statue there it looks like a bird or an
2830s eagle or something that is where you can
2833s check out your friends but you can
2835s that's where you can also collect your
2837s season pass candle as well as your
2839s hearts from your friends liking your
2842s player creations and then game loads to
2845s a very Village for players who have
2847s selected it as their preferred load
2849s point that is again for switch
2851s so as a general note once switch players
2854s update to the
2856s 024.0 they'll have crossplay with
2859s players on other platforms so that has
2861s that has been corrected for all all
2863s players now switch and everybody can
2865s connect together and if I can just add
2868s to that a little bit uh ttis you guys in
2870s chat if you play on switch show some
2872s love look at that switch finally
2875s catching up but speaking of feedback uh
2878s I would really like to highlight you
2879s guys and I cannot stress this enough uh
2883s the best place for you guys to share
2885s your feedback is on the dedicated
2886s feedback channel on our Discord server
2889s okay that's why uh I'm trying to say if
2891s you guys don't follow us on Discord this
2894s is the place to do it right now if
2895s you're are on Twitch there's going to be
2896s a link down below if you are on YouTube
2899s any of our videos there's going to be a
2900s link for uh our Discord channel uh some
2903s of our mods or some Sky friends watching
2906s if you can share your link uh for the
2909s Discord channel that will be amazing in
2911s that server there is a channel dedicated
2913s to feedback okay there are other
2916s channels that people are trying are
2917s using to share the feedback but that's
2919s not optimal as I said we have over half
2922s a million people in our Discord server
2925s and if we can focus everything on the
2928s right channel it's going to make our
2930s lives a lot easier to bring the feedback
2933s to our devs and make sure that your
2935s voices are fully heard so make sure to
2937s go I can't quite pinpoint the name of
2940s the channel uh ttis do you remember it's
2941s uh
2942s hashtag it's hasht live feedback live
2947s feedback feedback yes on our Discord
2950s server so if you you guys have your
2952s feedbacks that's the place to do and the
2955s place to be uh of course we're going to
2957s welcome uh your feedback anywhere but
2959s that's the most optimal one to make our
2961s lives a little bit uh easier when
2964s reporting all your feedback back and
2966s your love and your ideas to our Dev team
2969s absolutely and I just want to reiterate
2971s that we do have a wish list Channel as
2973s well um but it's not to be confused with
2976s the feedback channels so feedback is for
2978s if you see something in the game that
2981s you want you think you know you have an
2982s idea of how it could be better or you
2984s have an idea of something that you would
2986s like to have tweaked or just something
2988s that doesn't feel right or or you love
2989s it and you just want to you know give
2991s out that shout put that in the feedback
2993s channel the wish list channel is for um
2996s ideas that are not in game something
2998s that you would like to see that we've
2999s never done before um so leave that
3002s feedback for what you really think about
3004s what the what the game has for you right
3006s now in the feed live feedback channel
3008s it's and it's get it gets read by not
3010s just me I read all the feedback and
3013s report it um but it gets also read by um
3015s anyone from various departments from the
3017s designers to the engineers to the QA
3019s everybody has access to that channel so
3021s that is the place you need to leave
3023s it uh I'm just reading chat uh ttis just
3027s real quick some people are saying that
3028s the stream is uh skipping and we
3031s apologize for that guys for future
3032s streams I'm going to take a look at the
3034s bit rates I'm going to rewatch The
3036s Stream and see uh the live feedback as
3038s you guys know it's very difficult uh to
3040s do both uh unless you guys are Pros like
3044s our creator uh troop uh members but we
3048s are trying to make this better and will
3050s be made better for future streams okay I
3052s just uh beg your patience and know that
3055s we're going to be working on this if you
3056s leave your feedback on the feedback
3058s Channel I'm just kidding I'm just
3060s kidding I'm just kidding all right guys
3063s a central location to travel to special
3065s seasonal areas a special location was
3068s added to the Vault of knowledge in a
3070s recent update that allows players to
3072s easily teleport to the areas created for
3074s past collaboration Seasons seasons of
3076s the Lio Prince and season of Aurora Once
3079s season of the nine color deer begins a
3081s new meditation portal will become
3083s available to allow players to teleport
3085s directly to Kai's newest seasonal area
3087s during the season of course there's also
3089s going to be an option to teleport
3091s through the season guide friendship tree
3094s so this is now multiple places where you
3096s can get to where you want to go um I
3099s actually really love this new this new
3101s room it's right off of the the spawn
3104s area when you go into Vault of knowledge
3106s and it's just at your fingertips you
3108s know everything that you want to go to
3110s that uh is added into Sky it's just
3114s right there so that's one way to get
3116s there and then through that teleport
3118s from the spirit is another so it's
3120s having multiple ways to go to one place
3122s is really
3123s fun uh yep and now I I'm going to rely
3127s that heavily on ttis okay because it
3130s comes to the point of the bug fixes that
3132s were introduced with this update and I
3135s know you guys like uh bug fixes so do I
3138s that is already smiling uh is saying I'm
3141s going to destroy you twoo for putting me
3143s on the spot but you are on the spot you
3145s can't try me later okay uh that is by
3149s all means please show us what are the
3151s bugs being fixed with this update okay
3154s so players can practice with the Melo
3156s musician again in Harmony Hall let's all
3158s get some
3159s celebration yes so finally the Mel
3161s musician is uh fixed and you can now jam
3165s with him and practice your music um rain
3168s made Now drain okay rain May drain our
3172s capes but it cannot drain our music
3173s Here's another point of Celebration you
3175s can play play your instruments in the
3176s rain again yay you can also play
3180s underwater or in water so yes um maybe
3185s not underwater but in water uh so you
3187s can now play your instruments as you're
3189s being guided or as you're uh traveling
3192s through the Realms and you're getting
3193s rained on so Happy Days um so fix a bug
3196s in the hairsty shop where spells would
3199s conf con conflict with hairstyles a
3201s player tried on before unlocking them um
3204s so that just means that your hairstyles
3206s now should not be giving you issues uh
3208s the UI update to replace the in-game
3210s shop shortcut in the upper right corner
3212s of the screen with a short cut to make a
3214s friend invite code so you know when you
3217s tapped on the top of the screen there
3219s was the shopping cart and then there was
3220s the gear to get to settings that
3222s shopping cart is now a handy dandy quick
3225s and easy friend invite so now you can
3228s easily invite new people to be your
3231s friend so we hope it'll make it easier
3233s to create and send invitations to
3234s friends without having to go back to the
3236s friend constellation to do
3238s so the in-game shop can still be found
3241s in the settings menu which is accessed
3243s by tapping on the upper right
3245s gear so tweaks to the
3247s UI for interacting with player Creations
3250s that someone else has placed including a
3252s player's ability to follow the follow
3254s the Creator or see the Creator's like
3256s count once that player has liked the
3258s item so now you can actually follow
3261s people that you have seen that might
3262s have been creating something that you
3264s absolutely just fell in love with now
3265s you can follow them and see what else
3267s they
3269s do um so we also fixed a bug that caused
3272s iPhone players to skip over specific
3275s friendship constellation pages when they
3277s push the next button uh the friend
3279s statue in Avary Village should now be
3281s usable for a player even if they haven't
3283s made any friends yet so now you can
3285s actually look at the constellations you
3287s can get a feel for how everything works
3290s you we fixed an issue where the
3292s reactions menu would overlap with the
3294s constellation menu during during the
3295s Avary Village fireworks show and don't
3299s forget you can still watch the fireworks
3301s on the first day of every month oo
3304s fireworks fireworks I love Fireworks so
3307s we filled in a gap in the golden golden
3308s Wasteland and between the walls of the
3310s temple which was a pit that could trap
3312s those topless
3315s moths and then let's see so we fixed
3318s some other gaps in the terrain in the
3319s Shipwreck area of golden Wasteland um
3322s players being carried and piggy back no
3324s longer get reloc ated when transitioning
3326s between levels so sorry no more dropping
3328s you through the floor let me help you
3330s here uh tus just because if you want to
3332s drink some water I'm get some water uh
3334s no more bug that made it possible for
3336s chibi players to run out of breath and
3338s drown if they went AFK during a quest in
3341s Avary Village uh up what happened no you
3346s see that's why ttis does this you guys
3348s that's why she does it ah H my chibi
3352s costume no no okay almost done almost
3355s done guys bear with us updated the
3357s background music in sanctuary Island to
3359s play the correct song when entering the
3361s area readed the finale music to the
3363s season of sanctuary quests we add just
3366s go ahead I want to add right there so
3368s yes we know that P players will find
3369s some favorite music um but what's
3372s actually going to start playing in
3373s sanctuary Islands after you've done it
3375s and after you've completed everything
3377s and you go and return that is actually
3378s the correct
3380s music there we go we added ambient
3383s creature sounds to different times of of
3385s the day in the a very Village helping
3388s and enhancing your immersion into the
3390s world of sky right off the bat bell
3392s towers in home in a very Village Now
3394s chime according to players's local time
3396s zone oh that's Co that is so cool yeah
3399s yeah that's awesome and for somebody who
3402s actually has to be mindful of time zones
3404s a lot I maybe I just go dis Sky screw
3407s asking the web for it I'll just go to
3409s Sky and
3411s count uh let's see here audio tweaks and
3414s new sound effects for for the race prop
3416s when using the races prop added mode to
3418s build a race checkpoints that are placed
3421s now rotate to face the previous
3425s checkpoint moving here guys sorry I have
3427s too many screens and too little text ah
3430s in front of me I'll start I'll go I'll
3432s go so players on surfboard should no
3434s longer be able to read chat from
3436s strangers yay
3441s privacy so we've also fixed cases of the
3443s season of sanctuary ultimate cas which
3445s is the Mantic Cape appearing warped when
3447s avatars use certain
3449s stances uh we gave the hopeful stewards
3452s non Ultimate Gift hairstyle a touch of
3455s volumizing spray so now it's a little
3457s bit poofier Oh yay I want to have
3461s poofier hair you want to have poofier
3462s hair yeah I'll take it you should grow
3465s some hair
3466s first Dojo guys hardcore hardcore not
3470s joking
3472s around um and sky kids now put away any
3475s prop they may be holding when activating
3477s a spell before the spell animation
3480s begins so it's just a little tweaking to
3482s kind of make things a little bit more
3484s cohesive um and Avatar's hands now touch
3487s a candle while holding it yay yay no
3490s more levitation
3493s yes and speaking of holding hands crabs
3496s can now be picked up and carried without
3498s having to manually drop or put away the
3500s object you're holding such as a candle
3503s or a prop avatars will autom
3505s automatically drop the object or put it
3507s away when picking up a crab so again
3509s it's more of that making things look
3511s smoother I have something to say about
3512s this please don't be mindful when
3514s picking up crabs you know they they have
3516s homes to crawl back to if you guys take
3518s them far off the
3520s land you know like which crab partner
3524s would believe if they say Hey you won't
3525s believe it a Sky Kid took me to the
3528s other side of the land like nobody
3529s believes it be mindful be mindful of
3531s crabs be mindful of
3534s crabs um let's see and then we fixed a
3536s book that removed a player's closet
3538s prompt when someone else started using
3540s the footag item near that closet so now
3542s nobody else will be affected by your
3545s gameplay so in the expression menu p uh
3548s UI we've polished it to make it recently
3550s used emotes abilities and the list of
3554s all emotes more distinct so it's just
3556s going to look a little bit cleaner um
3558s and updates to the snowboard animation
3561s and when the weather gets cold oh nope
3563s that's something different I'm not going
3564s to read that I'm going to let Tio read
3566s that when the weather gets cold there's
3568s nothing better than visiting Grandma's
3569s snow snow huts and sitting by the fire
3572s coasted up in the sky in the in their
3574s scarf the traveling Rock talked to
3577s Grandma about all the new things they'd
3579s seen and all the changes the children
3581s were bringing to the world their hearts
3583s were warmed by good company and hope for
3585s the new year a The Rock I love the rock
3589s you guys and if you guys are not aware
3591s and that's a really good reason to start
3592s reading the patch notes you sky kids is
3594s to to follow the Journey of the rock
3596s through the Realms my only question is
3598s how do you think the rock entered
3600s Grandma's hood that this was it like
3602s through the
3604s window
3609s just oh that's sweet we love the rock we
3612s love the rock can I have a bunch of
3614s hearts on both twitch and YouTube for
3616s the rock stellify is definitely going to
3618s appreciate that yes we love the rock is
3620s The Rock The Rock isent that's for local
3623s pizza box I love your name is asking yes
3626s yes as tent as a local pizza box can be
3629s on Twitch that's awesome uh that sky and
3632s everything is possible uh there you go
3634s here we have the hearts for The Rock The
3637s Rock appreciates and gets happy thank
3640s you thank you thank you guys mindful
3642s that there's also a link uh for the
3644s known issues coming up for the patch
3648s 024 uh but we not going to cover them
3651s here guys we're almost out of time and
3653s we kind of want to hang out with t for
3654s the next 5 minutes minutes or so so did
3657s you guys like this uh this stream do you
3659s guys appreciate that I hope so we're
3661s probably going to do it again in the
3662s next uh patch notes but we definitely
3665s definitely appreciate you guys being
3667s here I I would assume that it's a lot uh
3670s cooler than just uh reading it don't you
3674s think that it I think so I mean it's a
3676s lot more fun for me I mean I really
3679s enjoyed
3681s myself do don't you mind our Shenanigans
3684s t and you two both are full of
3686s shenanigans
3687s yes absolutely and they also get a
3690s little view into how much how friendly
3692s we are with each other and little little
3695s Snippets of our conversations yeah uh
3698s Charlie wolf 3376 on YouTube says I love
3701s sky sky is really the only place that
3703s makes me happy I love playing with
3705s friends and escaping to places I've
3706s never seen before I love playing sky and
3708s flying when I and flying when I love to
3712s thank you TGC oh you're very welcome
3714s that's very hard for me and frankly
3716s that's the reason why we do all of this
3719s it is for this small moments and I'm
3720s sure all of us have a special moment
3723s that made Sky be what it is for us today
3726s you know and uh I remember meeting new
3730s people people who I never had met before
3733s in the game and they were so candid to
3736s me they were so caring about teach me
3739s how to play the game cuz I was running
3740s around like a moth does and they were
3743s like hey little moth let's let let us
3746s show you the world and I did yes show me
3750s and it was beautiful it was a beautiful
3752s world uh tus do you have a
3755s a memorable moment in sky that you would
3757s like to share with people uh I would say
3760s probably I mean there's there's there's
3762s so many uh I've been playing it for
3764s almost five five years now yes and it's
3768s honestly I've had moments almost every
3771s single day um I would have to say
3773s probably the moment that most blew me
3776s away was the first time um I played it I
3782s got through Dawn through aisle of Dawn
3784s and then the the screen showed up you
3787s know after you go through the temple and
3788s the screen showed up where you could see
3789s Sky you know the word sky and I honestly
3792s I started crying because I was like this
3794s is the most beautiful thing I've ever
3795s seen in my life and it just it really
3798s touched to me it really just kind of
3800s grabbed onto my heart and said yeah this
3802s is where this is where you're going to
3804s be now you know and um it it was it was
3807s amazing and then uh you know just
3809s playing through all the different Realms
3811s and and maps and I just every moment was
3813s was just Transcendent Transcendent for
3815s me it was it was really really fun
3817s that's beautiful and you know the people
3819s you meet it's the people you meet along
3821s the way that make it even more special
3824s and the people you work with that is I I
3826s I love you guys I love you guys I love
3828s you uh saki the one says on Twitch do
3831s more of these thank you for the amazing
3833s streaming thank you for this updates I
3835s always read the patch notes especially
3837s the technical changes but it was much
3839s more fun this way smile face a thank you
3842s thank you that's I'm glad it worked yeah
3844s I know I was running out of jokes I'm
3846s like oh this folks oh we're reading this
3850s we reading this I remember crying that's
3852s from Hugo n i remember crying on Eden
3855s after I realized my sky kid sings along
3857s to the music oh yes yes all right and
3860s anybody from YouTube talking to us let's
3862s see uh weenie crab is washing their
3866s hands cool keep them clean you should
3869s you should uh wash your hands that
3871s that's something very
3873s nicean sending love to everyone love
3875s back to you Miri I had a chance of
3877s meeting Miri uh face to face during the
3881s sky assemblies in Brazil and Mary a
3884s special heart to you where is it where
3886s is it it's here H
3890s uh there you go I'll send your hearts in
3892s the game I'll send your hearts in the
3893s you're right that's right just
3895s I I couldn't get the right angle for
3896s this but other than that guys we are
3899s coming to an end tus do you want to say
3900s your goodbyes appreciations messages uh
3904s to folks in chat yes I do I just want to
3906s say to everybody in chat thank you so
3908s much for joining us this was a lot of
3909s fun um I hope to be on more streams with
3912s Tio uh and with all of you thank you so
3915s much for being here thank you so much
3916s for playing Sky um and I honestly would
3919s love to play with every single one of
3921s you so you know let's let's let's meet
3924s up a time and like let's go play sky
3926s because that's what I really want to do
3927s so you're all amazing you're all special
3929s thank you for being a part of our
3930s community uh you bring such light to
3933s everybody um and I love you
3935s all uh love you guys too Sterling Ivy I
3938s want to send a special shout out to you
3940s and the amount of likes that you have
3942s shared with our uh Team this week uh
3944s thank you so much uh it really got me
3947s emotional to know that we have the most
3949s amazing Gaming Community on planet on on
3954s Twitch you or however else you're
3955s watching this you and you're part of
3957s this community you are just as amazing
3959s uh thank you so much for being here with
3960s us and I guess I'll see you guys next
3963s week for another stream uh what is that
3966s going to be about we don't know we will
3968s see but I count on seeing you and
3970s hanging out with you guys here so this
3972s is Tio and tus saying goodbye peace guys