about 1 year ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi everyone my name is Julian I'm a game
2s designer at that game company and with
4s seasonal remembrance coming to an end me
6s and the whole team wanted to thank you
8s all for having played an experience
9s another season in the world of sky
11s during season of remembrance we had a
13s chance to learn more about the secrets
15s and close involved of knowledge the lore
17s behind this place and follow a group of
19s spirits that were taking Refuge there
21s season of remembrance was an opportunity
24s for us to tell stories of spirits living
26s in a critical moment in the world of sky
27s that we have only hinted until now
30s stories that at first glance impaled
32s with sorrow but when looked from another
34s perspective are filled with hope
35s companionship and resilience
38s with seasonal remembrance we wanted to
40s focus on the fact that hope is always
42s present and then the importance of
44s remembering the places and people that
46s we treasure even when they're no longer
48s with us
49s we also wanted all of you to discover
51s the magic of shirt spaces and how they
54s can bring us together through creativity
55s and exploration we have been really
58s Amazed by all of your creations and
60s we're very excited to see where sky can
63s grow with your shirts faces again we
65s wanted to thank you all for following
67s our spirits and their Quest and for
69s being such a positive community
71s together hope is always there
74s foreign
75s [Music]