7 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

600s honk honk sky kids and welcome to
603s another TGC stream talking about Sky
606s Children of the light my name is Tio and
609s how are you doing chat talk to me very
613s happy to be here with you guys very
615s excited to do this stream uh we have a
618s special guest as usual and this one it's
621s it's the perfect combination of
623s friendship between a c and a dark crab
626s so that's exactly what it is and you
628s guys are going to hopefully feel uh
630s those vibes going dark Vibes perhaps
633s yeah fun Vibes exactly how our dark
636s creatures are going before we get
638s started you guys just a quick shout out
641s to our social medias be sure to be
643s following us if you are not yet I'm
645s assuming that you probably do but we are
647s on Discord twitch uh YouTube Twitter X
652s whatever the kids call it these days
654s Instagram Facebook be sure to be here
656s with us and hello chat shark fan hi to
659s hello Terra soup on Twitch putting a few
662s cribes and a few Crews over there just
665s how I like it blooded Graves Hong Kong
668s aie surprise you yay we're happy and you
671s guys just real quick before we get
673s started is anybody celebrating their
675s birthdays at all this week we just want
677s to acknowledge you give you a shout out
680s make sure that you are taken care
683s of that you receive the attention and
686s the love that you so rightfully
688s deserve let take a look I have so many
691s chat Windows going on waiting for
693s you to talk with me Life music says the
697s sound is quite low oh well let me bring
700s my microphone closer how is this is this
703s a little
704s better hopefully so or you talking about
706s the music because I can try to increase
708s the music too let me know in
716s chat all right for everybody celebrating
719s day birthday I have a little surprise
722s for you happy birthday we love you we
725s appreciate you and we are very happy to
727s have you here with us you guys let me
729s know if the audio is a little bit better
732s um I I did bring my microphone and I see
734s my levels are working so let me know if
738s otherwise in the meanwhile I am very
741s very pleased to introduce
744s uh the the head the B head that guys
748s this community took glory and that has
750s made amazing things uh with with sky in
752s the community including Sky assembly
754s skyfest and some of other stuff that
756s we're going to be talking about with no
758s further Ado let me introduce you guys to
762s wen or weirdo or rubber wi to make it
767s easy welcome thank you so much for that
770s intro I think I should just like have
771s you just follow me around everywhere I
773s go and just like basically like
774s introduce me or be like wor that is
776s entering the room like his baldness you
779s know ever whatever it is actually uh
781s tomorrow is my birthday so I'm a little
783s bit sad um that I just missed the cut
785s off to be wished a happy birthday by you
787s but it's okay we can celebrate yeah we
790s can just stream again tomorrow and you
791s can just wish me happy birthday on
793s stream we do that on a week basis it's
795s weekly so it fits it matches it matches
798s okay okay if you don't mind I brought a
801s special guest with me um oh let's see
804s it's it's
806s cinemar oh cinemar roll who's coming in
809s guys as you guys know for our special
811s collab coming in and we are probably
814s going to have something interesting here
815s on stream to celebrate that too so stay
817s tuned you stay tuned yeah this is in
819s case anyone's ever wondered how a
820s collaboration works you you have to talk
822s to the management of the brand um so
825s Cinema roll and I have been talking and
826s I I think you're going to be very
827s excited about what we've uh built
829s together so I'm gonna I'm GNA put SIM
831s roll down um more of a supervisor for
833s this
834s stream we can continue with whatever
837s crazy plans you have too it's to see if
839s cinemar approves being in the upcoming
842s stream right he just going to watch see
844s The Vibes see how things are going CH
846s are you guys and Chad are you guys
848s excited for cinemar R
851s collab or the popup Cafe with cinemar
854s row I'm excited it looks like a lot of
857s fun it looks very cute um you know I'm
860s always I'm always impressed because sky
862s is such a is such a distinct place right
865s um you know it's it's very different
867s from other games so I think like when we
868s do collaboration
870s like the the characters we bring in have
872s to like mat the sky um and I I honestly
876s really really impressed with how well
878s Cinema rooll fits in in aary village and
880s I'm very excited to to see how it goes
882s with the players that's awesome and the
885s players are losing it for the moment
887s that we announced that collaboration
888s people were going insane about it uh
892s Robert do you have any uh favorite
895s collab that we have had so
898s far uh you know what I'm gonna say
900s Aurora I'm a little biased because I got
902s to work with her for the um Gamescom
906s world record Stream So I actually got to
907s like hop on calls with her and talk to
909s her a little bit and like she owes me an
912s iced coffee let that be stated as a fact
914s um that's just a record and if she would
916s surely support that if she were here
918s today um no but they've all they've all
920s been really good but I do think like the
922s concert especially the you know the
924s first run we did of it um it was very
926s emotional you know being there and
928s sharing that moment with thousands of
930s other players and having the music
931s playing like it felt like a true
932s realization of like what what we're
934s always kind of going for right with with
936s this like video games as a as art idea
938s so um but they're all really good I just
940s think that happens to be my favorite I
942s agree that that was a special thing for
944s me and uh Robert take a look at the chat
947s people are I think they are sending
948s shoutouts to you in chat uh with
950s something I know they they really they
952s really want me to have eggs for
953s breakfast got it chat I'm reading you
954s loud and clear tomorrow morning thanks
956s for breakfast thank you I that's it
959s that's it
959s there's no other way there's no other
961s way that could be interpreted not at all
963s not at all and honestly I I thought that
965s I would be trolling you but then people
966s are just saying we have two B guys on
968s stream today and I'm like Oh Come Home
971s Sam Sam come
973s home I fell on my own trolling chat has
976s decided it's time for you to shave that
977s off give it up I hey man I maybe maybe
982s one day maybe one day I maybe you know I
986s I I I I need to let the head of
988s community at you see have the shine
990s quite quite literally that's good that
992s was good the the okay all right well I
994s mean what sorry you said we were talking
996s about like Sky assemblies or Sky let's
997s talk about Sky assemblies indeed Sky
1000s assemblies and to get us started in Chad
1002s please feel free to send your questions
1004s uh in chat and we may address a few but
1006s just to start us off Rob uh yeah what
1010s were Sky assemblies designed to achieve
1013s uh and we have had a few so far and do
1015s you think we were successful at
1016s achieving the intended goal
1019s okay well yeah I guess taking a step
1021s back um so I have always been just like
1024s a huge fan of things um so when I was a
1026s kid I was a fan of like Pokemon I was a
1028s huge fan of like um the old like tunami
1031s block right of like Dragon Ball Z um you
1035s know Gundam Wing I would just get like
1037s really into these things right and so
1039s like obviously because I was so into
1041s them and I had like so much passion as a
1042s fan I always found myself wanting to
1044s like share that with other people right
1046s so Pokemon was a great example of like
1048s i' go to school you know I'd like ride
1050s my bikee cuz that's what we did back in
1051s the day I don't know how kids get to
1053s school anymore U but I'd like go there
1055s and i' be like oh my gosh did you see
1056s what Butterfree did right and like all
1059s the other kids are like oh my gosh what
1060s did did you see that and so you have
1062s like this cool moment where it's like
1063s Everyone likes the same thing and
1065s everyone's like really like if you take
1067s a step back it's yeah you're all sharing
1069s a common interest but there's also this
1070s like real sense of kind of like
1072s togetherness and feeling like you're
1074s part of a tribe um and so since I was
1076s like really young right like I've always
1077s kind of had like that I don't know I
1080s guess like I'm a super fan is what
1081s probably what we call it like in the
1083s clinical term it's like I like things a
1085s lot um and as I've gotten older I guess
1088s you know as you get older um you have to
1090s focus more on like bills on your job on
1093s all these different things and it kind
1094s of becomes like harder because you're
1095s not in school to to meet up with other
1097s people who have similar interests and so
1100s yeah I was like really inspired by um
1102s you know programs that I had attended in
1105s my college Years so like Friday Night
1106s Magic um you know Hearthstone fire side
1109s Gatherings and I really was like what's
1111s like a version of this that makes sense
1112s for sky that could give um Sky fans an
1115s opportunity right to come together and
1117s and kind of share their love of Sky um
1119s and so yeah obviously uh Sky's a very
1122s different game from some of the other
1123s games I listed off so it has to really
1125s make sense for sky and I think like yeah
1128s I
1129s think if I can't open up parenthesis and
1131s I'm sorry to to to cat you off but you
1133s and I both uh have come from a a
1135s background of competitive gameplay right
1138s and it's easy to do
1140s uh a Meetup for competitive games right
1142s you you find a place you run a
1143s tournament done that's the Meetup right
1146s so uh sky is not that sky is not that so
1150s no no how about that like then well okay
1154s so I will say I do think there's like
1156s there's like a version of competition
1157s that's actually like really healthy and
1159s like helps build relationships but yeah
1161s for sure like in the competitive space
1162s like it's more kind of like you know you
1164s go for the dunk and that's what good
1166s looks like and yeah you kind of like
1168s walk away like one person feels like
1169s they won the other person feels like
1170s they lost um yeah I would say like
1173s getting back to your your what you asked
1175s about like whether or not like we've
1176s been successful with Sky assemblies
1178s right um what I'll say is uh I've been
1180s able to attend two no three in
1184s California and one in Japan and every
1186s single time I've seen people who come
1189s together who've never met before in real
1190s life right they've they've met in sky
1193s and then they meet for the first time
1195s and are like on the verge of tears and
1196s like hugging because they're so excited
1199s to kind of like take this relationship
1201s that has mostly been digital um and
1203s bring it into real life right you you
1206s know I have friends in sky and like
1207s every time I see them like it feels
1209s really cool and and we have fun but
1210s those like rare times where we're able
1212s to meet in person it's just it's
1214s something else completely differently
1215s and I not good at talking about my
1217s feelings but I would say like you know
1218s it makes me like a little emotional
1220s right to see people kind of like having
1222s those moments with each other so I yeah
1224s I would say like based on that I
1225s consider Sky assembly so far a success
1227s and with the caveat that we're always
1229s learning and we're always doing things
1230s differently so and that's something
1233s interesting about skyu which is a game
1234s that people get together to hang out and
1236s spend time together and that's a lot
1238s easier in the digital world right but I
1241s think it's really beautiful to see the
1243s same groups of people meeting face Toof
1245s face IRL and and having that kind of
1248s Engagement sometimes you know for the
1251s first time in a long time uh yeah yeah
1254s the second Sky assembly we did in Long
1256s Beach right uh there was someone who
1258s lived in the US and their friend came
1260s all the way from Europe actually flew
1262s out to meet them and to to go to that
1264s Sky assembly and I yeah I think we
1266s actually like we recorded a video of
1269s them talking and I think we actually
1270s shared it um in our internal channels
1272s but it's like it's such a rewarding
1274s proof of concept right like everything
1275s we do about like building connections
1277s and bringing people together like that's
1279s it you just see people come together
1281s they're hugging they're talking about
1283s how much fun they've had together um I
1284s think these two had played a lot over
1286s the pandemic yeah I don't know I'm going
1288s to get gushy but like
1289s I don't it's hard not to look at that
1291s and feel like that's like such a a
1294s powerful um recognition of like what we
1296s try to do and what we try to build at
1298s TGC
1299s so one thing about assemblies too as you
1302s mentioned we had like three in
1303s California and a few others in different
1305s areas right do you think that it has
1309s evolved from the very first one that we
1311s had into what it has become and how how
1315s much player feedback has played a role
1316s into polishing sky
1319s to what they really wanted it to be yeah
1322s I mean the first one we did right that
1323s was in Long Beach and that was actually
1325s the the one that I ran like pretty hands
1327s on and I think like this player feedback
1329s has definitely shaped it but I also
1331s think just different individuals on our
1333s team running it right you can kind of
1335s see like the different things they they
1337s value and like their different
1338s sensibilities at work so you know Tio
1340s obviously you ran the the one in Brazil
1343s uh last year right and like that that
1345s specifically spoke to like the types of
1347s events you like to see right and like
1348s how you like to have things run but we
1349s also had like stellify run one in Los
1352s Angeles last year that was way in my
1354s opinion way better than the one I the
1356s first one I R in Long Beach um you know
1358s the Japanese Community team the the
1360s Korean Community team like we everyone
1363s just kind of puts their own unique
1364s Panache on it and then I think where
1366s player feedback comes in is um we
1368s oftentimes will pull players after they
1370s go and just kind of say hey like did you
1372s have fun like what was your favorite
1374s part like do you want to go again like
1376s you know what what would make this feel
1378s more a sky Universe event and so I think
1381s yeah there's also internal feedback
1383s right because a lot of our studio
1384s members will come out depending on where
1385s they are so like California we always
1387s have a great turnout um and just hearing
1389s how they feel it's it's like a truly
1390s like living breathing thing and I don't
1392s think it's ever I don't think we're g
1393s ever reach a point where we're like oh
1395s well Sky assemblies is perfect this is
1396s it we would never make changes like it's
1398s always gonna continue to grow um yeah
1401s and change and somebody here in chat uh
1404s let me see Leela spori from YouTube is
1407s asking how about playing Sky assemblies
1410s in different countries how difficult it
1411s is any chances of having one in
1413s France yeah so actually that's an
1416s interesting point um so when we first
1418s started Sky assemblies the the like
1420s initial version of it was really meant
1422s to be kind of like more um you know like
1424s we would run a few to teach kind of like
1426s what we thought a sky assembly looked
1427s like and then we'd kind of uh hook up
1429s like different community volunteers
1431s who'd gone through kind of like our
1432s interview and vetting process to run
1434s their own in different countries and so
1436s we actually had in the first year so
1438s that was 2022
1439s we had a number hosted by um some really
1442s awesome uh fan volunteers and so we had
1444s some in like we had uh New York I think
1446s we had one in Chicago um yeah we had a
1449s we had a bunch of them um and I think
1451s like what we took from that is that you
1453s know we need to do a better job of kind
1454s of like setting up the infrastructure to
1456s support those events before we have any
1458s more fan events um I don't you know I
1461s it's difficult for me because I work at
1462s the studio but I think like if I was
1464s approaching it from a player I might
1466s think like well you know TGC clearly has
1468s like a bunch of people working on this
1470s and they kind of have like the resources
1471s to like make sure it's like always
1473s really built out um and the reality is
1475s that up to now Sky assemblies has been
1477s very much kind of like a passion project
1479s for the community team so like in
1480s addition to everything else we do Sky
1482s assemblies is try something we try to do
1484s when we get time so um I think going
1487s forward we're trying to make sure we
1488s have like more people in place to
1491s support and I mean like really support
1493s step by step um you know players hosting
1496s their own events that's something we're
1497s discussing internally so that's a
1499s roundabout way of saying like yeah
1500s there's totally a world where we would
1501s have an event in France you know I know
1503s um we've had a lot of folks in the UK
1505s asking um we've had folks in other parts
1507s of the world as well so I think we want
1509s to get back to that it's just we have to
1510s make sure it's supported as opposed to
1513s you know like me going to I think you
1514s said it was Leela I go up to him like
1516s Hey can you just run a sky
1519s assembly thanks yeah mer mer mer um I
1523s don't speak I don't speak any french so
1525s I can't even I don't know I hope what
1527s you said is French um I think that's
1529s that's like kind of what that looks like
1530s in order to get to a place where we can
1532s have um in some of these spaces where
1533s like we don't have uh Studio members on
1536s site yeah there are a few more questions
1539s here that I just want to address uh
1541s sukiman on Twitch is there any
1543s information about Sky coming to Gamescom
1546s this year again uh that you can review
1548s we're going to be addressing that a
1549s little bit later and colen Carter on
1551s YouTube did you already do one in the
1553s USA before yes we have uh quite a few
1555s actually as Robert mentioned we had five
1558s yeah yep five in total we three
1560s ourselves and then two were hosted by
1561s players yep and Rob just before we move
1564s on uh just in case some people do not
1566s know exactly what we're talking about uh
1568s when we mention assemblies let me play a
1570s little video for them just so they can
1571s have an idea so I'll be back with you in
1573s a second okay
1595s spe
1633s so there you go guys that that was a
1635s series of Sky assemblies that we had
1637s last year and being the head of the
1640s community team Rob how how does it feel
1642s seeing all of these movements and all
1644s these countries that we went like it's
1646s kind of incredible especially for a game
1648s that that came out of nowhere 2021
1651s there's so many people when we went to
1653s Gamescom that said oh I don't know the
1654s game yet and yet we see this kinds of uh
1658s Gatherings of fan players right uh how
1661s how does that feel to you uh I honestly
1664s I it I as I was watching it I I always
1665s just feel such a such a sense of Pride
1668s um you know I mentioned it before but
1669s like the we're a fairly small team at
1672s the end of day for all the different um
1674s you know parts of the world we cover and
1675s so I think like last year when I came to
1678s the team and I was like hey you know for
1679s fourth anniversary let's just try to
1681s host a bunch of these assemblies in like
1683s different parts of the world um I'm
1685s really proud that the team didn't just
1686s laugh at
1687s me I'm really proud that the team like
1689s was like yeah this is something we want
1691s to do we want to give these experience
1692s to players I know like Tio you hopped on
1694s a plane and you were just like all right
1696s okay we're hosting an event in in Brazil
1698s um shout out to DMS who had also hosted
1700s one before right yeah I I feel just such
1704s a such a sense of Pride of the the team
1707s I think it's it really takes a special
1708s group of people who really care to to
1711s really like you know put the all that
1713s work on themselves in addition to like
1715s you know anytime you see a Blog go out
1717s you know whenever you see like social
1718s posts patch notes feedback getting
1721s collected contests like there are so
1723s many different things that Community is
1725s in charge of the fact that everyone was
1726s like willing to step up and like take on
1728s that extra work I I mean it like all all
1731s praise to the to the team that's awesome
1734s and a quick question because there are
1736s people here who have their dreams of
1737s working on video games they are not
1739s Engineers they are not coders so they
1741s may be thinking of joining with
1742s Community with events so can we talk a
1745s little bit about the challenges of
1748s scaling up an event from a sky
1750s assemblies local fewer people uh to
1753s something like Gamescom or something
1756s like an Japan Tokyo game show yeah you
1760s know I think um the first thing you
1762s always have to think about is just
1763s expectations you know I think one of the
1765s things that was nice about Sky
1766s assemblies and and just like the
1767s audience that that we have playing sky
1770s is everyone is super kind and everyone
1772s feels like very like unassuming right so
1774s when we put together something that's
1776s like at Community scale I think there's
1778s like something built in for most players
1780s that it's going to feel like a little
1781s more Grassroots so like you kind of
1783s expect to go to something and it's going
1784s to be cozy it's not going to be like
1786s super expensive necessarily but like the
1788s value is going to be in like meeting
1790s people having Sky experiences like
1793s playing games um and that's that's kind
1795s of like the sky assembl Mantra up to
1797s this point but when you when you start
1798s doing things like trade shows or you
1800s know like a sky Fest like what we're
1802s working on now you know you you would
1804s imagine players come in with really like
1806s much larger expectations right like it's
1808s got to be like something that kind of
1810s like meets the moment um and so yeah
1812s when it comes to scaling up like the the
1814s biggest thing that scales up is honestly
1815s the price tag right of like putting on
1817s like those big activations um if you saw
1820s pictures of Gamescom uh as the most
1822s recent example right like huge Booth
1825s like we kind of rebuilt the version of
1826s the Coliseum we had like these screens
1829s um if you watch the uh streams either of
1832s the streams either the world record one
1834s or the Aurora one like which you
1836s probably didn't you saw Tio on stage
1837s doing a great job but you probably
1839s didn't see myself and a bunch of like
1840s audio visual guys in a chamber in the
1843s back like trying to get the different
1845s cameras to go to places so that we could
1847s have like wide crowd shots we could have
1849s shots of the stage we could have shots
1851s in game um it just the execution the
1854s planning the budget required are just
1856s all so much higher to make those things
1858s happen but um you know the tradeoff is
1860s like when you actually see them happen
1862s it feels like that much cooler um TGC
1865s has this with this kind of like internal
1867s attitude of like even if we haven't done
1868s something before we kind of like nah I'd
1870s win I don't if anybody else will get
1872s that mean but um yeah we just kind of
1874s say like no we can do it we can just
1876s figure it out and we can just make this
1877s work um and so when we walked away from
1879s Gamescom because obviously you were out
1881s there too Tio um I don't know I felt
1883s such an immense Pride at what we had
1884s been able to pull off even though like
1886s it was definitely much more complicated
1888s than the sky assembly definitely much
1890s more comp complicated uh that's for sure
1894s and the impact is different right from
1896s from something that we do for our
1898s communities uh like the sky assemblies
1900s to the trade shows that we're reaching
1901s out to people who don't necessarily
1903s understand the culture of the game who
1905s don't necessarily have that kind of uh
1909s pre-established love for the brand uh is
1912s that super challenging to to to reach
1916s out to those people who are not too
1917s familiar with
1919s brand yeah it's interesting right
1920s because there are like certain parts of
1922s the world where I think like sky is
1923s really like widely known and then I
1925s think there are other parts where like
1926s because I think Sky started out as a
1928s mobile game it's just a little bit less
1930s wellknown and what we tend to find is um
1932s and this was kind of the story of
1933s Gamescom is you know we would talk to
1935s folks in a place where mostly folks are
1937s on PC they're on like PlayStation maybe
1940s um you know the different consoles and
1942s we'd be like hey you know this is Sky
1943s Children of the light and they wouldn't
1945s necessarily like immediately recognize
1947s it but they would like see the visuals
1949s and then you know oh it's it's you know
1951s oh it's the folks who made Journey right
1953s and so I think like there's always like
1954s a very like organic way to talk about
1956s that um and yeah I I think it's like one
1959s of those things where you know if you
1960s meet someone and they haven't played sky
1962s and you can tell them about it like I I
1964s I played sky before I ever joined that
1966s game company before I ever thought of
1967s doing so and it was just honestly like a
1968s magical experience and so I think like
1970s you know when my when um someone was
1972s first telling me about sky right I was
1974s like oh cool like I'm I'm excited I want
1975s to try this and I feel like like now I
1977s can give that to someone
1979s right where be like hey like you know if
1980s you're looking for something that's like
1981s maybe like a little different maybe like
1983s a little Chiller more Vibes um you know
1985s I have this great suggestion for you
1987s this is a booth about it yeah awesome
1990s now let's move into talking a little bit
1992s about skyfest right you shared with us
1995s the concept and and the ideas and the
1997s goals for Sky assemblies so what is the
2000s concept for skyfest and what we are
2002s trying to
2004s achieve yeah well I think um first and
2007s foremost we always want to be innovating
2010s um I you know if you kind of like look
2012s at what we've done in we're coming up on
2014s five years of sky right you you can look
2015s at like the concert and then we tried to
2017s push into like 10,000 people in a
2019s concert um you know the world record
2021s it's not enough for us to kind of like
2024s you know obviously like we want to be
2025s making cool things that you know we've
2027s made before but we also want to be like
2028s trying to do new things um and so yeah
2031s actually we just had some conversations
2032s internally and it was kind of like well
2034s what if we had something that was like a
2036s bigger Sky assembly and we also had
2038s something going on in game and what if
2040s they were the same right because we've
2042s never seen that before like we've gone
2043s to like other like um you know trade
2045s shows and conventions but you never you
2047s never could like pull out your phone
2049s like you can't normally pull out a
2051s conven or a phone at a convention and
2053s play the same thing that you're standing
2055s in and so that was kind of Le like the
2056s fantasy I had of like you know if you're
2058s in Japan you pull out your phone you
2060s open it up and it looks like very
2061s similar to what's going on in front of
2064s you um and so like that was something
2066s that kind of excited me about it and
2068s most great ideas that that game company
2070s ends up doing begins because like one or
2072s two people was just like really excited
2074s about a crazy idea right um and so I
2077s think yeah with uh with that approach it
2080s was basically like well would like a
2081s normal Sky assemblies kind of meet that
2083s moment and it was kind of like well no
2085s we think we need to like do it up a bit
2086s bigger but we're also not at the stage
2088s yet where we're going to like have like
2090s a normal like huge siiz convention right
2092s like that's not something we can do as a
2094s as a studio yet at least in my opinion
2095s and so we had to kind of find like
2097s what's that middle ground
2098s that we can do that's going to be fun
2100s for fans that we can recreate in game
2102s and so um yeah I think obviously people
2105s haven't seen it yet we've been working
2107s really hard on skyfest um you know every
2109s day that's like something that we you
2110s know end up working on um but like
2112s skyfest I think and I hope is going to
2114s be really cool and players are going to
2116s enjoy it um and I hope that the folks
2118s who can't make it out to Japan feel like
2120s they were taking care of ingame and
2121s still got like hopefully a pretty
2122s comparable experience awesome uh lady
2125s from YouTube was asking what kind of
2126s world record are we going to try to
2128s break in this year uh I'm going to say
2131s possibly the most handsome uh stream
2132s hosts I think it's a a good challenger
2136s but yeah we'll see about that most
2139s bald I don't know baldest streaming
2143s people yeah that fits most most egg
2146s emojis spammed in a
2149s developer yeah I don't we got we got
2150s some good options here but I you know
2153s even the world record thing right like
2154s it's it's so funny because we kind of
2156s like after we did it we were kind of
2157s like well should we do more it's like
2159s well we already did that so actually
2161s like we don't have any plans for any
2162s more like World Records right now but it
2164s was um yeah I think 20 years from now I
2166s hope when people look back at Sky and
2168s they look back at that game company and
2169s and everything we did they'd be like
2170s well that was a that was a company that
2172s was just always trying to go out there
2173s and mix it up and like do cool things
2175s that like you know weren't as like
2177s common or normal and was always trying
2179s to like have fun like I hope hope that's
2181s how we're remembered so people able to
2184s attend skyfest physically presenti there
2187s that's going to be a completely
2188s different experience from they have
2190s experienced on Sky assemblies right
2191s that's just on the other side of the
2194s spectrum yeah you think Sky assembly is
2197s like bigger like if someone took the sky
2199s assembly
2200s like I mean it's gonna be you you go
2202s like uh I think Los angelist the one we
2204s did last year that Stelly ran was like
2206s in my opinion perfect like it was a
2209s perfect Sky assembly I think she like
2210s actually found like the most correct
2212s answer to the sky assembly problem that
2214s I had ever seen um but even then like if
2216s you walked around there was like you
2217s walked in there were some tables to draw
2219s at there was like a photo booth um you
2222s know there were some like developer
2223s talks right I I think like a lot of
2226s those same ideas you'll see at uh
2230s skyfest right just at on a larger scale
2232s and like hopefully with like more yeah I
2235s don't want to spoil anything I'll just
2236s say larger scale that's what I'll say
2238s larger scale you guys so stay up uh what
2242s what I was able to squeeze out of Worden
2245s was larger scale from Sky assemblies and
2248s a very similar experience in game then
2250s you guys are going to experience IRL so
2252s you are welcome for that uh if Chad has
2255s any questions about Sky Fest Sky
2256s assemblies running uh communities this
2259s is a really good opportunity to share
2260s with us so please do go ahead we are
2263s keeping an eye on I see Krill kid Nicks
2266s in the YouTube chat I was at the world
2268s record well hello hello we were also at
2270s the world record so I probably met you
2272s probably said hello you're probably like
2273s oh they're very bald and that's true
2275s yeah yeah and I'm sure that the media
2278s room that you were in navigating the the
2280s audio and video folks was very
2283s comfortable right it was the AC was on
2285s and everything it was definitely not
2288s summer in Europe is all I it was no it
2291s was it was very I was a very sweaty man
2294s as I tried to direct all that but you
2296s know um no nothing worth doing is not
2298s worth sweating over or
2301s maybe there's probably a positive
2303s version to this can somebody clip this
2305s on Twitch I I would love to have that oh
2308s love to have that a lot I'm seeing eggs
2310s in chat oh okay it's cuz Wes Wes is a
2312s troublemaker Wes what are you doing get
2314s out of here let's see here if we have
2316s any more
2318s questions so same question I suppose uh
2322s Rob that we we we we learned a lot from
2325s our first Sky assemblies and to make
2328s something just like styfi did right
2329s something that as you said was you know
2332s the you know hitting the nail right on
2335s the head making a nearly perfect EXP
2337s experience for Sky assemblies what have
2340s we learned from former trade shows that
2343s is going to make skyfest just be bigger
2345s and better than all of the other trade
2347s show presences that we have
2349s had a good question um yeah I think I
2354s would say I have personally learned that
2356s when it comes to trying to build a trade
2358s show experience you have to be like very
2359s focused in what you're trying to make
2361s you know sky is so big right and there's
2363s so many visually and and um audibly
2366s striking parts of the EXP erience that
2368s like you know if I could I would just
2370s like Snap My Fingers in like a trade
2372s show would just be all of Sky it's just
2374s all like you know Tokyo game show next
2376s year just all Sky it's just that's all
2378s it is um so you have to really like kind
2380s of focus down to like what's the
2381s experience you're trying to make and how
2383s do you like represent it in a way that
2384s feels good to players um that's I guess
2387s the second lesson is anytime you build
2389s something um you know when you work in a
2391s video game Studio you are ultimately
2393s building it for the players right and so
2395s like regardless of like what you want to
2397s make right and like where you start you
2399s have to find a version of it that like
2401s feels good to the audience you're
2403s beholden to and so you know in like the
2405s trade shows we did it's kind of like
2407s well what's the Creative Vision but what
2408s would be like a good experience for
2409s players and then how do you make sure
2411s you narrow that down into a scope that's
2414s deliverable um I would say like those
2416s are kind of like the main main lessons
2418s that I've taken from working on the
2419s different trade
2420s shows uh Miguel q19 1990 says I want to
2425s be Weir's friends in Sky to used the Pet
2428s Head emote of him well my sky kid's not
2431s actually bald my sky kid has glorious
2433s hair I've made that sh I like the
2435s Glorious hair it's a it's a roleplay to
2437s escape kind of thing right so like I'm
2439s like I'm very tall in sky and I have a
2441s full head of hair and I'm definitely a
2443s very you know handsome Sky Kid so it's
2446s that's what I that's what I strive
2449s for perfect let's see here if there's
2452s any other questions uh I I missed your
2455s name but somebody said that they also
2456s met us a at Gamescom and they were they
2460s went to Gamescom to celebrate their
2462s brother's birthday who introduced them
2464s to Sky so certainity that's uh that's
2467s really cool nice that's well I you know
2469s I'll just say real quick to to kind of
2471s derail a little bit like we often times
2474s he that people get into Sky because like
2476s it was like a friend or a loved one kind
2478s of told them I think sky is one of those
2480s things that it's like it's when someone
2482s you you know and you trust tells you
2484s about Sky I think it's like makes more
2486s sense when they describe this idea of
2487s like hey it's about connection and it's
2489s about like artistic expression I think
2491s yeah that's like usually what we see so
2493s that I don't know that's really
2493s heartwarming story and it's something we
2495s we see a fair bit of when it comes to
2497s Sky so that's awesome I'm glad I'm glad
2499s that you two are close and that you were
2501s able to enjoy Sky together how can the
2504s community participate Rob like if they
2506s want to help Skype they want to have
2508s these gatherings if they want
2510s to promote more of Sky to other people
2513s right what's the best first steps for
2515s them to do well my you know know there
2518s to be clear people's responsibilities is
2520s just to like play the game and have fun
2522s so um it's our it's our job to make sure
2524s other people know about sky but um yeah
2526s I would say like at the end of the day
2528s um you know it Sky really is a game that
2530s I think more so than any other I've
2532s played is really like best enjoyed with
2534s someone else right like I I mean that's
2536s just my opinion um I know a lot of folks
2538s play by themselves and like certainly I
2540s have days when I play by too but or play
2542s by myself too but like all of my best
2544s memories of sky are with someone else
2547s and so I think like yeah it's it's a
2548s game that's designed to be very
2550s approachable so that you know like you
2552s could play with like your your grandma
2554s um you could play with like your I don't
2556s know 10-year-old niece or nephew right
2558s so I would say like yeah it it's really
2561s just sky is really kind of built on this
2564s community we have so I think like
2566s anytime that you can like show it to
2568s someone you care about and you can give
2569s them a good experience if you you know
2571s are having a good time um I think that's
2573s something that you can do that hopefully
2575s will make their lives better hopefully
2576s will make them happier and then
2577s obviously like anytime we have more
2579s players who play sky like we're happy
2581s too I it's really one of those things
2582s where the greatest joy we get is is
2585s watching other people enjoy the game so
2587s um anytime you know folks care enough
2590s about our game to invite someone they
2592s care about like that obviously makes us
2594s feel really warm and fuzzy inside you
2596s mentioned memorable moments in Sky do
2598s you mind sharing one of your most
2600s memorable moments playing the game yeah
2603s I I have a very easy one um so when I
2606s played through season of Prophecy and I
2607s played through the trial of Earth um I
2609s absolutely suck at Platformers so like I
2612s was just getting windmill slammed by all
2614s the the jumps but you know it's like
2615s trial of birth is one you do with a
2617s partner um and so honestly this is this
2620s sounds really messed up to say but like
2622s I'm gonna like actually start like
2623s tearing up if I tell the story so I need
2625s to like do it in such a way where it's
2626s like I don't do that um someone waited
2629s 10 minutes for me at the end to finish
2631s all the jumps and they just stood there
2633s the whole time kind of like cheering me
2634s on right and then when I finally did it
2637s I got to other side and they just like
2639s sat there clapping for me and
2641s like I don't know it's it was so it was
2644s such a powerful moment of just being
2645s accepted that I think in adulthood is
2647s sometimes difficult because it makes you
2649s feel like in adulthood there are so many
2651s times where you feel stressed and you
2653s maybe feel like you're not good enough
2654s and you have these moments of like what
2656s am I doing with my life and so just like
2658s lying in bed like playing on my iPad and
2660s just having someone like basically just
2663s say like hey you can't make this jump
2664s you suck at this jump but like you I
2667s will wait for you and then I'll like
2668s celebrate when you do it which is I
2670s don't know it's really powerful moment
2671s and I think it's like every time I come
2673s back like what type of game is sky like
2675s I think about that like that's what sky
2677s is many people in chat are you know you
2680s mentioned about adulthood many people
2681s here are just saying I'm 42 I'm 30 I'm
2683s 50 so a lot of the older folks here you
2686s know leaving the exactly you know
2689s playing the game maybe exactly for this
2690s moment when when I before I ever thought
2693s about working at that game company I
2694s used to just like I'd have really like
2696s rough and stressful days at my last job
2697s and like I would get off work and I
2699s would like turn off all the lights and I
2701s would like turn on the AC so I was like
2703s super cool and I would just sit there
2705s and I would like have my iPad like up on
2708s like the loudest volume just listening
2710s to the music and just relaxing and and
2712s Sky really like helped me helped me feel
2715s better after just really challenging
2716s days so I think like yeah there's
2718s totally I know we have like a lot of
2720s younger folks with play sky but if
2721s you're an adult playing sky and that's
2722s like a place you can go to that makes
2724s you feel better or make you feel good or
2726s just less stressed like hey I'm I'm
2728s right there with you therea soup on
2731s Twitch I love waiting and helping peeps
2732s in skyp is so sweet when people complete
2736s when people complete strangers are
2738s cheering you on when they could easily
2740s just leave you and move on with their
2742s things that's but I think that's like
2743s that's part of being you know you know
2746s we say Sky Kid a lot right but that's
2747s like that's really part of being it it's
2749s it's kind of its own culture of yeah
2751s like unfortunately sometimes the world
2752s can be a bit harsh so like what you see
2755s in sky is more often than not like
2756s people who are like to like you know
2758s wait for you hand out stretched right
2761s and help you and I think like that's sky
2764s is a game to be clear and I think it's a
2765s fun game but there are also those
2767s moments where you realize it's really
2768s just something more too it's it's about
2770s like I I don't know I'm gonna say cheesy
2772s stuff so I'm gonna stop but it's it's
2773s really just about like our best our best
2776s instincts as a species hopefully um kind
2779s of prevailing and then also just a lot
2780s of honking so sometimes it's not like
2782s deep or profound it's just like running
2784s around in circle spam honking which I
2785s have done on multiple occasions and we
2787s can do it right now Chad if you guys can
2789s just put a honk uh here for for Wen I'm
2791s sure he's going to appreciate it and uh
2794s Big Dreams little motivations uh send
2796s sends a me a message to you on YouTube
2799s Warden I actually relate I don't even
2801s need to play the game just the sounds
2803s are chefskis for calming myself down
2806s yeah uh our our lead audio designer
2809s Reitz mutani is an absolute wizard when
2812s it comes to sounds and um he'll actually
2813s be doing oh okay well I guess I'm GNA
2816s spoil something he is supposed to do a
2818s panel um at skyfest talking about sound
2822s design um and I I think we're going to
2824s try to upload it later to YouTube and I
2827s hope youall get to watch it like I I
2828s watched a presentation he did on sound
2830s design once and I was just like like I
2832s was already really impressed by what he
2833s did but I think just like watching that
2835s and internalizing like how much thought
2837s goes into like the placement of the
2839s sound like where it originates from like
2841s how it kind of um you know resonates you
2843s know based on like if it's raining or
2844s something like I just ended up with so
2847s so much respect so much more respect
2849s than I already had for Reit so yeah
2851s anyway Reit is amazing Sky sound design
2853s awesome Sky Sound and Music is chefi
2858s topnotch which we're listening to by the
2860s way we do have a a a playlist on Spotify
2863s so go check it out guys it's a it's a
2865s good tool to relax it's a really good
2867s tool to relax uh Warden we are talking
2871s about we were talking about uh different
2874s gaming communities right do you think
2876s sky Community is possibly one of the
2879s most unique ones that you have run into
2881s or managed all together um yeah I would
2885s say well okay so I feel like that's like
2887s I feel that was like a softball question
2889s but I'm gonna take it um yeah I would
2891s say like because so much of the gaming
2893s space um that's not just like strictly
2896s single player it tends to be competitive
2898s by Nature like I do think that sky is
2900s just inherently in the way it's built um
2903s has a very unique Community because you
2905s know while there is some degree of
2906s competition maybe in like the races um
2908s in like Valley for example for the most
2910s part like what you see is people who
2912s like kind of go the other direction so
2914s if like competition is going this way
2916s then like helping others is going this
2917s way um so I think by like the the DNA of
2920s the game right it's just a very very
2922s unique and standout experience of the
2924s sort of people who hang out you know um
2927s very much live up to that awesome guys
2931s if you have any other questions in chat
2933s I do have a question myself uh well all
2935s of these questions I guess came from me
2937s but like that's a legitimate curiosity
2939s that I have and I hope uh sky kids can
2942s can also get something from it so we are
2945s expanding right we just launched on PC
2948s we are seeing a lot of new streamers uh
2951s playing sky for example it's a it's a
2954s different crowd coming in right and our
2957s sky kids are welcoming them to you
2959s personally what is your goal for Sky
2963s Community moving forward right we are
2966s please Play Station switch mobile PC now
2970s what is your next goal what do you want
2973s next for Sky
2976s Community yeah that's a good question um
2980s I think really what I'm like most
2982s focused on now is really the the fifth
2985s anniversary I think you know if you a
2987s lot of our a lot of folks who uh play
2989s sky we've kind of like you know we've
2991s talked to them and we understand many of
2992s them are maybe not like don't play as
2995s many games outside of sky as like I'm
2997s might or you might and so I think for
2998s for those who don't know um it's kind of
3001s a rarity for games to reach 5 years
3003s that's actually like not that's really
3005s not a given and so like the only reason
3006s we've been able to do that is just
3008s through through all of you who play the
3009s game um and so I think I hope you know
3012s it's when you do something for long
3014s enough it can kind of start to feel
3016s routine right so like when you play a
3017s game like sky and there's like a there's
3020s you know Four Seasons a year right
3021s there's you know the different days of
3023s events and to a degree it's kind of like
3024s okay well like what's the next thing
3026s what's the next thing what's the next
3027s thing like I hope for for the fifth
3029s anniversary that like we as a community
3031s can really stop and just like take a
3033s breath and think about where we've been
3036s all the friends we've made you know all
3038s the things we've gone through I mean Sky
3039s launched during a global pandemic right
3042s like we've all been through so much I
3044s hope we can all just take a moment and
3045s like appreciate um each other everybody
3048s who's like made the game everybody who's
3050s you know um been a part of playing the
3051s game giving feedback made content about
3054s it um yeah it's it's really what I'm
3056s looking forward to I hope it's um I hope
3058s it's like a fun celebration right like
3060s end of Return of the Jedi style but I
3062s also hope there's like kind of that like
3064s moment of just like quiet uh internal
3066s reflection where we just stop and think
3068s like man this is crazy we've had five
3071s years of this right like what are the
3072s next five years going to be like what
3074s what is like the next 10 years of sky
3076s like what what can we kind of make it
3077s together um so yeah I hope I hope we the
3081s we all meet this I think kind of like
3083s heavy and really cool
3085s moment that's
3087s awesome you guys I think we are nearly
3090s about to wrap up if you have any further
3092s questions please do let us know but in
3095s the meanwhile Wen anything that you want
3097s to share with the community anything
3100s that you want to say to all of these
3101s folks uh watching us today uh
3105s any tips hopes expectations yeah look
3109s both ways before crossing the road that
3111s I'm gonna write that down just a sec
3113s okay thank you yeah that's important um
3115s no but I would also just say that like
3117s well first of all Tio thank you um for
3120s doing these live streams you know I
3121s think it's been fun to see the live
3123s stream project kind of come back and it
3125s we took a bit of a Hiatus but like
3126s you've really done a great job of like
3128s making sure that you know we we have a
3130s chance to get out in front of the
3131s players and kind of like talk about
3132s what's coming up like what we're working
3133s on just like what giant goofballs we are
3136s um you know I certainly I hope people
3138s take from these streams that we're just
3140s like people too and we just kind of are
3142s goofballs who do silly things and you
3145s know sometimes we're motivated by really
3147s just silly desires um but to to all of
3150s the players um I just say thank you
3152s honestly just yeah like I said most
3154s games don't get to make it to five years
3156s so the fact that we do is just really a
3157s reflection of all of you um you know I
3159s will say I
3161s know yeah this year we've definitely had
3163s some moments where like unfortunately
3165s like maybe a box wasn't check somewhere
3167s or something didn't like go where it was
3168s supposed to and there have been some
3170s challenges at various points in the game
3172s and I like to think the team has like
3173s worked really quickly to try to fix them
3174s but I know it can be you know it can be
3176s fresh as a player and so I just want to
3178s say like we internally are working
3180s really hard um you know to fix certain
3182s things and try to like create better
3184s processes that allow for those things
3186s not to happen um the reality is like
3188s game design is not an exact science and
3190s especially like as you try to like build
3192s and develop a game further than maybe it
3194s was like initially meant to be um you
3196s know you run into all kinds of like
3197s weird edge cases and problems and I
3199s think I'm always impressed by how hard
3201s the team Works to try to like correct
3203s those but for sure as a player I'm sure
3205s it's just like oh you know a season
3207s launch and there was a server error
3208s again and so I I do want to apologize
3210s and also just say that like that's
3212s definitely something we take seriously
3213s and it's something we're working on um
3215s and yeah I don't know I feel like I feel
3217s very optimistic about the future of Sky
3219s um I think we're g to have like many
3221s more years together as a community so
3222s thank you keep being kind to each other
3225s um and you know if you see someone at
3226s the Vault four player door just open it
3229s just be a homie just open it don't leave
3231s me don't leave me hanging there just you
3233s know you see someone there just go over
3234s and help that's what a Sky Kid does so
3236s Hong Kong thank thank you you know
3237s what's funny is that that's what this
3239s live stream is going to be remembered
3241s for is just that line Ju Just help
3243s somebody doesn't matter anything else
3244s that we spoke about before that I can
3246s just feel the Reddit thread TGC demands
3248s that you open the door that's the Line
3250s open the door kids open the door yeah
3253s all right Veron thank you so much uh we
3255s appreciate you and I will be talking to
3258s you later on slack
3260s possibly I hope so all right thanks
3263s everybody bye guys
3267s all right folks thank you very much for
3268s participating that was Robert wing head
3271s of community here at TGC and hopefully
3273s we're able to get a little bit more
3275s insights of what's coming up with
3277s skyfest I am very excited I cannot wait
3280s to meet you guys face to face is one of
3282s the things that I live for is the
3284s opportunity of seeing you guys face to
3286s face sharing a hug and hanging out a
3289s little bit so thank you very much for
3291s your time other than that I'll see you
3293s guys next week hopefully with something
3296s very fun and nature interesting okay so
3298s in the meanwhile peace out I'll see you
3301s next week bye
3385s for
3415s for for