20 days ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

612s honk honk sky kids and welcome to
615s another PGC stream my name is Tio and I
618s am very happy to once again welcome you
621s to our community thank you for being
623s part of this stream thank you for
625s joining us thank you for following us on
626s whatever social media you guys follow us
628s into and you guys don't follow us this
630s is a good chance I'm sharing right here
633s the main social networks that we are
635s connected to so you can stay up to dat
638s on everything sky with that said can you
642s guys hear me
644s okay is that voice sounding okay are the
648s levels okay let me know if it's too loud
652s I can't try to fix
656s that oh the sound is bad I'm sorry
660s okay let's see how about now is it a
663s little bit
666s better hello hello
669s hello cool awesome guys I'm happy that
673s uh the audio is better and today we're
675s going to be doing something very cool
677s which is celebrating your birthday
680s anybody here celebrating a birthday this
682s week as usual you guys know the drill I
685s I like
687s to you know congratulate you guys you
690s know many times we feel lonely and and a
693s birthday is something that is so big to
696s to be a part of right like it's
699s something so cool to celebrate you being
701s here with us on Earth so happy birthday
704s if you guys are celebrating your
707s birthdays at you know at
709s anytime soon I want to say that you
712s matter I value your life uh I value you
715s being here I'm very happy to be here and
717s if you feel like you don't have any
719s friends or nobody to celebrate with Tio
723s here is your friend and I'm happy that
725s you're here with us but you guys I am
727s also happy to to be here with somebody
731s who's really special to me somebody who
733s I really enjoy I'm sure you guys have an
735s idea who she is it is my very good
738s friend thetis hello thetis and welcome
740s to the
742s stream hello everybody and thank you for
744s having me again this is one of my
746s highlights of the week I know right like
748s I've been looking forward to do this
750s forever and I'm very very happy to be
752s here uh with you that this uh I hope
755s your day is doing okay uh I see you
757s talking in chat with people how's the
759s chat going chat's going pretty dang good
762s I'm loving it hi everybody okay guys
765s let's say hi to ttis if you guys are
768s happy to have ttis here share a candle
770s share a heart in chat let's give thetis
773s a ton of love as she deserves so tus
777s thank you so much for being here and now
780s what are we doing today is there
782s anything special what are we doing here
785s today I think wait are we are we are we
789s doing patch
790s notes is it patch notes guys no it's not
793s patch notes it's not patch notes
795s although 256 came out for and dry today
797s for a hot fix but it is not patch notes
801s you guys we here to play Tong twisters
804s with with with
808s ttis i i yes tongue twisters game good
811s stuff I'm not gonna lie uh when we were
814s you know testing uh the stream before
816s going live that is was sharing the best
819s bad jokes ever it was great I had a
822s great time I was laughing more than I
824s had any business laughing about but
827s today tus what we're gonna be doing is
830s we will give our personal opinions in
833s what is the best of Skype right uh
836s you've been playing Skype for a long
838s time too I think Way Long than to be
840s sure
843s May yeah I started playing during
845s gratitude season near the end of
846s gratitude season you see it's a a
849s original OG Sky Kid and through through
853s that Journey that is I'm sure that there
855s has been many memorable times right
859s whether laughing whether crying whether
863s uh making a good memory with a friend uh
866s that's what this stream is about today I
868s want to share some of my mine I want to
870s hear some of yours in chat I want to see
873s some of yours too so please go ahead and
877s start voting for the best moments of sky
880s for you oh let me share that link with
883s folks on Twitter as well sorry Twitter I
886s haven't forgotten you just give me one
887s second hi Twitter here we go please go
892s ahead and vote I believe that that is
895s open still if not chat do let me know
898s and at the end we're going to be revie
899s feeling what the chat in the whole
901s consensus has voted to be the best of
905s the best in Sky are you ready that
908s sounds good I'm ready let's do you look
910s so cute today all right guys you're
913s welcome you're welcome okay guys I am
916s ready let's
919s go this is the list that we have it's
921s one of those ranking things I honestly
924s just kind of wanted to you know try to
926s do one of these ranking things but here
928s in Sky we don't we just share what has
931s touched us the most and ttis you
934s mentioned that you are a gratitude month
938s right do you want to talk a little bit
939s about that
941s experience uh yeah so that was gosh that
944s was so long ago um so when I first
946s started it was near the end of the
949s season so I think I only had like eight
951s days left or something like that and I
953s was just like you know this is the
956s coolest game I'd ever seen like I love
959s to play
960s like there was no there was like
961s tutorial what tutorial I don't like
963s tutorials I am a fan of no tutorials so
966s like when I first started playing this I
968s was like this is fantastic there's
969s nothing forcing me to go through like a
972s walkthrough tutorial it was fantastic I
974s loved it and then when you first go out
976s out the the dawn Temple and then you fly
980s over the clouds and and then and then
982s the inos screen the sky comes up oh my
984s God I like I was like wow I like ran
987s into my husband I was like this is the
988s greatest thing I've never seen
991s ever I
994s I my begin in Sky are I'm not gonna say
998s deran because they are not so why would
1001s I say that right but that were a series
1004s of comes and goes I I actually entered
1007s the beta for iOS way back then right but
1010s I was just getting you
1013s know started in the gaming industry with
1016s a different game so I had to focus on
1018s that and then there was a series of
1020s comes and goes comes and goes comes and
1022s goes uh but I think this season
1026s that really got me started that I came
1030s and I stayed and I started making
1032s friends and I joined the skyp Discord
1034s was do you have a guess I think we have
1037s shared that before yes you did you you
1040s just told me dreams no dreams is my
1044s favorite oh we're going to talk about
1045s that I'll would say assemblies because
1048s that's when I Stay right like it did
1050s play Dreams oh I see okay but assemblies
1053s was when I stay and because it's
1055s assemblies we had to talk to people
1059s right it's
1060s like you had to play together yeah yeah
1063s go go talk to people although I I'm not
1065s GNA lie I didn't finish this season for
1069s years and in fact wow it was with our
1073s Discord chat mods that you know we were
1075s talking hey guys I I started in season
1078s of assembly but but I never got to
1080s finish it because rain because umbrella
1083s because friends I had none of it right
1086s and they said we have to fix this right
1090s now and fair enough you know we we went
1093s through the season together and we had a
1096s blast uh so thank you Discord CH mods
1099s you guys are angels and a blessing thank
1101s you for helping me do
1104s that yeah one one of the big changes
1106s between uh gratitude season and and like
1109s every other season we've had uh is
1112s before there was no seasonal candles you
1115s just had you had to use your hearts for
1117s the seasonal content so like if you
1119s wanted and I only had like eight days so
1122s so starting off and I I I could only get
1124s Hearts from the spirits for completing
1126s their you know their segments and their
1128s memories and stuff and I I only had
1132s enough time to finish out one spirit so
1134s I was like okay which one am I going to
1135s decide on there was like a huge decision
1138s factor that had to come into
1139s and so of course I chose sassy because I
1141s mean come on that mask um but yeah it
1145s was you know at first I was like oh this
1147s is kind of sad because oh well I'm I'm I
1150s came late obviously but I it was worth
1152s it it was worth it and guess what that's
1155s this there is act actually a tie between
1158s three seasons for the chat oh oh see I
1162s know isn't that kind of crazy it has
1165s been so far people are tied between
1168s season of Aurora
1169s season of flight and season of The
1173s Little Prince so guys I'm not surprised
1176s I'm going to wait here until until that
1179s needle moves I'm going to just sit here
1180s and wait until that needle moves because
1182s we need to pick a a a Max or not it's
1186s sky right so hey you know you could just
1188s put the three up there yeah why not why
1190s not we we why
1195s not that's right yeah I'm not surprised
1198s at all um um the Aurora and the Little
1202s Prince vastly popular you know pulled in
1205s a lot of people experiencing sky for the
1207s first time and sharing their friends um
1211s and amazing amazing people in stories I
1213s mean you can't beat Aurora for a nice
1215s person and the Little Prince is an
1216s amazing story and then flight was
1219s started yeah yeah I agree yeah and then
1221s flight was just so awesome I mean the
1224s idea behind flight is you know opening
1227s up and saving you know that whole
1230s connection system between the different
1231s area I mean how cool is
1233s that yeah kid Kat cat that's a great
1236s name uh on YouTube says the abyss was
1239s their first uh season that's awesome I I
1243s I was actually applying to work at TGC
1246s on that three season of abys so though
1249s not my my moth season is definitely one
1252s that I was very close to
1254s being you
1255s will that's awesome all right gosh what
1258s was
1259s what was my my TGC Mo I think
1265s Sanctuary I think it was
1267s Sanctuary with my TGC MTH days that's
1270s awesome so you you had already been
1272s playing for a little bit then when you
1274s when you joined yeah yeah that's awesome
1278s all right ttis here's the time to start
1281s getting juicy and start preparing okay
1283s your answers check you too because I'm
1285s going to be asking you guys and then I'm
1286s going to give you the results based on
1288s the voting so if you haven't voted yet
1291s here goes the link once more let me just
1293s share the link on Twitter as well so you
1296s guys can go ahead and vote for what is
1301s going to be the best ending season or
1304s the season with the best ending that is
1308s it has been 22 Seasons out of the 22
1312s which one is hands down no questions
1315s asked the best ending of Sky season
1321s Aurora 100% Aurora thought just like
1325s that explosion of Joy was just amazing
1327s for you yes yes I mean during
1331s queendom like when you're sucked in to
1334s the center and and the after is going up
1337s and then and then she shoots you out
1339s like big confetti canons oh my God it's
1341s just it gives me this like nostalgic
1343s like there's just something in my heart
1345s that just goes warm and fuzzy and I just
1347s I love it so much I love it it was
1350s amazing season of Aurora period was
1353s we're gonna talk more about that later I
1355s am sure but
1357s Chad well I guess I have to share mine
1359s first right and I you have to share your
1362s first I got stuck at this I I I was
1364s thinking which is the one with the best
1366s ending and we're not considering I don't
1368s want to consider the Journey of of that
1371s season like the whole narrative or
1373s everything that we doing I I'm just
1375s trying to see objectively because that's
1377s what I'm doing here I I
1380s as anybody would believe that I'm not
1381s speaking with my heart right but let
1382s let's pretend that I'm being objective
1385s here which is isolated the best ending
1389s season
1390s and season of sbly was great that that
1393s that little uh game and I don't to do a
1395s lot of spoilers but it's season of aand
1397s come on you guys it was uh really fun
1402s and doing that with folks uh you know
1405s cheering me on to to collect the Rings
1408s and everything was really fun a season
1410s of Aurora too right like I I was
1412s watching that with my with my wife and
1414s my sister my family got together to do
1416s that so there was definitely something
1417s interesting to say about this but I have
1420s to say that to me is the ending in which
1426s sky kids finally stood up against the
1430s oppressors season of the nine color deer
1435s ending was awesome it was epic just
1440s being able to attack the ks it was
1445s awesome that was pretty awesome it was
1447s aesome and just like the Cinematic shot
1450s of them turning around and going s time
1453s let's go let's save the deal and facing
1456s off against the dragons it was
1458s incredible I loved it so there you go
1462s that was a lot of fun was you not did
1464s did you did you uh it was so much fun
1466s did you blast dragons out of out of this
1468s guy absolutely absolutely that was so
1471s much fun I really enjoyed that ending I
1473s would have to agree that is a very very
1475s good ending no I'm questioning here that
1478s is uh
1480s Chad what is the best ending season I I
1483s want to hear what you guys have to say
1484s individually right now so Twitter
1487s Instagram and Instagram Twitter twitch
1490s and YouTube let us know what is the best
1493s ending season right now before we go
1496s ahead and get to check what you guys are
1499s voting
1500s for season of Dreams Jeremy Grand munch
1504s my great friend I I was battling on it
1509s yes season of Dreams ending was
1512s incredible it was epic it was a very
1514s good time Aurora dreams Aurora dreams
1517s Aurora Dreams YouTube is stuck between
1520s Aurora and dreams let's take a look at
1523s twitch Aurora the dreams was the most
1526s heartfelt one probably abys that this we
1530s have Shadow marks on Twitch saying that
1532s abys was the best
1533s ending I like it that's a pretty epic
1536s ending I believe myself I mean they like
1539s having that huge just little creature
1541s coming out and you're just like right
1542s there and it's just kind of you're like
1543s this the are you GNA get it are you not
1545s are you gonna get out right yeah yeah
1548s yes yes oh there you go uh Sterling I've
1552s been saying season of shattering we had
1554s the best ending Immortal youth 88 that
1558s is uary people are saying Sanctuary is
1560s the best
1562s ending that was pretty epic too with the
1564s with the whale coming over and the
1565s mantas oh there's so many good things
1568s you can't you can't choose you can't
1570s choose wow but you know what's really
1573s interesting here that this the results
1575s of best ending do not reflect what the
1578s chin saying
1580s fascinating what let me guess they
1584s say they say Rhythm they did not say
1588s rhythm no a shs well I'll give you a tip
1591s it's a okay very old
1594s season it's a very old season so I'd
1596s have to say belonging lightseekers no
1599s lightseekers yes yes yes lightseekers is
1602s indeed lightseekers and that's
1605s fascinating I'm surprised I saw Chad
1608s very fascinated I saw Chad being very
1610s vocal about you know Aurora dreams and
1613s and everything but if you guys voted for
1616s lightseekers why would you guys like us
1618s know in if that is if you can take a
1620s look on YouTube while while I take a
1621s look on Twitch that be nice
1625s help why guys why season of lightseekers
1628s why why
1631s lightseekers what are they saying well
1634s people are saying because the first
1635s Seasons you finish are usually the most
1637s impactful and I get that yeah I can't
1640s buy that it's just something that is
1642s more memorable
1644s right then again our our designers just
1647s they keep getting better and better with
1649s the storytelling you know I
1652s mean that is true yeah that is true se's
1656s on the prophecy people are saying here
1657s but nobody's justifying but I'll take it
1660s hey a vote is a vote a vote is a vote
1662s the vote is a vote and the vote has been
1665s cast I'm just double
1669s checking yep wow
1672s fascinating cool back to you tus what a
1677s responsibility the best best story the
1680s season with the best story best story oh
1684s gosh um this is a tough
1690s one okay so I have to go off story what
1693s I think is the best story not whether or
1695s not which ones I like more than another
1698s yeah being objective right like it's
1700s just the narrative the story what is it
1711s I I I'm going to share mine that this
1713s while you think okay I I will have to
1717s say I will have to say for
1720s me season of
1723s dreams okay season of dreams you know
1726s the the the idea of
1731s oops the you know the coming of age the
1734s the the realization of a dream right uh
1738s work hard to achieve I I think it's
1742s uh unique not not a unique we have seen
1745s that so many times and there's a reason
1746s why we have seen that so many times
1747s because we all relate to it right and
1750s season of Dreams is one of my favorite
1752s seasons ever and I think forever will be
1755s and to this day the music Still touches
1758s my heart because of the
1761s journey right
1763s right I'm you
1765s know I'm kind of like on a toss-up
1767s moment between like prophecy dreams and
1771s Abyss because I thought all of those
1774s were so well done and so the stories
1776s were just amazing um but I'm gonna
1779s probably have to
1781s say so okay no so thinking more prophecy
1784s or dreams prophecy or dreams prophecy or
1788s dreams oh my gosh you know just for the
1791s sake of debate and conversation let's go
1793s with prophecy let's go with prophecy
1798s yes let's go with
1800s prophecy all right Prophet prophecy was
1805s was certainly cool right and and
1809s definitely the most challenging one I I
1811s guess I'm definitely going to have to
1812s over prophecy at a later time uh chat
1816s what do you guys think we have dreams
1818s and prophecy are are are these strong
1820s candidates are you guys thinking the
1822s same
1825s direction let us know I see a little
1827s prince dreams as the
1835s goat yeah I mean yeah I mean I just I
1838s don't know I just I love prophecy just
1841s because it was so I don't know for me
1844s that was really one of the it was really
1847s a defining lore moment for me I think
1850s you know because it really kind of dived
1854s into a story of sky like the greater
1856s world of Sky not just a small section or
1859s like you know subgroups whatever like a
1860s greater world of SK expansion of the
1862s world right yeah I get it yeah yeah yeah
1865s do you have a guess for what people have
1867s voted in chat it's a land I would say
1870s it's a land I would say they yeah dreams
1872s I think they voted
1874s dreams uhuh nope no they didn't vote
1878s dreams they did not vote I mean they did
1880s vote dreams okay little prince they did
1882s Little Prince they did Little Prince
1885s they did little little prince and
1887s frankly I I was was debating little
1889s prince it's
1890s a Immortal tale right like you can't
1893s really go wrong with that it was very
1895s beautiful uh if you guys don't mind
1898s spoilers I'm assuming most people here
1899s are kind of hardcore players and little
1902s prince in broke my heart I know I
1907s know I'm gonna cry it was awesome it was
1910s awesome it was awesome all right was
1912s awesome most
1915s fun most fun prophecy
1920s yeah I would have to definitely say
1921s prophecy the
1923s trials are amazing and I can remember
1926s when we were beta testing the trials and
1928s the first time we did the first time I
1930s did the fire trial in beta it took me
1933s like three and a half hours to do and
1935s but I was dedicated I was like no I am
1937s going to I'm gonna do this I'm Gonna
1939s Make It
1941s Happen taking the challenge figure it
1943s out I expected nothing else than that
1947s from you that this I I I'm glad I'm
1949s proud I raised
1952s youo the daddy
1955s too ni I I I have to most fun let's take
1959s a look here what we have I'm looking to
1961s the side guys because my other
1965s I most
1968s fun most fun I am stuck between season
1974s of
1974s moments because going around sniping
1977s photos that that that was cool that was
1978s a new feature that was a novelty and you
1981s know it it was a cool season I really
1983s enjoyed it maybe I have to yeah I had to
1986s keep moments at one point um but I have
1990s to say I really really really
1995s enjoyed
1999s message it was
2002s chaos uh having having you know to to
2006s too many people try to do the same thing
2008s it was insane I am a a a board gamer and
2013s that's what I love about board games
2015s it's just a lot of people together
2016s trying to do something and usually
2018s clashing uh that was was season of
2020s Passage us for me it was playing board
2022s games in sky with dozens I don't even
2025s know how many people we we had in each
2028s of those passages it was fun it was a
2030s good time yeah that's that's a fun
2033s season that was a lot of fun I really
2035s love the game uh in the in the in the
2037s cave
2039s yep yep yeah that that was fun that was
2041s fun and you know what's really fun we we
2043s were doing a few tests in beta recently
2045s and we had Nick run a few passages with
2048s people in beta that was a lot of fun
2050s through through Forest that was super
2052s fun but now chat is your time most fun
2058s season most fun season you guys twitch
2061s chat YouTube chat I am covering twitch
2063s and Twitter tus is covering YouTube talk
2066s to us which was the most
2070s Bram says nesting he's having the most
2072s fun with decorating his nest I I believe
2074s it I believe it uh I was about to say
2076s that I think nesting could be one of the
2080s most fun Seasons to to the right person
2082s I agree with that uh I see a lot of
2085s people in twitch saying
2088s assemblies yeah that was
2092s fun can't go wrong with scavenger hunt
2095s quests in assemblies yep y yep yep yep
2099s but now guys Everybody Talks right let's
2102s take a look here wow I am surprised well
2106s no I am not too surprised to be
2109s honest when you thought about it yeah
2112s because I think we established uh a
2114s little you know recently that I am
2116s slightly color blind and then when I saw
2118s the color I'm like wait what belonging
2121s and then no no fair enough it is Aurora
2127s season of a
2129s the most fun season rightfully so I but
2134s to me personally that this aora was a
2137s little bit more of
2140s a experience you know like I I don't
2143s think it was like having a blast it was
2146s like sitting on the couch and just being
2148s blown
2149s away yes yes I mean anything any
2153s expectations you had about what a season
2155s was supposed to be in Sky I mean that
2157s just kind of
2158s blew it out of the
2160s water it's its own it's its own entity
2162s it is its own entity it is its own
2164s entity it really is all right happiest
2170s season happiest season happiest season
2175s and Chad I want you to start thinking
2177s and and start talking in chat maybe you
2178s can Inspire Tus To to come to a
2180s conclusion what is the he season in Sky
2183s out of 22
2185s seasons can you post the link again to
2187s you I see friends yes of course of
2189s course the link is still open and it is
2192s posted I'm going to go ahead and post
2193s that
2194s manually in Twitter as
2200s well I am going to say the happiest
2207s season I'm gonna
2209s say I'm gonna say the happiest season
2211s for me is
2213s Revival wow because when when our little
2217s friend we start waking up the spirits
2220s and it just I always return to when the
2224s uh Rhythm guides gets woken up and just
2228s how happy uh the steward was to see them
2231s again and and that whole interaction
2234s between the two I just it it just it it
2237s kills me and then and then when you know
2239s when when the birds come back when after
2241s ringing the bell and he's just they are
2244s just so excited I it's not a he it's not
2246s a she it's a they they're just so
2248s excited to just be having everything lit
2250s up again I think that for me is the
2252s happiest season yeah that's awesome
2254s that's awesome to
2257s me in fact I kind of want to should I
2261s rotate my votes around no I think a
2263s decision is a decision let's commit
2264s let's commit but I think the happiest
2268s season for me was
2272s oh season of flight
2279s just because going through the the the
2281s win pass oh my goodness I had fun it was
2285s so exciting I was I was smiling
2287s throughout uh I think when we released
2290s season of of uh flight and I say I think
2294s because I wasn't even here right like
2295s that's just me as a player thinking but
2298s I think we were really pushing for
2299s something a little bit more Dynamic
2302s something with a little bit more speed
2304s something with a little bit more joy you
2307s know just like this is uh Sky you know I
2311s think that's one of the seasons that
2313s most reflect the title of the game Sky
2316s let's fly right let's explore let's
2319s catch the wind and that had me smiling
2322s through out it really did what what are
2326s people saying I can definitely see that
2328s I can see that what do you think people
2330s are saying in chat ttis uh let's see
2333s remembrance I see a lot of people with
2335s remembrance Aurora still flight
2339s um let's see little
2342s prince I don't know Little Prince is
2344s very sad for
2346s me so is remebrance I think remembrance
2349s I'm saying remembrance interesting
2352s remembrance is here uh I think
2354s remembring is in a tie
2358s actually with season of
2362s performance ah see I'm not I'm not
2364s shocked at that at either of those I'm
2367s surpris performance didn't make it to to
2369s the most fun season because I think to
2371s the right group of people performance
2373s could be a blast it could have been the
2376s bless right I mean come on you can all
2378s the stage settings you have the scenery
2380s that you can change the lightings and
2383s the oh my gosh I mean that was a super
2384s fun season yeah it was yeah it was but
2387s the kingdom comes again we have season
2392s of
2393s Aurora for the happiest season in sky
2399s and fair enough as we established uh in
2401s the beginning right there's a lot of
2402s season of Aurora Mo in chat today yes so
2406s I get that being you know something that
2409s blows your mind right like it's fun it's
2412s sad it's an experience I am crying I am
2415s laughing I am having a blast with people
2417s right so I get it I get it I get
2421s it yeah ttis are you a crier do you cry
2424s a
2425s lot I do not cry a lot I am not a crier
2429s I would rather I think you know
2432s uh I mean I hate to say this but let's
2435s be real on the person I'd rather rage
2436s than
2438s cry and she would you guys she would be
2441s very careful with what you say and don't
2444s mess with her loved ones don't mess with
2446s her loved ones because it's an
2448s Unstoppable Beast that is that within
2453s your rageous black
2455s heart which one is the most tear jerking
2459s season of
2460s Sky um gosh uh for that one I gosh okay
2466s okay
2470s wait for that one I would have to say
2472s little
2473s prince that one is definitely Little
2475s Prince
2478s yeah why is that can you elaborate just
2481s like the the ending was a little bit too
2483s much how what I think I think because
2487s you know the story the story of The
2489s Little Prince itself is just something
2491s it's it's it's you know
2493s it's the way the story itself I mean
2496s it's it's not necessarily a 100% happy
2499s story but it's a touching story it's a
2502s it's a it's a emotions it it touches all
2504s the feels in all different ways right
2506s but yeah but having having you know
2509s spoilers Little Prince and Eden um and
2513s yeah I mean that just it just blubber
2515s you know blubber City
2519s I'm taking a look here and people were
2520s showing a lot of love ahead of time to
2522s Performance when we were talking about
2524s the happiest season that this but now
2526s when they are talking about Fe jerking
2528s uh people agree with you the Little
2530s Prince uh a Gabriel on Twitch saying so
2534s uh and of course what I'm going to agree
2537s with uh Von on YouTube remembrance and
2541s the Little Prince I have to say the
2543s remembrance was a down there man in a
2546s good way I I when I say I'm down there
2549s man it has a bad sense to it uh but no
2553s because I actually am
2555s uh hold on I am
2558s a I am a drama Enthusiast okay with my
2562s with my
2565s mustache guys I I love some drama man
2568s and and season of remembrance gave it to
2572s me beautifully uh you know I I am a guy
2576s who was raised with my dad my dad really
2578s enjoyed watching war movies especially
2581s World War II movies and and playing
2584s season of remembrance brought me right
2586s into the feels that I had watching The
2589s Pianist watching you know uh the chinder
2592s list stuff like that it brought me right
2594s there so I will have to say the season
2599s of
2600s remembrance is the most tear jerking
2603s season for me although yeah I I had a
2606s joke ready you guys guys and I forgot to
2608s say but I was going to say season of
2609s Prophecy just because it was a pain in
2612s the butt going through all the
2613s prophecies that had the
2615s tears but I I forgot I I I failed I
2618s failed intellig but you guys got the
2621s best of me emotionally season of
2623s remembrance the I will say the Earth
2625s trial is the most tear jerking goodness
2629s goodness I I God bless my sky friends
2632s because they were waiting for me no no
2635s hand helding nothing but they wait
2637s waited for me for a good 20
2641s minutes doing nothing just sitting there
2643s so uh yeah Hannah Andrea thank you thank
2646s you so much for being the people you
2649s are Chad talk to me most TI jerking
2653s season let me take a look at the boats
2655s let's share the the link again just
2656s because there are people coming for
2658s people who are coming right now and
2660s don't know what the heck is happening
2662s what's happening is that we are sharing
2664s the best in Sky different kinds of bests
2667s best of best uh most tier jerking
2670s happiest most fun and you get to vote
2673s too I have just shared the link come
2675s hang out with us sharing the link on
2677s Twitter as well thank you guys on
2678s Twitter for participating you guys
2680s usually mostly watch but I'm happy that
2682s you guys today are hanging out and
2686s participating so let's see
2690s here for the most tier jerking which one
2695s got you guys crying the most
2698s let me know Twitter Youtube and twitch
2700s uh that is if you could read a few of
2702s them as they come I'm going to take a
2704s look at the voting I'm seeing
2707s remembrance and and the Little Prince
2710s those two yep well can you guess the
2713s third one because that's first and
2715s second what do you think it's
2717s third
2719s third
2725s uh Abyss probably because of all uh of
2729s the story of the representation of no no
2733s it was aora and I get it because the
2734s jerky can just be mean that you made you
2737s cry right and I see a making people cry
2741s yeah see for me if I'm crying I'm I'm
2743s sad usually I'm like yeah me too me too
2746s me too but I get it I get it I get why
2748s people would say that the winner was
2751s most year jerking season with 41% of the
2754s votes it was season of
2758s The Little
2760s Prince yep rightfully so yeah I I I have
2764s I have nothing to debate against that
2766s it's it's one of those it's one of those
2769s it's one of those and yes I I did cry in
2772s season of aora I see the the YouTube
2774s chat is talking about how they all cried
2775s during season of Aur I did cry during
2777s the season of Aurora uh during the
2779s concert um and yeah I was deeply touched
2782s by the visuals it was amazing yeah I
2786s cried during season of of Aurora after
2788s the first show uh
2791s because it was wild like more so to you
2794s guys' response and my family's response
2797s because my family does not play games uh
2800s at all and and to see them play oura if
2804s feel moved by digital images was
2808s something that I honestly never thought
2810s I would be able to see uh mhm yeah it
2813s was cool it was cool it was during
2815s Christmas time too so the whole family
2817s together together we set up you know on
2818s the on the leave your room TV uh set and
2822s was awesome was great most replayable
2826s most replayable season
2828s ttis most replayable oh my
2833s gosh gosh I mean it's kind of like
2837s performance because you can always go to
2838s that stage and just do your thing I can
2840s see that uh Abyss Abyss because I mean
2843s honestly that is kind of fun if you like
2845s underwater I can't do underwater so I I
2847s I can't go back and replay it Aurora is
2850s pretty dang awesome to play and replay
2852s and go see the concert um even nesting
2856s just doing and redoing your your nest
2858s yeah yeah just redoing and redoing um
2862s dreams gosh um Sanctuary I know a lot of
2865s people do Sanctuary a lot oh my gosh
2870s um prophecy because the trials because
2872s you can do the trials every single day
2874s if you want to gosh there's so many like
2876s really cool as ects of Replay and replay
2878s and replay it does it does but I need
2881s commitment I want you to close your eyes
2883s and just PE your heart out in three two
2893s one this was not rehearsed
2895s properly prophecy okay prophecy prophecy
2898s prophecy you are a prophecy girl look at
2902s that I really it's honestly it it it's
2905s it slays me
2911s me I I I will have to
2915s be a fanboy uh I would have to say that
2919s again the
2921s queen is amazing season of Aurora I I
2925s don't even know to be honest how many
2927s times I have watched it uh or I have
2930s played through it I I have carried
2932s friends through it I have played it by
2934s myself I I wanted to see what it looked
2936s like on a large Stadium I I wanted to
2940s see what it looked like with fewer
2942s people I wanted to see everything
2944s everything I have no idea how many times
2947s I played season of Aurora and I could
2950s still play it today you want to go after
2953s this that is let's go place is laora
2955s love so much right right let's go I mean
2958s chat is and YouTube's got some good
2959s points though like shattering you can go
2961s and do the shattering shards you know
2963s you can do uh you know and you can go go
2967s visit those memories um pass I guess we
2970s failed I guess we failed being objective
2972s we failed being objective yeah fail
2975s being objective because passage is fun
2977s too yeah oh my gosh okay passage is heck
2980s of fun um and what's what let's
2984s see where was that and prophecy yeah
2988s fast prophecy so yeah I mean it's
2990s just it's to it's all just too good it's
2993s too good our designers are making this
2995s kind of thing very hard to do
2998s but you know what the people have voted
3000s and the people have said I agree with
3002s you guys I think we failed being
3003s objective here I did uh and I agree I
3007s actually you know in retrospect I think
3009s shattering uh and passage are really
3013s strong especially shattering because we
3014s still do it yeah right yeah so so I get
3019s it it should have been that but you guys
3021s have voted
3023s for the same as me Aurora being being
3027s the most
3028s replayable season through the 22 seasons
3032s of
3034s sky but now I think we're getting a
3036s little agitated here
3040s right so what is the oh no I'm blind I'm
3045s ahead of my time let's get educated
3047s again for the best of the best hands
3050s down no questions asked what is your
3054s best Sky season that is
3059s oh
3062s H oh my gosh um they all have such good
3066s things to do though they do they
3072s do I have to go with
3076s Aurora rightfully
3078s so I I think Aurora is the best of the
3080s best
3082s because the visuals the storytelling
3088s the the the amount of effort put in that
3092s we put into it just as like you know a
3095s team to make it wonderful uh all of that
3099s combined I think makes it just the best
3104s there uh I would say the same I I I was
3108s debating to be honest between Aurora and
3111s season of Dreams uh season of dreams I
3114s think is the most skylike season you
3118s know uh it Aurora
3121s is an experience dreams is a game and I
3126s think in terms of right I'm trying to be
3129s objective too uh now because we haven't
3132s been or I haven't haven't been I would
3135s like to say dreams with that said with
3139s that said aora is one of the best gaming
3144s experiences I have ever had
3148s yeah bottom line so thank you TJC when I
3150s see you I will always tell you that
3153s because it brought me back to playing
3155s flower it it brought me back to playing
3157s Journey it brought me back to playing
3159s other games I don't know if I can say it
3160s here but games from other companies who
3163s that also helped form who I am uh and I
3167s think Aurora is one of them and is one
3170s of the highlights of my life being part
3173s having been part of that uh
3177s of best of
3180s best best of the best how about chat
3183s what what do you see them
3186s saying let's see um flight for many
3189s Aurora for many um season of
3195s Dreams uh let's
3197s see yeah Aurora those
3200s three let's take a look at the
3203s voting want to take a stab
3208s Aurora Aurora hands down best of best in
3214s Sky uh Landslide season of Aurora thank
3218s you TGC devs for having made this
3221s clearly touching quite a few people the
3225s hosts included that was awesome yeah now
3228s but I do I do agree with you though that
3230s that dreams is the most is the best of
3232s the best of the most skylike stories so
3235s why not an honorable mention this why
3237s not an honorable mention let's honor yes
3239s honorable mention let's get season of
3242s Dreams
3251s here let's put it in between because I I
3255s do think that it's amazing and it's sky
3258s at its core that's when I fell in love
3260s even during season of assemblies that is
3263s I I I kept returning for season of
3265s assemblies because I couldn't finish the
3266s season and to be very fair and very
3269s honest I almost had no clue what was
3271s going on in the game I just really
3273s enjoyed I thought it was really
3274s beautiful and I had people to hang out
3276s with uh season of assembly excuse me
3278s season of
3280s Dreams it hit it hit it hit so hard so I
3284s cannot not say it I cannot not mention
3287s it right no I agree agree most relaxing
3289s season we're too agitated now let's
3292s bring it down to I know right most
3295s relaxing
3297s most
3298s relaxing most relaxing most
3302s relaxing for me that probably the let's
3305s see light secret which was pretty good
3308s belonging was really
3310s lovely Rhythm was really
3317s good yeah I am going to have to say the
3321s most relaxing for me was belonging
3327s season of belonging why CH chat with us
3330s why why do you think belonging was the
3332s choice
3334s um belonging was the choice for me
3337s because uh it
3340s was it was a season about
3343s like coming home together like getting
3346s coming back together as a unit um from
3350s your separate areas or from doing your
3352s separate things and um
3357s even though like you know you get some
3358s new areas for instance like you got the
3361s underground Cavern um I just really
3365s liked the the the ease of the Season it
3370s just to me it was just a very lovely
3372s season to work with awesome um I mean
3374s even though yes even though you you know
3377s there's the longing grandpa but even
3380s that I mean I but I'm obviously we've
3382s already established that I'm not a
3384s normal person so and we love you we love
3388s you tus we love you so I mean honestly I
3391s really like that class guys can can you
3394s guys just send some hearts and candles
3396s to ttis for her to know that it's okay
3399s not to be a noral person and still be
3401s loved share some love with
3403s t to me I really like that I really like
3407s that I can't help it and it's okay I I
3409s would say that to me the most relaxing
3411s was season of shattering just kidding no
3414s it's not shattering it's not shattering
3415s it's not shattering
3417s uh I'm in a pickle that is I'm in a
3420s pickle I am in
3422s between season of
3424s nesting because I never really
3430s got
3432s into home decoration games kind of thing
3435s right and I season of nesting had zero
3440s business getting so much of me as he has
3443s zero business I didn't think I would
3446s spend time doing that and voila I'm like
3449s wait why don't I put my plushy here you
3454s know but I'm in between that and season
3459s of moments uh Prairie Peaks was just
3463s gorgeous was like Beast to the eyes and
3466s exploring every inch of it and and
3468s taking you know snaps and photos with it
3472s it
3472s was it's going to sound bad it's not but
3475s it was so mind-numbing you know it was
3477s just so forget about the world and go
3481s and well I guess I just uh answered
3484s myself I would have to go with season of
3488s moments yeah yeah no I that's that's a
3492s good call too the most
3494s relaxing it was a good season it was a
3497s good season I I very much enjoy
3500s it when I was in beta and trying to play
3502s that's the one that I really wanted to
3504s revisit it was just like okay let's go
3506s back and photos y oh oh yeah I'm always
3509s there taking photos I'm always there
3511s taking pictures oddly enough also has a
3514s grandpa it also has a grandpa as a
3516s spirit right so high five virtual high
3521s five there you go thank you I was like
3524s don't leave me hanging on my dad jokes
3527s chat most relaxing let's I'm too I'm too
3530s hype I'm sorry Chad why don't you share
3532s with us the most relaxing season of Sky
3535s taking a look here at twitch let's see
3544s here let's take a look uh season of
3547s moments there you go season of nasy
3549s moments and nasy that's what I see on
3551s Twitch what do you see on YouTube ttis
3555s uh somebody commented and it's so very
3557s true nesting is uh inside chill and
3561s moments is outside chill Fair yeah yeah
3564s I guess that just uh you know
3567s made me an outside person touch grass go
3570s go touch grass guys thank you Pops for
3573s that all right let's take a quick look
3577s here at the most relaxing wow that was
3581s so
3581s close that is so close what' they say
3586s they said the winner with
3589s 21% 22% rounding up it was season of
3594s moments ah season of moment uh second
3599s one
3601s was season of
3604s nasty hey want I take a stabill want to
3608s take a stab at the third
3610s one oh there was a third one okay let's
3612s see third
3616s one and I want to hear your thoughts on
3618s that uh Sanctuary Sanctuary good call
3622s yeah why do you think
3625s Sanctuary uh um because gosh probably
3628s because I mean the visuals are just
3630s amazing
3634s um
3637s uh because the yeah the visuals are
3640s amazing um that one's also got a grumpy
3645s Grandpa I'm seeing a pattern I'm
3647s starting to see a pattern
3651s here oh gosh yeah know it's it's one of
3654s those really nice places I used to have
3656s like my Discord profile I I took a
3658s picture of like seeing the the islands
3660s up in the clouds but I was on the top of
3662s the the main island and it was just yeah
3665s it's a lovely it's a lovely place to
3667s just kind of chill awesome all right
3670s going from most relaxing to most chaotic
3673s but what that is loves the most in the
3674s world guys as it has been established
3677s chaos outrage what is your most Chaotic
3682s season in sky that is hands down would
3685s be shattering
3687s hands down not a thought given hands
3690s down not even a thought NOP shattering
3692s is the most
3694s chaotic fair fair do you know what I I I
3699s I see where you're going with it and
3702s again objectively I think you're right
3704s uh it was it is I suppose
3708s chaos but I would say that again season
3712s of passage for
3715s me okay okay why chaos P chaos a lot of
3720s people in the same place and to me
3722s that's what made it the most fun I think
3724s that's what I voted for yeah the most
3726s fun it was that chaos it was that you
3728s know let's all go here and nobody goes
3731s here everybody goes there and when
3732s you're trying to PL things things are
3734s not happening according to what you're
3735s trying to do and it was yes crazy crazy
3740s it's like G just a bunch of people in a
3742s very small space that's what happened
3744s and I loved it it was wild that I
3749s would go ahead you would I I I would
3753s agree with you I think it's a definitely
3755s cha it's a candidate for chaos though
3757s shattering I mean how can you not think
3759s shattering is chaos if it's it's you've
3761s got the you've got the the the corrupted
3763s crabs and you've got the the the Fallen
3767s you know dark stones and and red stones
3770s and and and they're swirling all over
3772s the place and you're getting hit this
3774s place you're getting hit that place you
3776s got to you know burn the target plane
3777s over there and burn it over there I mean
3779s there's just so much going on it's it is
3782s absolute chaos you grave me a great idea
3785s you guys next time that we do this I
3787s don't know if this year maybe 2025 but
3789s it's going to be between that isn't I to
3791s pick the best of the best and you guys
3793s get to vote between the best that I
3795s picked and the best that that is picked
3797s because I think that's really good
3798s discussion I think that's a really great
3800s Point uh uh shattering is absolute chaos
3805s and Fage also chaos in its own rights
3807s and I would love to see what the
3808s community would think I would love to
3811s see that I think that's a good idea but
3814s for now I just want to see why you guys
3816s have
3818s voted oh that is hold on we had like
3823s almost 100 responses to this and oh
3826s fantastic exactly what we got 40% season
3830s of shattering and 16% season of Passage
3834s so you see wow
3836s that's cool we are that's fantastic we
3839s are in tune with our chat that's awesome
3842s we got it we got it than you guys good
3845s voting and now is the time to
3849s be less objective I guess that this
3853s something a little bit more personal I
3856s suppose best memories which season
3860s brought you the best memories in your
3863s season brought me in your decade playing
3868s sky is he has been a decade no he hasn't
3871s it feels like it though no no it's been
3874s five years you guys five years five
3875s years in your five years years yes in
3878s your
3879s 4.79 Years playing
3882s Sky the best
3885s memories uh they will have to be
3888s gratitude wow
3891s Fair yeah because you know that's when I
3893s started that's when I
3897s I succumbed to Sky that's when I it
3900s became a part of my life I mean I'm
3903s working here right now you know I yeah
3907s no it would
3908s be absolutely gratitude that's awesome
3911s that's awesome uh I am once
3915s again in a pickle between of course
3919s dreams and
3921s and
3923s Aurora um dreams because exactly what
3927s you just said that that that's what what
3929s made me get it you know that's when the
3932s bug bit that's when when you
3935s know sky made sense to me in in in what
3938s it achieves to do
3942s to to mankind into video games um but
3947s Aurora it you
3949s know something
3952s about it it wasn't per se the season
3955s right but but Aurora andore and being
3958s able to be on stage as we broke the
3961s Guinness World Record was not something
3963s that was ever in my bingo cards and and
3967s right being honored to be you
3971s know to announce it it's something that
3974s I'm going to remember for the rest of my
3976s days like it it was
3980s such
3982s uh a speechless moment you know it was
3987s mhm incredible and like even though tus
3990s you you not a against com you were with
3992s me there like you were playing with
3994s Aurora you were playing with the abely I
3996s was I was playing with the with with
3998s Aurora I was on stream with Aurora were
4001s talking to her you know hearing her
4003s playing with her it was that was amazing
4006s that was amazing that I will never ever
4007s forget and and you know like to to want
4011s to work at dgc you know like I I I I I
4015s had my career in gaming elsewhere and
4017s always trying to be a TGC and when I
4020s tried to be a
4021s TGC
4023s I I was hoping to to be a TGC for a
4028s season of Dreams experience and what
4031s they gave me was a season of Aurora and
4037s dude speechless one of the best gaming
4040s experiences I've ever had bottom line
4042s yeah chck let's wrap this up it's up to
4046s you what is the season that has given
4049s you the best memories while playing
4054s Sky best memories while playing Sky
4057s that's also a a lens slide but I'm going
4059s to give some time maybe people didn't
4061s get to vote try to vote you guys Kit Kat
4065s says Kit Kat says abyss and
4068s performance awesome let's see season of
4071s moments for Kirby
4076s that's awesome Aurora for
4079s Lisa Clive in Twitter says abyss and
4085s shattering that's fantastic that's
4087s fantastic you guys I love that you guys
4089s are giving some different chibi pilot
4091s gratitude only because it's when I
4093s learned the game there you go that
4095s somebody's sharing the same the same
4097s mindset as
4100s you that's cool that's cool but let's
4103s take a look you guys and it couldn't be
4105s no other want to take a guess
4109s tus I'm going to say it's got to be
4113s probably Aurora or little
4116s prince aurora indeed Aurora Aura making
4122s bank take a look
4125s at take a look at chat at chat body but
4129s fair enough let's let's let's let's
4131s consider what happened right we have a
4132s lot of little prince and we have a lot
4134s of Aurora mods so so there is that that
4137s kind of you know as you said you know
4139s that's when I started that's when the BG
4141s uh kicked in and and justifiably so I I
4146s would agree I am very surprised with
4148s lightseekers that that one was not on my
4150s bingo card either that's fascinating
4153s that's fascinating I'm wondering is it
4155s we need to redo that count I swear have
4158s you guys changed it let's let's take a
4159s look because my question is like if if
4162s the majority of the people are here from
4164s The Little Prince or
4166s Aurora or flight how did they vote for
4169s lightseekers because they weren't here
4170s for that it has changed it has changed
4173s people came me and voted further to once
4177s again
4183s Aurora now that makes sense surprised
4186s now now that makes sense all right guys
4188s thank you so much that how did you like
4190s this game how how was it traveling
4192s through the memory lane and trying to
4194s qualify your experiences in Sky oh it
4198s was a lot of fun actually I I got to you
4201s know deep dive into some memories and um
4204s prove just how old I am in Sky um and
4210s yeah no this is a lot of fun it's very
4212s interesting I think you know to see the
4214s different perspectives on things it's
4216s it's it's interesting it's fun it's fun
4219s I had a really good time in chat that's
4222s your time reminisce on everything that
4224s you have uh participated just to
4227s remember everybody uh I am a moth I'm
4230s just going to rehat because it's uh you
4232s know it's this is all about you guys
4234s this is all for you best ending season
4237s of Aurora and season of the light sckers
4240s uh best Story season of The Little
4242s Prince most fun season of Aurora
4244s happiest season of Aurora most tear
4247s jerking season of The Little Prince most
4250s replayable season of Aurora uh best of
4253s the best season of Aurora most relaxing
4255s season of moments most Chaotic season of
4259s shattering best memories season of
4263s Aurora here we go and we almost there
4266s you are coming to an end as we finish
4269s this right on the top of the hour too so
4272s that please say your goodbyes uh say
4274s your send your messages to
4277s chat bye everybody thank you again for
4279s having me I can't wait to see you
4281s again there you go you guys s your
4284s candles s your hearts to that is always
4286s a pleasure my friend thank you thank you
4288s so much for being here with me I loved
4291s doing this with you thank you so much uh
4294s you are the best though as we say I
4297s don't know in howon Boulevard where I
4301s live all right guys I'll chat with you
4303s guys in a
4305s moment all right folks that's pretty
4308s much it uh we are coming to the end of
4311s another streaming but I want to say the
4313s goodbyes so please go ahead and send
4315s some some shout outs here I want to say
4318s Monty thank you you just joined but we
4320s are leaving but thank you for
4321s participating Clive on Twitter M on
4324s Twitter as well thank you for being here
4326s book elf on Twitter let's take a look at
4328s twitch uh skyx bti thank you for being
4331s here uh Muse Darkness Lost Girl gaming
4336s Sage The Sky Kid thank you so much for
4338s being here with us today Kirby x uh blue
4341s Broham Nick con son thank you so much
4344s every single one of you for being here
4346s with us this is Tio and I'll see you
4348s guys on the next
4349s stream bye
4405s for