about 2 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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740s hello hello hello sky kids how is
743s everybody doing today okay okay let's do
746s it again let's do it again I saw my
748s button it came to mind honk honk sky
751s kids awesome to be here can everybody
754s hear me okay do you guys hear me okay
756s it's important that you guys do because
758s today it's a very um how to say it's a
762s very musical focused Stream So I really
766s do hope that you guys can hear
767s me let's go hu yes indeed you guys
772s welcome we are so sorry for last week
774s but you know we we persevered we we got
777s together we thought of every single one
779s of you guys and we said hey how can how
782s can our folks on Tik Tok how can Cy
785s draws on Tik Tok not have this stream
787s how can that devil in Sky not have the
790s stream how can Charlotte cute not have
793s that musical stream so we will be doing
797s that today hi too you crack me up thank
800s you I suppose all right guys no further
804s Ado let's do our thing as usual be sure
807s to be following us on social media you
810s guys know where we are we are everywhere
812s we can just look for Des Sky game across
814s the board whatever you use uh we are
816s likely going to be there I do want to
819s recommend though here on YouTube or
821s twitch to give us a follow uh just so
823s you guys can know when we go live uh
825s some people on Discord the other day
827s were saying hey we don't know when you
828s guys are going live well maybe you
830s should go and subscribe so you can get a
833s notification okay before we go to our
837s guest you guys and I'm sorry for moving
840s along today but there's quite a few
842s things that we need to address uh one of
845s them is celebrating your life
848s celebrating your lights celebrating your
850s birthdays is anybody celebrating their
852s birthdays this week Tik Tok talk to me
855s hello aelia good morning well good
857s evening hi Lumi uh yeah how are you guys
861s doing anybody anybody celebrating years
865s anybody celebrating one more year of
867s life because we want to celebrate with
870s you you are loved your life is precious
873s your light is important to us to the
875s world and frankly to me so if we ever
878s see each other out there uh whether on a
882s sky assembly whether it's on a Aurora
884s concert uh know that you are loved my
888s birthday is on the 19th lady so well
891s happy birthday two weeks in advance I
893s hope you'll take that Aurora concert
896s anniversary that Devon with sky you are
898s very correct in fact I want to promote
902s something real quick here for you guys
904s this weekend December 8th is the second
907s year anniversary of the original Aurora
910s concert in sky and to celebrate the
912s community's organizing groups Aurora 2.0
915s and skog skog yeah SC c a o g if you
920s will who knows and Gathering sky kids
923s around the world in game to enjoy
925s Aurora's music together on December 7th
928s 10:00 a.m. then again at 1 p.m. PST keep
932s in mind that's specific Standard time
935s you can join in and hang out and enjoy
938s the experience again with a very very
942s full server and if you haven't
944s experienced the Aurora concert with a
947s full server you have got to be there
952s it's one of the best gaming experiences
955s I have ever had is one of my proudest
959s moments in the gaming industry is being
961s part of that in some way shape or form
964s you guys have to be there it's going to
967s be unbelievable it's going to be
971s incredible
973s okay do you guys got that did you guys
976s get that if you are going to the Aurora
978s concert Tik Tok twitch YouTube let me
981s know just posting that I will be there
983s Tio and maybe we can hang out together
985s maybe we can fly together through the
987s kingdom and I don't know cry I cried a
990s few times doing that my mom was like my
994s mom was seeing the sky kids uh on with
996s the audience TCH and she goes all I see
998s are fairies where are you and I'm like
1000s ah it's going to be a little difficult
1001s for you to find me Mom but you know
1004s estelita Fon but we have to keep this in
1008s English so most people can participate
1010s and enjoy uh this here with us it
1014s definitely not going to miss it Lum me
1016s on Tik Tok I will definitely not miss it
1019s uh favorite Aurora song too that's a
1021s good question but uh exhale inhale is
1025s something else especially in game uh my
1028s fear of going to an aurora concert is
1030s that the experience wouldn't be the same
1032s as it was in game because it was
1033s impactful I
1035s absolutely loved it although I must say
1038s uh sag if you're watching this when she
1040s played the seed at the concert all I
1042s thought about was you sag so you were in
1045s my thoughts during that concert so go
1047s hang out and if you know if to go to the
1049s concert maybe you get to hang out with
1051s some uh TGC folks that might be
1054s attending too so go worry your Sky Kid
1056s attire your capes your Tiaras your masks
1060s cool everybody got a note Pita
1064s Clementine did you got that note did I
1067s do it right I hope so I did it for you
1070s anyways guys I am here to invite Our
1074s Guest so with no further Ado Scott
1078s Morgan welcome welcome welcome Scott to
1080s our
1083s stream hi it's good to be here it's good
1086s to have you thank you so much for being
1088s here man I I ever since I met you in one
1090s of our Donuts or whatever I'm like I
1093s have to have this man on our stream and
1095s I'm happy that it finally happened thank
1098s you yeah no problem I'm delighted to be
1100s here awesome and I'm delighted to hear
1103s some of of the music that you're going
1104s to bring to us but before we get to that
1107s card I would like to chat with you a
1108s little bit right
1110s uh can you start telling us a little bit
1113s about your background and how you became
1114s involved with
1117s Sky oh yes okay let's
1120s see um I
1124s so my daughter actually played Sky first
1127s uh I had heard that they had I I had
1129s first learned not Sky it was Journey
1131s actually um I had heard that uh there
1135s was this game company was the first game
1137s company ever nominated for
1139s Grammy and uh and that was journey and
1143s so um when my my ex-wife was uh looking
1147s for a game for my daughter to play on on
1149s PlayStation 3 I I recommend a journey
1152s and she played through the whole thing
1154s and cried and um at the end uh so that
1157s was kind of my and then I played it
1159s myself um it was beautiful um so that
1162s was my introduction and then uh some
1163s years later I was uh looking for work
1166s and I got contacted by the recruiting
1169s office here uh at at that game company
1173s so um that was and then and I was like
1177s of course that's this sounds like a
1178s great
1180s job and I I hope uh yeah I hope that you
1185s that you do have a good time uh with Sky
1189s hold on I think you guys are hearing me
1192s double
1196s folks if you are please let us know so
1198s you can't adjust the audio but Scott
1201s you've been involved in very interesting
1204s projects in the past right Xbox being
1207s one of them Roland being one of them and
1211s one of the sky kids get ready get ready
1214s Dragon Ball Z Scott was involved with
1218s Dragon Ball Z as well and my question to
1221s you based on your experience uh Scott
1224s how did it shape your approach to music
1227s and sound design for a game like sky
1231s um
1232s so so uh dragon ball was a super amount
1236s of fun um I I should clarify that on
1240s Dragon Ball I was a a music editor and
1244s and a a kind of a composer um so so I
1248s don't really do that for sky but I do
1251s think it um kind of it like it really
1254s taught me how how music and audio or
1256s yunes used in media and and it taught me
1260s about you know like professional polish
1262s like you know what the the things that
1264s you hear the problems that would happen
1267s and and a and a production that is going
1269s to the public so you know because that
1270s was my first like
1272s professional um my big first
1274s professional audio job uh so yeah I mean
1280s and then yeah I guess I take some of
1281s those sensibilities with me and rolling
1284s too right because I think was it was on
1286s the anniversary last year when the gy
1288s station was first introduced we had a
1290s collaboration with Roland right uh were
1292s you just super into the Roland beats and
1295s how they sound like in order to make
1296s that that
1297s collab yeah so that's an interesting
1299s story Roland actually was an engineer so
1302s so a lot of that does carry over it's
1304s and that that was the music industry
1305s this is the game industry but it but
1307s there's so much that you know I got to
1308s go really deep in the audio work there
1311s um but but uh when we were talking about
1313s this we had this dance party for um for
1317s the TGC anniversary right and um with
1321s the lights and the the Michael Jackson
1324s kind of floors uh tiles that that light
1327s up and I was like wouldn't it be great
1330s to have the Roland
1331s tr99 drum sound for this party because
1335s to me that's like the Ultimate Party
1337s drum kit um and and so since I had been
1342s a previous employee of Roland I had the
1344s contacts to uh to to get permission
1347s license to use that those drum sounds so
1349s we had were we managed to be able to
1351s license the uh tr99 drum sounds for the
1355s anniversary party that's awesome man and
1359s he was a Bop I'll tell you like when the
1361s gy station was introduced I was a fan I
1363s I am a very very amatur uh doll user and
1369s stuff uh I'm not going to call myself a
1371s producer by any means of the word but I
1373s do try to have my fun uh the song you
1375s guys that that plays at the beginning of
1377s the of the stream I I made that
1379s and so I like to have fun right but to
1382s you how do you see the gem station
1384s enhancing the community experiencing
1388s Sky I I think it um it provides a great
1392s opportunity for for players to
1394s collaborate musically um I think the the
1398s sheet music system can be a little
1400s difficult sometimes because of latency
1401s but with with the jam station you're
1404s just you're just adding notes to a
1406s sequence and you can both contrib to it
1410s and um and and if you're not able to
1412s perform as well you can always you know
1415s create something that you've thought out
1416s and and uh put beats together and and it
1420s allows you to play multiple instruments
1422s at the same time which is something that
1424s you couldn't do with a with a regular
1426s instrument so there's there's a lot of
1428s kind of different opportunities with uh
1431s the jam station and the thing about the
1433s gy station is that it's really user
1436s friendly right like as you said it's
1437s just inputting stuff and seeing how it
1439s sounds like do you have any quick uh
1443s recommendations or or tips for people
1445s who are getting into music in sky and
1448s using the jam station to do
1451s so
1453s um God that's not how I thought about
1456s see uh you know I just for the jam
1459s station I like to personally I like to
1462s just start with the drum beat I like to
1464s there's a um if you if you own the jam
1467s station there's a little dice button
1469s uh that you can click and it'll give you
1471s a random drum beat which is kind of fun
1473s to start that way you don't have to
1475s think about it too much or you might
1477s just start there's little dividing lines
1479s every four beats and so you could tell
1481s where the beats are and you could just I
1482s like to go with the lowest note on the
1485s um the uh SE the the jam station or that
1489s particular drum and just get a pulse
1491s going or something close to a pulse U
1494s maybe put a couple little funky things
1496s in there but yeah so once you get that
1499s kind of drive going it adds some Focus
1502s to your music and some Groove nice nice
1506s and chat you guys are about to witness
1508s this you are about to witness this and
1510s before we do that though I'm G to have
1512s another guest coming in soon and before
1514s I invite my other guest uh I have two
1516s questions to you Scott and we can maybe
1519s address them together or we can separate
1521s them as as you will right uh music in
1524s sky is everything right uh early in the
1527s game you go on and something shows up
1529s that says use headphones because music
1531s is part of the experience uh how much in
1535s your mind and perspective does music
1537s affect the experience of a
1540s game oh I think it has a huge um an
1544s effect actually um it comes from like I
1547s think the quote is uh sound has more
1549s than um is more than 50% of the
1553s experience and uh and I think it comes
1557s from originally from uh George Lucas you
1559s know and he's he's talking about the
1561s impact that audio and music has on on
1565s film and media and it it's just amazing
1567s to like it you can actually find you
1570s know scenes from movies and things where
1572s the um the music has been removed and
1576s you you add that back in and it's such a
1578s different experience when I was working
1579s on Dragon Ball um you know good starting
1583s with the blank slate and then adding the
1585s music in and then coming back and listen
1587s to it without the music such
1589s massive difference um yeah so yeah it's
1593s it it really just the just the type of
1595s music can change the whole feel of a
1597s scene um depending on what music you put
1600s there when when words fail music speaks
1603s right that's what what people say and my
1605s final question to you uh before we
1607s invite our second guest here tonight do
1610s you have any advice for aspiring
1612s musicians or creators in
1616s Sky um
1620s that's good question um I would say uh
1624s if you're if you're just starting out um
1627s and you're trying to do the performance
1628s thing you know just take it don't get
1630s discouraged like just take things slowly
1634s you know like nobody's really great out
1638s of the gate you you just kind of like
1641s you know that's one of the things I
1642s don't know I'm going to sell something I
1644s put into the the sheet music system but
1646s there's a Tempo slider and you can slow
1649s the the tempo down of the sheets like if
1652s if you if you're into playing the sheets
1655s um and that that taking things a little
1657s bit at a time and slowly at first is
1661s such a big I know it sounds cheesy
1662s because everybody says it but it really
1664s is true if if you want to perform at a
1666s high level then you just need to be
1668s patient with yourself and and honestly
1671s just have fun right like it's it's all
1673s about having fun and trying different
1675s things right like let's see how this
1676s sounds let's see how this works and and
1679s going with it right all right Scott uh
1682s thank you so much my man and I'm going
1684s to invite our second guest in a second
1687s uh just before you guys watch this
1689s segment just take a look at
1694s this well of course it didn't play it
1696s did it but it will play shortly you guys
1699s please bear with
1700s me and I will play this for you guys all
1703s that mystery for
1705s nothing all that mystery for nothing I
1707s apologize my people you guys are all
1709s good people thank you I promise that I
1711s rehearse this and we'll see if we can
1715s get this going just one
1726s second bear with me people please bear
1729s with me I love you guys have I told you
1731s guys that today that I love you guys all
1735s right check it out
1742s [Music]
1768s I
1770s [Music]
1792s [Music]
1800s snow prism welcome prism not prison I'm
1803s sorry and Scott come back when you can
1807s uh snow prism welcome welcome we just
1809s witnessed you guys snow performing at a
1814s live concert that we had during skyfest
1817s uh snow how was the experience for you
1821s was it sort of amazing there were so
1822s many people watching you play and
1826s perform uh hello to you
1830s hi yes it was a definitely a privilege
1834s to be a part of the skyfest concert to
1839s even play music
1842s with the other four of the other very
1846s very talented Sky
1848s musicians definitely wor nerve-wracking
1850s at first but U seeing so many of um your
1854s support and just seeing everyone being
1857s there it was really encourage Ing and
1860s it really uh enhanced the entire
1864s experience seeing everyone doing your
1867s little emotes and we are a lot of people
1871s are still asking when I show them the
1874s concept Clips like oh uh how how do you
1876s actually do this and uh are you actually
1880s actually there on stage performing I was
1883s like yes yes we are actually right there
1886s performing live while being surrounded
1889s by thousands of sky kids out there so
1894s it's definitely a very unique
1897s experience and I'm very happy to have
1899s both of you guys here because that that
1901s brings uh maker of and the user of who
1906s uses it to create things right so Scott
1908s when you watch a video just kind of like
1911s what we just showed right like somebody
1912s performing live like in the skyfest
1916s settings that we had right how does that
1918s hit for you like everything that you've
1920s that you guys and your team has worked
1922s so hard to create actually having people
1925s as talented as snow you know share a
1928s little bit of himself and his talents to
1930s thousands of other people live like not
1933s not every artist has ever have that
1935s chance to do right and we are able to
1937s offer that kind of stage to
1939s people yeah I mean it's amazing um to
1942s see people taking advantage of of the
1945s things that I've had the privilege of
1946s working on um which
1948s I I I did the initial implementation of
1951s the shared memory system and then
1953s there's been so many amazing
1955s performances using that system I'm just
1958s amazed every day at the things people do
1961s with it and then and then and then uh
1964s yeah it was actually uh the Management's
1966s idea but to take that Tech and to make
1969s this live streaming version using that
1971s under the I don't know if I should talk
1972s about the tech behind
1975s it it uses kind of shared memory code
1978s under the hood it's all good but as long
1981s let's talk about the emotional part of
1982s it right like it does have people like
1985s snow prism and I don't even know snow if
1987s you actually perform in real life it's a
1989s question that the chat has you can
1990s address that but again to to be able to
1994s perform in front of thousands of people
1998s that they might be kind of crazy how how
2001s do you play do you perform in real life
2003s snow and anything that you would like to
2006s say share or ask Scott in the
2010s meanwhile uh uh just to answer question
2013s first uh no I
2015s have actually I I have when I was in
2019s high
2020s school I have I have some musical
2023s experience so I joined the harmica club
2027s first and then I joined the school band
2032s it was primarily a marching band but we
2035s also had some concerts here and there so
2038s that was definitely my
2040s first experience performing life I was
2043s playing the horn back then I won't say
2047s I'm really good at it so I ended up uh
2050s quitting the band but it gave me some
2053s valuable musical experience to move on
2056s to uh play the piano after that so I
2060s spent most of the time learning a
2062s piano and that in turn it definitely
2065s helped me with learning to to play and
2070s like the musical theories and learn to
2072s play music in sky as well so um well it
2078s I started playing Skype four years ago
2080s and I've already known about the music
2083s system so I
2088s um I wanted to get a musical instrument
2092s ASAP so I got the heart and then been
2097s playing for
2100s four years and rest of
2103s History you see you guys that's that's
2105s how you guys learn four years of
2108s attempts and I'm sure noow it wasn't
2110s easy in the beginning right like to it
2112s wasn't as fluid as it is now I'm
2115s sure oh it it definitely is a learning
2118s curve of trying to press the buttons on
2121s the controller
2123s to and trying to play some chords
2127s together
2128s but you just got to keep practicing just
2132s keep at it until you get the you get
2135s familiar with the button
2138s layouts oh just little context I'm
2140s playing on the switch so still playing
2143s music on the switch right now switch no
2145s l bless your heart
2147s man yeah I know a lot of people play on
2149s touch screens but I can't really do that
2152s so I'm I learned through the switch Joy
2155s conss so I found the layout that I like
2157s and just keep practicing on it
2161s and once you're familiar with it like
2164s what Scott said as well just take it
2166s slow keep it slow and steady and just
2169s have
2171s fun uh just real quick you guys uh mom
2175s uh in the back I think the server is
2177s full uh if we can move server so Scott
2179s can join us that'll be really good if
2181s you can help out on the back end as uh
2184s we are wrapping up the interview and
2186s snow I believe you do have a few
2187s questions that you would like to ask
2188s Scott so please take the time uh to do
2191s that while we arrange being together in
2193s the game
2195s please okay all right sure okay so uh
2199s hello Scott thank you again for uh
2203s having
2204s me here and just want to ask some
2207s questions it'll be a mix of
2212s questions about uh the gam station
2215s itself and then the musical instruments
2218s in sky so here's my first
2224s question okay about his gam station what
2226s is the biggest challenge of Designing
2230s the music jam
2232s [Music]
2233s station the biggest challenge designing
2236s it um I
2240s think I think I mean there were there
2242s were technical issues with the with the
2244s tech that we had underneath it that were
2245s definitely a problem but that's kind of
2247s boring to hear
2248s about um I think uh the interactivity of
2252s it was also kind of a uh a challenge
2257s just like you know um how the the
2260s seating works and and uh which who can
2264s edit what on the notes and um and then
2267s yeah and then for the the placeable
2269s version we wanted to make sure that we
2271s didn't drive people nuts with having
2273s this music flood the the level so we
2276s wanted to make sure that that it was
2278s something that that wouldn't be an
2280s annoyance to players
2283s um yeah and
2285s then yeah how like the length of the the
2290s sequence that you're playing like how
2293s you want kind of
2295s immediate um feedback that you're doing
2298s something but you don't want it but
2301s uh but you don't want to get annoying
2304s for being too short either so there's
2305s yeah there's all that there's a lot of
2313s yeah I think that really worked uh for
2316s me as so when I tried to uh just play
2320s around the G
2321s station
2323s the uh the time measure was just it's
2328s good enough for a good Loop and
2331s not uh making it too long was definitely
2334s a definitely a good choice cool
2340s and okay now for the next question in
2345s the meanwhile uh Scott if you can hold
2346s hands with us in Sky we're going to go
2348s to the to the area uh we already have
2350s myself and Mom next to
2353s you we are right there just take a look
2355s and we should be in front of you there
2358s you go so just step there and small is
2361s going to take us to the area Okay snow
2363s please go
2365s ahead okay right now for second
2370s question okay second third will be about
2373s uh primarily musical
2376s instruments so are all musical
2380s instruments in sky recordered with their
2382s actual counterparts or will it push
2385s would they pull straight from a software
2388s because I really admire how natural the
2391s violin sounds like in the game so I
2393s wonder how much of the sound was
2394s produced from a real violin right
2398s um so I I didn't do the sound design on
2401s the instruments themselves but um I
2405s could tell you that I believe that
2408s pretty much all of them are actual
2409s recordings of the real instruments so
2413s that's how I would think most um
2416s synthesized instruments these days work
2418s you basically record an instrument
2420s playing that note and then when they
2423s play it in the software you you play
2425s recording of that note so yeah these are
2430s I think by and large the um the light
2432s guitar is an interesting one there's
2434s some uh some interesting sound design
2438s going on that one I don't know all the
2439s things that happened with that it' be
2441s great to talk to Jason Grace about what
2442s he did for that one but there yeah
2444s there's that's a particularly
2446s interesting
2447s one yeah I definitely noticed the tiny
2450s details in the guitar right here build
2452s that slide
2456s between yeah I think uh Ritz our our
2459s lead sound designer did that
2462s um that's cool
2466s stuff even make them sound good in the
2469s music jam station to
2474s that snow has one more question to Scott
2477s you guys and then we will start jimming
2480s uh Scott I think we already uh are in
2482s the area uh snow you might have to join
2485s us I don't think you are with us but try
2488s my best but no all good all good uh if
2490s anything we we we'll see but please uh
2493s try to join us if you if you can uh go
2496s ahead and ask your question to
2499s Scott okay uh I think server might be
2501s full
2503s though but okay here's my third question
2508s okay so one last
2509s question now aside from all the existing
2514s instruments that we have which new
2516s musical instrument would you personally
2518s like to see being introduced to
2522s Skye um yeah I know you said not
2525s existing
2527s but I I would love to see uh some of the
2530s an
2531s electronic instruments from the
2533s anniversary be uh put in as real
2537s instruments I think that would be one
2539s cool thing it would be great to have um
2542s more base options I don't know like a
2545s like maybe an electric base
2548s or or I don't know a tuba or something
2551s like that to to fill out the base
2554s options um some more drums would be
2558s cool
2560s uh yeah um it would be great to do um
2564s like a like a rock guitar but those can
2567s be tricky because it when you play um a
2571s lot of notes together with a distorted
2573s instrument like that it can sound kind
2574s of messy so it's
2577s so design issues with that but I would
2580s love that I would love a a rock and roll
2583s guitar in there with Distortion that
2585s would be awesome snow uh we may have
2587s some room in the server if you can try
2588s to join us still not we had people leave
2592s cool okay yeah we definitely definitely
2594s need more base
2595s instruments the CH is a good addition
2597s but yeah defitely needs more
2601s love yeah I think it would be great to
2604s have a I don't know a tener section or
2606s something like that
2608s yeah for
2611s sure awesome you guys uh we will try to
2616s to merge together with
2618s snow okay I I'm in I am in oh you are
2623s cool snow is here yay all right guys uh
2627s for now let let's leave the talk behind
2631s and let's let the Artistry of Scott
2633s Morgan and the gem station come by so he
2636s can hang out so you can jam so you can
2639s dance and don't you worry you will also
2641s have a chance of hearing some of snow
2643s prism andrum uh playing and jamming
2646s together so with no further Ado you guys
2649s let's go as soon as I find out how to
2654s unmute my stuff all right let's
2661s Jam all right Scott
2664s Morgan yeah I'm gonna let's go start
2668s start throwing down some beats let's
2671s see should I talk while I do this or no
2675s just do your thing talk it whenever you
2677s hear but it's just about the music now
2680s need to get my audio had it muted for
2683s the
2731s [Music]
2754s n
2756s [Music]
2760s n
2761s [Music]
2773s [Music]
2788s n
2790s [Music]
2834s [Music]
2836s [Applause]
2838s [Music]
2871s so I'm going to start building another
2881s [Music]
2893s oh I having trouble open
2907s n
2919s [Music]
2937s he
2941s [Music]
3025s he C keep building but I like to invite
3028s milrom to take one gem station snow
3031s prism take another gem station and as
3033s you build yours I want you to go from
3035s one to the other and try to compose
3037s together let's try to do that
3040s [Music]
3059s [Music]
3086s for e
3088s [Music]
3103s [Laughter]
3105s [Music]
3126s [Music]
3134s [Music]
3136s keep building keep building I want to
3137s toss a challenge uh I don't know if we
3139s have the Aurora instrument but if we do
3142s I'd like you to go over snow prisms and
3144s M tr's music and try to jam with the
3147s live instrument together let's see if we
3149s can do that if we have one I don't know
3151s if we do
3155s [Music]
3178s all
3182s [Music]
3207s a
3208s [Music]
3237s n
3248s [Music]
3267s n
3271s [Music]
3297s oh
3320s [Music]
3335s [Music]
3373s oh
3376s [Music]
3388s oh
3390s [Music]
3406s [Music]
3416s oh
3421s [Music]
3448s oh
3453s [Music]
3495s [Music]
3505s [Music]
3532s [Music]
3538s [Music]
3546s [Music]
3552s [Music]
3559s [Music]
3567s oh
3570s [Music]
3626s e
3635s [Music]
3717s n
3721s [Music]
3773s I love the dancing
3777s Chad are you guys dancing on your side
3779s let us know in the chat
3781s [Music]
3801s [Music]
3814s for
3820s [Music]
3837s [Music]
3870s [Music]
3874s so when I focus on the sixth note here
3876s that's
3878s [Music]
3887s minor a questioning chat Scott is the
3889s temple only
3892s 4x4 sorry say it again is the tempo only
3895s 4x4 with the gy
3897s station only 4x4 yeah we we only do 44
3901s time signature that's me yeah it's kind
3904s of locked right
3906s now all right guys with each other
3909s though so when you
3912s walk go ahead
3914s Scot when you walk between them they're
3916s all in the
3918s same time
3921s signature it kind of ensures
3923s compatibility that's Co about that work
3926s question Scott how to make them
3928s sound like because each gym station
3931s Loops right how do you make them sound
3933s like you composing different beats to
3936s the song you just walk between them
3938s right like you compose on each of them
3940s and then you walk between them yeah so
3942s what I'm doing here is it's it's nice
3943s when you have a bunch of them because
3944s you it plays whichever one you're
3946s closest to so I'm I'm walking between
3949s them just to hear whatever's going on on
3951s that jam station and uh yeah so
3958s yeah all right guys bringing the music
3961s down and bringing our guests back up
3964s thank you Scott thank you snow prism
3967s thank you malstrom for doing this for us
3969s uh I would like us
3972s to real quickly uh snow prism where can
3976s people find you and your music and your
3981s content well thank you for having me as
3983s well uh I mostly stream on Twitch so you
3988s can find me by clicking on my name in
3991s the twitch stream title right there and
3994s it's also in the link right there in the
3997s chat I stream every
4000s Monday mostly on a very different time
4003s zone but that's where also play of
4008s different music sheets sometimes even
4010s song
4011s covers so uh people can make requests uh
4015s from a list of music there as
4018s well awesome and Mom I know you're not
4021s on camera but uh thank you so much for
4024s doing this and feel free to uh speak up
4027s and say where people can find your
4028s content and thank you so much for for
4030s helping out and supporting this uh
4033s Lively Music stream today yeah thank you
4036s guys for jaming with me yeah thank you
4038s so much Scott that was an absolute
4040s pleasure I love the sound of that so uh
4043s yeah melstrom here I'm normally on
4045s melstrom sky over on YouTube I'm also
4047s Mom sky on Facebook so come follow me in
4051s those two places and uh yeah I've just
4053s put out a new video thinking uh truly
4057s wonderful set of the community so go
4059s watch that I've already shared it with
4062s them tears have been shed this morning
4064s which was amazing so yeah uh amazing
4068s people amazing community and amazing
4070s Tunes thank you so much Scott thank you
4072s so much snow and thank you so much too
4074s and Peggy for organizing this this was
4076s absolutely amazing absolutely and Scott
4079s Morgan thank you so much for sharing a
4081s little bit of who you are with us and
4083s sharing a little bit of how exciting the
4086s jam station can be I I'll bet your
4088s people in chat didn't know that we could
4089s go as as hard on this beats I was
4092s honestly just bopping on my chair
4095s because that was so awesome uh anything
4097s that you would like to say to chat
4099s before we before we go Scott say your
4102s goodbyes keep keep making music enjoying
4105s the game um um yeah we'll keep trying to
4107s make it better and better and better
4110s awesome thank you very much you guys I'm
4112s going to wrap up the stream and I'll
4114s talk to you guys
4118s shortly and here we go sky kids in chat
4122s thank you so much for hanging out for
4123s bopping with us I had a lot of time I
4125s hope you guys did too that was
4127s incredible uh we have so many talented
4130s people on our community and one day I'll
4133s be able to to do a jam like that for you
4136s guys but in the meanwhile I hope you
4138s guys enjoyed me uh crab dancing to this
4141s awesome beat uh let's say quick goodbyes
4145s and just uh say thank you to several of
4146s you guys so uh Des Sky silos thank you
4149s so much for being here with us uh no
4151s Twist on Twitch hey Gabriels thank you
4154s so much for being here with us uh gonna
4157s call some people here on Tik Tok uh
4160s cleau on Tik Tok Ana on Tik Tok Lizzy on
4164s YouTube thank you so much for being here
4167s with us today my name is T and I'll see
4170s you guys next week for a really cool
4173s stream with my only wait I was going to
4176s say my best friend but I guess only
4178s makes me not so friendly but yeah my
4183s best friend that is are GNA be here with
4185s me so we can talk about the best of sky
4188s in 2024 we love to hear what you guys
4190s have to say about all of that with that
4192s said and done thanks so much you guys
4194s I'll see you guys next week
4201s [Music]
4235s [Music]
4247s [Music]