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Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
8s we're very excited today to be here at
11s the California Yacht Club in Los Angeles
13s as the ocean cleanup are giving us a
15s tour of one of the river interceptors
19s last year in the days of nature campaign
21s you guys raised over eight hundred
23s thousand dollars to help intercepted
25s projects like this in Malaysia so we're
27s really excited as a team to get to see
30s how the technology works
34s now welcome to Los Angeles here on our
36s Interceptor 007 the first one in the USA
41s the goal of the interceptors is to reach
43s the World Church of plastics and do it
45s in the river this is the Riverside where
48s we try to
49s close the tab as we call it so to
51s intercept plastic just before it would
53s reach the ocean
58s we just make use of the natural flow of
60s the river it will bring the waste and
62s the trash and the plastic there with
64s towards us and then here it goes on this
67s surveyor belt it goes up on the shuttle
69s on top of there and that divides it
71s between the dumpsters which on the barge
73s and the parts you can take out like as a
75s cartridge and bring it to Shore and then
78s offload it and bring it back
80s we're working together with his amazing
81s partner Athens and they're taking to
84s their facilities where they sort it and
86s also then recycle the parts that can be
87s recycled
92s hi Skype players this is Sarah from the
94s ocean cleanup at the ocean cleanup our
97s aim is to rid the oceans of plastic we
99s do this through the development and
101s scaling of Technologies in both oceans
103s and rivers according to our research a
106s thousand rivers around the world are
108s responsible for approximately 80 percent
110s of global riverine plastic pollution the
113s aim of the rivers program is to deploy
115s Interceptor Solutions into these rivers
118s to catch plastic we currently have
120s interceptors in 10 rivers around the
122s world and are working our way up to
124s realizing projects in all the Thousand
126s Rivers your contributions in 2022 were
130s vital to helping us make improvements to
132s our Interceptor 002 located in the clang
135s River in Malaysia which is now collected
137s over 1 million kilos of trash as well as
140s helping us launch future projects across
143s southeast Asia thank you from everyone
145s at the ocean cleanup
150s [Music]
158s we hope you guys enjoyed that tour
159s around the Interceptor today and we just
162s really wanted to thank you so much for
163s all the support that you've given this
165s course over the last couple of years and
168s we're so excited to have our biggest
170s days of nature campaign this year so
172s thank you so much for sharing your light
173s for your support of this project and
175s we'll see you on Sky
178s [Music]