13 days ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

11s hello hello hello and welcome sky kids
14s wait wait wait I I messed it up I messed
15s it up hwk hwk sky kids this is to to
20s have a talk with a very special guest
23s you guys this person is that game
26s company's CEO and creative director for
30s Sky Children of the light janova Chen
32s welcome janova how are you thank you for
36s having me here uh very very excited and
39s also nervous usually I don't do live
41s stream that's not my
42s specialty thank you for finding time uh
45s to do this with us I'm sure that
47s everybody at the studio is super busy
48s with the PC
50s launcher yeah it it's uh you know sky
53s has been a game we've developed since
56s 2012 so it's been 12 years in the making
59s and by finally we're on the PC platform
63s and I can tell you that everybody who
66s worked on the PC Port are really really
68s excited and pay attention to everything
70s that's going on right now and that's why
72s I really appreciate you being here with
74s us uh janova it's it's not very common
78s to have you know the CEO of the studio
80s to come in and have this time of
82s connection uh with with fans alike Sky
86s children alike and I'm sure that's
88s really important a lot of these people
90s have been really uh expecting a moment
93s to to have a a live moment with you so
97s my appreciations to you in their name
100s and there you go Bunches of Hearts we
102s seeing all of those hearts thank thank
104s you so much and uh you know I I
106s mentioned this before but the company
109s that game company started back in 2006
112s because of uh you guys The Gamers who
116s played our game and write the letter to
118s encourage us to find the company and
122s ever since we've been making games for
125s you and uh thank you for your support
127s thank you for the hearts uh we survived
130s for 18 years and uh we're going strong
134s that's a a great segu NOA for us to get
137s started uh so it's been oh while 2006 uh
142s of TGC as a as a gaming studio right and
145s so how has sky as a game and PGC as a
149s studio
151s evolved within this time uh especially
154s from your original Vision right like
156s when when you uh started this company
159s and and when you started creating this
161s game to what it has become now uh how
164s how does it feel and how has both of
167s these evolved throughout this
169s time um you know we when I was um just a
175s student um kind of studying in the The
179s Graduate School School uh that was
182s 2003 there's a Coline shooting where two
185s high school students uh bringed machine
188s gun and and grenades into the school and
190s caused you know many people uh dive
194s parish and at the time yeah video game
198s was considered as the cause of such
201s violence and uh when we were working in
204s the school um and the school had a
207s program to uh you know reward student
210s student to innovate uh on new ways to
213s tell the stories um and we have this uh
217s game uh Innovation Grant which ask us to
220s pitch for ideas that could show you know
224s games can be made in different ways um
227s and so starting from that project we
229s worked on this game that's not violent
233s you know the the the reverse of violence
235s um not addictive um and we focus on
239s making making the player feel a positive
242s feeling rather than you know destroying
245s things we actually uh healing uh the
248s world somehow um and that was an
252s experiment project but many people who
255s played our game told us that they cried
258s for the game uh we were we were all very
261s shocked because at that in 2004 2005
265s people don't associate video game as
267s something that would make people cry for
268s a good reason
270s and uh it was those player who's touched
273s by our game uh they they wrote very
275s heartfelt letter to us uh telling us
278s sharing a little bit about their life
282s and how our game is changing their
284s well-being and how we should really you
288s know start a a business uh to show as
291s through through like commercial games to
293s show the world that games doesn't have
295s to be always about fighting and
297s competition that it could be a force of
300s good and it could be considered as
303s literate liberal arts um and make
306s people's life better um that that was
310s just very inspiring and you know we we
314s pretty much dropped everything just to
317s follow the P you know the the request
319s from the players and try to start a
322s company before we even graduate and
324s that's how that company started and till
328s this day I still feel we are you know
330s working hard on achieving what our
333s players asked us 18 years
335s ago yeah and and how about sky right uh
340s almost 5 years old across all major
343s gaming platforms right like has your
347s vision for Sky come to fruition how how
351s has that Vision evolved to what it is
352s now yeah so so honestly I you know I
357s grew up playing games um see it's very
359s young young age and you know as a gamer
363s I'm also introverted person game is
366s pretty much the medium that create make
369s me feel not alone I made many friends
372s through video games uh I find my career
375s with video games and I've learned most
379s of my English and my you know uh geology
383s and history through playing video games
386s and so to me game is like a child good
390s friend you know and it's it's like
393s family um but as I grow up I start to
397s see um you know games are somewhat
401s despised by the rest of the society as
403s particularly by my parents generation
405s and you know a big portion of my friends
409s who don't play games also see this as a
413s a waste of time um a
416s distraction um and so I wanted to
419s legitimize this medium you know I love
421s this medium I want this medium to be
423s loved by more people and so what is the
426s best way to you know make more people
428s love games uh by making another game
432s that you already love to play probably
434s it wouldn't change the status call right
437s and so the only way I can see to make
439s the way to make more people love games
441s is by innovate the games and creating
444s new types of experience particularly new
447s type of emotional experience so so it
450s will attract the people who don't see
453s game as their entertainment medium or
456s artistic medium to consider you know uh
459s come to try games or you know consider
462s using game as a as a canvas to to paint
465s their own art um and so starting from
469s you know Cloud to flow to flower to
472s Journey what we are trying to prove is
474s that games can be an art piece you know
478s games can make you
480s think about life and think about you
483s know
484s humanity and it and it's not just like
488s make you feel differently it also need
489s to make you feel very strong emotions so
493s that you would remember and so from from
496s flower we start to experiment with you
499s know uh three act storytelling that we
501s learned from the film school but
504s reinterpret with game plays to use the
506s game play to touch you uh and it was
509s quite successful uccessful and so when
511s we move from flower to Journey we focus
515s on whether we can do the same emotional
518s impact but happening among multiple
521s players um and at the Time video game
524s has a bad reputation for playing games
527s online like nobody wants to turn on
529s their microphone or listen to toxic you
533s know Communications and so we were
536s thinking can we potentially you know not
539s only touch the the players and let them
541s have an
542s emotional
543s uh experience shared together but also
547s you know create a positive connection
549s between people rather than a toxic
551s connection um yeah and U so so that's
556s like the first half of the company we
558s spend the first six year just experiment
561s with how games can make you feel and
563s then prove that on a commercial um uh
566s platform like
568s PlayStation um
570s yeah and and then what happened after
572s Journey till Sky there's a huge gap of
575s the rest of 12 Years A lot of people
577s thought we just disappeared or maybe the
580s company has go this you know bankrupt or
583s something right uh what happened is it
585s took us seven years to develop Sky just
589s to get it out onto the market and we
592s only made this version to be on iOS and
596s then you know 8y year game we we we
598s shipped on the Andro Android then N9
601s years we shipped on the switch 10 years
603s in we Shi on the PlayStation and now 12
606s years we on the PC final um it's a it's
610s a very long process um but I'll probably
614s you know jump into Sky a bit later yeah
617s that's that's where we are and that's
620s that's fascinating has has the
622s vision changed like is it more than you
626s thought it could have been from the
627s original sketching on your books how how
630s did that progress for
633s Skype so one of my biggest heroes in
637s gaming is humito wer who created um uh
641s IO and Shadow of the closet right and uh
645s so I'm you know I'm certainly if I'm a
649s fan of somebody I would just try to
650s study as much as how they make their
652s things so so with uh with a he he talked
656s about how uh when he start a project he
661s would look for that Cent um how to say
664s the the most important image uh like he
667s would do the concept art a sketch to
669s create an image that represent the
672s emotion he's going
673s for uh and then the game kind of evolve
676s around this image uh and that's why most
679s of his his Works have this very well
683s thought up world with culture and with
686s stories because he's a he's a visual
689s thinker
690s um and so when when we approach our
692s games uh I also try to start a game with
695s image uh with a sketch and a feeling uh
699s and then I would work with a composer to
702s come up a music uh like a
705s theme um so so the combination of the
710s music emotion and the visual emotion you
713s you you get the you know the central
716s seed of the look and feel and then you
719s evolve mechanics and the story around it
722s um yeah that that's how I usually start
724s a
727s project and here we are uh to PC
730s millions and millions of downloads it
733s did you have that in mind when when you
735s were uh working with the team and you
737s guys were still small 12 years ago uh to
741s to where we are right now for Sky it
743s does it blow your mind is my question
744s does it blow your mind that so many
746s people uh feel attached and feel
749s connected
750s to the game and to one another through
751s the
752s game yeah when we worked on the sky game
757s initially we thought we would just
759s simply Port Journey we take what we
761s learned from storytelling journey and
763s make a premium game on the phone uh and
767s so hopefully it would reach more people
769s like one of the lesson we learned from
771s Journey is that a lot of the players who
774s play Journey would write letters to us I
776s think we have about 1,600 emails from
779s players just want to reach out to us to
781s tell us their stories and uh many of
785s them said this is the first game they
787s shared with their wife and daughter uh
790s most of the owners of PlayStation like I
792s would say what what a 90% of PlayStation
795s owners are men so they said this is the
797s first game they daughter finished uh you
801s know people don't finish game these days
804s um and I I and also heard from a friend
807s who went to Japan uh uh and did a meet
811s up with journey fans and uh he told me
814s like more than 60% of the fan are women
817s uh so that was very shocking to me
820s because I I you know I thought gamers
822s are mostly dudes like myself um but to
827s realize that you know when you make a
830s fighting games it probably will turn off
832s a lot of a lot of female players but
835s when you make a game about emotions and
837s you know the beauties of the world and
839s in life that that is very U how to say
842s like emotionally
844s accessible um and so when we decide to
847s leave PlayStation and work on sky on a
850s mobile platform we really believe that
852s the games are meant to be played by
854s everybody not just hardcore Gamers but
857s you know people of all ages um and
861s particularly with the success of Journey
863s we know women would play our game and so
866s how can we essentially uh create a game
870s that would appeal to more than just
872s traditional games uh we know we can
874s attract more players than how many
876s player who play Journey we just didn't
878s expect to attract you know almost uh 50
882s times more right that that's the
883s surprise