3 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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611s hello hello hello hello sky kids how is
615s everybody doing
616s today very very happy to be here you
619s know trying to control myself to you
622s know be a little bit more contained
625s relaxed let's be sure that we are in the
627s right place but as you guys know we we
629s have to do the way we do honk honk sky
633s kids very very very happy to be here
636s with you guys and for such a cozy stream
640s I I cannot wait long enough for us to uh
645s cozy up and and start spending some time
648s together but as you guys know it's time
651s for you to know of our social media so
654s be sure to be following us across every
657s single social media you guys know where
659s to find us we will be ready for you
664s especially if you come to our dis Sky
665s cord also known as Sky cord it's fun
669s it's exciting it's where you will find a
672s lot of love we are there and we are
674s ready to give you some love and to hang
676s out with you guys so come hang out come
679s be yourself everybody's welcome thank
681s you for joining us and just one second
685s before we celebrate people's birthdays I
688s need to ask who is celebrating their
690s birthdays today yesterday tomorrow this
694s week who's celebrating their birthdays
697s let me know because I want to celebrate
699s with you yay indeed I want to celebrate
704s your birthday with you
706s so come hang out and know that your life
711s is precious know that we are very happy
714s that you exist and that we get to share
716s that special moment with us very very
720s very much appreciate and we love you
723s guys we love you guys what else can I
726s say kling's efforts mine is on the 27th
730s see coming soon coming coming very soon
733s happy birthday my birthday is uh October
736s 31st and I'm so happy to celebrate this
738s along with Halloween I wish my birthday
740s was on Halloween my birthday is boring
742s it's July 22nd what do we celebrate in
745s July 22nd a crab's life I suppose and
748s that can be exciting
750s right happiest of birthdays to everybody
753s we love you guys but wait a second wait
756s a second I have to introduce you guys to
760s somebody who's very very very special to
763s me in fact is one of my great friends
768s here at TGC but I'll have you guys know
772s this guest is a little bit nervous it's
775s their first time ever being live on
777s stream ever so you guys guys got to
780s witness something really good something
782s really cute and they are here to read
785s Tales From muming Valley to you guys so
789s can you guys please welcome my really
791s good friend my best friend uh my only
796s friend Skyla Skyla thank you for joining
799s us how are you doing Skyla welcome
801s welcome welcome to the one and only and
806s super exciting Sky stream how are you
808s doing hi hi Tio I'm doing good my
811s heart's pading a little bit I am a
813s little bit nervous but very excited and
815s these stories are so lovely so I know
817s we're going to have a great time Skyla
818s no need to be worried look at all of the
820s love that chat is giving you people are
822s sending you tons of Hearts people are
824s sending you tons of candles welcome you
827s welcoming you to be our new friend up
829s their too I love it I'm usually the one
832s looking through the chat and um seeing
834s what everyone has to say so I can't
836s believe it's about me this time it's
837s crazy I know how how do you feel being
840s in front of such a passionate Gaming
843s Community like Skype excited I think I
846s think this is good awesome uh Skyla tell
850s us a little bit about your TGC Journey
853s how how did you come to become my best
856s friend and my only
858s friend uh well I have been working at
860s TGC for almost a year now in the
863s community team um and I'm thankful to
866s Tio for teaching me the ways of sky and
868s the ways of t
870s and introducing me to this wonderful
871s community so yeah it's through work that
873s we've been blessed with our friendship
876s awesome and what is your favorite thing
878s about working with Sky it's almost a
880s year can you believe it almost a year I
882s know I know the time is really blown
886s by what have you learned about this
888s community people say and you hear that
891s very often that there is no Gaming
892s Community like sky and this is your
895s first Gaming Community to deal on a
898s daily basis how how how does that feel
901s uh is that something that you were
903s expecting yeah it's definitely different
906s in the best ways this community is so
908s supportive of each other and I think
909s that's something that's been really
911s beautiful to be a part of um it's really
913s cool to see how everybody lifts each
915s other up and supports each other and
916s just wants everyone to get the best out
918s of sky and have a great experience um
921s and just how like passionate and
923s involved everybody is is also really
925s nice cuz um I don't know sometimes it's
928s with I don't know know with community
930s and social media you post Into The Ether
931s and no one responds back and that's a
933s little bit lonely it's nice to have
935s people responding and um and committed
938s yeah it's super responsive right like
940s Sky Community is so awesome because so
942s many other looking at the chat you're
945s for people to give it a like and we post
949s me as a crab and we get like a bunch of
951s likes and that's so exciting we are the
953s best crab so thank you thank you I
956s appreciate it I appreciate it I I'll get
958s some hearts and some love I do
960s appreciate that uh Skyla what are we
964s here to do today and are you excited for
967s this yes I think this is this is a
969s really special stream we're here to read
972s through some stories from Tales From
974s mman Valley um specifically we'll start
977s with the Invisible Child and then uh
980s move on to some other stories if we have
981s time but these stories are so special
984s and obviously like the whole reason we
987s have season of movement so I think this
989s is a really special stream to be a part
991s of precisely and I love that you that
993s you bring uh season of moving because
996s the stories we're going to be reading
997s you guys every single one of them are
999s sources of inspiration of such a
1002s beautiful beautiful season uh Skyla how
1004s was your experience exploring muming
1007s Valley and and were you familiar with
1009s muming before season of muming I was not
1012s I was introduced to m in the stories
1015s because of Sky which is amazing um but
1018s it's just I mean sky in general is so
1020s beautiful and I think that this this
1022s season it's it's cool to kind of go
1024s through it and feel like you're part of
1026s this these stories you can read through
1027s them but then being like a fly on the
1030s butterfly on the wall um is is really
1033s beautiful and then my personal favorite
1035s part is the music I don't know why this
1037s music is really touching me like I just
1038s think it's so beautiful to listen to as
1040s well so yeah I've enjoyed it it's just
1044s Sky music really it's Sky music bottom
1048s line is the best gaming music out there
1051s it's really beautiful it's really
1053s exciting and it's so heart touching
1057s right uh we we do know when when you
1060s open the game and it says the to wear
1064s headphones because the music is part of
1066s the experience I wholeheartly agree it's
1070s really what makes it couldn't agree more
1073s I have a question Skyla before we jump
1074s into this just so people can get to know
1076s you a little better if you would have a
1080s chance you you just started this year
1082s right so if you were to have a chance of
1084s experience just based on how people talk
1086s in the passion that people show about
1088s former Sky seasons is there one in
1090s particular that you would like to
1091s experience I love this question yes I
1094s think Aurora was before my time and I'm
1097s so jealous of the people who were able
1099s to experience that um in real time so I
1101s think I'd have to say season of Aurora
1104s well did you know that we got a world
1106s record out of this woohoo do I do know
1110s that it's so incredible it really is
1112s astonishing to when you when you
1114s actually sit back and think about the
1116s magnitude of of of that world record
1118s it's really impressive and beautiful
1120s that the community was like a huge the
1122s part of that like the reason it was able
1124s to happen so cool dude and or do that
1127s because I'm trying to use
1129s both more astonishing than winning a
1133s world record is that they invited me to
1135s be on stage with Genova are you serious
1137s I know you're you're just so good on
1139s stage too though they good everything
1143s I've seen you live and you you nail it
1144s every time stop stop stop I wish I had a
1149s a crab with a embarrassed face maybe
1151s something to do that but if I had I
1153s would do it because I don't I will cry
1155s instead there you go thank you Skyla
1157s thank you thank you your words are
1160s heartwarming to me chat any question
1162s that you guys want to ask Skyla before
1164s we jump into this we are about 1 minute
1167s to 10 minutes past the hour if that
1170s makes any sense if I English correctly
1172s if I correctly English
1175s if the m is reminds me of capy barus oh
1179s capy baras are cute do you like capy
1180s barus Kyla I do I love the sound to the
1183s trending audio I like
1185s capy Cy do you remember I do we actually
1189s made a a Tik Tok of that a while back
1192s yes oh my go that was a a blast uh to
1196s Tik Tok or not Tik Tok it can be super
1198s fun can be challenging but we can do a
1201s lot of
1202s shenanigans yes is a Shiki I started to
1205s play on Aurora season still remember on
1207s the day I found an email about the
1209s invites but I'm still fairly new to the
1211s game and missed that even now I still
1213s regret it well too bad it was it was an
1217s experience of a lifetime you know like
1219s there sometimes there are games that
1221s come and just make a statement of of
1227s going through an interactive experience
1229s in being more than the game the Aurora
1232s concert was 100% that I remember seeing
1237s uh the aora concert for the first time
1239s even before it was released just like
1241s internally and I was like no no that my
1245s prayers have been heard and I can be
1247s part of something like this oh yeah yes
1251s yes yes the the elders have been kind to
1254s me they have been kind to
1256s me yay confirmed moving is a capivara no
1260s no no nobody said that muming is a troll
1263s well why don't we redact that redact it
1265s yeah yeah you guys uh petition to get SE
1269s animated crab botel a great Elliot you
1271s you you flatter me thank you you guys
1273s are too kind uh oh one question to Skyla
1276s because Skyla is super trending on
1278s socials what about mudang would you like
1280s to see a season of mudang oh my gosh a
1284s whole season yes we a day off how about
1286s a day off a day off I think satisfies Z
1289s mang not confirmed not promising not
1292s even joking you guys that's that's all
1295s Shenanigans okay repeat with me chat
1297s everybody type in it's all
1300s Shenanigans all Shenanigans thank you oh
1303s Skyla thank you you're so good at
1305s following instructions my chat is not
1307s they do not follow instructions I'll
1309s tell you that I'll tell you that
1312s okay are you ready Skyla I think
1316s so as ready as I'll ever what what I
1319s need to do I need to get my book here we
1322s go now now I'm ready yeah to start
1325s reading and hopefully Tik Tok twitch
1327s YouTube you guys are able to read along
1329s with us Tik Tok if the letters are too
1332s small don't blame me blame a portrait
1335s mode streaming that's the best I could
1337s do I'm so sorry but we love you guys
1340s nonetheless and the reason why I invited
1344s Skyla and I'm so happy that she accepted
1347s being here is because my reading is on a
1350s second grade level I'm a crab you guys
1352s that's as far as I can do but Skyla is a
1354s lot better than me it's probably like on
1356s a eth grade 11th grade level Skyla at
1359s least yeah at
1361s least I don't know the second I start
1363s reading out loud and in front of people
1365s it goes down the drain really quickly so
1368s exactly exactly I learned really quick
1370s by reading the patch notes that I
1373s English cannot even do any if that makes
1376s any sense yeah and I and BL is for being
1379s there to be part of shenanigans with me
1382s techie why Shenanigans oh because
1385s Shenanigans are are part of of a child
1388s like so you just think Shenanigans and
1391s it's fun all right no further Ado you
1394s guys for for the first
1397s story right that we will do oh no wait a
1402s second here we go for the first story
1404s The Invisible Child we will be reading
1407s one page each M okay we will be reading
1411s one page each and if that's engaging and
1413s interesting we can follow the the pacing
1416s but if you guys want to see a different
1418s kind of pacing you guys let us know Chad
1420s is the owner of how we will be reading
1424s books if that makes any sense sounds
1427s good so with no further Ado Skyla why
1431s don't you read the title of our first
1435s reading okay our first story The
1438s Invisible
1440s child I will start first okay okay go
1443s ahead all right take it
1446s away one dark and rainy evening the
1448s moving family sat around The Veranda
1450s table picking over the days mushrooms
1452s harvest the big table was covered with
1455s newspapers and in the center of it stood
1457s the lighted kerosene lamp but the
1459s corners of the Vera were dark my has
1462s been picking pepper spunk again muming
1464s Papa said last year she collected fly
1466s Bane what is a fly Bane even you see you
1469s guys second grade let's hope she Tes the
1472s Chantell next Autumn said Mumy mama or
1475s at least something not directly pois
1477s poisonous that's funny hope for the best
1479s and prepare for the worst Little M
1481s observed with a chuckle they continue
1484s their work in peaceful silence suddenly
1486s there were a few Taps on the glass pane
1489s in the door and without waiting for an
1491s answer to Tiki came in and shook the
1493s rain off her oil skinn jacket then she
1496s had the door open and called out in the
1498s dark well come
1500s along whom are you bringing mol asked
1504s it's ninny Toki said yes her name's
1507s ninny she still held the door open
1509s waiting no one came in oh well tutii
1512s said and Shrugged her shoulders if she's
1514s too shy she'd better stay there for a
1516s while she'll be drenched though said M
1518s and Mama perhaps that won't matter much
1521s when one's invisible to Tiki said and
1524s sat down by the table the family stopped
1527s working and waited for an explanation
1529s you all know don't you that if people
1532s are frightened very often they sometimes
1534s become invisible totii said and
1536s swallowed a small egg mushroom that
1538s looked like a little snowball well this
1541s nin was frightened the wrong way by a
1543s lady who had taken care of her without
1545s really liking her I've met this lady and
1548s she was horrid not the angry sort you
1550s know which would have been
1551s understandable no she was the icy
1554s ironical kind what's ironical mov troll
1557s asked
1558s so sad poor NeNe I know the story is
1562s it's very relatable but very sad and
1567s touching well imagine that you sleep on
1569s a rotten mushroom and sit down on this
1571s on the basket of newly picked ones to
1573s Tiki said the natural thing your mother
1576s would be your mother would be too angry
1579s but no she isn't instead instead she
1581s says very coldly I understand that's
1584s your idea of graceful dance but I thank
1586s you not to do it in people's food oh wow
1590s wait I need to cry to that something
1593s like that how unpleasant moving troll
1595s said yes isn't it replied to Tiki this
1599s was the way this lady used to talk she
1601s was ironic all day long every day and
1604s finally the kid started to turn pale and
1606s fade fade around the edges and less and
1609s less was seen of her last Friday one
1612s couldn't catch sight of her at all the
1614s lady gave her away to me and said she
1617s really couldn't take care of relative
1618s IES she couldn't even see and what did
1621s you do to the lady ma asked with buling
1623s eyes did you bash her head let's go
1628s my oh wait I've got to even stop crying
1630s to that that was good let's go you guys
1635s Adventures that's of no use with the
1637s ironic sword to Tiki said I took nin
1640s home with me of course and now I've
1642s brought her here for you to make her
1644s visible again there was a slight pause
1646s on the rain was only the rain was heard
1648s rustling along Over The Veranda roof
1651s everybody stared at CH Tiki and thought
1653s for a
1657s while you have oh yeah the illustrations
1659s as
1661s well I like little Ma's character I know
1665s let me go back so people can see little
1668s M poor Nini it is relatable and that's
1672s why it's super said right like
1674s it's heart-wrenching anyways mhm
1679s Skyla okay does she talk M and papa
1682s asked no but the lady has hung a small
1685s Silver Bell around her neck so that one
1687s can hear where she is Chiki arose and
1690s opened the door again nny she called out
1693s in the dark the cold smell of autumn
1695s crept in from the garden and a square of
1697s light threw itself on the wet grass
1699s after a while there was a slight tinkle
1701s outside rather hesitantly the sound came
1704s up the steps and stopped a bit above the
1707s floor a small silver Bell was seen
1709s hanging in the air on a black ribbon
1712s ninnie seemed to have a very Little Neck
1714s very thin neck all right tutii said now
1718s here's your new family they're a bit
1719s silly at times but rather decent largely
1722s speaking gives a a Trier I know so I
1726s love the the descriptions in in this
1729s story yeah they're very very sweet very
1731s wholesome but rather decent like that's
1733s a nice way to describe the
1735s one give the kid a chair M and Papa said
1739s does she know how to pick
1740s mushrooms I really know nothing about at
1743s all about nin to Tiki said I've only
1745s brought her here and told you what I
1747s know now I have a few other things to
1750s attend to please look in someday won't
1752s you and let me know how you get along
1756s Cheerio when Tu Tiki had gone the family
1758s sat quite silent looking at the empty
1760s chair and the silver bell after a while
1763s one of the chantells slowly Rose from
1766s the Heap on the table invisible pause
1768s picked to clean from Needles and Earth
1770s then it was cut to pieces and the pieces
1772s drifted away and laid themselves in the
1774s Basin another mushroom sailed up from
1777s the table thrilling Mai said in awe try
1780s to give her something to eat I'd like to
1782s know if you can see the food when she
1783s swallows it I love your Expressions
1787s Skyla so cute reallying I'm really
1790s trying to get into the character here
1791s okay I love it I love it no directions
1793s for me this is perfection I'll give you
1796s a a a crab trophy if I had one oh good
1800s good good I'll take it I also love that
1802s Tui literally brings nin and then it's
1804s like peace leaving not my problem
1808s literally like I know ninny's in the
1811s right hands I'm out of here yes indeed
1813s well it was the right family to bring n
1815s to absolutely H right how how on Earth
1819s does one make her visible again Ming
1821s Papa's head worriedly should we take her
1824s to a doctor I don't think so said muming
1826s Mama I believe she wants to be invisible
1828s for for a while to Tiki said she shy
1831s better leave the kid alone until
1832s something turns up and so it was decided
1835s the Eastern attic room happened to be
1837s unoccupied so mumi Mama made nin a bed
1840s there the Silver Bell tinkled along
1842s after her upstairs and reminded mumi
1845s Mama of the cats that once had lived
1847s with them at the bedside she laid out
1849s the Apple the glass of juice and the
1852s three striped pieces of candy everybody
1854s in the house was given a bed time ooh
1856s not in my house no candy at my house M
1860s mum family has a has a an advantage over
1865s there uh then she lighted a candle and
1869s said now have a good sleep nin sleep as
1872s late as you can there will be tea for
1874s you in the morning anytime you want and
1876s if you want and if you happen to get a
1878s funny feeling or if you want anything
1880s just come downstairs and tinle Mum Mama
1883s saw the Quil to raise itself to form a
1885s very small Mound a dance appeared in the
1887s pillow she went downstairs again to her
1889s own room and started looking through her
1891s Granny's
1893s old her Granny's
1895s old
1897s notes about household we finish each
1901s other's
1903s sentences love it love it connection
1906s evil eye Melancholy colds no there
1910s didn't seem to be anything suitable yes
1912s there was toward the end of The Notebook
1914s she found a few lines written down at
1917s the time when Granny's hand
1919s was already rather shaky if people start
1922s getting Misty and difficult to see good
1925s M and Mama read the recipe which was
1927s rather complicated and started at once
1929s to mix the medicines for little
1932s ninny the Bell came tinkling downstairs
1935s one step at a time with a small pause
1937s between each step Moon trol had waited
1940s all morning but the Silver Bell wasn't
1942s the exciting thing that was the paw
1944s nin's paws were coming down the steps
1947s they were very small with anxiously
1949s bunched toes nothing else of nin was
1951s visible it was very odd M and troll Drew
1955s back behind the porcelain stove and
1957s stared Bewitched at the paws that passed
1958s him on their way to The Veranda now she
1961s served herself some tea the cup was
1964s raised in the air and sank back again
1966s she ate some bread and butter and
1968s marmalade then the cup and saucer
1970s drifted away to the kitchen were washed
1972s and put away in the closet you see nin
1975s was a very orderly child mumol rushed
1978s out out in the garden and shouted Mama
1980s she's got Paws you can see her
1982s [Music]
1984s paws that's so
1986s cute I thought as much M and mama was
1989s thinking where she sat high in the apple
1991s tree granny knew a thing or two now when
1994s the medicine starts to work we'll be on
1996s the right way Splendid said M and Papa
2000s and better still when she shows her
2002s snout one day it makes me feel sad to
2005s talk with people who are invisible and
2007s who never answer me hush dear mum mama
2009s said warningly nin's Paws were standing
2012s in the grass among the Fallen apples
2014s isn't Mumy Mama the best like she's so
2016s sweet and and yet firm when she needs be
2019s but she never really hurts people's
2021s feelings right she's just like assertive
2023s for things that need to be done and
2025s still keep the love Chad can you show
2028s some love to mumi Mama because mumi mama
2030s is a real one she's a yes there's like
2034s this wisdom that comes across when
2036s you're reading M and Mama like oh yes
2040s yeah m true Mama a TR Mama huh uh anyway
2045s sorry
2046s guys uncalled joke in a in a beautiful
2049s story I apologize it was it was Stronger
2051s than
2053s Me hello Nini shouted ma you've slapped
2056s like a
2057s hog I'll tell you Ma is is one of my own
2062s one of my own probably a longdistance
2065s CRA uh crab a cousin of mine
2068s when are you going to show your snout
2071s you must look a fright if you wanted to
2073s be invisible shut up mro whispered she
2076s oh okay sorry shut up mro whispered
2080s she'll be hurt he went running up to nin
2083s and said never mind my she's hardboiled
2086s you're really safe here Among Us don't
2088s even think about the horrid lady she can
2091s come here and take you away she can't
2094s come here and take you away in a moment
2096s nin's Pauls had faded away and become
2098s nearly indistinguishable from the grass
2102s darling you're an
2103s ass funny Sam mama you can't go about
2107s reminding the kid about those things now
2109s pick apples and don't talk rubbish
2112s little cute figure of Mumy trol uh sorry
2114s Mumy mama and mumi papa collecting the
2117s apples they all picked apples after a
2120s while nin's PA became clear again and
2122s climbed one of the trees it was a
2124s beautiful Autumn morning the Shadows
2126s made one snout a Le little chilly but
2128s the sunshine fell nearly like summer it
2130s sounds like a perfect day Perfect Day
2134s everything was wet from the night's rain
2136s and all colors was strong and clear when
2138s all the apples were picked or shaken
2140s down mumi Papa carried the biggest apple
2142s Miner out in the garden and they started
2144s making apple
2145s cheese interesting Skyla would you would
2149s you give it a try Apple cheese I think
2153s so why not I like apples I like cheese
2157s can it can only work and you know what I
2159s really like the mix of savory and sweet
2161s so you know the sweet of apples and the
2164s the saltiness of cheese would be
2168s chefus yeah I think I think the M are on
2171s to something I I I shouldn't stop myself
2175s cuz I I keep losing myself but I found
2176s it I found it yay we are had for Ming
2180s troll turned the handle ming m fed the
2182s Min with apples and mumi papa carried
2184s the few jars to the Vera little my said
2188s in the tree singing the Big Apple song
2190s suddenly there was a
2193s crash what is
2195s it what' you say I said what is it a
2199s crash and you know what the beauty about
2202s a book is exactly that right like we
2204s don't know until we flip that page and
2207s it holds detention so much it's
2209s beautiful I'm sorry I I I can't get C
2211s About Books and Comics really deep into
2215s a book and you just like cannot stop and
2218s such a feature only exclusive to book
2220s reading right the the flipping of a page
2223s the anyways please please carry on
2227s yeah okay crash on the Garden Path
2230s appeared a large heap of Apple cheese
2232s all prickly with grass splinters besides
2235s the Heap one could see nin's Paws
2237s rapidly fading away oh said M and Mama
2241s that was the jar we used to give the
2242s Bumblebees now we needn't carry it down
2245s the field and Granny always said that if
2247s you want the Earth to grow something for
2249s you then you have to give it a present
2250s in Autumn
2252s cute nin's Paws appeared back again and
2255s above them a pair of spindly legs came
2258s to view above the legs one could see the
2260s faint outline of a brown dress hem I can
2264s see her legs cried mum troll congrats
2267s said little Mai looking down out of her
2270s tree not bad but the gro knows why you
2273s must wear snuff Brown M and Mama nodded
2276s to herself and sent a thought to her
2278s granny and the medicine nnie padded
2281s along after them all day they became
2284s used to the tinkle and no longer thought
2286s ninny very remarkable by evening they
2289s had nearly forgotten about her but when
2291s everybody was in bed mo and Mama took
2293s out a rose pink Shaw of hers and made it
2296s into a little dress when it was ready
2298s she carried it upstairs to the Eastern
2300s attic room and cautiously laid it out on
2302s a chair then she made a broad hair
2305s ribbon out of the leftover material the
2308s material left over M mama was enjoying
2310s herself tremendously it was exactly like
2312s sewing doll's clothes again and the
2315s funny thing was that one didn't know if
2317s the doll had yellow or black
2319s hair oh I I'll keep from here I'll keep
2322s from here there there is a little star
2324s there and I feel like you may need a
2325s breather are you okay do you need a a
2327s sip of your drink not a bad idea there
2331s you go time to hydrate chat so everybody
2333s get your tea get your coffee question
2337s mark is is it early enough for you guys
2338s to have coffee if so it's a good time
2341s for coffee if not just water should be
2345s fine how did it feel like Skyla good I
2349s love comment in chat Apple cheese orig
2352s originated in the Middle Ages the oldest
2353s dated recipe was written by cook of the
2356s house red Villa that's good to know look
2360s up a recipe and try it
2362s out great great Elliot says where that
2365s sound effect came from we're celebrating
2368s n is coming back to to to visibility to
2372s being seen
2373s again that's awesome anyways time to
2377s read are you guys
2379s ready I am let's go the following day
2383s nin had her dress on she was visible up
2386s to her neck and when she came down to
2388s morning tea she bobbed and piped thank
2391s you all ever so much the family felt
2393s embarrassed and no one found anything to
2395s say also it was it was hard to know
2398s where to look when one talked to nin of
2401s course one tried to look a bit above the
2403s Bell where nin was supposed to have her
2405s eyes but then very easily one found
2407s oneself staring at some of the visible
2410s things further down instead and he gave
2412s one an impolite feeling Ming Papa
2415s cleared his
2416s throat we are happy to see he started
2420s that we see more of Nene today the more
2423s we see the happier we are Maya gave a
2426s laugh and banged the table with her
2428s spoon find I have started talking she
2431s said hope you have anything to say do
2434s you know any good
2435s games my is so hard hard Bo as mro would
2440s say no pip but I've heard about games
2445s mum trro was delighted he decided to
2447s teach nin all the games he knew after
2450s coffee all three of them went down the
2452s river to play only nin turned out to be
2455s quite impossible she bobbed and nodded
2458s and very seriously replied replied quite
2462s and how funny and of course but it was
2465s clear to all that she played only from
2466s politeness and not to have fun run run
2470s can't you m cried or can you even jump
2473s n's sting legs dutifully ran and jumped
2476s then she stood still against with arms
2478s dangling the empty dress neck over the
2480s Bell was looking strangely helpless do
2484s you think anybody like that mik cried
2487s haven't you any life in you did you want
2489s a beef a beef on the nose oh my goodness
2494s my oh let's let's do another sound bite
2496s you guys because my is being so mean
2498s hold on my is being very my right now
2502s yeah yeah my come on you deserve a beff
2505s on the
2506s nose rather not n piped humbly she can't
2509s play she can't play Mumble muming trro
2513s she can't get angry Little M said that's
2515s what's wrong with her listen you Mike
2518s continued and
2521s went went close to Ninny with a menacing
2524s look you'll never have a face of your
2526s own until you've learned to fight
2528s believe me
2530s howt yes of course ninny replied
2533s cautiously backing away poor poor poor
2538s n there was no further turn for the
2540s better at last they stopped trying to
2543s teach ninny to play she didn't like the
2545s story the funny stories either she never
2548s laughed at the right places she never
2550s laughed at all in fact this had a
2552s depressing effect on the person who told
2553s the story and she was left alone to
2556s herself days went by and ninnie was
2558s still without a face oh poor nin wait a
2562s second guys I this is said let me let me
2564s play another sound
2566s bite because that's too
2569s sad I do feeling of telling a funny
2573s story and then no one laughs and it's
2574s like I know I I can't tell you how many
2577s times that has happened to me actually
2580s like make a note that was not
2583s funny H poor Nene that's sad I I thought
2586s she was getting
2587s better yes all right let's keep going
2591s they became accustomed to seeing her
2593s pink dress marching along behind behind
2596s Mumy Mama as soon as Mumy Mama stopped
2598s the Silver Bell also stopped and when
2600s she continued her way the Bell began
2602s tinkling again a beard above the dress a
2605s big rose pink bow was Bobby inner mumi
2609s Mama continued to treat nin with
2611s granny's medicine but nothing further
2613s happened so after some time she stopped
2616s the treatment thinking that many people
2618s had managed all right before without a
2620s head and besides perhaps n wasn't very
2623s good-looking poor thing now everyone
2626s could imagine for himself what she
2627s looked like and this can this can often
2630s brighten up a relationship that is very
2632s true Mumy mumi Mama the Wise One Day the
2635s family went off Through the Wood down to
2637s the beach
2638s oh there there is a beach in in mumi
2640s Valley how
2642s exciting they were going to pull the
2644s boat for winter nin came tinkling behind
2647s as usual but when they came in view of
2649s the or of the sea she suddenly stopped
2652s then she laid down her stomach in the
2654s sand and started
2655s cheing what's coming over nin is she
2658s frighten asked mumi
2660s Papa as as every dad clueless clueless
2664s and asking for mum Mama to give ideas we
2667s got you mumi Papa we get you perhaps she
2670s hasn't seen the sea before mum mama said
2672s she stooped and exchanged a few
2674s Whispering words with n then she
2676s straightened up again and said no it's
2679s the first time n thinks the sea is too
2681s big of all the silly kids little M
2683s started out but mumi Mama gave her gave
2686s her a severe look as she shed between
2689s parenthesis and said don't be a silly
2691s kid yourself now let's pull the boat
2694s ashore then went they went out on the
2696s landing stage to the bathing Hut where
2699s to Tiki lived and knocked at the door
2701s hello to Tiki said how's the Invisible
2704s Child there's only her snout left Ming
2707s Papa replied at the moment she's a bit
2709s startled but I'll pass over can you lend
2712s us a hand with the boat certainly to
2714s Tiki
2716s said while the boat was pulled ashore
2719s and turned Keel upwards nin had padded
2721s down to the water's edge and was
2723s standing immobile on the wet sand they
2725s left her alone M and Mama sat down on
2729s the landing stage and looked down into
2730s the water dear me how cold it looks she
2733s said and then she yawned a bit and added
2736s that nothing exciting had happened for
2738s weeks M and papa gave m trol a wink and
2741s pulled a horrible face and started to
2743s steal up to M and Mama from behind of
2747s course he didn't really think of pushing
2748s her in the water as he had done many
2750s times when she was young perhaps he
2752s didn't even want to startle her but just
2755s to amuse the kids a little but before he
2758s reached her a sharp cry was heard a pink
2760s streak of lightning shot over the
2762s landing stage and mo M Mama M Papa let
2766s out a scream and dropped his hat into
2768s the
2769s water sound effects sound effects that's
2772s how it
2774s is ninnie had sunk her small invisible
2777s teeth into mum and Papa's tail and they
2779s were sharp good work cried Mai I
2783s couldn't have done it better
2784s myself n was standing on the landing
2787s stage she had a small snub-nosed angry
2791s face below a red tangle of hair she was
2794s hissing at M POA like a cat don't you
2797s dare push her into the big horrible sea
2799s she cried I see her I see her shouted M
2803s trol she's sweet sweet my ey said M and
2806s papa inspecting his bitten
2809s tail wait wait wait I'm sorry hold on I
2812s apologize I apologize Kyla I need to
2813s clap to that I need to clap to that woo
2816s M me Po
2818s okay please
2819s proceed she's the silliest nastiest
2822s baddest broughtest child I've ever seen
2826s with or without a head and he does not
2828s look too happy on this next page well he
2831s just got beat on the tail that's so fun
2834s meanwhile nin is just just so happy with
2837s herself I know you guys this is so
2839s wholesome wow I'm happy to to share that
2842s experience you fun that's really
2845s cool oh we're almost done
2848s okay oh look at n look at mumi Papa's
2851s face I I would have the same face mumi
2853s Papa I'll have the same face he knelt
2856s down on the landing stage and tried to
2858s fish for his hat with a stick and in
2860s some mysterious ways he managed to tip
2862s himself over and tumbled in on his oh I
2866s can't read today or ever right and
2868s tumbled in on his head he came up at
2871s once standing safely on the bottom with
2874s his snch above water and his ears filled
2876s with mud oh dear nin was shouting oh how
2880s great oh how funny you you tell him nin
2884s you tell him the landing stage shook
2886s with her laughter I believe she's never
2889s left before titiki said
2891s wonderingly you seem to have changed her
2894s she's even worse than little my if can
2897s ever if you can ever but the main thing
2900s is that one can see her of course it's
2903s all thanks to Granny Mumy mama said and
2907s here we go you guys that's it for the
2910s Invisible Child how how did you like
2913s that
2914s Skyla I love it I think it's a very very
2918s relatable story a very sweet story and
2921s yeah just proof that when you have
2924s people around you who see you for what
2926s you are even if you're not you know
2928s physically there in the moment um yeah
2930s you can be whole very sweet that was
2932s adorable Chad did anybody has anybody
2935s read the story before it's my first time
2937s reading it fully just like that I had
2939s skimmed it over but that was so
2942s wholesome okay favorite character Skyla
2945s in 3 seconds 3 2 1 go M and Mama I think
2951s yeah yeah she was sweet she was so
2953s sweet yeah I have to say though that my
2956s my is my my kind of G that what a
2960s troublemaker what a troublemaker you got
2963s have that one sneaky person that's just
2965s exactly exactly all right guys The
2968s Invisible Child is here for you guys I
2971s think we do have time for one more Skyla
2974s are you down to to go with one more tail
2977s sure thing I just need to let me just
2979s find it which one are we next we are
2983s reading the spring
2985s tune the spring tune is the very first
2990s taale of the book and Chad do you guys
2993s recognize the top hat over there
2997s can anybody in chat guess what that is
2999s Tik Tok YouTube and
3001s twitch who wears a top hat like that in
3004s mum valy ciso on Tik Tok snuff king of
3007s course who else but snuff King indeed
3011s melr leer frog it is I guess the taale
3015s of stking we'll see we will see Skyler
3018s are you ready to go I'm ready am I may I
3021s get started yeah no you go ahead all
3025s right the spring tune
3027s oh look at the music chat how
3031s exciting that's the the Valley Race
3033s music playing Skyla and that really
3035s matches I guess the Vibes of snuff king
3037s that's cool the spring tune one calm and
3040s cloudless evening towards the end of
3042s April snufkin found himself far enough
3045s to the north to see still unmelted
3047s patches of snow on the Northern slopes
3049s he had been walking all day through the
3051s undisturbed Landscapes listening to the
3053s cries of the birds also on their way
3055s northwards home from the south
3058s walking had been easy because his
3060s napsack napsack was nearly empty and he
3064s had no worries on his mind he felt happy
3067s about the wood and the weather and
3069s himself that's so cool tomorrow and
3072s yesterday were both at a distance and
3074s just at present the Sun was shining
3076s brightly red between The Birches and the
3078s air was cool and soft another perfect
3080s day I love how how the author describes
3082s things right read that again tomorrow
3085s and yesterday were both at a
3087s that's such a beautiful way to remind
3089s yourself to just be in the present be
3090s right here is it not is it not what I
3093s would say uh instead of that is what's
3096s up chat but that's why I am not the
3100s author of mum Valley right but yes
3102s indeed Jokes Aside it was a beautiful
3106s statement all right it's the right
3108s evening for a tune snow King thought a
3110s new tune one part of one part
3113s expectation two part to Spring sadness
3115s and for the rest just the great Delight
3118s of walking alone and liking it I love
3120s this he had kepted this tune under his
3122s head for several days but hadn't quite
3124s dared to take it out yet he had to grow
3127s into a kind of happy conviction then he
3130s would simply have to put his lips to the
3132s mouth organ and all the nodes would jump
3134s instantly into their places you know I I
3137s I can't play a few instruments you guys
3139s but my dream is to be able to play music
3142s like that you know that is thoughtless
3145s that is pure purely based on sentiment
3148s and I do hope that one day I I can
3151s Master any instrument to just let it
3153s flow as opposed to keep in mind what I'm
3156s trying to do do you play any instruments
3159s Skyla I uh I don't know if I would say I
3162s play the piano anymore but I used to
3164s play piano and took lessons when I was
3166s little can you
3168s whistle I can well right now I might not
3171s be able to smart thing no I'm not going
3173s to ask you to but hey I can whistle my
3175s heart out I'll tell you that
3178s yeah true true if he released them too
3180s soon they might get stuck Crossways and
3183s make only a half good tune or he might
3186s lose them altogether and never be in the
3188s right mood to get hold of them again
3190s Tunes are serious things especially if
3192s they have to be jolly and sad at the
3194s same
3196s time but this evening snufkin felt
3199s rather sure of his tune it was there
3202s waiting nearly full grown and it was
3205s going to be the best he ever made
3207s then when he arrived to M Valley he'd
3210s sit on the bridge Rail and play it and M
3212s troll would say it once that's a good
3214s one really a good one wait wait wait
3217s Skyla please uh wait just real quick yes
3221s please forgive me forgive me you are
3223s forgiven thank you so much uh okay I I
3227s thought I had muted you for in accident
3230s but please
3231s proceed are we good yep okay snufkin
3235s stopped in his tracks feeling feeling
3237s just a little bit uneasy yes M troll
3240s always waiting and longing M troll who
3243s sat at home who waited for him and
3245s admired him and who always told him of
3248s course you have to feel free naturally
3250s you must go away I do understand that
3252s you have to be alone at times and all
3255s the times his eyes were black and with
3257s disappointment and one could no one
3260s could help it oh my oh my snufkin said
3263s to himself and continued on his way oh
3265s my oh my he's got such a lot of feelings
3268s this m troll I won't think of him now
3271s he's a splendid M but I don't have to
3273s think of him now tonight I'm alone with
3275s my tune and tonight isn't
3278s tomorrow in a little while stuffin had
3281s managed to forget all about Moon androll
3283s he was sniffing around for a good place
3285s to camp and when he heard a brook a bit
3288s further in the woods he went toward the
3290s sound the last Red Ray of sunlight had
3293s vanished between The Birches now came
3295s the spring Twilight slow and blue all
3298s the wood was changed and the white
3299s pillars of The Birches went wandering
3301s further and further off into the blue
3304s dusk the brook was a good one it went
3306s rushing clear and brown over wads of
3309s last year's leaves through small tunnels
3312s and over leftover ice swerving through
3314s the green moss and throwing itself
3316s headlong down a small waterfall onto a
3319s white sand bottom in places it drowned
3323s droned sharp as a mosquito then it tried
3325s to sound great great and menacing
3327s stopped gurgling with a mouth full of
3329s melted snow and laughed at it all
3332s snowking stood listening in The Damp
3335s Moss I must have the brook in my tune
3337s also he thought in the refrain I think
3340s as mstone suddenly came loose near the
3342s waterfall and raised the pitch of the
3344s brook a whole octave not bad is noin
3347s said admiring that's the way to do it a
3350s sudden change just in passing I'll have
3353s to find a brook a tune of its own he
3355s took out his old s B span and filled it
3357s from the waterfall then he went in under
3360s the first to look for firewood the
3363s ground was still wet from the spring
3365s thaw and the rains and snowking had to
3367s crawl far under a brambly windfall to
3369s find any dry sticks when he reached out
3372s someone gave a sudden shout and flashed
3375s past him and off among the first still
3377s crying and squeaking all the way oh yes
3380s there nothing sad creeps and Woodies
3383s that's funny I'm sorry guys creeps and
3385s Woodies everywhere funny how nervous
3388s they always seem to be the smaller the
3390s jumpier he found a dry stump and some
3393s sticks and built himself a good campfire
3395s by the Brook SN King was used to cooking
3398s his own dinner he never cooked a dinner
3401s for other people if he could avoid it h
3403s sounds like me not even to myself to be
3406s honest nor did he care much of other
3408s people's dinners well I do think of
3410s other people's dinners because mine for
3411s myself are not that great but I'm sorry
3414s guys I'll get pretty so many people
3416s insisted on talking when they had a meal
3419s also they had a great liking for chairs
3421s and tables and some of them used napkins
3423s he even had heard of a Hulan who changed
3426s his clothes every time he was about to
3428s eat but that was probably slander a
3430s little distractedly snu King ate his
3432s meager soup while he rested his eyes on
3435s the green moss by The Birches the tune
3437s was quite NE near at hand easy to catch
3440s by the tail but but there was time
3443s enough to wait it has it was hatched in
3446s and couldn't get away no better to watch
3449s no better to watch dishes first then
3451s light a pipe and afterwards when the
3453s campfire was burning down and the
3455s night's creatures started calling for
3457s each other then HD heavy snufkin was
3460s washing his sauce Span in the brook when
3461s he caught sight of the creep it was
3464s sitting on the far side below at the
3466s tree
3467s rout looking at him its eyes were scared
3471s but very interested following snufkin's
3474s every movement two shy eyes under a mop
3477s of hair just the look people who have
3481s just the look people have who have who
3483s are never noticed stuffin pret pretended
3486s that he hadn't seen the creep he raked
3488s up his fire and cut himself some fur
3490s Twigs to sit on he took out his pipe and
3493s lit it he pupped a few clouds of smoke
3495s towards the night sky and waited for the
3498s spring tune it didn't come instead he
3500s felt the creeps eyes upon him they
3503s watched everything he did admiringly and
3505s he began to feel feel uneasy once more
3508s he clapped his paws together and shouted
3510s Sho be
3511s off at this the creep slunk out from
3515s under the tree root it was still on the
3517s other side of the brook and said very
3519s shy I hope I haven't scared you I know
3522s who you are you're snufkin and then the
3525s creep stepped straight into the water
3526s and started to Wade across the brook was
3530s rather too broad for it and the water
3532s was ice cold a couple of times the creep
3534s lost its foothold and tumbled over but
3537s snufkin was feeling so uneasy that he
3539s simply didn't think of giving it a hand
3542s finally a rather thin and miserable
3544s creep crawled ashore and said with
3546s chattering teeth hello I'm happy to meet
3549s you oh so am I hello friend hello snu
3553s King answered equally coldly may I warm
3556s Myself by your fire the creep continued
3558s its wet little facing shining with
3560s happiness just think of it then I'll
3562s will be the creep Who Sat by sff kin's
3565s campfire I'll never forget that neither
3568s will I neither will I that's really
3569s sweet the creep edged closer laid one
3572s paw on snk's NE napsack and solemnly
3575s whispered is this where you keep the
3577s mouth organ do you have it here yes Z
3580s kin said rather crossly oh yes there
3583s nothing sad rather crossly here we go
3585s his T was lost loneliness was gone all
3589s was different he clinched his teeth
3591s around the the pipe stem and starred in
3594s Among The Birches Without Really seeing
3596s them now don't mind me the creep said
3599s innocently in case you'd like to play I
3602s mean you never guess how long how I long
3605s for a little music I've never heard any
3608s oh poor thing but I've heard about you
3611s the Hedgehog and tof and my mother
3614s they've all told me tofo has even seen
3616s you once yes you can't imagine nothing
3619s much ever happens here but we dream lots
3622s and lots well what's your name is noing
3625s asked the even was spoiled anyway so he
3628s thought it's easier to talk I'm so small
3630s that I haven't got a name the creep said
3633s eagerly as a matter of fact nobody's
3635s even asked me about it before and then I
3637s meet you whom I've heard so much about
3639s and always long to see and the first
3641s thing you ask me is what my name is do
3644s you think perhaps you might I mean would
3648s it be a lot of trouble for you to think
3650s up a name for me a name that would be
3652s only mine and no one else could have it
3655s now night scyla that reminds me of our
3659s conversation for a uh a stream name for
3662s you to please help that's so cute H I
3668s love I love it I love it that was a cute
3672s exchange very cute I love this
3675s illustration too I know kind of dark but
3678s kind of uh beautiful too
3682s yeah okay snufkin mumbled something and
3686s pull P his hat over his eyes someone
3688s flew across the Brook on long pointed
3690s wings and gave a long sad cry among the
3693s trees yo yo yo woo T
3698s wo
3703s T you can't ever be really free if you
3707s admire somebody too much snufkin
3709s suddenly said I
3712s know I know you know everything the
3715s little creep Pratt prattled on edging
3718s closer still I know you've seen
3720s everything you're right in everything
3722s you say and I'll always try to become as
3724s free as you are so now you're on your
3728s way to mman Valley to have a rest and
3730s meet your friends the Hedgehog told me
3732s that M troll started waiting for you as
3734s soon as he wakes from his winter sleep
3737s isn't it a nice thing to know that
3739s someone's longing for you and waiting
3741s and waiting to see you
3743s again I'm coming when it suits me
3745s snufkin cried
3747s violently I'm coming when it suits me
3749s there you go there you
3751s go perhaps I sh come at all perhaps I
3754s will go somewhere else oh then he'll be
3758s sad said the
3760s creep its fur was beginning to dry and
3762s becoming light brown and soft it picked
3765s up the napsack once again and asked
3767s cautiously would you perhaps you who
3770s have traveled so much no snufkin said
3773s and he and he thought angrily why can't
3776s they ever let me let my wanderings
3780s alone can't they understand that I'll
3782s talk it all to pieces if I have to tell
3785s about it then it's gone and when I try
3788s to remember what it really was like I
3791s can't remember only My Own
3793s Story there was a long silence and the
3795s night bird cried again the creep arose
3798s and said in a small voice well I must be
3801s off I think Cheerio Cheerio snufkin said
3806s uh fidgeting a little listen or that
3809s name you asked for what about TI woo
3813s that how you say that Tio for instance T
3816s woo don't you see a light beginning sort
3819s of and a little sadness to round it off
3822s the little creep stared at him with
3823s yellow eyes in the Fire Light it thought
3826s its name over and tasted it listened to
3829s it crawled inside it and finally turned
3831s its Sout to the sky and softly howled
3834s its new name so sadly
3836s so sadly and ecstatically that snufkin
3838s felt a shiver along his back I have to
3841s say sorry sorry sorry sorry new page new
3844s page but other than that I appreciate
3846s that Skyla you are on it so involved in
3849s the storytelling that's cool that's
3851s awesome but what I wanted to say is that
3854s like I can relate so much with SNK like
3856s I remember as a as a kid I had a thing
3859s about finding words beautiful or or ugly
3863s and I would try to only use the words
3866s that were the sound there or the felt
3869s beautiful for me to say and that was in
3870s Portuguese you guys keep in mind so we
3872s have quite a few words to pick from but
3875s yeah I can relate that's really cool
3878s yeah it is and I can relate to the
3880s little creep as well
3882s heute then a brown tail disappeared in
3884s the brambles and all was silent golly SN
3888s snuff King said and kicked at an ember
3891s he wrapped out his pipe then he rose and
3893s shouted hello come back but the wood was
3896s silent oh well there nothing thought you
3899s can always be friendly you can always be
3901s friendly it's impossible there isn't a
3904s time and at least this creep has got a
3906s name yep a good exchange he sat down
3909s again and listened to the brook and the
3911s silence and waited for his tune to come
3913s back but it didn't come he knew at once
3916s it had moved too far away to be caught
3919s perhaps he'd never catch it the only
3921s thing he seemed to hear was the eager
3923s and shy voice of the creep talking and
3925s talking and talking why don't they keep
3928s at home with their mothers noin said
3930s crossly and threw himself on his back
3933s onto the four
3934s Twigs after a while he sat up and
3936s shattered once more he listened for a
3939s long time then he pulled his head over
3941s his s and went to
3943s sleep the next morning snowking
3945s continued his March he was tired and
3947s crossed he was tired and crossed and
3950s trudged northwards without looking right
3953s or left and not even the faintest
3955s beginning of t moved under his
3958s head he simply could not think of
3961s anything but the creep he remembered
3963s every single word it had said and every
3965s word he had said himself and he chewed
3967s them over and over until he felt sick
3969s and had to sit down and rest what's come
3972s over me snufkin thought angry and
3975s bewildered I've never felt like this
3977s before I must be ill he rose and
3979s continued his way and it started all
3982s over again everything the creep had told
3984s him and all he had said in reply finally
3987s he had to stop in the afternoon he
3989s turned about and started back after a
3992s while he felt better he went faster and
3995s faster he bubbled as he ran Little Tunes
3998s flter flitted about his ears and he
4000s hadn't the time to catch them toward
4003s evening he was back in the birch wood
4005s and started to call TI woo he cried T
4008s woo at the night birds and the night
4011s birds awoke and answered him T woo T woo
4014s and he heard nothing from The Creep
4017s I feel like I'm saying these words wrong
4019s no you're good you're good snin walked
4022s back and forth looking and calling and
4024s listening until dusk had fallen the new
4027s moon Rose in a clearing and snufkin
4030s stood looking at it and feeling quite at
4032s a loss I ought to make a wish he thought
4035s it's a new moon he was about to wish for
4038s the usual thing a new tune or as he
4040s sometimes did a new road but now he
4043s hastily corrected himself and said aloud
4045s to find TI woo then he turned around
4049s three times and crossed the clearing
4051s went into the wood and up the hill
4053s something rustled in the bushes
4055s something light brown and furry T wo
4057s snufkin called softly I've come back for
4060s a chat oh hello titiu replied and stuck
4064s his head from the bushes that's Splendid
4068s because I've got something to show you
4070s look a name plate with my own name on it
4074s to hang on my door I get home when I get
4077s a home of my own adorable oh you can
4080s start the next one that's so sweet the
4083s creep showed him a piece of bark with a
4086s ner mark on it and continued
4090s importantly neat isn't it everybody
4092s thinks so very nokin said so you have a
4095s house of your own indeed the creep said
4099s excitedly I've moved away from home and
4101s begun leaving it's so exciting you see
4104s before I had a name I just used to hop
4106s around and perhaps feel this this or
4108s that but about this or that and
4110s everything was simply happening around
4112s me sometimes nice things and sometimes
4114s not nice but nothing was real don't you
4117s see zkin started to reply but the creep
4120s continued now I'm a person my God I'm
4123s going to cry that's so cute that's so
4127s adorable uh now I'm a person and
4129s everything that happens means something
4131s because it doesn't only happen it
4133s happens to me Titi and TI may think this
4138s or think that about it as the case may
4141s be if you see what I mean certainly I
4144s see said snufkin that's good for you
4146s Tity wood nodded and started to rumage
4149s in the bushes know what snufkin said I
4152s on my way to Ming TR still as a matter
4154s of fact I really want to see him oh said
4157s tiu Ming TR yes perhaps You' like to
4161s hear some tunes before I have to start
4163s to start nothing can continued or maybe
4165s a few stories
4166s the creep stuck out his head and said
4169s stories oh yes later tonight perhaps
4172s just at the moment I'm quite in a hurry
4174s I'm sure you don't
4176s mind the light brown tail vanished in
4179s the Heather and after a while tiu's ears
4182s came to view a bit further away and he
4185s called out Cheerio and give my greetings
4188s to M trol I'll have to live as fast as I
4192s can because I've lost a lot of time
4194s already then he was gone snufkin
4197s scratched his head so he said to himself
4200s yes I see he stretched out on his back
4203s and looked up into the spring sky it was
4206s clear dark blue straight above him and a
4208s sea of green over the Treetops somewhere
4211s under his hat the tune began to move one
4214s part expectation and two parts spring
4217s sadness and for the rest just a colossal
4219s delight at being
4222s alone that was in
4227s incredible I absolutely love it Chad how
4230s did you guys like the story yeah that
4233s was so poetic that oh my goodness I am
4236s actually feeling
4237s super touched about this one that was
4240s really cool
4242s Skyla I liked it similar um I guess
4246s themes as invisible child it's like the
4250s the creep wanted to be seen by someone
4253s by snufkin yeah and and by anybody right
4257s by having a name now he's of his own
4259s he's not just a it's going to sound
4261s funny but he's not just he's not just a
4263s creep he is himself that was a blessing
4269s I really really enjoyed reading this and
4272s you guys although we had the secret of
4275s the hey fatur uh left it's already 5:00
4278s and we must wrap up this stream but
4281s maybe hey chat if you guys are super
4283s kind and you guys invite Skyla to
4286s another stream later to read The Secret
4288s of the head fenders maybe skylet will be
4291s down to do so so I'll just hang around
4294s here for about 20 seconds and see what
4296s chat says and maybe maybe Skyla can join
4300s us back again this is how you wrote me
4302s in Tio and then I'll be in all the
4304s streams can't get exactly and then you
4306s become the streamer for
4309s TC no no no you're irreplaceable TI No
4312s no no I I know because I have a name so
4317s now I am of myself but thank you so much
4321s everybody for hanging out with us and
4323s especially for treating my my great
4326s friend Skyla so well you guys did
4328s amazing I appreciate it uh Skyla it's
4331s your turn now to say your goodbyes and
4334s share any messages from your heart to to
4338s this amazing chat yes okay well thank
4342s you guys for having me and I hope these
4344s stories touch anyone who hasn't read
4346s them before they're very special and we
4349s hope you continue to enjoy season of
4350s moven thanks for having me all right
4354s chat you guys know the drill show your
4356s love to Skyla and let's hope Skyla
4359s agrees for us to come back and read it
4362s is the longest one out of the three the
4364s secret of the hary feters in the
4366s meanwhile thank you Skyla thank you so
4368s much you are the sweetest you are as
4370s sweet as muming mama and I appreciate
4372s you being here thank you so much I'll
4375s talk to you soon
4376s okay
4377s [Music]
4383s bye here we go sky kids thank you so
4386s much thank you thank you thank you for
4387s being here with me I appreciate you guys
4390s as always I love you guys as always and
4394s as you guys know please give your
4396s goodbyes it's time for you guys to say
4400s your goodbyes while I try to acknowledge
4402s some of you so please caviar sky thank
4405s you thank you for being here vter vter
4408s yes on Twitch thank you for being here
4411s BB Bean on Twitch thank you so much for
4413s being here let's take a a quick look
4415s look at tick talk tick talk Tik Tok
4418s Lizzy thank you for being here kumu
4420s thank you so much for being here Lulu
4423s sky thank you so much for being here
4425s let's take a quick look on YouTube is a
4427s Shiki uh thank you so much it's Gracie
4431s love you guys thank you so much for
4433s being here you guys know the drill send
4435s your hearts send your love and remember
4439s keep being special and lovely because
4442s you guys are the best community a game
4445s could ever have and you guys are the
4446s best friends a crab could ever have I
4449s will see you guys next week for another
4451s TC stream talk to you later bye
4459s [Music]
4484s [Music]
4494s [Music]
4505s [Music]