11 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
8s [Music]
17s [Music]
23s [Music]
31s [Music]
37s [Music]
47s honk honk sky kids welcome to another
50s dgc stream I am very happy to be here my
54s name is steo if you don't know it says
56s right there so I believe that's correct
59s and welcome I'm very happy to have
61s everybody here with me today and guys
64s before we jump right into what we're
67s going to be doing today I want to
69s welcome you all to our social uh
72s platforms so if you don't follow us yet
74s if you are here I'm assuming you do
76s follow us but maybe you are not aware of
79s other platforms that we have and that
81s you would like to use to interact with
82s us so please be sure to come hang out
85s with us uh Discord honestly is a main
88s platform for our core Skype kids uh lots
92s of news go right there lots of uh live
95s discussions uh with several of the devs
97s happened there too so you are welcome uh
100s come and join us on Discord if you are
102s not there just yet uh every TS week is
108s beautiful chaos uh I I I try to make you
111s guys happy and I may uh you know uh
115s annoy some of you with my Shenanigans
118s and my dad jokes uh of me not being a
121s dad I am the father of jokes so I I have
124s several really bad ones for you guys and
128s yeah uh we here today for a special
131s stream guys uh if you guys are on
133s Discord anybody in the chat uh is
136s belongs to our Discord
138s already because you may have seen me uh
142s inviting some people to work on a
144s project with me on it's a passion
147s project it's a side project that I
149s wanted to interview some sky kids uh
154s just to learn a little bit more about
156s who they are IRL in real life and to
160s learn a little bit about you guys and
162s and hopefully you know from that
164s experience I I could learn something
166s about people and and humanity and about
171s you uh you are my special guest today
174s and and hopefully I'm going to find some
176s of you in the Realms and we can have a
179s very nice and Co conversation today is
181s definitely a cozy chill stream and
185s hopefully together we can learn more
189s about one two three sky kids that we run
192s into the Realms maybe they're already
194s there uh maybe we will just befriend
197s them uh and and make a new friend and
200s learn about them and hopefully get some
202s lessons from them uh in the meanwhile
206s and before we go uh this series will be
209s called humans of Sky we want to know who
213s you really are chat so are you guys
216s ready hopefully it's going to be
217s something
217s fun in the meanwhile do we have anybody
221s celebrating a birthday this week because
223s if you are I want to give you a shout
225s out let me know in the chat whether
227s twitch whether YouTube say it's my
230s birthday even though it's not I want to
232s celebrate with you guys so let me know
234s anybody's birthday in chat send me a
237s shout out say tio Tio it's my birthday
240s is my dog birthday Charlie a happy
242s birthday Charlie since we have a
246s anniversary or birthday here happy
248s birthday Charlie the dog that belongs to
250s Bam 98 uh Happy Birthday William as well
255s on YouTube It's Your Birthday Orphan
258s Tears oh happy birthday to you as well
261s uh I just want to celebrate all of you
263s guys uh in class on Stream So hundreds
267s of other Skype people can actually
269s celebrate with you so you know that you
272s are not alone okay you are not alone as
275s long as you play sky you can always come
278s here and be friends with us fazin RAC
281s happy birthday to you too on YouTube um
285s yeah here is Sky we are easy to make
288s friends and that's the whole goal is to
290s make meaningful connections and
292s hopefully getting to know a little bit
294s more about people and who we are so with
298s no further ado let's go in game uh I am
303s taking a nap in game and here's the
307s challenge for this I'm just going to
308s walk around the Realms and see if I can
312s make a new friend or maybe I run into a
314s friend and invite them to to a chill
319s talk a chill conversation where are my
322s friends
323s at where are the gray sky
326s kids where is
329s everybody
330s I I thought we were supposed to find
332s people here in Avary oh no you know what
336s they probably up there uh at the
341s Circle giving Stars and Hearts to their
345s constellation and no they are not feels
348s bad man is this going according to plan
351s we don't know yet oh oh hi Ma yes I'll
357s give you a
357s hug thank you Ma thank you
360s guys how about we do a quick
363s interview with
370s ma would you like to share a little bit
376s if I can't type a little bit right my
378s fat thumbs don't help guys a little bit
381s of
383s yourself with the
388s stream no person information
394s please but that would be fun oh he was
397s actually watching us on the stream how
400s kind that's awesome that's
403s awesome but yeah woo okay so M why don't
408s you take us to your favorite location in
414s Sky to your favorite
419s location
421s in
423s Sky if I can type guys this will be a
426s lot
429s smoother all right let's go I think the
433s favorite location that people have in
434s sky can actually say a lot about them
436s you guys so let's go let's go let's do
441s this where is
444s it for a second I thought it was home
446s and I'm like oh homes are my favorite
449s place too home is where the
453s hardest oh my goodness I just read what
456s I wrote and it makes zero
460s sense M you are a better person than me
464s thank you thank you for understanding
465s what
466s my sky chicken scratch chicken
470s sky that didn't work you see guys that
473s jokes or bad jokes I don't know depends
476s on whether you get my accent or
478s not I'm glad you understood and you're
481s taking me to your favorite location and
483s I know we have some friends following us
486s along uh for now uh as I speak to M
491s strong I would like to ask for people
494s around to
496s not spam the chat very much not not the
499s YouTube or twitch chat just the in-game
501s chat just so we can um
505s actually have a good
507s conversation I think that can be very
510s very
511s interesting and again M we were not
514s going to be asking anything too personal
517s as far as names as far as addresses and
520s the like but we do want to ask personal
523s questions about your life and your
525s experience and the best moments that
527s you've had and hopefully chat you guys
530s can ask some questions too so stay with
533s me stay with me I told you this is
535s experimental guys but you see one thing
539s that I love about
540s sky is the ability of
544s possibly making meaningful relationships
547s with people who you have never
549s met uh I I find that beautiful the idea
553s of being close to others and and
556s learning about them I think everybody
557s has something to teach uh I and I'm very
561s happy that I have tus as one of my uh
564s amazing friends here at TGC uh stalif
566s Sago too because they teach me every day
569s they teach me how to be a better person
571s they are definitely much better people
573s than I am but you know we live we learn
577s we fly we learn we we interview people
581s in sky and we learn and hopefully this
584s will be the case M strong oh wow is this
589s not the best sunset in gaming guys let's
592s let's do a quick capture hold on hold on
594s hold on look how beautiful this
597s is one of the favorite spots oh here's
601s fine as long as we can hang out at your
603s favorite place and chat a little
607s bit just don't put me in the location I
610s can move and don't take me to Eden
612s because I'm terrified okay if Eden is
614s your favorite location that says a lot
616s about you and I'm not too sure whether
620s uh I want to go
623s there all right M
626s strong thank
628s you
630s how are you
634s Ma how are
639s you I can
643s type there you go fat thumbs guys fat
651s thumbs
655s well
658s good good
662s M can you
666s share a bit about
672s yourself and also the
677s proudest
679s moment you can
684s remember being a part
688s of
693s [Music]
701s let's see what M says guys in the
703s meanwhile typo 101 with Tio that that
706s that's a class I am a master of oh look
708s at that sure I love making Skype videos
712s sharing experiences in new
714s discoveries uh what what kind of
718s experiences
724s I want to
726s learn
730s about you and your memorable
737s moments one of my proudest moments was
740s helping our friends to get through
743s trials interesting
747s M what is
750s but also building great challenges
753s too what life
758s situation could you
762s compare through
765s trials
767s something
769s hard that has
774s happened but you
778s overcame
792s you see guys it's I think I I think that
796s I'm the kind of person
799s who really enjoys meeting people and I
802s make friends really easy and I think
804s that's part of making friends right like
807s we we try not to pry but it's important
810s to know people in a level that is a
812s little bit
813s more deeper than just hey let's CR you
817s know definitely looking into work for
819s the first time after leaving
822s school
825s wow it was so different in trying
827s something good and meaningful was
832s hard
834s so what does having meaning
840s full
844s work me to
849s you you felt like a big step into the
852s unknown yeah man I I feel you H it's
856s something challenging I'm sure chat has
858s anybody in the chat being afraid of
861s stepping into something
863s new because it's certainly a feeling
865s that I can share of uh I
868s remember coming to to the United States
870s and going to high school for the first
872s time uh think about being scared it was
879s rough it was
881s rough so ma what what does doing
884s meaningful work means to you why was it
888s so difficult to
891s find I've worked for clinical companies
894s and helped to build software to help
895s others medically
897s wow wow technology helping
902s people literally
906s literally
907s and how was the
913s experience
916s of
918s finding that job and
921s stepping into that
928s unknown yo I'm most feels like IRL
932s season of Passage doesn't
935s it it was a really good feeling but very
938s scary yeah when when you have other
940s people's lives and health uh up to what
943s you're doing it's something that can be
945s challenging right so chat help me
949s develop this do you guys have any
951s questions that you'd like to ask
954s M scary at first but I was supported by
957s great
958s people can you
961s speak of one person in
967s particular that marked your life
974s forever no names
982s needed I don't think this audio is
985s appropriate is it it it's too it's too
987s it's too happy let's let's go to another
989s Sky song here we go this will be more
994s appropriate can you
1000s speak sorry about the typo
1003s guys it's it's difficult to backend and
1007s and work chat and work with people so
1010s please apologize for any typos let's see
1014s some of the questions uh you
1017s guys any question questions that you
1019s guys would like to ask this friend
1022s please type in the
1026s chat yeah she's a great friend I met
1029s through Sky she's Casey and I absolutely
1032s love her friendship she has the sweetest
1035s attitude and is an amazing
1038s friend what does being a friend mean to
1048s you
1056s what does being a friend mean to you
1058s guys that's a really good question isn't
1072s not great question sh uh shant take
1077s mushrooms does m have have a least
1080s favorite
1081s uh seasoning
1084s Skype let's wait for him to uh answer
1087s about being a friend real quick and then
1089s we can ask a few other questions guys
1091s come on ask the Deep questions how do
1094s you get to know a person how do you get
1096s to know a
1106s person great question what is a
1109s wonderful moment you never forget with
1115s Casey it means enjo being a friend means
1119s it means enjoying what you are doing and
1121s getting involved no matter how silly the
1123s plans being there to
1126s understand can you
1129s share a
1131s wonderful moment you have
1136s shared with Casey
1143s in the meanwhile guys I see some people
1144s asking about uh band accounts uh I want
1148s to address that uh real quick just to
1150s get it out of the way we have no
1152s resources of talking about this
1154s especially on a live stream but scms we
1156s don't have it so if you have any
1158s questions the best place to go is
1160s through our support in game they are
1162s able to uh talk about specificities in a
1165s way that we cannot do that especially on
1167s the live stream so I just wanted to to
1169s get that out of the
1171s way back to mil strong real quick oh
1174s wait great kid hold on I want to
1176s interview
1185s you after uh ma answers this question
1189s guys I want us to think a little bit
1191s together about a lesson what have we
1193s learned from this little conversation
1196s yes we did a ceremony a few years ago
1198s and got all all our friends together to
1200s celebrate our
1201s friendship that's awesome ma that's
1207s beautiful I'm glad that you are able to
1209s use sky as a platform to talk about
1213s Casey and and to share your love love
1216s towards her so Chad what have we learned
1220s here real
1221s quick okay quick question
1224s ma is it
1226s easier to make
1230s oops make friends online versus IR
1238s L
1240s why and is it
1244s different being
1248s friends with
1254s somebody
1256s online
1258s versus i r
1269s l Lum lunar Z on YouTube says that it's
1272s definitely easier making friends in
1273s YouTube me online interesting I I
1277s disagree I disagree I I I think it's so
1280s good to meet people face to face there
1282s is something about energy right and
1284s there is something
1286s about exchanging that enery
1289s right nothing beats a hug I'm a hugger
1291s if you ever meet me at a sky assemblies
1294s please hug me I would love to do that I
1296s would love to do
1297s that uh ma says definitely especially in
1300s Sky because you get to see who they want
1302s to be and the best of who they are
1306s that's awesome Ma I want to take a photo
1309s of
1310s you in your favorite
1313s location and if you don't mind possibly
1316s share that photo possibly through our
1320s social medias so if you can make and
1322s strike your favorite pose That'll be
1325s amazing in three two
1328s one H let's do it again one two three
1336s go
1338s oh awesome thank you Ma that was very
1342s very
1344s thoughtful uh of you to do this with me
1348s thank you so so much
1350s in the
1351s meanwhile how do you guys enjoy humans
1354s of Sky you guys that's what I'm talking
1356s about it it's about getting to know
1359s people and
1361s understanding who they really are let me
1364s let
1369s me let me say hi to this folk here
1372s because I do not know you and I would
1373s love to get to know
1376s you look at a cape
1379s so
1381s beautiful
1389s wow good Adventures to you too M thank
1391s you thank you for sharing a little bit
1393s of view with
1395s us uh let's do random for now but we
1398s will ask their
1399s name as soon as we open
1403s chat Za Jeff what kind of name is that
1405s Za Jeff it's a beautiful name don't get
1407s me wrong but
1410s certainly feels random it certainly
1413s feels
1417s random oh thank
1422s you I'll love to share a
1424s hug are you guys Huggers or do you like
1428s to keep your distance a little bit I got
1431s it both my sister is not a hugger and I
1434s certainly certainly
1436s certainly understand why that would be
1438s the case
1451s hello what
1454s is
1456s your
1457s Sky
1467s name
1479s so we can fix the name right I think
1482s that's a good
1484s idea I only hug those close to me Rose
1487s Senai says that I get it I get it it's
1489s something intimate right it's something
1491s that you are you are very
1494s close helan what a beautiful name wow I
1499s I'll call you helan
1501s sure
1505s oops
1507s helian
1510s helan uh as you may
1516s know we are on
1523s stream do you
1527s mind giving us
1531s oops uh
1535s interview for the
1539s chat my
1541s name is
1546s [Music]
1551s Tio awesome would you take me to your
1554s favorite
1557s place
1559s [Music]
1571s I need a TGC friend to be honest you
1573s don't need it you have it I'm your
1575s friend come say hi come to the
1579s game Call Me
1586s Maybe all right guys let's go find where
1590s is Helen's favorite place in the Realms
1593s of
1594s sky and see what that says about them a
1596s little
1604s bit did you see that is that left you oh
1607s you stop it it's just a regular left
1610s oops sure I have to think it's a closed
1613s container between Valley and Vault o
1616s well whatever it is
1619s you can take me
1634s there too many people in a very tight
1637s location you guys too many
1644s people all right let's
1647s go
1650s uh the quicker way to get there the
1652s better uh just so we can keep going with
1654s the interview but yeah crab karaoke
1657s stream oh you guys will be surprised I
1661s can I can't crab sing better than no
1663s other crab in the Realms uh I
1671s go oh
1675s H let's
1677s go
1685s what is your favorite location in Sky
1687s you
1689s guys let me see if I'm able to guess a
1692s little bit about you based on your
1694s favorite
1702s location hermit Valley Eden no billam we
1706s we just spoke about Eden no
1710s no the Forgotten Arc yeah it is
1714s beautiful and it's memorable seeing that
1716s change is
1730s not wow look at
1734s this yes yes yes yes
1739s there you go that's what we're talking
1741s about that is what we are talking about
1743s you
1761s guys oh look at all those great kits
1764s let's
1767s go
1769s it's okay let's
1776s go what makes
1781s you
1784s love
1785s love
1789s love the
1797s moon a you want shine as bright as me
1799s you won't shine as bright as you are you
1802s kidding are you kidding a lot of people
1805s have this mysticism about the moon right
1807s my my partner being one of them she
1810s absolutely loves the moon and sometimes
1813s I just catch her they dreaming and I
1814s would do anything to learn what's in her
1818s mind I offer her five cents but she
1820s wouldn't tell me for five cents and and
1823s that's all I had that's all I had so I'm
1825s still
1827s unsure
1833s the Moon is a reflection of my love for
1836s all my friends interesting the moon does
1839s reflect sunlight so maybe what Helen is
1841s saying here is that her friends shine uh
1845s light upon them that's
1848s cool uh
1850s Helen
1852s oops
1854s Helen can you
1857s share
1860s the
1862s happiest
1865s memory you can't oops you can think
1881s of so many sky
1886s kids and here you go chat if you guys
1889s have questions for Helen it's a good
1890s time to
1895s ask not to me don't ask questions to me
1897s you have to ask questions to Helen to
1901s this beautiful beautiful sky kid with a
1903s beautiful Cape too no
1905s less guys hold on hold on let us let us
1909s uh talk a little bit I will light all
1912s candles I I might even ask a few of you
1914s guys to hang out a little
1917s bit I think we may have time for one
1920s more person after
1922s heing Moon control the waves and our
1925s bodies are over 70% water imagine how
1928s the moon affects us that that's a really
1930s really good question dilia on
1934s YouTube the first time I played this
1936s game I met someone named Mar Marie Mari
1939s Mahi she's the first bright star in my
1942s constellation oh that's
1947s cute
1951s uh what is your
1958s favorite
1960s memory
1962s with
1972s Marie without her I would have never
1974s imagined a place like here
1977s wow
1981s also what is your favorite memory with
1982s Marie and what is
1988s oops the
1993s biggest the biggest
1995s lesson this
1998s friendship has taught
2007s you
2012s you guys in Eden oh my goodness my
2014s favorite memory is when we first went to
2016s Eden for the first
2024s time so uh helian what is the biggest
2027s lesson this friendship has taught
2029s you by the way Chad I I want to learn a
2032s little bit about you guys too what is
2034s the biggest lesson a friend has taught
2037s you
2038s I would like to read a few
2041s online rer Kitty uh is asking what's
2045s their favorite food we can ask
2048s that oh oh Marie taught me that it's
2051s okay to be
2053s vulnerable that's true it is
2065s okay can you share a
2070s moment you
2072s felt
2077s vulnerable please feel
2080s free to say
2083s no if
2091s uncomfortable it is okay to be
2092s vulnerable you guys what a beautiful
2094s lesson what a beautiful thing to learn
2097s from a friend
2099s sometimes we we try to be way too strong
2102s and and guys it's
2104s tiring it's tiring to pretend to be
2107s strong all the time you know like it's
2109s it's very much okay to just take a step
2113s back and
2115s feel Ju Just Let the feeling sink you're
2118s human and once they do maybe what's
2121s being so Troublesome is not going to be
2126s anymore I'm glad I was able to let him
2129s in just like how Aurora said when a
2131s human Strokes your skin that is when you
2134s let them in oh that's beautiful thank
2138s you helian thank you so much thank you
2140s so
2148s much I appreciate you thank
2153s you oh
2155s helan chat asked
2159s about your favorite
2168s food and why do you enjoy it so
2187s much
2189s oh helan saying about her friend Marie I
2191s felt like I could trust her and when she
2193s guided me everywhere and especially
2197s Eden if not to trust a friend who are we
2201s to trust
2205s right what the
2207s trust anybody wants to share a lesson
2210s that they may have learned from speaking
2211s to
2213s helan in
2217s chat
2232s uh dilia says the French ship is
2234s beautiful
2236s indeed the Marie is a great uh Sky Kid
2239s indeed and the Moon is nice that's good
2243s lessons oh that's a good question I
2245s really enjoy pizza but I don't have any
2247s real favorites
2251s who if you could
2255s share
2256s pizza with
2259s anybody in the
2262s world who would it be and that would be
2265s the last question
2269s to helian and then we probably going to
2272s talk to another Sky Kid and possibly be
2275s the last one you
2276s guys
2289s by the way chat how are you guys
2290s enjoying this as I said this is an
2292s experimental stream I want to find a way
2294s to really get to know people and
2297s people's
2305s stories can hen explain their entire
2308s story specifically to draw out the
2309s length of of the stream we're going to
2311s talk to somebody else uh shant shant
2320s shant dude you can't change servers in
2322s the area uh in there there are a lot of
2324s people who want to talk to you yep yep
2326s I'll try to talk some to some folks too
2328s well I know someone else who really
2330s likes pizza and there'll be angry bird
2333s AB thank you uh helan thank you for your
2338s connection and your
2340s friendship I celebrate
2343s you but it's time to talk to another Sky
2346s Kid so thank you so
2349s much let's try a gray sky
2362s kid I would talk to the beautiful sky
2365s kid
2366s there with the black
2375s cape let's be friends if you like it's
2379s okay if you don't
2385s right T I love this game you give me
2387s comeback uh to believe in people that's
2390s good it's important it's important to
2392s believe in people it's a beautiful
2395s thing with a saxophone
2398s we have a musician here you
2400s guys maybe we can talk about
2414s music let's unlock chat real quick let's
2416s unlock chat real quick quick are you L
2419s are you just looking for different sky
2421s kids in the lobby yep yep I just want to
2424s talk to to
2426s folks and and get to know them and get
2429s to know them personally ideally people
2431s are still talking a lot about Sky I want
2433s to know something
2435s about their soul you know but I get it
2439s it's difficult and maybe that's me you
2441s know maybe it's me having a hard time um
2445s connecting with folks but I will get
2447s better at that if you guys enjoy this
2449s stream if you guys don't it's okay too
2452s we we can have different kinds of
2456s streams but I thought that this would be
2458s something uh something cool right one
2463s thing about sky is that it attracts
2466s similar people and I can possibly
2470s believe I'm the only person who's really
2472s trying to get to know people in a
2474s personal
2476s level because we all love the same thing
2478s we all love the same
2480s game
2486s hi you are
2489s on
2491s tgc's
2494s stream what's your
2499s [Music]
2516s name what to say hi to
2524s chat Echo what an interesting name
2533s [Music]
2537s Echo Echo do you
2540s mind
2541s having
2545s a my heav a short
2555s [Music]
2565s interview
2570s okay all
2571s right would you take me to your favorite
2579s pleas
2590s Sky all right guys let's see what echo
2593s says let's see who Eko
2595s is I'm
2603s excited Isn't that cool that Sky allows
2605s us to do these kinds of things
2609s no no no no no no no no no not eating
2612s not eating not eating no no no no no no
2614s no no no no no no no no no e
2620s no uhuh I told you guys the places you
2625s love the most says a lot about you and I
2627s want nothing to do with Eden because the
2629s other day Josh took me to
2634s Wasteland in the middle of the Stream
2641s some place beautiful some place
2657s beautiful in the meanwhile I'll start
2660s asking a
2661s question I see you play
2666s music
2668s [Music]
2672s what does music
2675s mean to
2682s you what does music mean to you
2696s guys
2704s an artist not a
2706s musician what kind of
2718s art I love playing music in sky so much
2721s I I wish I could say the same I wish I
2722s could say the same I I I uh I can only
2726s celebrate people's birthday this and
2729s poorly but hey it comes from the heart
2731s it comes from the
2733s heart music is a way of Express to
2737s express emotions in a fundamental way I
2740s agree uh I hear something that is really
2742s cliche uh but I agree that the same way
2745s that painting covers a canva or yeah a
2749s canvas uh music paints time and I find
2752s that so
2754s beautiful right I think it's the
2756s vibration something that really touches
2758s you nothing really beats a song that
2761s touches you
2763s deeply nothing really I draw dragons how
2771s cool why
2775s dragons what is so
2779s interesting about
2786s them
2790s dragons how
2793s interesting when I think dragons I
2795s immediately go to to medieval dragons
2799s you know like lizardy large ideally
2803s seven
2804s heads but how interesting somebody who
2807s draws
2808s dragons they are very beautiful and
2811s epic what do
2815s dragons represent present to
2821s you strength
2826s power
2831s fearsome look I know some cultures do
2834s consider dragons to be a lucky
2839s figure
2841s wisdom wow
2844s wow
2846s so
2848s are
2849s you
2851s sharing your
2854s wisdom when you
2859s draw
2862s [Music]
2864s dragons do
2866s you
2868s consider yourself a
2872s wise
2873s [Music]
2876s person
2884s I love that song too what
2888s song the Krabby
2892s Krab my profile picture is actually a
2895s dragon this Dragon Nam is the shinkai
2897s hence my username and he's My OC for
2900s pretty much everything how cool shinkai
2902s that's cool what what what about shinkai
2905s the dragon uh ma you add that as a
2915s profile
2916s [Music]
2925s [Music]
2927s Echo perhaps ah there you go perhaps a
2930s wise
2931s person what
2933s does wisdom mean
2938s why are you a wise
2954s person do you consider yourselves
2957s wise I consider myself a fool to be
2961s honest I mean who would put on their
2964s right mind putting themselves on camera
2967s in front of a bunch of sky
2969s kids I am a fool but I appreciate wisdom
2973s I I think our company TGC has a lot of
2975s very very wise
2988s folks this uh this Sky Kid Mur hatch is
2992s slamming that guitar I don't think I'm
2995s wise you can be wise for everyone wisdom
2998s is
2999s different what is it for
3007s you and why
3010s can't people be
3016s wise Chad can people be
3021s wise is there such a thing as a wise
3024s person both uh YouTube and twitch
3035s Alex Dolly wisdom gained through empathy
3038s humility and time yep experience ah look
3043s how beautiful you guys to Echo wisdom is
3048s peace of
3049s mind but you say that's
3056s beautiful
3057s you said people can't be
3064s wise
3066s can people ever be
3071s have
3073s complete peace of
3081s mind what
3083s brings you Echo
3091s piece of
3098s M the English guy I like wise poetic
3101s friends oh thank you well here I am
3106s claiming myself as a wise poetic person
3108s I'm not I'm not but I appreciate it
3111s that's what I should say forgive my
3114s English uh isn't here right next to the
3117s servers no no no no civia I am not I am
3120s not I am right next to my router which
3123s on occasion blinks
3133s red on occasion on occasion where are we
3137s still
3138s here oh look at enigo you look so cute
3142s Inigo I don't think people can but I
3146s want to believe it for me I don't know
3149s yep I think it's
3153s important
3155s important to
3158s believe that
3161s peace is
3165s possible do you
3170s remember a
3172s time you
3174s had peace of mind
3178s or maybe guys get this wisdom is peace
3182s of
3183s mind dragons represent wisdom therefore
3188s dragons represent peace of mind and to
3191s our dear friend eeko here drawing
3194s dragons is what brings him or or them
3198s rather sorry eeko peace of
3201s mind it's it's what we call meditation I
3205s I think that's what meditation is
3206s supposed to provide
3209s any is is the
3212s [Music]
3213s full plitude in sense that you
3217s are
3220s um at
3223s rest no
3235s worries
3237s I was a kid then things are much more
3239s complicated now than they used to be
3242s yep growing
3249s up
3252s but a friend
3255s called
3257s M
3259s said
3262s uh that there's
3265s Beauty
3267s stepping into the
3272s unknown and a
3274s friend
3276s called
3279s helian said
3282s friends can
3285s help to
3288s accept vulnerability V nerability
3294s so Echo
3301s I want to
3303s say it's
3305s okay to be
3311s vulnerable and I
3317s promise
3319s things will be
3323s okay and you will
3327s find
3331s wisdom and peace of
3335s mind you will be the
3343s dragon you
3347s draw you already
3350s are you draw
3355s yourself
3362s yay there you go Echo thank you thank
3365s you for sharing a piece of VI with
3368s me and with our chat thank
3373s you now I will let go what time is it
3376s guys is it time to go
3378s chat is it time to
3385s go
3396s four minutes no it's not time to go hey
3399s you guys tell me I do this for you if
3400s you guys are having a good time I am
3402s having a good
3403s time although I think Tes and some of
3405s the other people helping the mod need to
3407s go unas okay it's Becca we'll do one
3411s more person okay we'll do one more
3414s person who will that be oh look look at
3416s this little oh my friend you look so
3424s cute wait a second I'm surrounded by
3427s people who are all of these
3432s people oh you're holding a fox ah how
3436s adorable hey Fox
3440s kid accept this candle in exchange for
3443s your
3445s [ __ ] thank
3448s you guys this one will be quick this
3451s again is humans of Skye well we learn a
3455s little bit about the person behind the
3457s mask behind the Sky Kid mask and who
3460s they really
3472s are yay chat
3475s accepted let's talk a little bit hi
3478s little one with the
3483s fox what's your Sky
3500s name you are on
3505s stream is it okay if we chat a bit in
3512s front of the
3519s Watchers let's change their name it's
3533s Chi and can you
3537s take me to your
3541s favorite place in
3546s Sky H CH is watching
3548s too I guess all of these folks are
3553s watching that devil in Sky time to
3556s finish my dinner enjoy dinner my friend
3558s thank you for hanging out with us and
3559s thank you for being part of something
3561s that honestly I'm considering to be
3565s beautiful
3569s where is Cheese's favorite
3573s place don't you guys love chibies
3576s they're so
3577s cute
3580s whoa I thought the flower was your
3582s favorite place but no let's
3586s go let's
3592s go I have a few questions already for
3595s Chi but but I'm going to wait a little
3597s bit until we get to the place that they
3601s love so much and then we can start
3606s talking and then we can St start talking
3610s guys uh while we get we were just
3613s talking about wisdom and peace of
3619s mind
3621s uh what is peace of mind to you I think
3624s Alex shared with us right so let let me
3627s change the
3629s question do you guys
3633s think dragons mean something different
3636s than what Echo shared with us what do
3638s dragons mean to
3643s [Music]
3650s you look at a beautiful
3655s flight
3659s again folks Chi will be the last human
3663s of sky that we're going to be talking to
3667s today strongness dragons are
3674s strongness endless
3683s possibilities let's take a very quick
3685s look here
3687s folks
3688s [Music]
3689s on
3691s YouTube wow we have like over 140 people
3694s hanging out with us on YouTube and 111
3697s on Twitch thank you guys for uh being
3698s here with us I'm having a good time as
3701s you guys know we we try to make a mix
3703s and match between providing
3705s informational streams uh we've been
3707s doing ttis and I have been doing some
3709s patch not breeds uh with you and uh and
3713s on occasion I'm bringing whether content
3715s creators or in the future dabs for a
3718s quick interview
3720s so uh yeah it's a mix and match I I I do
3724s love these kinds of content though that
3726s is just me talking to you guys uh I have
3729s a good time I have a good time and I
3731s hope to be adding a little bit to uh you
3734s guys as well let's be wise
3739s together a wiser I should say we're on
3745s fire
3747s you're such a good flyer I I love how
3749s you guys can just like go from wind path
3751s to wind path and go to the right
3753s locations do you know what I would have
3754s done I would have gone home and home I
3757s would have
3760s stayed just kidding just kidding I do
3763s have my favorite place in Sky too a few
3765s a couple of places a couple of places
3767s but maybe that that's a topic for one
3769s day that maybe one of you guys
3772s interviews me how about
3774s that where are we going to the Festa
3778s we're going to Cheese's favorite
3780s place we're going to cheese favorite
3782s place I'm by myself am I by myself cheat
3786s where are you
3787s [Music]
3791s no I lost
3793s Chi No Chi come
3796s back ah there you are no that's not
3800s Chi come
3805s back
3809s oh no we lost our
3818s friend
3819s hi oh we're not friends what is that
3823s muray
3824s hatch be my friend oh did you guys see
3828s that stance so brave and courageous wow
3835s wow
3842s guys this will be our final one okay and
3845s hence it will be on the shoulder side
3853s okay
3855s hi what is your
3861s name ah Moody head knows of chi poor Chi
3870s Ashton nice to meet
3874s you do you
3876s mind talking a little bit about
3882s yourself to the
3885s chat
3887s DC's stream
3895s chat
3903s oh some people on
3905s Twitch twitch
3908s loves your
3915s B uh your
3918s stance is very
3925s courageous
3928s are you a brave
3935s person are you a brave
3938s person it's not easy to be brave you
3941s guys it's not easy to be
3945s brave oh
3947s no why
3955s not
3967s I don't know I checken out of things a
3969s lot hold on let me just fix your name
3977s ashin um could you give us an
3985s example
3989s let's be pragmatic right chicken out of
3993s things a lot about what because there
3995s are things that are worth checking out
3996s out
3999s of right I think so I have chicken out
4002s many times I have chicken out of doing a
4005s stream
4010s forever we just have to
4015s overcome
4025s I can't be brave about wanting to do
4027s something like singing in front of
4029s people I don't know them
4032s immediately I don't know Dan immediately
4034s don't want to do it after seeing all the
4038s people oh I
4042s see but let me ask you
4047s [Music]
4051s uh is
4052s [Music]
4055s there a proud
4058s moment you have
4060s lived
4064s through that you can
4070s share
4072s graduating finding a
4074s job
4077s [Music]
4084s jip can you
4088s share oops I don't mean to scream I
4091s don't mean to scream I'm so sorry Ashton
4094s it was on caps lock I missed it I'm so
4101s sorry that Sky Cricket be the bravest
4104s you ever been
4111s you see you
4114s see you see
4118s Ashton you are
4124s brave in
4131s you head the
4134s reward
4139s it's okay to
4142s be
4148s fearful it's only a
4153s sign there will be a standing
4158s probation at the
4164s end
4170s so I want to challenge
4179s you
4184s whenever you
4186s feel like chicken
4192s out just Dive
4194s In
4202s maybe maybe you are not a
4207s chicken maybe you are a
4212s eagle and you
4224s s Kaka
4229s way of ending a speech with a
4236s Kaka that's funny all right thanks
4252s Ashton thanks
4254s ashon
4256s and thank everybody watching us uh right
4259s now on the stream did you guys have a
4261s good time with humans of
4270s Sky did you guys have a good
4273s [Music]
4282s time vicha says yes whoop whoop I'm
4285s sorry guys sometimes I may miss your
4287s chat because I have to coordinate two
4289s separate chats right and that can be a
4290s little bit difficult but I I appreciate
4294s every single one of you uh thank you for
4296s joining uh if you guys enjoyed it maybe
4299s we can have one more humans of sky in
4301s the future so just let me know in the
4304s chat as we wrap this up uh come talk to
4306s me on uh Twitter you know uh at to the
4311s crab or just go to any of the sky social
4314s medias and you'll find me there we can
4316s talk and yeah hopefully I was able to
4319s brighten your day and hopefully there
4323s has been lessons that these folks
4325s stories have brought up uh it's okay to
4329s be
4329s vulnerable but face your fears so you
4332s can receive a standing ovation at the
4335s end and once you step into the
4338s unknown you may
4340s find uh something beautiful at the end
4344s okay so that's pretty much all I have
4346s for you guys today thank you so much for
4348s hanging out my name is Tio and I'll see
4351s you guys soon or hopefully within the
4353s next week on another TGC stream bye guys
4357s love you
4362s [Music]
4374s guys
4382s [Music]
4398s [Music]
4417s [Music]