11 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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601s hello hello hello everyone welcome to
606s another TGC stream I hope everybody's
608s doing well Chad how are you doing do you
610s hear me okay you should be hearing me
613s okay do you hear this beautiful music I
615s actually put my favorite Sky OST to play
618s in the back for you so I hope you enjoy
620s it as much as I do but talk to me Chad
623s what's going on are you guys doing okay
626s ducky Le hello I'm doing fine alessi on
629s Twitch
630s hi Muse hello hello
633s hello I'm very happy to be here with you
636s guys uh and excuse my eyes I'm going to
638s be looking here for the chat I'm going
640s to be looking there to read I'm going to
642s be looking in your eyes as we chat a
645s little bit but how's everybody doing did
648s you guys watch the hug Aton event that
650s we had last week that was really cool
653s and I made so many friends is kind of
655s incredible now every time I go to Sky
658s somebody comes by to to give me a
660s driveby hug the other day I was doing
662s one of the trials and somebody came and
665s just hugged me and said good luck and
667s left and I'm like okay iess I guess
669s that's how we make friends in Sky do you
672s guys have any fun stories with friends
674s in Sky let us know in the chat and while
677s you guys bring up uh your friend stories
680s I would very much like to introduce one
683s of my really good friends and somebody
686s that I know you guys have missed dearly
688s since our last
689s patch notes
691s reading uh tetis is the joy of my heart
696s we have the best time together uh ttis
699s and I are very much alike although I
702s think she is uh hey we can hear you
705s laughing tus hold on hold on let me
707s introduce you soon U let me bring you to
709s the stream soon but we are very much
711s alike and we do have a lot of fun
713s together and without further Ado since
715s you're already laughing T this welcome
718s welcome to the Stream how are you
722s doing pis how are you doing talk to
726s me I am doing fantastic how about
729s yourself I'm doing great uh I've been
732s looking forward hear me oh now now I can
734s now I can now I can hear you perfect
737s don't worry about
738s it and as long as people can hear you we
741s are totally fine it doesn't matter what
743s I hear it matters what the few hundred
746s people watching the patch node streams
748s are listening to and hopefully it's your
750s voice not
757s mine do you hear me tus there you go
760s there you go I get a
772s laughter were you guys able to hear ttis
775s you guys let me know in the meanwhile
777s I'm going to lower my
780s uh audio here the soundtrack and maybe I
783s can hear that is a little bit
786s better tus has the biggest heart yes
789s indeed she does who said that it was
791s that cosplay
792s hermet I'm
797s gonna talk to me ttis I think I I hear
800s you fine now okay so hang on one second
803s so I can only hear you through the
804s stream I can't hear you through our chat
808s oh hold on hold on hold on that's an
810s easy fix how about
813s now now I can hear you through the chat
816s there you go you guys you see you see
819s sometimes life presents us with a little
822s bit of challenges but it's all about
824s getting with your friends and overcoming
826s and sometimes it's just unmuting
827s yourself on a zoom
830s call thank you oh my gosh now I don't
832s feel so bad all right okay tus hold on
835s hold on let's do it again okay just do
840s so yeah guys I'm going to introduce you
842s to my really good friend ttis uh we are
844s very much alike I love her very much and
846s with no for their do Hi ttis how are you
849s doing oh hi TI it's so good to see you
854s flawless flawless execution hopefully my
856s manager is not watching this and if you
859s are weirder uh hi sorry about that but
863s guys there's something that I really
866s want to share with you guys because you
868s guys saw how much I love ttis right and
872s this week was ttis birthday and that is
876s really exciting to me that makes me
878s really really happy so I would like to
883s celebrate happy birthday that happy
886s birth thank you so much I appreciate it
888s Happy Birthday to everybody who's
890s celebrating within this week if you guys
893s are celebrating your birthday uh let us
895s know because we want to wish you guys a
897s very happy birthday and thank thank you
899s for celebrating with us happy birthday
901s everybody you see the chat chat is going
904s crazy people yes sir really on YouTube
906s Happy Birthday ttis mush says happy
909s birthday thank you everybody that is so
911s precious I love you
913s all ttis what are we here to do today
917s what what what are you supposed to be
918s doing um we're going to read some patch
923s notes I think let's read some patch
925s notes and this patch notes was actually
928s Hefty was he not it was pretty long
931s there is a lot going on in there we've
933s got uh there's been a lot of updates
935s there's been a lot of information to
937s share some changes that are really
939s exciting so I hope everybody enjoys
941s reading it and playing it yay let's get
944s to this soon and just to let you guys
946s know I really want to acknowledge uh
949s somebody who's very present in our
952s Discord not as present on our other
954s social medias but sag uh typed
958s everything that you're guys saw on the
960s patch notes and as you can see it's a
962s lot of work and sag is sadly a little
965s bit sick and I would like us to share
968s some heart with sag so please wish her
970s well she's going to be better soon and
972s coming back to us hopefully sometime
974s next week so sag feel better good friend
978s uh ttis say your wishes to Sag get
982s better sag I miss
984s you we all miss you we all miss you
987s dearly but but what I do miss too is
990s reading patch notes it's been a little
993s bit of time since we did the last uh
995s reading let's get this going let's get
998s this party going let's do it so patch
1001s notes
1003s 0245 being released in all our major
1006s platforms so tus let's get going I'm
1010s going to read the introductions and then
1011s we can jump into what it's bringing
1014s greetings adventurers oh hold on hold on
1017s let me do my my my good voice okay
1019s okay greetings adventurers this update
1023s brings you the rest of the season of the
1025s N color D deer the return of Sky's most
1030s I should have had you read this
1032s florif
1034s florer Sky most for fif for first event
1037s some quality of life changes for I ofen
1040s and Hefty list Hefty list of other fixes
1044s and improvements that is why don't you
1046s bring us to the season of the N color
1049s deer excellent okay so the season of the
1052s nine colored deer continues the story
1054s continues to unfold in the Crescent
1056s Oasis area as the fourth and fifth
1058s seasonal quests become available in this
1060s patch follow the final chapters as the
1063s consequences of the spirits chils Ripple
1064s through CR Crescent Oasis and your sky
1067s child is called upon to set things right
1070s as we always do once you complete the
1073s fifth Quest a new location in Crescent
1075s Oasis opens to you this tranquil
1077s peaceful Glade is perfect for relaxing
1080s composing just the right photograph or
1082s if you have the radiance of the nine
1083s color deer Cape you and your friends can
1085s enjoy the company of The Season's
1087s legendary creature with it when it
1090s periodically enters the space I have to
1093s swallow I have to swallow Tes let me let
1095s me hold you for a second I'm very happy
1097s that I'm not the only one eating my
1098s words today so I appreciate it this this
1101s is called inclusion chat this is called
1104s inclusion I appreciate it that thank you
1106s for me anything for you anything for you
1108s thank you thank you I I belong now I
1110s appreciate that good season of the nine
1113s color deer can be played until
1116s 11:59 p.m. March 31st that's PDT guys
1119s UTC minus 7 uh once the season ends
1123s please know that some features of the
1125s collaboration will change the nine color
1127s deer's appearance will be updated and
1129s all collaboration items the gift of the
1131s nine color deer Radiance of the ncolor
1133s deer and the deer themed mask in the
1135s season guide friendship will no longer
1137s be available these are not currently
1140s scheduled to return at a later time
1143s however the deemed hair accessories as
1145s well as the seasonal quest with will
1148s remain permanently available to all
1151s players so that's it you guys for season
1154s of the N color deer make sure to play
1156s all of the quests all the way through
1157s the end uh tius are you enjoying the
1160s season of the nine color deer I really
1162s am I uh this was my introduction to this
1165s story so I am really enjoying myself
1168s it's been it's a beautiful season that
1170s area is so cool I I so pretty I was
1173s planning to do a little hide and seek
1175s there but my plans fell apart so maybe
1177s hey new friends let's play some hide and
1179s seek that would be really cool we should
1183s we should we should we should but what
1186s else does the patch notes bring us
1188s something that people definitely will be
1190s missing and hoping
1192s for well sounds like maybe days of
1195s Bloom the they're for
1197s ferse first the first
1201s event after the storms and the rains the
1204s flowers return at last over three weeks
1206s from Midnight March 25th through 11:59
1211s April 14th Prairie Peaks is the heart of
1214s this year's days of Bloom gradually
1216s transforming as seasonal storms Make Way
1219s for a landscape of vivid blossoms each
1222s week the scary unfolds in different
1224s stages first week rainstorms arrive in
1227s Prairie pigs and social light appears
1229s over the river and I just have to say
1232s prairie Peaks is hands down my favorite
1235s place in Sky I there are other places
1239s that I like hanging out with like I
1241s really like Village of dreams but
1243s Prairie pigs is just
1245s breathtaking yes it is stunning it is
1247s also one of my favorite maps to go to it
1249s is a wonderful place uh being close to
1253s yosity it just reminds me of that just
1256s it's
1256s amazing what is your favorite place is
1259s that the actual mountains or staying by
1261s the rivers the maybe the mountains I
1264s definitely love the
1265s mountains guys in chat what is your
1267s favorite part of prairie Peaks let us
1269s know as I keep reading this on the
1272s second week rainstorm ends more flowers
1275s begin to grow ah missed opportunity to
1277s say begin to bloom but they begin to
1279s grow as the water from the rains fill
1282s the river and add more social lights and
1284s in the third week the river returns to
1286s its regular level as Prairie Peaks
1288s reaches well Peak
1291s Bloom yes that's exciting because those
1294s the way the whole area looks during this
1297s is spectacular I if you don't if you're
1301s going to miss something don't miss Bloom
1303s because Bloom is an amazing event coming
1306s up you know what that is when I joined
1308s TGC it was really close to days of Bloom
1310s so like days of Bloom speaks dearly and
1313s really close to my heart it is yeah it's
1316s a precious precious
1319s gift in Sky flowery gift to Sky very
1323s very flowery keep an eye out for new
1326s creatures arriving with the reins and
1328s you can even become a creature yourself
1331s from the second week a meditation Circle
1333s near the event guide in prair Peaks
1335s allows you to transform into a jellyfish
1337s to see and join hundreds of other sky
1340s kids soaring above the meadows and
1341s between the mountain tops in jellyfish
1344s form uh as if the butterflies were not
1346s enough like transforming into a
1349s butterfly was a beautiful thing that's
1351s why we have that little butterfly
1353s flowing on the corner of your screen but
1356s jellyfish I I used to to raise jellyfish
1360s and they're just beautiful misar rising
1363s and I want to be a jellyfish I want to
1365s be a jellyfish it's so much fun being a
1367s jellyfish I love it should I read the
1370s next part yeah please okay so we have
1373s five event currency uh can be found each
1376s day and where they're found will be
1377s affected by the weather early in the
1379s event so the first week there will be
1381s three if you're daring enough to stand
1383s where lightning has been known to strike
1385s woo one after interacting with the event
1388s guide and one placed in the area for the
1391s second and third week four placed in the
1394s area and one from the season from the
1396s event guide not the season guide the
1397s event guide so during Sky's annual
1400s celebration of Nature's transient Beauty
1402s you can see returning favorites from
1404s previous years tranquil trees return to
1406s home and the Hidden Forest social space
1408s SP and the season of lightseeker spirits
1410s will be for in forgotten Ark to welcome
1413s the wild flowers and migrating
1414s butterflies that will turn the Desert
1416s Sands in a rainbow of colors don't
1419s forget once the butterflies arrive in
1420s forgotten Ark there will be a meditation
1422s Circle there too if you want to join the
1423s butterfly migration with Sky Kids from
1425s across the servers too so that's coming
1428s back which is so exciting that was so
1430s popular last year and I'm really
1432s enjoying that are awesome butterflies
1435s what a perfect use of our uh Festival
1438s TCH back it's perfect I cannot wait for
1440s the jellyfish I cannot wait long enough
1442s oh it's going to be amazing I mean just
1444s being able to be different creatures in
1445s Skies already just the top of the peak
1448s right there for sure although I'm I'm
1451s hoping for the day that I'm gonna be a
1453s man I I want to be because I look like
1455s one already and I'm pretty sure I sound
1457s like one so that that would be just just
1460s me it's just me you know I don't know
1463s whatever metat do they they blob around
1466s they they hop around they jump around
1468s but that would be me blobbing hopping
1471s jumping as for new items in days of
1473s Bloom excuse me uh ttis uh no please go
1476s right ahead no go right ahead all right
1478s I will there's a variety to choose from
1481s following the theme for this year's
1482s event bloom a you should have read that
1486s bloom AR arum Bloom arum pedal Cape 48
1490s event currency Bloom spiky spring hair
1492s Bloom arum pedal hair and Bloom Lily Pad
1497s umbrella really bad umbrella if you guys
1501s ever wanted to be a character in a ji
1504s movie that's a great opportunity to do
1506s so because a lily pad umbrella in
1508s Prairie Peaks get out of here I stream
1511s is over it's too perfect we're done
1513s we're done
1514s bye all of the prices are there guys so
1517s so you can definitely follow uh through
1520s uh tus are you ready for the umbrella I
1522s don't think I am I am ready for the
1525s umbrella because you know you can never
1526s have too many umbrellas
1529s that is true but how about lily pads can
1531s we have too many lily pads you can never
1534s have too many lily pads you need lots of
1535s lily pads lily pads just they they
1538s they're soft and they're like little
1539s ears like plant ears you can just enjoy
1542s you can just enjoy them of them as
1544s little ears that's so sweet that's very
1547s cute all right tius why don't you
1549s introduce us to uh older props there are
1552s coming back in days of Bloom okay so if
1554s you're hoping for the COS for a cosmetic
1556s proper two from our previous years you
1558s can still find the bloom pink the pink
1561s Bloom Cape the bloom butterfly
1564s Fountain uh the purple Bloom Cape the
1567s red Bloom Cape the pink Bloom hair the
1570s bloom gardening tunic the bloom tea set
1573s the purple Bloom tea set and the bloom
1576s picnic basket all with some spe some
1578s have some special features um those you
1580s can still find in the event space the
1584s event shop in Avary Village so the days
1586s of Bloom items can be found
1588s uh with the event guide spirit in the
1590s Avary Village or in the game purchase
1592s menu um don't forget free spells will
1594s also be available um for the in-game
1598s currency items as well as the Ina
1600s purchase items um in the Avary Village
1602s spell shop and from a bundle that the
1605s event guide keeps close by in Prairie
1607s Peaks days of Bloom content is available
1609s to all players who have at least started
1610s the fourth Avary Village Quest now if
1612s you just need to start it you don't need
1614s to finish it there you go so just
1616s started guys and fully appreciate the
1619s beauty that days of Bloom brings to Sky
1622s I I have to say that the picnic set and
1624s the T set when I started playing sky
1626s this my dream was just getting the table
1629s so I could chat with people without
1630s having to spend candles to open that
1632s chat so guys opportunity opportunity
1636s opportunity opportunity is knocking on
1638s your door there you go use that chance
1641s because I would in coming with our next
1645s big thing for this patch notes the
1647s spring camping a cozy gathering in
1650s daylight Prairie do you like camping
1653s ttis I do like camping I like camping a
1657s lot I I I I'll let you guys have that
1660s that little pause to let it think she
1663s likes it a lot a lot and I'll tell you
1666s something I I am a geek I I watch a lot
1669s of anime and one of my favorite animes
1671s I'm not going to say the title because I
1672s don't know if I should or could but it's
1675s about camping and it's so wholesome
1678s because it's about nothing no Adventures
1680s no fighting not jumping it's just a
1682s bunch of friends camping just camping as
1685s as we will be doing in Sky tats would
1687s would you join me in camping in Sky I
1690s would love to join you camping in Sky
1692s I'm there crazy there you go content
1695s guys maybe a camping stream where you
1696s guys can join us in building a campsite
1700s that'd be fun with no further Ado let me
1701s just get that very first paragraph and
1704s then T is if we can take the remaining
1706s you got it but thank you join Spirits
1709s from season of assembly on a short and
1711s relaxing camping trip in the Realms from
1714s Midnight March 4th until 11:59 March
1717s 10th head over to the space in daylight
1720s Prairie above the a player door to see
1723s them and make a campsite of your own
1726s during their weeklong camping trip
1727s they'll bring a fire that shares social
1729s light with everyone as well as a special
1731s shared space of shrine that offers a
1733s range of items for everyone to use
1735s including a couple of new pieces that
1737s could build something a little sturdier
1739s than just a tent head over with friends
1741s or find new ones there and you might
1743s also catch a glimpse of a mysterious
1745s creature who sometimes can be spotted in
1747s the area too h g Cadet will be in Avary
1751s Village to greet everyone and offer a
1752s Teleport option to the campsite they'll
1754s be sure to stop by and say
1756s hello now speaking of spirits who'll be
1759s paying a special
1761s visit I wonder that's very exciting
1764s exciting Spirits return spirit return
1768s for group visit you guys for two weeks
1771s from Midnight I always get these times
1773s from Midnight March 4th until 11:59
1777s March 17th four Spirits from several
1780s past seasons of sky are also heading to
1782s the area of daylight period where the
1784s spring camping will be and like spring
1786s camping there will be options to
1788s teleport to their locations directly
1790s from the event shop in Avary Village
1793s each will offer the items they brought
1795s when they first appeared as a seasonal
1796s Spirits some of them you might have seen
1798s before as traveling spirits but others
1800s will be back in their realms for the
1802s very first time since their original
1804s season keep an ey on our announcements
1807s on our social medias and yeah keep ey on
1811s our social media guys that's oh my gosh
1813s that's exciting brand new
1815s rures yep yep yep yep yep but now I'm
1819s not a veteran guys I'm a forever moth
1821s I'm a forever moth so for the upand
1824s coming stuff I'm going to let that
1826s discover because every every time I need
1828s to go through Ethan I'm go hey that does
1831s help and then every time she goes are
1833s you okay at this part and I'm like
1836s no what you talking about just carry all
1839s the way through just take me just take
1840s me correct but there are e improvements
1844s so tus take us through these
1846s improvements you betcha So based on your
1848s game based on game data as well as your
1851s feedback we're introducing some changes
1853s that are aimed at improving the gameplay
1855s experience for how avatars generally
1856s respond to damage jumping controls and
1859s wind effects these will be visibly most
1862s these will be visible mostly in eye of
1865s Eden particularly in the center of the
1866s storm but they may also appear in other
1868s parts of the game where you where your
1870s avatar can experience damage by affected
1873s be affected by wind Etc so here are some
1876s of the details so your avatar takes more
1878s damage before movement is affected so
1881s that means that that means that you can
1884s actually be hit more often before you
1886s start slowing down
1888s um so quicker Avatar movement at
1890s different stages of damage so we've
1892s improved that because we've heard your
1893s feedback um improved controls and
1895s running and jumping especially in the
1897s wind and now the game more precisely
1899s calculates players intended movements
1901s during jumps so when you're trying to
1903s get around those corners and straighten
1904s a bit so yes go let me interrupt you see
1909s maybe that's the time for me to try by
1910s myself I need you by my side just to to
1913s rescue me but now my jumps can be more
1916s precise they can be more precise side so
1918s maybe there's hope maybe there is hope
1920s and I will to become a buff mouth one
1922s day please proceed absolutely so uh if a
1925s player runs out of wing light in Eden in
1927s the center of the storm before others do
1930s they'll wait for less time to ascend
1933s with the other players in the room who
1934s haven't lost all their wing lights so
1936s we've heard you you will be able to pass
1939s on faster when one player's Avatar is
1941s injured and Fallen other players who
1943s approach them can heal them more quickly
1946s after a player loses all their Wing
1947s light in eye of Eden they'll once again
1950s be able to call and use Expressions as
1952s they wait for others to give their wing
1953s light to the statues this has been a big
1955s one you guys can actually use your
1957s remotes
1959s again Rock shelters more effectively
1962s protect sky kids yes and the prompt to
1965s deposit Wing light is prioritized over
1967s all other prompts to make that aspect of
1969s gameplay much smoother uh your lost wing
1972s light won't fall behind invisible walls
1975s where you can't reach them and so
1976s there's been adjust to strafing and
1978s changing direction in the middle of the
1980s air when you're jumping so there are
1983s we're continuing to refine the process
1985s of Eden um so these things will
1990s particularly there will be changes in
1992s the upcoming patches and you'll see them
1995s um in the eye of Eden but also in other
1997s areas such as the trial of air um so but
2000s there's more updates below when you read
2003s the patch notes in the improvements
2005s section so we'll get there soon proven
2008s sections guys and that's something that
2010s I'm very happy that you're here today
2011s too tus because uh this kind of feedback
2015s and and these sorts of bug fixing is
2018s something that ttis and I are making a
2021s very big commitment into focusing on
2023s this here uh so please talk to us as you
2027s guys see a lot of these changes came
2029s from feedback that we collected from the
2030s community so talk to us send us a DM on
2034s social media send me a DM on social
2035s media don't send please for the every
2037s everything that is Holy do not send that
2039s is a DM you don't want to know what's
2040s going to happen but knock on her door
2043s knock on her door like hey can I please
2046s no uh there is a specific Discord
2048s channel right that is for for that kind
2049s of reporting yes we have a feedback
2051s channel on Discord that is dedicated to
2054s your comments your thoughts about what
2057s can be improved in Sky um and it's
2060s essential for everyone to leave a
2062s comment if you think something doesn't
2063s work isn't working right or should be
2065s could be improved please let me know in
2068s the feedback Channel because I read that
2069s channel every single week I read every
2071s single comment and I report back to the
2073s developers um to let them know what
2075s you're saying so I'll be your voice you
2078s just have to share your thoughts oh
2080s would you be my voice if I share my my
2082s thoughts too absolutely oh okay cool so
2086s I think and you can be my voice right
2087s now I think we're gonna talk about uh
2090s daylight saving time can you can you be
2092s my voice at that absolutely so daylight
2094s savings time will take effect at 2 amm
2096s Pacific time on Sunday March 10th moving
2099s clocks ahead 1 hour so we are springing
2102s ahead time notation for events in Sky
2105s will change from UTC minus 8 to UTC
2107s minus 7 if you are in a region that does
2110s not observe this time change after March
2112s 11th daily reset will occur an hour
2114s earlier for you so note that due to
2117s technical limitations affecting the
2118s servers after reset on March 11th the
2121s clusters of season candles and treasure
2123s candles from March 10th will remain in
2125s their level for one additional hour
2128s while the clusters of season and
2129s treasure candles for the 11th spawn in
2131s their respective
2132s level the total number of season and
2134s treasure candles available in the game
2136s returns to normal at 1:00 am March 11th
2138s pacific daylight time we appreciate your
2141s understanding woo go get those candles
2143s people Chad can somebody please clip
2146s that part go get those candles people
2148s because I kind of want to use that in
2150s future streams I want to use that in
2151s future streams thank you tus for
2153s providing so much good content for me
2156s anytime
2157s it's it's time it's time you guys be
2160s ready now there's going to be a lot of
2162s reading if there wasn't so far but there
2164s has been a lot a lot a lot of
2168s improvements and Bug fixes that we want
2170s to address to you guys and honestly I
2173s don't even know if we are going to read
2174s everything or if you're only going to
2176s focus on the highlights we'll see we do
2178s have enough time but yeah so let's
2181s rotate at this why why don't you read
2183s two or three and then I read one and you
2185s read two or three and I read one
2188s sure whatever you want to
2190s do just trying to be fair you know just
2192s trying to be fair somebody needs to read
2195s the chat hold on let before we address
2197s that let me read the chat a little bit
2199s okay okay uh let's see how things are
2202s going in chat anybody talking I see a
2204s lot of lol's in chat especially on
2206s YouTube what's so funny you guys there's
2209s nothing funny move on uh ducky liit has
2213s num nom
2214s candles oh Sterling Ivy is here hello
2216s ivy
2219s uh let's see here real quick that Shad
2222s moved oh no here we go uh good evening
2226s to and ttis how are you CH doing today
2229s uh how are you doing today ttis I'm
2231s being I'm doing pretty good good I'm
2233s doing really good good I I do much
2235s better when we talk and go over some of
2240s these bugs any improvements no further
2242s Ado let's jump into the highlights that
2244s is start us off with the Android in game
2247s recording okay so Android for all you
2250s Android players in-game recordings can
2252s now be made without the UI we need one
2255s of those like Halos it
2258s goes okay another clip guys please clip
2261s that that's gonna be used in the future
2264s for amazing things happening
2268s okay it has happened Android players I
2272s have one thing to say you are welcome
2275s finally right finally um so seasonal
2277s candles are available in home again and
2280s the missing regular candles that used to
2282s be there are no longer missing so no
2284s more no more floating
2286s Flames Shader updates and improvements
2288s which among other things should make
2290s bright white a little bit less
2293s bright my turn my turn yeah adj just
2297s a stop I'm trying to be serious guys
2300s this is a serious stream okay ignore all
2302s of the jokes no we need the jokes that
2304s extends the stream okay okay where where
2308s where adjusted adjusted there you go
2310s we're well
2312s adjusted adj unlike us the controls are
2315s adjusted to make it easier to turn in
2317s the air after sliding and jumping while
2319s also keeping smooth movements especially
2322s when going fast I don't usually go fast
2325s as I said I'm a mental te but other
2328s people do go fast so that's for you guys
2330s you are welcome increase the size of the
2333s light orbs to be better visible as
2336s players reach the daily Max collectible
2338s candles as you guys see both T Tes and I
2341s wear glasses so much appreciated thank
2343s you Dev very much appreciated make it
2346s huge we don't want to miss it thank you
2348s yes just take up the screen just take up
2350s a quarter of the screen for my little
2351s candle Flames I love this one that this
2354s candles are in front of the Avary
2356s village Village realm door to indicate
2358s where treasure candles are located that
2360s day quality of life quality of life we
2364s need it makes your exploration and
2366s hunting a little bit easier go ahead and
2368s take us the next one okay so we've added
2371s recharge effect for constellation pad
2373s and friendship statue in Avary village
2376s now you can just stand on it near it
2378s around it and get your light back so to
2381s resolve technical issues with traveling
2383s Spirits appearing in different locations
2385s for different players they'll now appear
2386s in Avary Village for all players this is
2389s definitely one of those things where we
2391s want your feedback so tell us tell us
2393s your thoughts tell us your constructive
2395s criticism leave it in those channels for
2398s me and I will pass along your sentiments
2402s um and then
2403s separated separated the peaking
2405s postman's outfit into outfit and shoes
2408s woo we got some black boots if a player
2410s already had this outfit the shoes should
2412s Now display separately in their own tab
2414s of the outfit closet so that should have
2417s automatically happened yes that was a
2420s big talking point right a few a couple
2422s of weeks ago people are really really
2423s talking weeks maybe even more than that
2426s uh people talking about that so hooray
2428s guys fist bump to our devs for focusing
2431s on that thank you so much
2433s absolutely all right we fix oh is it my
2437s turn or your turn yeah it's your turn
2439s please don't hit me please don't hit
2442s me with my friendship with thetis guys
2446s is really focused on love respect and a
2448s little bit of fear from my side so but
2451s just a little just a
2454s little we fix bug that that caused music
2457s sheets from the days of love and season
2459s of the nine color deer to keep the music
2461s scale of any previously played music
2464s sheet so musicians uh I know Sago May
2467s would really appreciate that uh bless
2469s your heart if you can play the music
2471s sheets I am not that talented but I can
2473s play Happy Birthday songs and you know
2476s that's okay that's okay that's good sky
2479s kids took diving lessons and now they
2481s can do different types of Dives when
2483s they jump into water uh this is fun and
2487s exciting I absolutely love the different
2490s diving Styles they're amazing if you
2492s haven't tried it you need to try it I am
2494s not a diver like well in real life
2496s definitely not I'm terrified of the
2499s water um but uh I love doing it in Sky
2504s it's super fun I thought you gonna blame
2507s season of Abyss for your fear of water I
2508s was just hoping for that opportunity is
2511s it does it have anything to do with
2513s season of Abyss no I well like I like
2517s I'll go to the beach I'll play in the
2519s shallows but anything other than that I
2522s I will not do I don't do scuba diving I
2524s don't do deep water I can't do those
2527s those those big
2529s oceanwide games I can't do those I did
2532s have trouble with Abyss but yeah but I
2535s made it through my trouble with Abyss
2537s was huge it had a lot of teeth that was
2541s a big issue that my my thing with water
2544s is guys if you can see it don't don't
2546s get in if you can see through the water
2548s there's no reason and no way you're
2550s going to see me touching that water
2552s thank you very much for the invite
2553s though I appreciate
2555s it right should we on to the season yeah
2558s let's go the season I'll start with that
2560s one h no you go because I don't know I
2562s can't say herb to save my life soe go
2565s okay princess and the herb gatherer
2568s memory Quest fragments won't cause each
2570s other trouble if each is activated by
2572s different players at
2574s once so resolve oh
2577s no I can't read that resolve the small
2579s visual error that could make it appear
2581s that seasonal candle meter didn't fill
2583s up before forging a candle uh fix timer
2587s missing from Spirit memories quests in
2589s cres Oasis polish for feudal Lord's
2593s cloak to follow to flow better when
2596s running in chibi mode chibies chibbi
2598s chibbies it's all chibies you guys all
2602s right back to you that okay so we've
2605s adjusted the herb gatherers position on
2607s on the player's back reducing potential
2609s clipping with hats and we fix the herb
2612s gathers pants clipping issues and
2614s updated whistle sound effect from the
2616s herb gatherer expression to be audible
2618s from farther away one thing to say about
2622s that what I was whistling did my
2625s microphone not get that no no there's no
2628s whistling just Qui what a waste of a
2631s joke okay go ahead go ahead I'm I'm good
2634s with this D please fix my own
2639s whistling oh there he goes now we hear
2643s it oh see Leo was Al Leo got that Leo oh
2646s did you hear Leo oh my gosh she's in a
2649s room with a closed door I don't know how
2650s you can hear Leo go ahead Okay so we've
2654s updated the title card for the palace um
2656s made improvements for the first seasonal
2658s Quest and we fixed to prevent players
2661s from getting stuck in the palace ceiling
2663s so no longer getting those feet caught
2666s do you want me to just finish it no I'll
2669s finish it I'll finish it okay you finish
2670s it fix season deer antlers and deer Cape
2673s not glowing properly in certain parts of
2675s Eden various other bugs for the first
2678s and second seasonal Quest so here you go
2681s guys covering all uh fixed bugs uh and
2685s improvements for the season now we're
2687s going to talk a little bit more of I
2690s ofid uh if it wasn't enough all the
2692s improvements that we had before we have
2693s a little bit more maybe we should have
2695s said before for people who haven't done
2698s Eden uh spoiler alerts but for the delay
2703s good idea with that said spoil alert
2706s spoiler alert or you can see that as
2708s motivation to just go through it and no
2711s longer a spoiler right yeah that's true
2713s that's true do it just do it just do it
2716s Quest
2717s four Quest four just do it bite it B it
2721s and completed there you go additional
2723s changes related to the eye of Eden
2727s improved environment indicators for wind
2730s a few small tweaks to make it easier for
2732s chibies to climb the mountain adjusted
2735s some sheltered areas in the center of
2737s the storm to accommodate larger groups
2739s yay yay yayen is best
2745s Eden resolved animation bugs related to
2748s final moments in the area Flames
2751s properly reflect wi Direction immersing
2753s you guys yes animation for Darkness
2757s particles better reflect wind so there
2760s you go guys uh pay good attention now to
2763s the wind to have a safer Eden run uh
2767s everything here is done to make it I'm
2770s not going to say easier but definitely
2771s to get the clues of the direction of the
2774s wind so maybe unlike to you you can have
2776s safer jumps and and complete Eden
2779s without having to ask for a
2782s friend audio and appearances go ahead
2785s ttis okay so just just as a qualifier
2788s for everybody this is going to be a lot
2790s of some adjustments made to some um
2794s Cosmetics uh so there's audible portal
2797s Ambiance at the end of Vault of
2799s knowledge
2800s um sound effects updates for bridges in
2803s front of the Hidden Forest Temple uh fix
2807s hold on hold on hold on please please
2808s please wait wait wait I'm GNA slow clap
2810s to Sag again H by the way guys everybody
2813s wish sag well I know we did it but I'm
2816s sure she's going to appreciate it this
2818s copy right now for this point is
2821s just it's great please St this read it
2823s out loud and you're GNA see why it's so
2825s good okay so fixed joint alignment for
2828s fingers so that fists animate ball up
2832s properly for courageous stance when
2834s wearing certain outfits so that avatars
2837s can better show their resolve when
2838s facing down Challengers like dark
2841s dragons that's the only reason why we
2843s did it it's just so we can be like okay
2845s k
2846s what's up yes that's right that's right
2850s we look good now we not only Dodge but
2852s we look cool I cannot Dodge if you guys
2855s watch My Stream uh the other day I got
2857s cred to the face I'm still going after
2860s my
2862s wings that's okay I got winged I got
2865s cred with friends and that's the way to
2867s get cred but that's why I removed my
2869s courageous St because I didn't beat him
2872s but I will and I'm gonna look good while
2875s you'll get there all right I'm gonna I'm
2877s gonna take it over from
2879s here polish for various outfits like
2881s seasonal flight remembrance and passage
2884s outfit so that the arms and fingers
2885s better match Avatar joints polish for
2888s season of belonging outfit when other
2891s players watch you use super cool snow
2894s super cool snowboard your super cool
2896s snowboard why is it so difficult now
2898s they see it on your feet the same way as
2901s you do so show off that snowboard guys
2903s that snowboard is pretty cool actually
2905s so
2907s [Music]
2908s a spirit is the in the pleading child's
2910s memory Quest has hair again
2913s so unlike me he has
2917s hair spraying Alo Spirit appears
2919s properly in the last step of their
2921s memory quest uh go ahead tus okay
2924s traveling Spirit countdown UI displays
2927s properly uh rendering and texture
2929s terrain improvements in various areas of
2932s Starlight desert improved graphic
2934s effects for raindrops on dark plants for
2937s devices with older or less powerful
2939s hardware and candle Flames don't appear
2941s to float to the side in extreme
2944s wind and raised seasoned constellation
2947s height in Avary to account for overlap
2949s with the Gate to Eden there you go we
2952s disable constellation images rendering
2954s when the player is the level that do you
2956s guys want to skip reading these are
2957s these are all fixes all just like
2960s polishes and yeah yeah it one good way
2963s to understand these changes is look at
2967s you notice those changes you notice
2969s those changes I I think we can uh skip
2972s those uh PES and actually go to General
2975s updates and improvements in cut scenes
2978s where the player doesn't have control
2980s over their Avatar added protection to
2982s prevent them from losing winged light
2984s yes polish for a change that if a player
2987s happens to lose winged light during a
2988s cut scene others around them can pick up
2991s their wing lights for them yes
2993s friendship that's what it's all about do
2996s it together yeah together do you guys
2999s remember that show I'm not going to say
3000s the name but don't say
3003s it uh update to hair too emotes with
3007s level one uh the initiating player does
3009s the too and with level two the
3011s initiating player gets their hair toled
3013s by their
3014s friends going to a workshop in a very
3017s Village no longer overrides a return
3019s Shrine checkpoint polish to the start
3022s countdown of the course creation prop so
3024s players in the race will start at the
3026s same time and that's how we do a race
3028s maybe we should do a streaming a race
3030s streaming how about that that be F that
3032s would be fun yeah uh let's see go ahead
3036s T take it over um let's see so when a
3039s course creation prop is part of a shared
3040s memory recording its meditation Circle
3043s no longer appears when the recording is
3045s played um we've added more time to the
3048s season dreams downhill sliding Quest yay
3050s this is a good one now everybody will
3053s not be on able to finish that uh the
3057s camera and Cog menu buttons are taable
3059s while the emote expression menu is open
3062s so yes we can now take pictures with
3064s emote without too much difficulty there
3066s you go so Workshop yes now workshops now
3069s have a day and night cycle after
3070s completing the third Avary Village
3073s Quest and environment polish for the
3076s event shop in aary village and the grass
3078s doesn't clip with walls or mask the
3080s workshop this is good uh there's a new
3083s tunnel
3084s yes go no go you go I'm
3090s sorry all right I'll do it I'll do
3093s it so now there's a new tunnel that
3096s connects the event and outfit workshops
3098s in Avary
3100s Village and now be quiet thank you tws
3103s to the Avary Village firework show
3106s matchmaking enabled in aary village at
3108s the end of the Bell success timeline
3110s instead of beginning to prevent players
3112s who have finished watching the cuts
3113s scene from trying to talk to players who
3115s are still watching it resulting in
3118s feeling ignored so you don't have to
3120s feel ignored we we fixed that so you are
3124s welcome update that should resolve a bug
3126s that prevented the star feature of
3128s relationship pins from being usable by
3131s their users acquaintances purple Bloom
3133s table has no Collision until a player
3136s interacts with it to prevent griefing
3138s players who are already holding hands
3140s with someone cannot also then offer
3143s cradle carry to another player
3146s so no more jumbles that would look weird
3149s yeah I'm trying to make the meth like
3152s yeah it's like it's like those big ball
3154s of of of sky kids all
3157s together I love big balls of sky kids I
3160s I I have to say yes that is fun that is
3163s fun uh let's see here where was I
3166s meditation pad should hint text instead
3168s of confirmation
3170s menus have I skipped one the
3174s ability so to AC activate meditation
3176s circles using the sit button uh all
3179s right take it away that this okay since
3181s a player can't automatically join you
3183s when you sit at a meditation pad while
3184s you're carrying them all carry type
3187s interactions now disconnect when you try
3189s to meditate so we fixed a weird
3192s piggyback bug where if a player was
3193s being carried and then used the
3195s constellation to teleport to a friend in
3197s a different area they would show up as
3200s being carried by their friend in
3202s piggyback mode and for players choosing
3204s to not continue into Eden after
3206s completing the Vault of knowledge the
3208s portal to return to the Realms will
3210s correctly show the return point you have
3212s chosen and send you to that point there
3215s you go that's a good one that is a good
3217s one um and the chat bench in the
3219s Nintendo area now works properly and the
3222s def yay yeah and the default questgiver
3225s NPC doesn't suddenly appear to new
3227s players after reaching Hidden Forest for
3229s the first time improvements for new
3231s player experience and tweaks and fixes
3233s for Spanish localization
3237s hola yeah that that's that's the
3239s extension of my Spanish guys but that
3241s was The Tweak it's just me saying Ola
3243s through the
3244s game no no it's not it's not it's not
3247s it's actually pretty good so yeah I
3249s think that's it that this uh we do have
3251s the nonn issues uh page there you guys
3254s so go ahead and take a look uh when you
3256s can let me go ahead and share the link
3260s again if you guys want to read the patch
3261s notes on your own the link is being
3263s shared in chat on both twitch and
3266s YouTube
3268s and I think no happy birthday again
3272s happy birthday again happy birthday
3273s again yay it's a double birthday there
3277s you go hopefully not doubling
3280s age one at a time one at a time but
3284s that's pretty much it guys uh just
3287s sharing with you our social medias I'm
3288s sure guys or most of you should be our
3291s core players and have full access to our
3293s social medias but as stey said uh
3295s Discord is a special place for your
3298s voice to be heard of course you can tag
3299s us on Twitter or X of course you can DM
3303s me on Instagram as well as X but the
3306s best place to send us feedback and bugs
3309s reports are uh is the Discord Channel
3313s okay as status said earlier and be sure
3316s that was Hefty that that was quite a a
3319s mouthful of improvements in bug fixes
3321s and we want to do more so we're going to
3323s definitely be focusing on
3326s fixing more bugs and doing a better job
3328s at communicating them to you whether
3330s through socials or whether through a
3332s stream with that isight yes um and I
3335s just also wanted to add that if you
3337s don't have Discord or Twitter or
3339s Instagram you can find us in a Facebook
3341s group official Facebook group where I
3343s also read feedback and Bug reports that
3346s people leave there in our announced
3348s channels so check that out there if you
3350s prefer
3351s Facebook there you go you guys that's it
3354s for our patch notes reading
3358s 0245 teis did you have a good time I
3361s have a blast I always have a blast with
3362s you though you always have such a good
3364s time would you come back for
3366s 25 absolutely all right it's it's a date
3370s guys and we count on you what whenever
3372s that happens but we count on you to be
3374s here supporting our Shenanigans and
3376s reading our beautiful voices whether
3379s with an accent or not reading dispatch
3381s notes to
3382s you yeah I don't have an accent
3386s well I guess I want an accent can I have
3388s an accent yeah no well that that's a
3392s delicate topic I suppose we we can have
3395s an accent let's give you an accent on
3397s the sky assemblies whenever we have one
3400s how about that okay because then people
3401s don't have to clip it and use that
3403s against you
3405s right ttis uh say say your good ADV to
3408s folks uh watching us right now before we
3410s wrap up okay bye everybody thank you so
3413s much for coming to the stream come see
3414s me on Discord or Facebook um leave your
3417s feedback I want to hear from you oh all
3421s right guys go talk to that she loves you
3423s and she's gonna definitely reply to you
3426s very gently everything about being
3428s fearful is just a joke uh she's a very
3430s dear and sweet person that is thank you
3433s so much for doing this with me and I'll
3434s see you in the next time
3437s okay all right folks that's it for this
3440s stream thank you so much for being here
3442s with us we will have a stream next week
3445s next Wednesday not Thursday next
3447s Wednesday at 4M I want to have a date
3450s with you and I'm gonna have a very
3452s special guest okay somebody that if you
3455s are on our Discord server I'm sure
3457s you're gonna have a good time talking to
3458s this guest uh be ready to have some
3462s questions uh I'm I'm just going to spoil
3464s it's not a surprise guest but Wes is
3467s going to be here with us for a little
3469s interview and you can send your
3470s questions uh I'm going to be creating a
3472s form and sending that on our uh Discord
3476s server and maybe some other social
3477s medias for you to be sending your
3478s questions and getting ready it's going
3480s to be a set of burning questions so can
3483s was be interviewed and answer the
3486s questions that you want while completing
3489s the trials of fire safely well hopefully
3492s so because he's going to be holding my
3494s hand and I don't want to be getting
3495s caught by the eyes Okay so that's a date
3498s I'll see you guys I love you thank you
3501s for being here with me I'll see you guys
3503s next week bye
3509s [Music]
3545s [Music]
3589s for