5 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

601s honk honk sky kids welcome to another
605s dgc stream and as we promised we will
608s have h a sweet sweet rematch with some
614s of the best skytography have in our
616s creator troop uh I'm excited for this I
619s I've been looking forward I've been
621s waiting and now we are finally here to
624s see a lot more photography I'm so happy
627s that you guys enjoyed last week it was a
630s good time was it not I I had a good time
633s and vishi and bti they they surprised me
636s with their talent you guys it was
639s awesome I had an incredible time hope
641s you guys did too and hopefully we will
643s be having as good of a time today before
646s we go to you know to what you guys want
649s to see all this photography first you
652s know just the good old reminder uh
655s follow us on all of our social medias X
657s Instagram uh Discord
660s uh it's Twitter X I guess it's the same
662s thing so follow us there too uh Facebook
665s YouTube and twitch whichever is your
668s favorite platform be sure to be
669s following us us there for the Sky News
673s for what's happening uh feel free to
675s reach out to me at TI the crab uh so I
678s can possibly possibly help you with some
681s support at least with on the most basic
683s level uh before you guys reach out to
685s our support but always send a ticket
687s because those are the people who are
689s able to help you in depth cool other
694s than that how's everybody going is
696s anybody celebrating their birthday as
698s you guys know I like celebrating
699s everybody's birthday here just to be
702s sure that you know that you are loved so
704s you know that you matter so you know
706s that if somebody has forgotten to you
710s know celebrate you in such a special day
713s I want to be the one doing that so
715s please feel celebrated you loved because
718s you are and thank you you so much for
720s spending your time here today with
723s myself with it's vishy and with boy who
728s we going to be coming in and calling in
730s soon but first let's take a look at the
733s rules of this challenge that we're gonna
735s be having
738s today all right guys y'all know the
741s drill right so first a prompt is going
743s to be given and that prompt is going to
746s be a lot broader than it was last
748s time and
751s this folks ich chivi and bti will have
756s but five minutes to take the best photo
760s they can take uh within that prompt
764s right but here's the catch and that's
766s how it's different a cinemon roll plushy
769s and or Cosmetics of our collab with
773s cinar must appear on that photo we need
777s to see cinemar by the way the most
780s popular character in Sun R's roster
783s being you know part of this awesome
785s collab with Sky cinar roll is the center
788s of attention you have to include cinar
791s in that photo and then you guys in chat
795s will be able to vote who has the best
798s Cinema Ro photo across the Realms of sky
802s is it going to be vishi is it going to
805s be bti and I am getting ready for this
811s don't you think I am not wearing my
815s cosmetic too sunre actually send me this
819s cute bunny ears to celebrate this
822s collaboration together with
825s Sky how do you guys like my
827s ears
829s cute am I part of this collab how do you
832s guys feel about
834s that well hopefully you guys do enjoy it
838s but with no f further Ado let me bring
841s up my friends it's vishy and bti welcome
845s to the stream you guys how are you doing
848s this very very early morning for
854s you vishy I think you you are on mute my
858s dude I'm muted sorry again hello
862s everybody sorry sorry hello everybody
864s how you doing good H how how early is
867s that for you bishy
869s it is it is uh 4:30 at the morning um oh
873s my gosh it is pretty early but that's
876s okay I'm good I'm do energetic I'm yeah
880s commitment that's what it takes to take
882s beautiful
883s photography what time is it for you boy
886s it is currently 8:05 a.m. in Japan 8:05
891s a.m. in Japan and this folks are here to
895s give you guys a show so again we were
897s doing that earlier on but heart and
899s candles let's celebrate these people
901s show your appreciation to vishi and to
903s bti thank you so much for being here
904s guys and you know we did this last week
908s uh how did you guys enjoy that challenge
910s last week uh
912s vishy the challenge was last week was
914s very fun and amazing it was my first
916s time uh kind of
919s nervous and yeah a lot of fun I really
922s love that and I'm ready for today also
925s with all of you guys and Tio thank you
927s so much for having me here again and Bly
931s uh thank you so much guys
934s really was the champion last week of of
937s this tournament so uh fish do you think
941s you're ready to to take yet another
944s title yeah yeah yeah I'm already I'm um
948s let's see I have my friend my assistant
951s you can say plusy
953s assistant so she's going to help me
955s today with the pictures so I hope I can
959s take good ones and also good luck to you
962s baly and all of you
964s guys thank you yeah bti are you excited
968s for this uh we had beautiful photos last
971s time and you know thank you for
972s accepting this sweet sweet rematch with
975s cema r and what what what do you have in
978s mind uh how how are you going to make
980s these photos stand out to appeal to to
984s the emotions of our viewers here today
986s all right so first of all I learned how
989s away from the last week's session so I'm
992s going to do all my best to give it a
995s shot a really good spy shot um for this
1000s this this session and we're going to
1002s have fun and uh it's great to have fish
1005s she as you know a competitor and uh
1009s we're going to have fun
1011s and yeah sorry I'm a little nervous and
1015s you guys uh Vish mention right uh a
1018s plush and the reason guys as you know we
1021s cannot carry multiple props so we're not
1024s only testing their uh skytography
1027s uh skills but rather their director
1031s skills each of them have a friend going
1033s with them to uh place the plushy in
1036s different zones of uh the RS right and
1042s uh they will have to direct put put a
1045s cinema R here put cinema cinema R there
1048s and again only 5 minutes and here's the
1051s thing guys here they are in sky and the
1055s challenges again are going to be very
1057s much broader than it was last time right
1060s uh we are actually going to travel
1062s across the Realms of Sky to take those
1066s photos so vishy are you ready to get
1070s started yes I'm all all ready Cool B are
1074s you ready to get started yes we are
1077s ready Chad are you ready if you are put
1081s up those candle put up those hearts
1083s let's get excited to start yet another
1089s contest here for YouTube here for twitch
1093s uh and for o for 50 people watching on
1097s Twitter hello guys on Twitter thank you
1098s for being here with us today and with no
1102s further Ado I present you let's set up
1105s the timer real quick
1107s first with the very first prompt okay
1112s your first prompt is taking a photo of
1115s cinemar roll in daylight Prairie and
1117s daylight Prairie means anywhere anywhere
1121s it could be Sanctuary it could be
1123s Prairie Peaks this is up to you vishi
1126s and bti to select the best place that's
1129s gonna uh enhance the cute appearance of
1134s Cinema R so are you guys
1136s ready I'm ready
1139s all right so on my count in five three
1146s two five four three two one go let's go
1152s go five minutes five minutes it's going
1156s to be the prairy all right yeah where is
1159s I'm going to
1161s go I know where I'm going for this one
1164s my ears and headphones are not
1166s cooperating
1167s together oh
1170s where are you going bsy where do you
1171s think you're going to take those photos
1173s I am thinking of sanctu Island right off
1176s the bat cuz I feel like that's a very
1179s nice view so I am making my way oh how
1185s about you vishy are you just gonna snap
1187s a photo everywhere you go or do you have
1189s something in
1190s mind I don't know but I was thinking the
1195s same oh we have mon here
1200s that's you guys chat making fun of me
1202s because I can't count counting is hard
1205s you guys counting is hard especially
1208s when you're trying to keep balance of a
1210s a uh
1211s cinnamon coffee cup puppy ears my ears
1218s headphones and back ending a stream okay
1221s it's challenging it's challenging I dare
1223s you in chat to count 5 to zero 5 Go 23 1
1229s I can only count the
1231s three what comes after three
1233s B uh uh uh um
1238s um
1240s um I can only count this r
1243s five five but but here's the thing I am
1246s learning count to how I am learning how
1249s to count to five that's the thing you
1251s know how to count
1254s five there's a reason why I'm trying to
1256s learn how to count to five there's a
1258s reason why what is the
1260s reason yeah share with us I'm curious
1264s I'm
1265s curious well I we know that uh uh we
1270s know that
1273s um uh the sky is going to be celebrating
1276s the fifth anniversary very soon right
1279s yes oh yeah indeed right I was about to
1283s suggest that as an answer if you had
1285s said anything else I'll would be like
1287s well maybe it's because of sky fifth
1290s anniversary so guys after year one year
1293s three year two year five of Sky we are
1297s coming to the fifth
1300s anniversary he hey to I want to ask uh
1303s can we include our friends also sure as
1306s long as cinema row is appearing you may
1308s include
1311s your focus is Cinema
1314s roll that's a good
1316s one placement ah look at that photo
1320s that's actually pretty beautiful wait
1322s wait wait buddy no Assistant Plus
1327s assistant wait you want me to
1333s detach how can we think the same thing
1335s there we go thank
1338s you is strange
1341s okay let
1343s me oh
1346s no okay let's try to get
1349s roll a little I don't like serade hang
1353s on I don't like Serv
1357s blade ah oh
1360s no yeah she she's gone oh no should we
1365s should we pause should we pause the time
1367s let's pause the
1369s time oh pausing the time oh yeah pausing
1371s the time
1372s okay to be sure we keep uh uh look at
1377s that I me
1380s Amy is gone she's both she'll be back
1383s Amy come back to us hey chat let's all
1385s call for Amy let's see come back Amy
1389s come back
1391s Amy come back
1393s Amy TR to T I'm trying not to fall off
1397s the
1399s island you're not going to fall by the
1403s way guys once the clock is ready to go
1405s you guys have just about a minute and 30
1408s seconds oh Amy welcome
1410s back Co she's back for the win yeah we
1414s can we can do the you see chat your
1417s energy and your power brought Amy back
1419s to us get little time that was too fast
1425s all right so Amy get ready uh please
1428s Place uh Cinema roll whever vishy asks
1430s you two and then I'm going to continue
1432s with our
1434s timer
1435s oh R WEA bye thank you for joining us
1440s there you
1442s go oh it's okay if you're a m render
1445s right it's okay pick it up pick him
1451s yes the thing is okay if you drop it I
1455s think he's goingon to roll vishy I think
1458s Amy may have yeah Amy may have to to
1460s place
1462s it am Amy Amy Amy
1471s there we
1472s go all right I am
1475s ready to bring back so Amy has to put
1479s the prop back uh on her back and then
1482s she'll be able to place it uh wherever
1484s she
1485s pleases and guys in five seconds because
1488s I know how to count to five or boy why
1490s don't you count to five so I can't
1492s unpause the
1494s timer uh one two two
1501s three uh three yeah five go all right
1505s timer is back you guys one minute and 20
1509s seconds take the photos that you
1515s must Ray laser KY on Twitch said VY just
1518s count three
1520s twice that's all you need to do oh how
1524s about two and three there you go yes two
1527s and three
1529s two and
1532s three
1536s no there we go okay don't worry ammy Amy
1540s will make it don't
1542s worry faster FAS oh 45 seconds to go one
1549s minute difficult that is
1552s true it's okay there we
1555s go things things are getting difficult
1559s for our current champion of
1563s Photography 25 seconds 25 seconds for
1566s the best photography you can take off
1568s cinema
1571s row oh we going have 15
1574s seconds 15
1577s seconds 35 we got to admire here six
1582s five 4 3 two one okay hands up no more
1590s no not hands up because you guys are in
1592s game but no more photography let's all
1595s yeah oh oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
1598s uh I lost uh I lost it time no no no no
1602s don't apologize to me don't apologize to
1604s me apologize to
1606s chat I'm so sorry guys all right folks
1609s let's go back to Avary Village so we can
1614s get our next prom let's let's go home
1620s everybody let's back let's back let's
1622s back home home home home
1625s home at least I got the idea all
1629s righty all right let's get it to hold
1632s hands just to be
1634s ready talk talk to your assistants guys
1638s talk to your assistants this is your
1640s directorial debut it just happens to be
1642s on stream and to have uh a community
1646s manager wearing Cinema roll ears
1651s watching cool you guys ready your second
1655s prompt is of course nothing but Hidden
1659s Forest and again it can be the caves it
1662s can be the Treehouse it can be anywhere
1666s in Hidden Forest that you want but
1669s remember you will have only five minutes
1673s to complete it so it's vishy are you
1676s ready mhm yeah I'm ready I'm ready bti
1680s ready ready all right let's go go go go
1685s go go go go right hiden forest hiden
1688s forest it
1689s is be careful with the rain don't don't
1692s get your plushy at oh that is
1697s true your
1698s time to use the
1702s umbrella let's go what do you have your
1705s mind
1706s boy I am thinking of going to to The
1709s Treehouse nice
1712s for where season of
1715s assembly season of assembly how do you
1718s guys like season of assembly did you
1719s guys did you guys play the game before
1721s season of
1722s assembly yes
1724s I you
1726s have it's definitely a challenging one
1728s but I loved loved loved the final quest
1731s that was
1734s awesome and vishy where where are you
1736s planning to take your Cinema rle and
1738s your
1739s assistant uh Sunshine
1744s area going for the Lance flare I see
1748s it being
1751s technical being Speedy getting those
1756s shortcuts because a minute and a half
1759s half passed and now you only have about
1762s okay 3 minutes and 45 seconds
1773s there we go all right uh we need oh no
1777s okay we need a plushy uh on the the
1780s hammock we can oh it's it's resting time
1784s for Cinema
1785s roll and
1789s yes Vish is still making his way to the
1793s shiny air there you go oh my God that's
1796s so cute
1799s hang
1800s on make a nap oh actually hang
1804s on
1806s oll and maybe we can have a nap time all
1810s together here e that's a good place to
1813s take a
1815s nap uh one person here and
1821s uh one here and
1825s then I'll be right here
1830s all right
1831s V what's your setup what's your setup
1834s what what are you trying to I'm just
1836s trying to capture this whole
1841s area blush
1844s here there we
1847s go oh and actually oh wait hang
1851s on yeah mon uh you can take you can do
1854s the Sleep picking it up here she did it
1857s h nice she
1859s Place why the plushy is so
1862s bright is the shiny
1864s area yeah two minutes to go
1867s photographers start taking those photos
1870s start getting that
1878s Focus start snapping those moment so you
1882s can try to get at least how much time
1885s left you have 1 minute and 45 seconds uh
1888s oh oh
1890s no
1893s damn should be enough it should be
1896s enough uh how about this a that's
1900s perfect oh here we go it's draining
1903s energy oh
1909s no brightness no my plushy
1913s no well you guys have a minute and 10
1916s seconds you guys it's time to start
1918s start snapping photos oh no no they took
1920s my plushy right R get it
1923s [Laughter]
1926s [Music]
1927s backk what happen how does it feel to
1931s direct a photography oh there you go
1933s that's a good that can
1935s happen that can
1938s happen is too
1940s much
1943s wait somebody else took the fleshy
1948s 35 seconds you guys also also try
1951s placing the plushy uh like facing the
1957s camera 35 seconds chck why it's so
1961s difficult to stop Casey on YouTube is
1963s saying that b just suffered plushy
1967s abduction uh right right try placing the
1970s plushy like like as if it's like facing
1972s the camera like facing towards FY maybe
1975s that might help facing the wrong thing
1977s right now hey guys that's we get when we
1979s have such a cute plushy you know people
1981s people are just going to come and hug
1983s it it cannot be
1986s helped why it's so flashy no I can't do
1990s this it's because it's pretending to be
1992s Wing light here go sag 2024 The Golden
1997s Child yep it is the golden
2000s puppy the golden pupp I don't think it's
2003s going to count but okay I to do it time
2007s is up time up no more photography no
2010s more
2011s photography all right all right guys
2014s back I CLI through oh no oh no uhoh uh
2020s oh he oh
2024s man what happened to you don't worry I'm
2027s fine I'm
2028s fine let's go back that that was a
2031s cheevy moment right there okay let's go
2034s home to Avary Village and guys my
2038s suggestion and I am not a photographer
2040s so please feel free to completely ignore
2042s what I say but I would try to take a
2045s photo like the moment that you get to
2047s the area and then go search for another
2049s area just so you can have options but I
2052s am not a photographer and I do not have
2053s an assistant I am a guy with a camera
2055s and a
2056s microphone yeah with that said your next
2059s prompt is Valley of
2063s Triumph valy and again that could be
2066s Citadel that could be Village of Dreams
2069s that could be the the the ice rank it
2071s could be anywhere within that vicinity
2074s okay so if you guys are ready to
2077s go on my count four two 4 3 one go you
2086s have five
2088s minutes to find your location and snap
2092s the best photo you can the best the best
2098s here photo best photo go
2111s here the only place I can think of let's
2117s go I love the lighting in in Valley so
2124s beautiful I love the sunset so good
2128s are you guys more Sunset people or
2130s Sunrise people
2133s oh that's a good question I'm definitely
2135s a sunset
2138s person I guess Vish is a sunrise person
2141s since he's up so
2144s early we basically we basically Miss
2147s lots of the morning so I guess I can
2150s just count it as a oh nice
2154s place hang on and
2161s actually oh this should be
2171s good Hey Oh
2175s Hang very very nice place guys I like
2178s the eye I can't tell that you guys are
2181s familiar with
2183s Photography in
2185s Valley there we go Chad excited for this
2188s chat I am excited for
2191s this mostrom welcome to the stream how
2194s are
2202s you uh man of mountain a quick hello
2206s from a local mountain man hello welcome
2209s from twitch mountain
2213s man oh wolf of Harmony on YouTube says
2216s Aurora concert Cinema Ro picture
2220s I don't think he get any more wholesome
2222s than that to be
2227s honest
2232s perfect wait wait hang on hang on hang
2236s on wait hang on folks on our Twitter I'm
2240s gonna try to share uh the links for you
2244s guys to vote as well but please bear
2246s with me since uh I am still learning how
2249s to do the streaming on Twitter X however
2252s you want to call it how much time do we
2255s have you have two minutes to go you have
2257s two minutes to
2260s go guys I'm not going to lie when I saw
2262s Saro flying in uh the cafe it was so
2268s wholesome my heart nearly blew up
2271s however it was not as strong of a
2275s reaction as iron Mouse did her her
2277s reaction was
2279s epic absolutely epic
2283s oh
2286s don't I don't want to fall come on Amy
2289s Amy Amy come on let's do
2292s this one minute and 30 seconds you guys
2297s oh perfect one come on
2302s Amy and chat if you are just getting
2304s here we are having another skytography
2307s contest but the only catch is that
2310s Cinema roll must be in every photo and
2314s stick around until the very end so you
2315s guys can vote for the best photo taken
2318s by it vishy and skyx both both uh
2322s streamers in different platforms one in
2324s twitch the other on YouTube but bringing
2327s wholesome Sky content let's all sit down
2330s together no no no what what is
2334s happening 55 seconds oh man that no I'm
2338s slipping
2340s oh this is so slippery it's the snow man
2343s it's the
2347s snow oh I
2353s make Amilia oen on YouTube the other
2356s night I could not sleep at all I was
2357s awake all night I'm so sorry that is
2360s draining that is very tiring I hope you
2362s have a good night of sleep today well
2364s you you might might as well right with
2366s this chill sweet sweet stream I hope
2370s that we help you 15 seconds you guys 15
2373s seconds to take that very final
2377s snap a this is
2382s pretty course shites on Twitch CH I love
2384s the head gear oh you're welcome sunre
2387s was very uh pleasing to send me one
2389s knowing that we're gonna be having a
2391s sunre stream so hey hey you guys the
2394s time is up the time is up and you guys
2396s are snapping photos
2398s well I you guys are taking advantage of
2402s me being excited with my cinema R
2406s ears those look great on you by the way
2409s a thank you you don't have to you don't
2411s have to but I think I'm going to start
2413s wearing that on a daily basis yeah yeah
2415s I forgot to tell you you're looking
2417s pretty thank you thank you guys you see
2419s I'm going to invite you guys to every
2420s stream you guys make me feel better
2421s about myself thank
2423s you all right folks back to Avary
2427s Village we are about to get our next
2432s prompt and chat if you guys are going
2435s with the flow seeing what I'm doing here
2437s uh you guys may have a guess of where
2440s we're going next vishy do you know where
2442s we're going
2443s next Golden Wasteland golden Wasteland
2449s indeed indeed let's let's bring some
2453s some cuteness uh some sweetness to the
2457s area
2458s desert but again guys anywhere right if
2461s you guys want to go find your find your
2464s uh way into the uh P the The Arc might
2469s as well do that okay so in where
2473s my five three yeah 16
2478s 22 ready go go go go go five minutes to
2484s find your way and take your photos in
2486s Golden Wasteland oh no C Maro is going
2489s to go down to the
2491s tornado oh the poor
2494s thing let's
2499s go okay I think I'm coming
2505s back I guess I'm coming back it's the
2509s time bishy don't give up this this is
2512s where you make your stand and show your
2514s crown as the current champion of
2517s skytography on our
2519s stream all right hold hands when you
2522s guys are ready come on come on Darkness
2524s go Darkness go for a second I thought I
2527s thought B was telling us to hold hands
2529s and just be friends and take photos
2531s together to forget this is a challenge
2534s that is true let's do it that is true
2537s let's do it
2541s sish are you guys going to the Forgotten
2543s Arc
2545s actually uh yeah that's what I'm going
2549s for how about a cinema roll next to a
2552s crew you have the is the Ying the Yang
2557s is you got you got my idea I have an
2559s idea I have an
2561s idea I has an idea
2564s see we shall see how that's going to
2567s go
2569s what do you guys think of cinemar
2571s Ro being in Golden Wasteland how how
2574s does that make you guys feel I how are
2576s you
2582s Sky Morana Sky Morana on Twitch says
2584s show some love to cre they deserve love
2586s too and they deserve some sweetness
2588s that's why they come so so hastily they
2590s they just want some sweety can you give
2592s me white candles
2597s please oh she don't know okay it's okay
2600s it's
2603s okay Manta plushy and krill
2609s hey hey composition I I like that Vision
2612s I'm Gonna Change Mya this
2617s time J girl says my boyfriend would ye
2621s my cinema R there what no poor thing
2626s cutcenes
2628s hello yep very very different styles of
2632s Photography here you
2634s guys time is King time ising time is
2638s tiing you guys have two minutes and 30
2640s seconds you guys at a halfway point oh
2644s man
2645s no
2653s okay
2656s oh okay all right so B is ready B go go
2661s over your composition with us you have
2663s 30 seconds to tell me about your
2664s composition
2668s okay
2669s so I know that every every time when
2673s people go to when sky kids go to
2675s forgotten art they would always face the
2677s other direction but I figured this this
2681s area does deserve you know some
2684s view so that that is why I decided
2689s to uh I decided with this scene right
2692s here amazing amazing I'm not going to
2695s take your time go ahead and start start
2697s taking your photos
2699s vishy tell us about your idea tell us
2702s about your idea are you are you trying
2703s to to show contrast between cuteness and
2706s and Terror what what you trying to do
2711s here I'm trying to just just like you
2714s said we
2715s have CA with our surroundings so I'm
2719s just trying to capture like mix
2723s up uh the sen is watching The View
2728s I'm watching The
2730s Kill perfect
2733s wait well start getting perfect you guys
2736s have 45 seconds time is going by super
2739s fast how much how much how much 40
2742s seconds 40 seconds
2745s no hang
2747s on all right I good
2757s make sure to save got one I finally got
2761s one 20 seconds take another get closer
2764s another
2768s angle there we
2770s go 10 seconds Guy start wrapping up this
2774s series of photos
2779s yep steal your Zelda on YouTube says
2782s poor Cinema Ro don't let the crew get
2784s him it's a big responsibility B
2788s big big big responsibility time's up
2791s time's up no more photography okay let's
2796s head back to a very Village reset our
2799s time and go to the very final round
2802s we're going to be covering today I
2805s wonder where go I wonder where that's
2807s going to
2808s be well you guys probably have an idea
2810s of where it's going to be my question
2814s is what where are you guys going to go V
2817s out of knowledge feel free to feel free
2820s to go to to to the desert feel free to
2823s go to the secret area feel free to
2827s explore the ases from uh season of the N
2830s col of deer anywhere that you can access
2833s through vault is valid for this
2835s challenge just be sure to get the best
2838s photography of Cinema R you can in five
2842s 32 57 14 it's okay go
2849s two
2851s two two two
2854s three
2857s four oh no time's
2860s up no time up licks gamer baz in hi
2864s hello welcome to our
2868s YouTube I know
2875s hello sit down mom indeed nine color
2879s deer counts as Vault and can you imagine
2882s how cute it would be to have cinemar
2883s roll in
2885s Oasis we have some pretty nice Clips
2888s there that'll be a nice a nice
2895s touch all
2898s right so
2900s ready let's go oh this is so
2904s pretty isn't that your favorite area B I
2907s think you mention last stream that
2908s Starlight desert is a favorite area
2910s right of course yeah this is the the
2913s most fantasy like place I really love it
2918s here look at all those
2920s Stars so
2921s [Music]
2933s pretty yes indeed uh who's asking lick
2936s Gam are you from uh the sky company yeah
2940s that game company indeed we are we are
2942s Community managers so our uh T is my
2945s good friend sag who's also in chat uh
2948s thank you for joining us I hope you like
2950s it and I hope you find a place uh we try
2952s to do weekly streams and I say try
2955s because sometimes we can't see but we
2958s try I'm not always this handsome though
2967s actually hang on hang on Luciano Luciano
2970s says this is his first stream uh with
2973s sky so thank you what a
2976s pleasure thank you Luciano one 123 BR
2979s poll you're welcome I'm gonna go back H
2983s he
2987s everybody all right guys I was gonna be
2990s silly and distract vishy and skybolt but
2993s this is the time to be focused okay this
2996s is the last challenge they are halfway
2999s through that time two minutes and 30
3001s seconds vishy and bolti start snapping
3004s those photos start capturing the essence
3008s and the cuteness of Cinema R in
3010s Starlight desert I cannot wait to see
3013s those photos I cannot wait to see these
3017s photos you
3018s guys uh we got we got uh
3023s guest I got guest
3028s all
3029s right that's a very nice one
3032s vishy perfectly
3037s placed
3041s oops oh she's hugging okay that's
3047s good all right all right all right all
3050s right it's good oh
3054s nice 1 minute and 35 oh I love this
3058s vishy
3061s WOW uh B what happened Cinema roll oh
3064s there you go it's right here yeah yes uh
3067s changing
3069s places new angles new positions 1 minute
3074s and 15 seconds to go you guys and Chad
3078s start getting ready because your time to
3080s shine is coming soon as you vote for the
3083s best
3085s pictures cool
3087s start getting ready Twitter don't you
3089s worry I'm going to try to share those
3090s with you in a timely
3097s manner Ro syy on Twitch says this is a
3100s great area I agree it's one of my
3101s favorites it's one of my favorites all
3104s right uh join in whenever you
3108s can 45 seconds to
3112s go yep uh do sit feel free to sit
3116s anywhere
3119s you see guys directors I could never do
3122s that because to me everything is perfect
3125s like want to snap a photo now sure
3127s perfect looks good looks
3134s good I can see vishy uh the kind of
3137s person who gets the camera and just like
3139s slowly gets to the right angle zoom in
3143s zoom out I'm done it's s it 3 seconds to
3147s go two one time up time is up no more
3153s photos you guys I got the last one so
3158s now it's time for us to
3161s go to the results and this is the time
3164s that you in the chat is going to
3166s participate with us hopefully we get
3169s this right I am hoping
3173s the
3175s uh let's see here
3178s that's so fast I am hoping that you guys
3181s are
3182s able to get the links again uh sometimes
3186s it's you know when you use different
3188s widgets it can be a little bit
3192s challenging to do that kind of stuff
3195s okay but now vishy and skybo it's time
3198s for you to send me your favorite photo
3201s from
3203s daylight Prairie daylight Prairie let's
3207s see so we can commence the
3209s voting I guess Baldi is the winner I do
3212s not have any photos for
3214s this oh
3216s no
3218s oh let's see you guys are saved I mean
3221s chat you're
3223s safe you guys do not have to pick anyone
3226s I mean b is the winner were you not able
3229s to take any
3231s photos all right oh that's a that's a
3234s good one
3238s that's a great one so let me just share
3240s here you
3241s guys this is
3244s B's
3245s photo from B light prair and I
3250s absolutely love
3254s it I absolutely love
3258s it nice that's cute isn't it I love it I
3264s love it thank you Boi so Vish for this
3267s one no no photos for this one right this
3271s is my
3273s photo it wins it
3275s wins I won oh no Boi takes that first
3281s point then yay cool so the chat is
3285s spared from the voting here but now
3288s please send your best Hidden Forest
3291s photo of
3294s cinemar Hidden Forest
3298s give me give me a minute take your time
3300s uh for one moment take your time I only
3304s have
3305s one but Chad you only have one that
3308s that's the that's the CH the winning one
3311s I
3312s hope only have
3315s one all right this is botis guys let me
3320s just save this real
3322s quick and I will share with you guys
3326s short
3329s shortly we're live editing here you guys
3333s this is B photo of cinemar Ro nice in
3338s Hidden Forest what do you think
3342s chat what do you think you all love a
3344s nap time make your comments yeah it
3346s sounds like a good time especially after
3348s somebody came and hugged Cinema
3352s roll all right that was not unexpected I
3356s I thought that that was pled I thought
3357s that was all to to create
3360s composition all right let's take a
3364s look at vies let me save it
3371s here I'm just looking at C I mean it's
3375s so
3378s bright and this is vicious photo you
3383s guys you guys have to zoom into you know
3389s oops let me try to help I'm going to try
3392s to increase the photo find cinema roll
3396s it be all right guys no no here it is
3400s plus she becomes the wing light I guess
3404s so oh so this is vicious photo you guys
3410s and now it's your
3413s time to vote let's open that vote for
3418s the Hidden
3420s Forest let's go guys let's go
3425s guys go go go go go hopefully this thing
3429s works but please start voting you guys
3432s have 45 seconds to
3438s vote 45 seconds guys
3441s [Music]
3443s go that start so
3445s fast oh my
3448s gosh let's go b b b is getting that
3453s maybe we will need a final match at some
3455s other time you guys we'll see I'm ready
3458s for
3459s that I'm ready for that the current the
3463s current setup is one point sub Sky voted
3466s for daylight Prairie and you guys are
3468s voting right now for Hidden
3471s Forest and five
3475s seconds we will end this to nominate the
3481s winner that's it I suppose winner that
3486s boy no
3490s y there you go
3493s guys all right that Boi takes this one
3498s home thank you everybody and now we are
3503s ready for the next one
3506s which is going to
3510s be which is going to be sorry guys Val
3515s technical issues
3520s here yes it will be Valley but let me
3522s just be sure that you guys are able to
3525s see it there you
3527s go and
3529s that our guests are able to share their
3532s photos so please vishy and bti share
3536s your photo with me when you have the
3537s chance
3541s okay there you
3545s go all right let's see one
3548s moment I think I will choose this one oh
3552s wait hang on all right guys I am about
3555s to share VI's photo first okay I'll take
3560s this
3563s one let's go
3568s all right guys this is vicious photo in
3573s valley valy of
3576s Triumph all right what do you guys think
3579s chat I think that's a pretty good shot I
3582s think from up here that's a very very
3585s nice
3587s shot cool all right chat I am about to
3591s share now the
3594s photo from voty just give me a little
3599s bit of time ready to vote
3602s guys yeah ready to vote cuz that's that
3604s one's GNA be challenging I'm
3607s thinking I'm thinking this is goingon to
3609s be a a pretty challenging one let's
3617s go all right guys this is B's
3624s photo this is
3627s B's photo all right so now they have
3632s seen let me just put this
3635s here and both this photo here now that
3640s you have seen both why don't we open
3643s up voting all right guys that's all okay
3648s time to vote you guys go go
3652s go who takes voting who takes the photo
3657s in valley of Triumph for the best Cinema
3660s Ro photo oh no the timer
3665s oh what
3667s oh oh who takes it it's tight it's going
3671s it's going go go everybody everybody
3674s it's tight start voting folks I'm gonna
3677s share again the link you guys have
3680s exactly 30 seconds to do your
3684s vote oh nice this boys are catching up
3688s that's a tight one got the
3690s win 17 seconds to go go go go go that's
3694s still TI everybody it is TI that's
3697s awesome oh oh
3698s oh 12 to 13 one more vote and it's a oh
3703s my gosh don't get
3705s falling two what's what's going on it's
3709s so close time is up B time is up guys
3714s winner oh oh do guys put another 20
3717s second oh cuz that's a tie no let let's
3721s go by the timer let's go by the
3723s timer what is it a tie oh my gosh it was
3728s a
3729s tie definitely was a
3731s tie well that's
3734s new really no Boi Boi won for one when
3739s the timer uh
3742s ended okay so yet another one
3746s for bti good job B very good
3752s job nice so I suppose this is a tie in
3757s general because uh B already has three
3759s points so she's technically the winner
3761s but we're still gonna analyze the the
3764s next photos Okay so Bish and bti if you
3768s will send me your golden Wasteland
3771s photos I would appreciate it and I'll
3774s start showcasing that to our folks in
3777s chat on YouTube Twitter as well as
3782s twitch so send them my way say they my
3785s way it's hard to pick
3787s one I got one from Golden Wasteland this
3791s time without getting killed
3793s so I have confidence all right without
3798s getting let's save this one and this one
3802s was from
3803s boy I'm going to share B pleas boto in
3808s Wasteland
3814s first all right folks this is cinear in
3819s Golden Wasteland by The Forgotten Arc if
3822s you guys recognize the place so this is
3825s B's
3826s photo okay and now let's take a look
3833s at vicious we just save it real
3837s quick yeah
3845s did ah D all right guys and this is
3849s vicious
3851s photo in
3855s Wasteland oh that's a good one that's a
3858s great one that's a great one all right
3861s taking your time so chat can fully
3864s visualize the photo putting them next to
3867s each other for
3871s reference and here you go
3876s guys the voting May
3879s commence for the Wasteland photo let's
3884s go let's put that timer let's put that
3888s timer up go let's
3891s guys right off the
3893s bat let's go guys
3896s who has the best oh wow look at
3900s vishy oh vishy let's go vishy what I
3904s come back that is a great shot
3910s oh thank
3912s you I'm trying uh fine has a good um
3919s lighting and just overall composition
3922s right like cinema row and a Sky Kid
3924s staring and watching a crew at the very
3926s end
3926s back yeah
3930s yeah time is
3932s up Bish than you so takes this
3936s one let's go
3939s Vish proving that the last champion
3943s still exists still
3945s breeds all right guys we are almost
3948s close to the end so if you will please
3952s share with me Boi and vishy your V for
3959s photo that would be very much
3963s appreciated ah I have five photos which
3966s one should I choose nothing but the best
3970s I'm GNA go with this
3971s one jiley turnover thank you for joining
3974s us have a good day at
3979s work there we go this is
3982s mine oh that's adorable
3987s adorable here here's the
3990s my cool so first I'm going to be sharing
3994s boties just going in order of reception
3997s you guys the one that I receive first is
3998s the one that I share
4000s first this is
4003s boties nice this is botis guys cinemar R
4008s welcomes you to a journey through the
4010s clouds and the Starry
4012s Sky that's what I got from this photo
4014s that's that's actually
4017s blue typo says oh my God that's so cute
4019s on
4020s Twitch Charming Blossom says so cute yep
4024s skybo is
4026s showing that you know the reason why she
4029s might take this one home but now let's
4032s take a look at
4035s vicious a friendly
4037s composition friends hanging out with
4040s cinemar row in their favorite place in
4044s Sky let me just
4048s share that with you very very
4060s quickly oops sorry about the live
4062s editing guys this is vicious
4065s photo friends hanging out in the desert
4070s oh in a in a in a garden with friends so
4073s vishy if you would name your photo what
4076s name would you give it what is the title
4078s of this
4080s photo
4081s uh uh title of the uh photo yeah why
4085s would you name it plusy uh plushy
4088s [Laughter]
4092s assistant BL your friend and me and B
4096s one more look at your
4100s photo uh how would you name
4103s this I would name it
4109s um let's
4111s see uh the dream of that cinnamon roll
4116s saw
4117s once
4119s oh that's
4121s cute well all right Chad now it's up to
4124s you time to
4128s [Music]
4129s vote let's get the voting going let's go
4133s it is the last
4134s one to
4136s define the winner of this Challenge bti
4140s and vishi vishi was the winner of the
4142s very first challenge bti is the winner
4145s of the cinema Road Challenge well let's
4147s see what you guys think of each of these
4151s photos cast your votes right
4155s now you guys have 20 seconds be sure to
4159s vote be sure to
4161s vote no
4163s what what's going on before voting guys
4167s and vious winning
4169s [Music]
4170s everybody wow another close one is this
4174s going to be a time
4176s again oh my gosh oh my gosh everybody
4180s time is up time is
4184s up and vishy whoa takes one home as well
4190s hey good job what's going on so we have
4194s to count it as a draw
4196s what happened no you you took
4199s it me V she is the winner of that one
4203s yeah V is the winner for this
4205s one but the overall winner the overall
4208s winner of this challenge is bti so we
4211s are in a tie yeah and I'm gonna have to
4214s try to think of another skytography
4216s challenge so we can't have no there
4219s there's no winner we are just
4221s congratulations B thank you everybody we
4226s are just people enjoying photography and
4229s spending time with Cinema roll in this
4233s chat yay that's
4236s [Music]
4237s Co that
4239s was bishy and boy thank you so much uh
4243s we are coming to the end of this stream
4245s uh B congratulations for the win those
4247s photos were incredible I hope you enjoy
4250s taking them as much as I enjoyed
4252s watching you take them and same to you
4254s vishi thank you for your time thank you
4256s for being here thank you for sharing
4257s your light uh with Sky Kids from
4260s everywhere through your videos through
4261s your streams through your social medias
4263s thank you very much I appreciate you
4265s guys uh boty anything to say about this
4269s uh big win this comeback in this
4271s tournament and taking photos of
4274s cinemar yes thank you everybody and I'm
4277s I'm so glad I made a great huge comeback
4280s from the previous stream and uh thank
4283s you everybody uh for being here here and
4286s uh I had a fun time and thank you vishy
4288s for being a great competitor as well and
4292s um and thank you Tia for Harting this
4294s amazing opportunity I had a great time
4296s and thank you everybody always thank you
4299s vishy anything to say and to share with
4301s the people watching and voting for you
4303s in this uh challenge
4304s today uh I just want to say uh it was
4308s pretty intense this time thank you so
4311s much to bti and tiio for having this
4313s opportunity to being with them and
4316s this fun event and thank you uh so much
4319s all of you guys chat do you still
4322s supported me and that was great I really
4326s love it thank you so much for your
4327s support awesome and thank you so much
4332s awesome go hey again guys thank you for
4334s being up so early to do this I'm sure
4335s all sky kids watching this appreciate
4338s that the kind of commitment and support
4339s to our community thank you thank you so
4342s much V and both to you guys go check
4345s them out go follow them I appreciate
4347s that support to our troop members all
4350s right guys thank you so much and uh let
4353s me just say goodbyes to our chat and you
4357s thank you
4361s byebye and folks that's it for today
4364s thank you so much for watching us thank
4366s you so much for hanging out with us and
4368s I had a good time those were fun and let
4371s me know if you guys like it let let us
4372s know through our social medias uh if you
4374s guys enjoy that we can try to have
4377s another photography challenge or
4378s different kinds of challenges so yeah I
4381s hope you enjoy this I had a good time
4383s and I hope you guys enjoy my cinema Roy
4386s years I appreciate you guys I love you
4388s guys and I'll talk to you guys next week
4391s bye
4396s [Music]
4432s [Music]
4441s [Music]
4494s for
4524s for for