Transcript (by Youtube)

602s hello hello hello and welcome everybody
605s to another stream with DC and as usual I
608s forgot I'm sorry guys today I'm a little
610s bit out of it honk honk sky kids and
614s welcome to another TGC stream my name is
616s Tio and I think I have planned something
619s very interesting for you guys but not
621s before you know I introduce you guys to
623s our social media so please go ahead and
627s check us out on X Facebook Instagram Tik
630s Tok twitch up we have a very special
632s Discord with a lot of action going on
634s there too and on occasion on Discord I
636s show up and do a bunch of shenanigans
639s but if you guys are into Shenanigans as
641s much as I am you are more than welcome
644s for now I just want to call out some
645s people here in chat Papa fistas welcome
649s Papa uh Sterling Ivy who's also waiting
651s for me but I see you on the chat
653s Sterling I'll talk to you soon Sage
655s ardor Thea on X uh skyx
659s guess but also in chat hi Joshua is a
662s fan a penguin I love that guy and I'm
665s going to be introducing them him to you
667s you guys
668s soon Frank alaton mus eclipse on Twitch
673s welcome everybody and just before we
676s start as you guys know anybody
677s celebrating their birthdays within this
680s week to me honestly guys to Me birthdays
683s is sort of a big deal uh it's one more
686s year of you you know it's one more year
689s that the world get to to have you and to
692s celebrate you and sometimes you know
695s people try to say that it's just another
698s day it's not it's it's the day that we
700s celebrate you on this planet and I want
702s to give you a shout out so happy
708s birday you are valuable to all of us in
712s chat you are very special to me and I
714s hope that we can hang out at one point
716s and I can give you a h
720s a little bit goes and comes I I'll try
722s to be a little bit closer to the
724s microphone but let me know how it goes
726s what what sound is low my microphone or
729s the
736s music you see the microphone okay so
739s let's try to increase that a little bit
741s how is it
743s now funny cuz I tested it earlier but is
746s it better
748s now maybe I should just stay closer to
750s the microphone that would
752s help is it even on it is
755s on much much better awesome awesome so
759s let me know guys if the audio is bad to
762s my guests as well so no further Ado Josh
766s with a pan Sterling Ivy Sky x bti three
770s of my really dear friends part of the
773s troop and also just people who I've
775s matched doing stream and through the sky
777s Community who I dearly love hello folks
779s how you guys doing hello hello everyone
783s how's it
784s going first and foremost you guys how
787s how is their audio does Josh Boi and Ivy
791s sound okay Ivy you didn't say hello
793s would you say hello I did I said hello
795s but it was really quick for a second I
797s thought your head dropped for real if
798s you guys don't know iy was trolling me
800s saying that that your head dropped and
802s it l gave me a heart attack so I'm glad
804s it's not the case and then you are here
806s with us Ivy uh folks let's just go
809s around the line real quick and starting
812s with Josh why don't you introduce
813s yourself Josh and uh what you do for sky
816s on your Twitch Channel maybe welcoming
818s some folks to come and check you
820s out uh hello everyone Hi hi hi uh my
823s name is Josh I'm a part of the sky
825s Creator troop I'm a variety streamer on
826s Twitch I pretty much do everything on
829s all the socials Instagram Tik Tok things
832s like that um I've been streaming Sky
835s since I started playing the game um it
837s was really really nice and awesome so
839s it's been couple of years and uh now I'm
842s just uh usually go live on Mondays
843s Wednesdays and Fridays and the morning
846s time for me I'm in Eastern Time Zone and
849s uh that you're more than welcome to come
852s I'm always looking forward to any
854s questions in chat or if you want to make
856s a friend or if you want to join the uh
859s community that I'm that I've curated
860s over the past couple years we're all
862s warm and friendly and I promise we won't
864s toss you to the kills much maybe I can't
867s make that promise I I I want you to to
869s highlight much and maybe you guys but
872s you know hopefully not hope hopefully
875s it's not the case uh V how are you doing
877s introduce yourself to everybody watching
879s us hello everybody I am BTY I go by
882s skybolt on Twitch and uh I do weekly Sky
885s every Friday and uh I live in Japan so
888s the time zones can be a little funny uh
890s but I do play sky uh weekly and uh
894s that's where I'll be streaming on little
896s Sky Adventures uh from B's first
899s perspective and um also do have some
902s social medias on Twitter and on
905s Instagram uh byy has some uh content on
908s in Instagram so uh do check him out and
911s um also just a heads up um I will be
913s going on a stream break uh very soon so
915s uh if you want to see some things before
917s I go uh do check it
919s out I do uh I hope you come back you're
922s your stream I will I will don't worry I
925s will um but I'll still be posting
928s Instagram stuff um
930s during the stream right so don't worry
932s looking forward and Ivy my good friend
934s why don't you introduce yourself Ivy
937s who's making a lot of a lot of movement
939s on Twitch every time I look Ivy has 60
941s 70 viewers and I'm like what's
945s happening I don't know
949s either I'm just I'm just like to play
952s sky with and um and that's what I do in
955s that channel um Sterling Ivy I only
959s stream Sky it is that is what I I I
963s started with streaming with and with sky
966s and it was to make friends in the game
968s and and not be alone in the game anymore
970s and now I continued it more than a year
972s later and now it's just a place to where
976s you know people can come and meet new
978s friends and and find people to play with
981s themselves also um I'm there Monday
983s through Friday and um I took a break
987s last week first one I've Tak taken in
989s over a year and a half but um it was
992s kind of do ear much a very much earned
995s break Ivy so in Fr you make you guys
998s there is no it's the most friendly or
1001s friendliest I should say uh space on
1004s Twitch so go check out Sterling uncore
1006s ivy on Twitch and I know the underscore
1009s because I missed it at the beginning of
1011s the stream and joshu with the pen uh
1013s tossed me to a Creo and said hey Tio
1016s it's missing oncore so here we are folks
1020s and guys what are we doing today of
1022s course my guests know very much what
1024s we're doing but we are having this
1025s stream called once upon a time in Sky
1029s okay so being very honest and very Frank
1033s with all of you guys uh the weeks are
1035s going wild we are preparing a lot of
1038s very fun activities for you guys both in
1041s game and off game if you reside in Tokyo
1045s Shinjuku because we are preparing
1047s skyfest we have made a few an
1049s announcements and skyfest will be a
1051s celebration of five years of uh light
1055s sharing uh compassion kindness and
1058s friendships being made in the game and
1060s there's a lot of focus going into it uh
1063s doesn't really hurt that today I wasn't
1065s feeling very great and a few of my
1067s guests were not either but we you know
1069s we we boosted through and we are here
1072s for you but this stream today is a very
1074s true stream we are just going to play a
1076s little game for for the of Sky lore that
1081s is given in game we will try to provide
1084s a little bit for you guys so this is
1086s what we're going to be
1088s doing the goal of the game is T and the
1091s guest must be able to tell a cohesive
1094s Sky story based on the random prompts
1097s that se draws from a set of cards the
1100s rules the game runs clockwise chat
1104s chooses not how to start the story but
1106s you guys but who starts the story yes
1108s that you will do till will draw the
1110s prompts from his personal deck of cards
1112s each participant has 20 seconds to tell
1115s their addition to the tale this story
1117s must be Sky oriented it may however take
1120s any part of Sky it can be about
1122s creatures it it may be about uh desol
1125s something events it can be about our
1128s community it can be about events and
1130s Seasons or anything that you can find in
1133s the Realms you guys are mentioning about
1136s my volume going up and down I'm going to
1137s look into that so Josh if you don't mind
1140s us looking into that later I would
1142s appreciate your help but I noticed that
1145s my my audio goes up and down on
1151s occasion Josh yeah I'm here oh can you
1154s hear me I hear you now I hear you now
1156s yes okay cool all right guys so I have
1159s this deck of cards here okay before we
1162s get started I would like you guys to
1165s vote in who's going to be starting the
1167s story
1169s all of us have different personalities
1172s and while at that uh all of our guests
1174s we can start with Josh again Josh uh
1176s what kind of stories do you like to read
1178s to watch to to tell to
1182s write um I do write and the type of
1186s stories that I write are um jeez now I'm
1190s you put me on the spot now I can't even
1192s think right now I mainly write short
1194s stories and poetry and it all has to do
1198s with magical ISM there we go found the
1200s genre um and yeah that's that's the type
1204s of story writing that I do um love
1207s getting
1208s into um like character driven stories
1211s for sure I'm very interested in in
1213s learning in that and uh yeah so fabulous
1217s how about you V what kind of stories do
1218s you like so I did grow up reading some
1222s fantasy stories um like fairy tales like
1226s um Alis Al in Wonderland really grw up
1230s with the most cuz like it really uh like
1233s expresses my like it's similar to my
1235s personality growing up so I do love
1238s reading fantasy
1240s stories so you guys we can either go
1243s magical realism we can go fantasy Ivy
1246s what kind of stories you you like to
1248s read to watch or to
1250s write I really enjoy stuff
1255s that the more scary like Hansel and grle
1258s and then tell you stories to keep
1261s yourself safe at night to stay away from
1263s the monsters we we have that kind of
1266s story today we'll see because for the
1270s time being Ivy and let's let's put the
1272s link again uh for folks to be able to
1274s vote uh Ivy starting the story for now
1278s but before we go you guys these are the
1280s kinds of cards that we're going to be
1281s drawing an action card what is an action
1284s card it doesn't really matter the
1286s direction that our story is going some
1289s has to happen somebody has to do
1290s something an action driven moment of the
1294s story needs to be made character if at
1298s any given point of the story The
1300s Character card is pulled then you have
1303s to include add a new character to the
1306s story we have location it can be that we
1310s are
1310s visiting I don't know uh Wasteland if a
1315s new location card is pulled we have to
1317s lead Our Heroes our characters to a
1320s brand new
1321s location object you must introduce an
1323s object any props in in the game any any
1327s you know you may introduce new objects
1329s you can put a magical lamp in there it
1330s can be anything that has to be
1333s introduced and a secret if the secret
1336s card is pulled a secret of course must
1339s be revealed to everybody
1342s watching and those are the cards that we
1344s have right now uh folks are we ready
1348s last chance to vote for the people for
1350s the person is starting our story which
1352s seems like is going to be
1355s Ivy ivy are you ready to get started
1358s this I'm ready I'm was like surprised
1361s let's go okay um so I'm starting the
1364s story oh yeah let me draw the first card
1366s for you so we can take a look oh this is
1369s a perfect card to start the story a
1372s character IV you have 20 seconds to
1376s introduce a character to begin our story
1381s go
1383s okay I would say this is this is this
1387s character is their name is
1389s Starburst and Starburst is on a mission
1394s to find true best friendship time's up
1399s Starburst is on a mission to find true
1402s best
1404s friendship uh oh it's me now I was about
1407s to call Josh but it's me
1409s hey don't be skipping it's
1412s action so Starburst goes uh into their
1417s mission uh they cross the gates of
1422s prairie daylight Prairie and as they do
1425s they jump into that tunnel of clouds
1427s that we have but gting in the other side
1431s it's not as greeny as he once was time's
1434s up for me let's see what Josh has oh
1437s perfect play place so Josh introduce a
1441s new location to this story go Starburst
1444s wanders past the clouds and while
1447s Prairie is usually green everything is
1451s brown and destroyed and the mound has
1454s crushed down you don't see any Spirits
1458s there isn't anyone there and we begin
1462s Starburst begins to question whether
1464s they will be able to find any friends
1466s there in the now not know loc time's up
1470s now we have a new card for Boi the
1473s action card all right let's the action
1476s card a new action BSI your time starts
1480s now all right so
1482s Starburst uh wondered wondered which way
1486s to go because there are three paths and
1489s there was a cave there was a temple and
1492s then on the way to Sanctuary Islands so
1495s decided to
1497s fly uh across this uh Sanctuary Island
1501s where maybe they could be creatures
1502s flying over
1504s there oh fam is up let's draw a card to
1508s Ivy a new character Ivy let's introduce
1511s a new character in three two one
1514s go and when they were flying as they
1517s were flying they
1519s smashed right into something and they
1522s have no idea what it was and then they
1524s they looked it was a manta and his name
1527s was Bob
1530s Bob deanta did Bob deanta kidnap oh
1534s perfect that's my turn back into action
1537s resetting the time Bob kidnaps uh our
1540s dear Starburst and Starburst was out on
1543s his mission in this brown darken Place
1546s goes back into daylight Prairie Temple
1550s which is in absolute ruins the only
1553s thing standing is the guardian looking
1556s down on both Bob and
1559s Starburst let's see a new character must
1561s be introduced by Joshy with a pen now
1566s Go the guardian stood Standing Tall
1570s looking at Bob and Starburst and off in
1573s the distance he points and another
1577s Bright Child named Gerald is coming
1584s closer time's up action
1588s for B to start what where is Bob and the
1592s and Gerald J Geral I think and Starburst
1596s are going from here
1598s go all right so Gerald approaches to Bob
1601s and Starburst uh and decided to say
1605s hello and began offering a magical
1610s spell magical spell where will you take
1613s them oh this is perfect Sterling
1617s Ivy object a new object must be
1621s introduced okay so I can come up with
1624s any object correct any object yep okay
1629s so that magical spell came in the a tiny
1634s little case of a box and they had to use
1639s a candle that was specially made
1644s by time is up let's see
1647s action for
1649s myself by a magical
1652s crew and in order to make that happen
1656s Gerald says you guys we have to go
1659s through the
1660s Eden what we're looking for lies at the
1664s end of ioen Bob shakes Starburst
1669s explodes in excitement and now Josh with
1672s the pen secret you must reveal a secret
1675s to this story go
1679s the Krill that created the
1682s Box used to be a Sky
1685s Kid and Gerald is the missing light that
1690s will complete the Krill but nobody
1696s knows times up a new character go ahead
1701s vot it in three two one new
1704s character St Starburst uh needed more
1708s friends uh
1710s to get o uh you know get over past Eden
1716s so they went off
1718s to Hidden Forest and maybe
1721s ask uh grandma from season of belonging
1724s for a little advice time's up another
1727s secret must be revealed by Sterling Ivy
1731s in three two one review a
1734s secret the secret was though that Grammy
1738s Grammy was hiding in her little
1741s Treehouse is that we had to go deep into
1744s the darkest of caverns where it was
1747s Misty and green to find our what we were
1751s longing for time is up you guys let
1755s let's concentrate we have Starburst we
1756s have Bob we have
1759s Gerald do we have anybody else the the
1763s cre is the cre name is the cre name
1766s let's bring it back to our fol here on
1769s on YouTube twitch and
1771s Twitter do they have a name what's the
1773s Krill name do we have a name for the
1775s Krill in
1776s chat Chad how would you name This
1781s Crew let the chat decide and what's the
1784s mission right now they uh Starburst is
1786s on a mission to find best friendship he
1789s runs into Bob and Bob uh kidnaps them
1793s from the mission and takes him into a
1795s side quest pretty much that guy brings
1799s them into the ruins uh of the of prairie
1803s Temple where the guardian was just
1805s looking down on them there they meet
1808s Gerald uh and then I lost where we are
1811s where we where are we right now guys
1813s location as far as that goes we were
1815s heading towards we were heading towards
1817s Eden we were by the guardian so I'd
1819s imagine at this point we're traveling
1820s through Forest that that's where I
1822s imagined us now because we're in
1824s Grandma's um so the guardian's no longer
1827s there but you know the Krill who a lot
1830s of people are naming uh you know Charles
1833s and Magnus and Hubert and honk and ludig
1838s um we gotta make a decision guys we
1840s gotta make a decision I'm there has to
1843s be a pole or something
1846s um so I imagine that location wise we're
1850s in Forest right now we have Bob and
1853s Gerald and Starburst in the Krill
1855s because Krill and Gerald have to you
1857s know somehow magically become this other
1860s mysterious character that we don't know
1862s yet um and
1865s then yeah that's that's where we're at
1867s right now we're making our way to Eden
1868s so I don't know where it goes from here
1870s all right let's see I
1872s took location we need to bring them to a
1875s new location oh that's goodness let's go
1880s uh refresh and go on their way to Eden
1885s and going through the through the caves
1887s they ended up visiting Grandma in in the
1891s forest and they are so confused what is
1894s happening with this place and as they
1897s are questioning a bunch of light just
1900s drops on top of them and they find
1902s themselves in orbits where they see all
1904s of the Realms from up
1907s above oh another secret must be revealed
1910s by joshu with the pen go
1913s Josh as they're traveling through the
1916s forest they make their way to to the
1919s other Temple but what they don't know is
1922s that when they reach this Temple Krill
1925s with the many names and Gerald are going
1927s to find out that they H that they used
1929s to be one that's the secret this is this
1932s is when they reveal that
1934s secret wow that's a good one it's a very
1938s good one I I'm curious to see what both
1941s will do with that and it's because the
1942s guardian is gonna tell them that's
1945s why ohy the card is stuck
1948s okay an
1951s object an
1953s object an object is it ready go okay so
1958s they're heading over towards the temple
1961s um and encounters a forest Elder and
1967s what they could do to go to Eden uh they
1969s needed a magical firework staff to light
1973s their
1975s way boom times up and let's see a new
1979s character must be introduced by Ivy
1981s somebody should be taking notes on this
1983s because I am already losing my tracks
1985s I'm I'm happy that you are Josh I have
1988s Bob Gerald Starburst a crew with the
1990s many names we left behind the other
1992s Guardian from from Prairie we met the
1995s Elder Forest Elder and we have the uh
1998s did I mention that we had Crow with the
2000s many names so yeah and guess what they
2003s have many many names uh Sterling iy
2006s introduce us to yet a new character
2009s another character so when the burst of
2012s fireworks came out what it did it was
2014s almost like a bat signal but made a sky
2017s signal to reach out to
2020s the the ultimate of Elders to bring
2025s these people to one
2029s again wonderful the firework spell is
2032s going to bring them together the Krill
2035s and Gerald is going to be one again
2038s and so they go they go to the Vault of
2042s knowledge to find where is it right all
2045s knowledge is in this Vault and they
2047s start searching every inch of their
2049s place they go to to they chase every
2052s single book and suddenly a book Falls
2055s open in front of
2057s them uh
2059s objects oops that's the object oh you
2062s didn't switch the object that was C no
2064s no it was location for me it was
2066s location for you supposed to be creating
2068s apologize was location it I got too
2071s excited I got too excited as usual guys
2073s I got too excited and I mess it up but
2075s it's with love okay introduce us a new
2078s object a new object you got it you got
2081s it so among the shelves and the Vault
2084s they find this giant book and inside the
2087s book it is revealed that the fireworks
2089s staff that they have now if they are to
2092s launch the fireworks on there Gerald and
2096s krill with many names can become one
2098s and if they become
2100s one they now need a new
2103s name up time is up and guess what uh VY
2108s a new object no an object it's an object
2112s go an
2115s object so in order to get uh Gerald and
2120s the C who needs a name uh to become one
2125s uh what we needed
2128s to
2131s uh know what we needed object name
2134s object name an
2136s object a plush a plushy time is up and
2142s now we have secrets with Sterling Ivy go
2145s Ivy the secret the secret was all they
2150s needed was the love that they had the
2153s between Krill and J to discover within
2157s that crw plushy that to become one again
2161s was their love for one
2165s another they still don't have a name let
2168s me see what I have I have a new
2171s location boom here we go let's do this
2175s guys before I start my timing we have
2178s one two three four
2181s five six seven rounds to go and we have
2184s to finish the story this story had a
2186s beginning has a rather confusing middle
2189s but it needs an end we need to complete
2191s a cohesive story out of this so I am to
2194s introduce a new location
2198s now
2201s boom F go to Black everything is dark
2206s and then slowly eyes uh start opening
2209s and it fades into a
2213s bedroom a nest Starburst opens their eye
2218s and their on their
2220s nest do they have their friends with
2222s them I don't know I didn't have time to
2224s do that but Josh has to reveal a secret
2227s in three two
2230s one I I can't believe you really it was
2233s all a dream dude no it's your secret you
2237s tell the story you tell the story the
2238s secret is that it was all a dream
2240s because Gerald and the Krill were never
2242s meant to be one that's the secret okay
2244s this whole entire time it was it was St
2248s dreaming about wanting to have a friend
2251s that's exactly save us do an action do
2254s an action B now save us don't let it be
2257s a dream and and and so at the end of the
2261s day uh they decided to throw a party in
2263s the nest since it was a housewarming
2265s party uh day and everyone had some cake
2270s and um they all threw confetti which is
2272s the action um and uh celebrated their
2277s day time is up a new location Sterling
2280s Ivy we are almost done we need to start
2282s wrapping up this story after Ivy we have
2285s myself Josh bti Ivy and myself again to
2290s wrap up this story so let's see what I
2293s wrap it up I have Place well no in the
2295s next front is a place so after the
2297s confetti and Cake they started they
2300s wanted to go and watch the sunset
2302s outside the nest so they all traveled
2304s outside the nest to to relax and reflect
2308s on their day together that they enjoyed
2310s their friendship and talk about his
2313s weird
2314s dream about his dream and I must reveal
2319s a
2322s secret so Starburst and their friends
2325s are all hanging out and Starburst is
2328s holding the cre
2330s plushy his stes of the crew plusy and he
2334s realizes that he had a best friend all
2336s along but that is much better to have
2339s many friends than a single best friend
2342s let's see for Josh
2346s object go Roy plushy also believed that
2350s they needed more friends
2354s so Starburst brought kill plushy and
2359s crab plushy together along with Manta
2363s plushy
2365s and all the plushies together
2368s reminded Starburst of their
2371s dream all right a new character byy in
2376s three two
2379s one then a tiny little moth uh drops in
2384s and uh they decided to say hello and
2387s guess what the name was the name was
2391s [Laughter]
2394s Gerald now like I'm already confused
2397s enough without
2398s that we have oh my
2400s god let's see here Gerald is real Gerald
2404s is real oh no you guys I found another
2407s card the story ends with Josh I found
2410s another card before now objects with Ivy
2414s please go Ivy well when since the moth
2418s was new and they didn't know each other
2420s and their name was Jael but they hadn't
2421s met each other so they got a tea table
2424s and came together and had some lovely um
2427s green tea and spoke about many
2432s things is
2436s up got location and one of the things
2439s that they spoke about
2440s is how twitch is a much better place
2444s because of all of the sky streams that
2446s we have in that channel they do choose
2449s to open a twitch Channel all together
2452s and this group of people start telling
2454s their stories through live streams and
2456s now
2458s Josh you have
2461s secret to wrap up this story make it a
2463s beautiful ending please please what
2467s Starburst and the plushies and Gerald
2470s all got together to figure
2473s out that twitch yes is great and awesome
2476s and amazing but you know if you are not
2479s putting yourself out there on other
2480s social medias as well you might not grow
2483s your Twitch just by itself so just
2485s putting it out there the end of
2487s Starburst and Gerald lived happily ever
2490s after and became best friends exactly
2492s what Starburst was wanting in the drink
2494s and that's how it ended the story Ended
2496s as it begun pretty much that was the
2500s weirdest story
2503s ever twitch and YouTube how's that for a
2506s sky
2508s story how's that for a sky story
2512s folks Josh you you were you were taking
2515s you know you were tracking that story
2517s story really well would you summarize
2519s the story for somebody who just joined
2521s the chat right now and they're like what
2523s is happening what is happening here's
2526s here's here's what happened okay we had
2528s a character the character was named
2529s Starburst okay and we thought that
2531s Starburst was going to go on a adventure
2533s to repair Prairie because Prairie is a
2535s destroyed place but lo and behold they
2539s meet am Mana named Bob and Bob is like
2541s nope sorry I'm kidnapping you just like
2543s it happens in real life too and so Bob
2547s kidna Starburst all the way to the Elder
2550s Temple and then the Elder at the Elder
2552s Temple they meet another character named
2555s Gerald okay somehow they end up
2559s somewhere in the forest where there's
2561s magically a Krill now with many names
2563s okay and with the the you find out the
2567s deepest secret of the story okay the
2569s deepest secret is that Gerald and the
2571s Krill were meant to be one okay they
2575s used to be one person because you know
2577s light and dark get it um and then after
2581s that secret is revealed we run into
2583s Granny's we continue the adventure along
2586s and as we go into the Forest Temple the
2590s object that gets revealed that is going
2592s to go ahead and combine them is a
2593s fireworks stick and the fireworks stick
2595s gets used but they're like wait a minute
2597s I don't know how to use it what happens
2598s what happens they travel along on their
2601s Adventures they end up in vaults and
2603s they're looking and a book falls down
2605s where the instructions are like you have
2607s to launch the firework it has to happen
2609s in order for you to become one and it
2611s happens with the help of a crow plushy
2613s the crow plushy is the one that used the
2615s fireworks stick and then they became one
2617s and suddenly you thought you thought
2620s that that was going to be the end of the
2621s story but it wasn't because Starburst
2624s eyes opened inside their nest and it was
2626s all a dream and that was the true secret
2629s is that all of this was just a dream and
2630s that's why it was so weird and but
2633s really in the they had a nest party to
2635s celebrate the dream they talked to other
2637s friends and then Gerald was actually
2639s real at the end and they all shared the
2642s love and that YouTube and twitch are
2645s completely amazing that is that is that
2647s is it that was such a good summary man
2651s that that was incredible I hope somebody
2653s wrote it down you guys uh please send
2656s send your drawings of your original
2658s characters to Josh let's let's make this
2660s a story known through the community
2663s somebody please make a performance in
2665s the in the Village Theater and we can go
2668s from there I can't Bob man and the kill
2672s with many names no I have a suggestion
2674s you guys we we are 35 minutes in I can
2678s cut this deck in half I don't know what
2681s cards I'm going to be removing because
2682s I've been shuffling all this time I can
2684s cut it in half and we can try to tell a
2686s story within 15 minutes new story new
2688s characters new genre new theme or we can
2692s call it a day and let the community
2695s possibly have fun with starbu ver Gerald
2699s Bob uh plushies twitch and YouTube
2704s Gerald the light sky kid and then the
2706s Krill you know it makes I like that
2708s that's a good ship I ship this this is
2711s good they but they're like one person so
2712s it's like self love I think that there's
2715s very many layers to this okay you know
2718s what I mean hey wondering St wondering
2721s stag on YouTube says this is the best
2723s writing ever would make the theater
2725s director cry yeah
2728s yes I I I am nearly in tears you guys so
2732s it's Josh because he's laughing so
2735s much you threw me for a loop I thought
2738s we were going to Eden and then you like
2740s said oh open their eyes all of a sudden
2742s I'm like uh wait a minute bring us to
2745s Eden so how how are you guys feeling
2748s chat how are you guys feeling do you
2749s want another story uh Josh Ivy boy do
2752s you guys want another
2754s story I'm having fun and dying of
2756s laughter and so I'm down for another
2760s round mom says this makes so much sense
2763s just like skylore it's perfect this is
2766s Sky you we no longer weight run we
2769s Gerald run in this hosehold okay we
2772s Gerald
2773s run all right mom says 15 minute quick
2776s story let's see what other people say
2779s another one please okay guys we don't
2781s have time for a full one so I am cutting
2783s this half let's hope we don't have a
2785s bunch of cards let that starts with
2788s Secrets or that is just Secrets who
2790s should start the story
2791s now oh we got another
2795s poll but I I need to set up another poll
2798s uh oh oh oh can reset the one you have
2801s already no I can't I well maybe but can
2804s you guys entertain people as I look into
2806s it oh yeah that's fine hi i' I'd like to
2808s say everyone in chat hello I see
2810s everyone saying hello hello Morning Star
2812s how are you doing hello tiny Silver Fox
2814s I appreciate you for saying hello how
2816s are you doing melstrom hello thank you
2818s for modding I appreciate you rappy
2820s Leisure hello how you doing hope you
2822s guys enjoyed the story you um it's Canon
2825s now you no longer go on a wing light run
2826s we go we go on Gerald runs um and that's
2831s Gerald rald and uh the crew with many
2834s names the reason that we have crew with
2835s many names is uh you know they they're
2838s called Everything Charlie Maurice uh Bob
2841s um you know wizard I love Bob Bob's my
2844s favorite yeah but well Bob is also a
2846s manta so not to be confused with Bob the
2848s Mano of course no uh but Gerald run yeah
2851s yeah Gerald uh it is Canon that Gerald
2854s is spelled exactly how you think it is
2856s with a J and and or a g however you uh
2859s decided to uh to spell that so um I hope
2862s Chad is doing great um Bolt's going on a
2865s break soon and I'm kind of sad about
2867s that um Ivy is is doing well and
2871s amazing um doing amazing I is doing
2874s amazing I'm so happy for her amazing
2876s amazing
2879s silly GES stop it okay so what kind of
2883s what kind of story are we
2884s doing um oh yeah you right we do have to
2888s talk a genre should we go genre based
2890s genre based could we do just could we
2893s just do a spooky story can we do that a
2895s spooky story we have a question in the
2897s chat really quick because I I feel
2898s really bad not answering it but what
2900s seasons did you join Sky really
2904s quick oh
2908s all right hello are you here no nobody
2910s wants to answer I'm I'm I I joined a
2912s season of um was asking
2915s CH I didn't know either what's going
2919s on I started many times I I think when
2923s when it stayed it was assembly that's
2927s when I kind of stti stuck around but I
2929s I've been playing on and off before but
2932s assembly was the one that you know had
2933s me stay and uh yeah yeah started making
2937s friends because you need friend for
2939s friends for assembly and yeah and here I
2944s am all right guys the new pole is ready
2947s uh Ivy B if you guys want to tell a
2949s little bit about our Seasons uh B you
2951s can get her started while people vote to
2954s see who's going to be starting this new
2956s story remembering that it's going to be
2958s about 15 minutes long
2961s okay so I started off from season of
2964s Dreams uh which was like 3 years ago
2966s I've been playing full for about three
2968s years so Bly is three years
2971s old such a great season to start I I
2974s love season of dreams love Dreams made
2977s me just cry I was just sobbing yeah did
2981s you guys watch our last stream that we
2983s had the best of best in sky and I really
2986s thought season of dreams would get a lot
2988s more love but it was really between
2990s Little Prince and and it's underrated
2993s yeah dreams is underrated I'm just
2995s saying yeah next time I bring you guys
2997s to to do the best of best I would love
2999s to peek a little bit on your brains and
3001s your history with sky that would be
3003s fascinating to see I I when did you
3005s start
3007s Sky huh when oh I'm sorry I did my sky
3010s versary um this last this last Monday
3013s was my two-year Sky versary Sweet what
3015s season did you start um my first
3018s official season was shattering but I
3020s started at the end of performance
3022s shattering Mo but performance o yeah I
3026s shattering I remember really scary
3029s that's why you're so powerful that's
3031s that's that's what it is that's
3033s shattering Mo man just you can't yeah
3036s you can't stop the shattering moths if
3037s you ever run into a shattering moth you
3039s better close your eyes you know scary
3042s ones for sure speaking of the scary
3046s story we're going to do are you guys
3047s voting in the poll don't forget to vote
3049s in the poll of who they are voting in
3050s the poll and guess what Josh you are the
3053s most elected uhuh no way no way let's
3057s see remember guys It's a Spooky sty Sky
3060s story so let's see how things are going
3062s to go as oops let's go back to the cards
3066s oh so Josh starts us off with
3069s introducing an
3075s object I I can't start okay so the
3077s object is a gate okay and the gate only
3081s opens if you go through all of these the
3086s rest of the realm and you collected
3088s friends and spirits and Wing lights
3090s along the way and the doors to Eden just
3094s open time's up and you hear thunder
3097s time's up let's see bti a
3102s secret good secret was the lightning
3104s bolt was from
3106s me wearing a cabula mask that's right
3111s I'm here to rule the
3114s world b as the spookiest villain we can
3118s imagine in Sky I I I buy it I buy it iy
3123s location bring us to a brand new
3126s location in three two one
3131s go then the oh gosh I I got myself mixed
3135s up where are we like B we're at the
3137s outside of the gate right now so
3139s location of Eden uhhuh oh oh okay well
3145s um
3148s and B has inserted themselves as a
3151s character and inserted themselves as an
3154s evil character that is there to round up
3157s the krills that are at the top of the
3160s Eden
3163s Mountain they're going for the many
3165s names of many
3169s cills there are many as many CRS as
3171s there are names it's
3173s unending
3175s unending all right guys I
3178s [Laughter]
3182s P wait wait wait I got I got action guys
3185s but before we do it I want to hear the
3187s evil laughter of every single one of you
3189s guys Josh your evilest laughter
3193s please put me on the spot way don't
3198s [Laughter]
3201s you it nailed give us your evil laugh
3205s all right I practice
3210s is no no wonder you're the villain
3213s Ivy I think my normal laugh sounds like
3216s a witch
3220s already a
3222s cackle I think my Evo laughter is like
3225s one of those very uh cartoons from like
3229s the 70s just
3231s like sry the was not meant to be
3235s included that that was a all right guys
3237s action let's do this
3240s uh refresh go 20 seconds
3244s so uh bti Reigns Supreme under the
3249s lightning at the very top of Eden right
3252s and then they raise their staff up to
3256s the sky and then Darkness befalls every
3260s single realm of sky and they no longer
3263s look the
3265s same uh okay hey Josh a new
3269s character go 20 seconds in the
3272s beginnings of prairie a light falls down
3275s into Prairie and a bean of light is
3281s born Bob the Manta is looking around for
3285s his friends and doesn't see anyone and
3289s in the distance the lightning and the
3292s fireworks show where Bob has to go next
3296s is up let's see here for bie a secret
3300s review us a secret BSI
3304s now and Bob uh went out to search
3308s for a legend uh who knows everything on
3313s how to bring the light back together and
3315s turns
3316s out it was
3318s Josh Josh would
3321s have with a penguin outfit okay I just
3324s added that but it was within time it was
3326s was within time you guys stly Ivy bring
3330s us an object to this
3333s story and when you discover is Josh he
3339s brought his trusty pen to to help Bob in
3344s their future
3347s Adventure two one th up I am d o I drew
3353s action you guys action
3357s but they little did they know Bob and
3359s Josh that when skyi brought Darkness
3364s into the world every time Josh used his
3369s pan a little bit of Sky would just
3374s evaporate so he needs to fix that pen to
3377s bring the pieces back
3380s together I'm gonna break Sky object
3384s object you have the CH now I'm going to
3386s break
3388s pen in your penguin outfit mind you okay
3392s in my P all right let let me reset this
3396s let let me reset the timer okay Josh an
3398s object to the story in 20
3401s seconds Josh knew that the only thing
3404s that could repair his pen and stop the
3406s Realms from disappearing entirely is
3408s that he needed to replace the ink
3410s cartridge which is an object in the pen
3414s because the pen was fading out and
3416s that's why the rounds were disappearing
3419s so he went with Bob to go into the Vault
3423s to find an cartridge you guys we have
3426s one two three four cars to go before we
3428s wrap up the story so we need to start
3430s wrapping it
3431s up yeah so we can have either a happy
3434s ending or a dark ending I don't know I
3436s don't know but now reveal as a secret
3440s poy in three two one
3443s now oh okay so they went through the
3448s Vault and they they
3452s encounter Ivy who is a secret character
3454s by the
3456s way and um they team up together with
3459s Josh and Ivy and of course Bob cuz Bob
3463s is part of it
3465s and they went to the gates of Eden
3471s oh oh secret character
3474s Ivy ivy I'm getting everyone in the
3478s story i
3480s i a place a place a place a place where
3483s place this is no place okay in three two
3486s one go okay so as they are at the gates
3489s of Eden they run into the the the the
3494s evil faulty with the crazy malicious
3497s laugh that is haunting the krills of
3501s many names and Josh and iy and Bob are
3505s trying to bring light back when when
3508s with Josh's pen is fading though and he
3511s needs to replace his cartridge and the
3512s cartridge happens to be at the top of
3514s the freaking Temple and we have to get
3516s up there first time is up you guys we we
3518s don't have time for that kind of Journey
3520s let's see I pull yeah we do yeah we do
3522s get we're we skip right to the top come
3524s on St that's the secret right okay cool
3528s we ride the man I got you I got you but
3530s keep in mind Josh there's one more
3531s carard left and that's for you you have
3533s to end this story but I got you they're
3535s going to go right to the top of of that
3537s of that
3538s Mountain
3540s Still you know in fear uh of Sky
3544s disappearing uh Josh Bob and Ivy hug
3548s each other and with the power of
3551s friendship they hug each other tight and
3554s light starts beaming from them and when
3556s they realize they are at the top of the
3558s mountain and bti is at the very end with
3561s her evil laugh evil laugh B
3567s and Josh end oh perfect end us up with
3570s an action bring the story to an end in
3573s three two
3575s one the light blinded everything else
3578s and lit up all the Realms and balty with
3581s her evil laugh just dimmed all the
3584s lights again and the hugs just weren't
3587s powerful enough they just weren't the
3590s simple hugs were not powerful enough and
3593s Bolly takes the lightning bolt puts it
3596s together into a lasso lasso was all the
3599s CRS together and now all the Realms are
3602s filled with the CRS of many
3606s names what a ending to this story this
3609s is so sad it's a mystery wow my heart my
3613s heart Chad what
3615s happened Chad talk to me are you guys it
3618s needs to end's laugh because they won
3621s I'm Lally falling from my chair no balty
3626s BTY laugh is too good I'm sorry we don't
3628s win this one we don't total party kill
3632s PK wow to be continued well we did
3636s mention that was going to be a spooky
3637s story right it's it was a spooky story
3640s that that was good we don't win we don't
3641s win that was good Josh with all your
3644s with all
3645s your expression as you did do do a
3648s summary of this story now for people who
3650s just join this okay okay for the people
3652s that just joined we're doing stories and
3654s the the cards decide what we put in
3656s either action or whatever um or a new
3659s character or a new object so we start
3661s the story with bolty Bol as handling
3664s lightning at the top of Eden and trying
3667s to capture krills and um as bolies the
3671s lightning bolt comes striking down all
3674s of the Realms go dark but in the
3676s distance you see Bob Bob the Manta and
3679s he's bright and along Bob's Journey he
3683s runs into another character named Josh
3685s who's not me by the way Josh with a
3687s penguin I'm Josh with a penguin um so
3690s Josh with there's a difference okay Josh
3691s with a penguin who has a pen is has this
3696s secret and the secret is that he's
3697s running out of ink and as he runs out of
3699s ink the Realms start to disappear and he
3701s realizes that he needs a replacement
3702s cartridge along with Bob and along with
3706s uh Josh all of a sudden they go on their
3708s journey and they run into Ivy and Vault
3711s and all Ivy and Josh and Bob come
3714s together and they try to save the Realms
3717s and what they do is give a really big
3719s hug after finding a replacement
3721s cartridge but the hug is not enough it's
3726s not enough it lights up the Realms and
3729s they seem to come to life in a moment
3732s but they flicker because Bolt's laugh
3735s comes from the distance and thunder
3737s strikes and the crills are just launched
3740s with many names to every single realm in
3743s Sky that's it the end
3747s that was good man what what a an
3749s interpretation that was that was
3750s powerful thank you wonderful recap I
3753s love I you love it so folks here you go
3756s you guys have two stories now to to
3759s rehearse in in in the Village Theater so
3764s make a recording send it to either one
3766s of us we would love to see it uh with
3768s that said you guys we are sadly coming
3770s to an end one uh before we go uh Josh
3774s bti Ivy I appreciate you guys coming
3776s coming in in such a short notice uh for
3778s this stream I had a great time I hope
3780s you guys enjoyed it too Chad I hope you
3782s guys enjoyed it uh please understand the
3785s lack
3786s of uh addition things for this stream uh
3790s we kept it simple because there's a lot
3791s going on and you guys are going to know
3793s about everything that is happening soon
3795s but yeah Josh uh B Ivy thank you so much
3799s uh I love you guys I appreciate you guys
3801s for saying yes to again another TI
3804s shenanigan here at our stream
3807s uh so Josh before we wrap up if you want
3808s to say a few words to the chat and and
3811s start wrapping
3813s up thank you everyone for being here I
3815s appreciate you love you all thanks for
3817s keeping the chat going and uh there is a
3819s josh doubleganger um out there yes I can
3822s confirm uh if you'd like to check out my
3825s content all you got to do is go to Josh
3826s withthe all my links and socials
3828s are there it's nice simple easy like I
3830s said I usually stream Monday Wednesdays
3831s and Fridays um and it was lovely being
3833s with all of you here so thank you Tio
3835s for putting this together I appreciate
3837s it absolutely and uh thanks for Bolly
3839s and Ivy for keeping the story going yeah
3842s B say your goodbyes but please don't
3844s don't don't destroy the world just just
3846s be very kind no no I W don't worry I'm
3849s just faulty anyways um thank you
3851s everyone for hanging out thank you for
3853s listening to our improv story I had I
3856s had a great time and I hope everyone you
3858s guys had a great time too and thank you
3859s to you for inviting um so I will be
3863s going on a stream break very soon uh but
3865s if you want to check out what I do
3867s before I go uh I will be live on Twitch
3869s uh every Friday jst cuz I live in Japan
3872s so um do feel free to check it out I
3874s also do have socials on Twitter and on
3876s Instagram by thebot So yeah thank you
3880s everybody awesome and Ivy please uh your
3883s goodbyes before we wrap up I want to say
3886s thank you too Josh and BTY for your time
3891s and hanging out with me and being a
3892s friend in here in Sky it's been
3895s wonderful knowing you guys um and Bolly
3898s I'm G we're going to miss you a lot and
3900s I hope you stay safe and smile um and
3904s we'll be thinking of you and hopefully
3905s we'll see you here and there via Discord
3908s or something but yeah don't worry I'll
3909s be back okay good I'll be back and I
3914s just want to say thank you for everybody
3916s for having me and and indulging our fun
3919s storytelling Adventures as much as we
3922s could absolutely and you know just
3924s quoting tiny on Twitch and you know
3928s giving du credits to Josh the pen uh
3932s guys I hope you all enjoy your Gerald R
3935s moving forward so no more candle Gerald
3938s RN moving forward no the Geralds are the
3940s wing lights the wing light so M the wing
3944s lights no more Wing light run no more
3946s Wing light rald run Gerald who wants to
3949s go on a Gerald run we're gonna make it a
3950s thing all right Josh uh Josh B Ivy thank
3954s you so much guys I appr appreciate you
3957s uh Josh being the writer that you are I
3960s hope you try to put some sense into
3962s these stories and share them with me I
3963s would love to you you want me to set
3966s okay yep I'm gonna need to go back to
3968s the that was incredible that was
3970s incredible we can't we can try to bring
3972s people to reenact all of these Journeys
3975s and Adventures but all right guys thank
3977s you so much for being with us uh I will
3979s go say goodbye to the chat and I'll be
3981s with you guys shortly on Zoom
3986s all right my people thank you so much
3987s for participating I hope you guys had
3989s fun uh it was incredible like being with
3992s uh the sky Community
3994s is one of the things that I love the
3996s most and and these three people that I
3998s had today they are incredible people one
4001s thing and I am delighted to say that I
4005s just spent a I don't know about an hour
4008s hanging out with my friends so thank you
4011s so much thank you everybody for being
4013s here just calling some folks Des Sky
4015s silos blooded Graves Frank Elon April
4018s Theo Sky hi April Theo Sky XB Sage The
4022s Sky Kid morning sky sky Morana thank you
4026s so much everybody for participating with
4027s us my name is Tio and I'll talk to you
4030s guys within two weeks or so with another
4033s live stream see you later
4037s [Music]
4067s [Music]
4073s [Music]
4085s [Music]
4134s for for